Wonderfalls Quotes

Karma Chameleon

Darrin: (to Jaye) Don't parse the blurb.

Bianca: I have st-st-st ...
Jaye: STD?
Bianca: ... stutter!

William: (reading Jaye's editorial) ... a place where a father's wisdom, a mother's compassion, a brother's protection, and a sister: 35, all combined to show Jen that she is not alone.

Bianca: (to customer) Come again!
Jaye: Don't encourage them.

Jaye: Where's Leslie? Isn't she always whining about not getting enough hours?
Alec: Yeah, that's why she quit.
Jaye: Leslie quit?!
Alec: Last summer.

Jaye: Hi, you're wearing my vest. That's my name.
Bianca: I spilled coffee on mine.
Jaye: Either way, you're wearing a Wonderfalls vest. In public.

Jaye: You're like that girl in that movie who wanted to be like that other girl so much that she'd kill for it!
Bianca: Grease?
Jaye: Single White Female!

Stuffed Chameleon: (referring to Bianca) Get her words out.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.