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Some hellhounds at Sunnydale High School

Ladyhawk on Rodeo Dr. Ladyhawk and Roxy Hawk and Fiat at the fountain in the courtyard of Sunnydale High. LadyHawk and ScoobyGang fighting atop the steps. (Clockwise from top) ScoobyGang, Nighthawk, Fiat, LadyHawk and Dusty.
Dusty, LadyHawk, Nighthawk, Fiat & ScoobyGang. Fiat, ScoobyGang, LadyHawk, Nighthawk & Dusty in the courtyard the same Fiat, ScoobyGang, LadyHawk, Nighthawk & Dusty in front of the school. Buffy's House
barrier from one of the last scenes Dusty & LadyHawk at the beach. Dusty, Fiat, Nighthawk, LadyHawk & ScoobyGang sitting where the gang had lunch when Buffy was kicked out of school. the same ScoobyGang, LadyHawk, Nighthawk, Fiat & Dusty on the steps of Sunnydale High.
Hawk at the rail where his namesake fell upon seeing Buffy for the first time. The rail again. LadyHawk where Cordy's car was supposed to be parked in "The Wish". Dusty & LadyHawk at the fountain.