-> Whedonverse Mythological Timeline
Compiled by Dannyboy.

Josephus du Lac, Inventor of the du Lac cross, and his religious sect are excommunicated from the Vatican. He relocates to Sunnydale, where he spends his final years.

China. Spike, Drusilla and Darla are present during the Boxer Rebellion. Angelus tracks Darla down, alone. He wants a second chance. She can still feel his soul and smells of rat. She’s uncertain but convinces her with a kiss.

Nearby, Spike fights the Chinese Vampire Slayer. She scars him, but he eventually gets the upper hand feeds off of her. Dru comes in afterwards and accepts the blood from Spike, a powerful aphrodisiac. As the village burns around them they make love over the dead Slayer’s body
Searching for Darla In the riot-filled streets, Angelus discovers a missionary family, cowering in an alley. The parents, their daughter and a little basket with a baby inside are terrified, Angelus saves them from a swordsman. Darla calls out to him, and she suspects that there’s something in the alley, but says nothing. Spike and Dru come with the news that Spike has just killed a slayer.

Darla returns to the alley before dawn and finds the missionary family, still there. Later, in her house, she lets him know that she knows that he only feeds on vermin, rapists, murderers, evil-doers. She gives him a chance to prove himself and presents him with the baby from the missionary family. She won’t be made a fool of. He can’t, the price for his place in the world and companionship is too high. He isn’t Angelus anymore. He disgusts her. Angelus takes the baby, crashes through the window and flees.

New York City. Angelus, now Angel, arrives in America, stowed away on a passenger ship. He is cleared through Ellis Island.

Sunnydale, California. Richard Wilkins marries Edna May.

St. Petersburg, Russia. Anyanka grants a wish that stars a revolution throughout the whole country, leaving some noblemen dead. And while her co-worker Halfrek (the former Cecily Adams) wants to see the raising of the Winter Palace, Anyanka wants to go to Madame Dubisov’s brothel to seek out more scorned women.

Boston, Massachusetts. Penn re-enacts his killing of his family, taking out the persons that fit his family members the most, and leaving a bloody cross mark on their face.

Disclaimer: All references are taken from the show, none from comic books, novels or the movie. As with all things, this is a work in progress. Some dates are conjecture but I&Mac226;ve put them where I feel is best. The Slayer origin date is based on a document presented at the Tampa Buffy Vulkon in 2003. I have not included the cup of perpetual torment, as I am very much uncertain whether there was a real cup at all (however the Columns Opera House is in here) Wesley and Giles&Mac226;s birth date are based on the actor&Mac226;s ages. Feel free to disagree with any of this, questions and comments are welcome.