AtS Quotes


Angelus: You know Darla, Master's pet.

Spike: At least give me Wesley's office, I mean, since he's gone.
Angel: He's not gone. He's on a leave of absence.
Spike: Yeah, right. Boo-hoo. Thought he killed his bloody father. Try staking your mother when she's coming on to you!
Harmony: Well, that explains a lot.

[Spike grabs Harmony and kisses her.]
Harmony: Get off!
Spike: That's the idea.

Spike: Look at you, thinking you're the big saviour fighting for truth, justice, and soccer moms. But you still can't lay flesh on a cross without smelling like bacon, can you?
Angel: Like you're any different.
Spike: Well, that's just it. I am, and you know it. You had a soul forced on you, as a curse, make you suffer for all the horrible things you'd done. But me, I fought for my soul. Went through the demon trials. Almost did me in a dozen times over, but I kept fighting 'cause I knew it was the right thing to do. It's my destiny.
Angel: Really? Heard it was just to into a girl's pants.

Gunn: *to Eve* Don't be fingering the robots.

Spike [Drinks from Cup of Eternal Torment] It's Mountain Dew.

Spike: At least give me Wesley's office. I mean, since he's gone.
Angel: He's not gone. He's on a leave of absence.
Spike: Yeah, right. Boo-hoo. Thought he killed his bloody father. Try staking your mother when she's coming on to you!
Harmony: Well...that explains a lot.

Eve: This town might not be big enough for the both of you.
Spike: Well, screw this town, then. Screw this devil's funhouse, Angel, and screw you for good measure. I think I'll take the new flesh and bones across the pond back to Europe.

Gunn: I just went to the white room to see what the big cat had to say.
Angel: And?
Gunn: Cat's gone.
Eve: Gone?
Gunn: The white room, too. Elevator just opened up into a howling abyss. You ever heard a howling abyss? Terrible sound.

Angel: Trust me, I read the prophecy!
(Cut to: Sirk's office)
Sirk: You didn't read the prophecy.
Angel: I didn't?

Eve: (re: prophecy) So there's a cup.
Spike: Perpetual torment? Just know that's gonna taste very good.

Spike: Take a long look, hero. I'm nothing like you!
Angel: No. You're less. That's why Buffy never really loved you: because you weren't me.
Spike: Guess that means she was thinking about you...all those times I was puttin' it to her.

Angel: Is that what you think you are--a hero?
Spike: Saved the world, didn't I?
Angel: Once. Talk to me after you've done it a couple more times.

William (Spike): It's like she's still got a bit of a child in her.
Angelus: Perhaps two or three by now.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.