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It's Saturday. We're gonna have a special poll day today, because of the new design poll that we decided to put up.

News Bites has AtS spoilers and a blurb on 'Chaos Bleeds'.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

Let's get to the poll...

On Tuesday we asked, "Are you missing Charisma Carpenter yet?" Here are the results...

YES! Please bring her back! - 65.3%
No, not really. - 30.2%
I could care less either way. - 4.4%

Total votes: 473

So the majority is with me in their love for one Ms. Cordelia Chase. Here's hoping Joss brings her back soon. Let's see what you guys had to say about it...

"angel is nothing without cordy! spike sucks!"
- vmpgrad

"yes, i was willing to give the show a try even though i was disapointed she was off, but watching the first few eps, there is a definate emptiness about the show!"
- meridian

"Joss should wake up from his coma and bring Charisma back to Angel! Claims that her story line had climaxed are nonsense. Lets see Angel vs Cordy: Both were around the same length of time, Cordy was played by a better actor than Angel and both had story lines that involved redemption. If Cordyıs story line has climaxed then so has Angelıs IMHO. Hmm I think Charisma was left off the show because someone (J***) was in a snit over her changing the intended story by getting pregnant. I continue to believe she provided much needed balance to the male/female ratio for the show and the current cast lacks balance. I started following Angel more for Cordy than for Angel, she and Wes are the 2 best characters on the show."
- Fogey

"I don't think the show is horrible without her, but come on, she's one of the original Scoobies. Why does Whedon feel that he has nothing else to say or do with this character? I feel she got the short end of the stick. I mean, why would her character be played out as opposed, to let's say, Fred? I don't get it."
- Jrzlee

"the show is suffering without her! of the 3 episodes that aired, the last one was the best, and i didnt even like it that much!"
- john

"Even though Cordy was a Scooby & we do love her, she just totally changed for the last two seasons, especially the last one. And no, it had very little to do with her going all evil or even being one half of the dreaded two-backed beast-C&C. True, I'm sure her time & presence were kinda wasted, but there was something deeper: SHE was different, less relevant, less engaged, less vital. If we were talking about the old Cordy, I would, in fact, miss her greatly; However, the person whom she became, I just can't miss her. Actually, I'm kinda glad she's gone, ya know? At least she left before it got to a truly horrible point of utter futility. Rest in peace, Cordy. Well, or at least rest in coma! btw...Who the bloody hell is this Charisma chick you guys keep talking about?"

"I *always* hated Cordelia, for her unforgivable cruelty on "BtVS", for wanting to be The Buffy of "AtS". I don't even know why I voted "Yes!" Maybe because I'm actually offended that Cordelia's sudden absence after a *decade* in the Buffyverse has hardly warranted mention. And that, as I hate to admit, Charisma Carpenter was very good for both shows. OK, bring her back already!"
- Life's A Show

"Last season I was appalled at how grim and sordid the series Angel had become. But I plowed through, even putting up with the horrible debasing of Cordelia Chase, because I have been surprised at past plot twists... Well, I was surprised all right. Surprised at how lazy the writers had become. Some many plot inconsistencies. And no resolution to my favourite character, Cordy. Oh, how the once terrific Angel series is now such a pale imitation."
- Michael

"You know not really. Don't get me wrong I love CC and Cordelia... and I thought I would miss her but in the three weeks of S5 I really haven't noticed her absence. I guess the whole Spangel thing is still shiny and new nad that has drawn all ny attention away from Cordelia inconspicuous absence."
- willowluv

- Faith No More

"Granted, last season Cordy gave me the wiggins but I still miss Cordy, the real Cordelia. Maybe they will find something to do with her that's not gross or creepy....time will tell I suppose."
- Nora

"*sniffle* i just *sniff* miss her so much *sniff sniff* she just needs to come back *hiccup* she was great on Miss Match *tears* she just needs to come back *runs out full on crying*"
- mrsmarsters

"I wonder what season 2 cordy would think of working at Wolfram and Hart? But seriously, Charisma looks better than ever, and has turned in two extremely well crafted performances (See Jane Date, Miss Match) her absence has left a very big hole in the middle of Angel season 5."
- Rick Scheuer

"I loved Cordy for a long time, but her prescence became less and less important to me as the show continued. I honestly havn't even noticed she is gone, although I really do wish Charisma the best of luck."
- Lexie

"I really miss Season 1 Cordy... Seeing the old episodes of Angel on reruns is heart-breaking. If they had the fun and goofy, bitch-with-a-heart-of-gold Cordy, life would be perfect... or as perfect as it can get in hell-ay."
- Ren

"Are You Kidding??? Of course we miss our Cordy! I'm still mourning her presence in "the gang". She spices things up a bit too! I know we have plenty of spice with Spike now, but can you imagine having even more wit on the show??? I sooo hope they bring her back someday!"
- jkirch

"My Lover. My Queen. BRING BACK CORDY C!! *looks directly into camera* You didn't catch that did you? Me diggin' in my nose?"
- SpoilerWhore

"Okay if the most votes are "yes" I will be disgusted becuase, I mean I love the way Charisma acts out the character, but I can't stand Cordy and since getting rid of Cordy means getting rid of Charisma then I am glad she is gone!"
- Chelsea

"Yes. I really miss her sassiness! Camp Angel really lacks that, what with all the testosterone flying around. Gets tiring."
- ThatWitchyRed

"Not really missing her because of what the writers did to her character. Caught Charisma on Miss Match the other night though, she played a 'Sunnydale Cordelia' type. It was fun seeing Cordy again."
- Dusty

"of course i miss cordy!!!!!! she's been on the show since it began! they spent 7 years evolving her character and now theyre just writing her off!!! what the hell is wrong with people!!"
- milesfrom7~3~0

"Who I miss is Old Cordy! Like seasons 1 & 2 of Angel (ok, I still liked her after then, but best in those two) I did not like Evil Cordy, but if they could bring her back in a flashback or dream or something, I would be happy."
- Dawnie

"OKay I love CC but with James on the show now it hasn't hit me yet that she is gone. Also what part of W&H would Cordy run? The Ex-most popular girl in school that changed and became a ex-higher being department?"
- Mindy

"I can't honestly say that I miss Charisma Carpenter or Cordelia so far this season. Part of it may be that the first two episodes introduced so much new stuff to Angel, that we didn't have time to really miss her. But, so far, I think Angel is rolling and we could be in for the best season yet."
- Michael Hickerson

"I'm enjoying season 5 so far, and I love seeing Harmony again after what, 2.5 years, but the lack of Cordelia feels so wrong. I hope people who incessantly whined about Cordy being different (people change, this show reflects that unlike the lesser ones) are happy now as I wonder if the fan negativity to Cordy in seasons 3 and 4 contributed to Charisma getting fired. The cast feels incomplete; it would've been like losing Xander or Willow at some point on Buffy. Weird. There are too many boys on the show as it is anyway. And even though Joss denied it, I do think Charisma got sacked to make room for James Marster's salary; it's the only logical explanation really since WB asked for a lower budget in season 5."
- Carl

"While I don't miss her in the least (Cordy, whether or not it was her at all, ran her course last season and became annoying and lame), I think keeping her in an indefinite coma is really dumb. Just let her die."
- greg77

"I (generally) regard it as a given that when a writing staff truly loses the grasp of a character they never get it back. So, they would end up writing either St. Corduffy again, Cordevious Cordevil again, or a cardboard cut-out version of '97 Cordy, none of which I want to see again. Maybe by the 20th Aniversary Reunion Movie they'll know how to do RealCordy again."
- DaddyCatALSO

"YES!! I miss Charisma's Cordy of seasons 2 and 3 of "AtS." But if they were to bring her back with that questionable character of last season, don't bother. (And Mac, the phrase is "I could NOT care less either way." *wink*)"
- fiatlux

"Although CC was brilliant as Cordy and had wonderful moments her storyline was played out. So I guess I do not miss her really. She would have been more of a spare tire in the mix of Angel this year."
- Ramones1

"Like a lot of other folks, I miss the *old* Cordelia from Buffy and the first couple of seasons of Angel. I'm all for character development; it's one of the things I love about Mutant Enemy shows. But I hate where they took the character of Cordy and I don't miss the version of her who went into the coma."
- LazyDolphin

"The show just doesn't feel whole without her."
- bufflover

That's a lot of comments. Good ones, guys. The new poll has been up since yesterday. If you haven't voted yet, go do it.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.

- Matt

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