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PM Update

A new Caritas Readings is up. Check it out.

News Bites is updated with Herc's review of "Destiny".

That's it for today. Back in the morning.

AM Update

It's Thursday....poll day time! But before that, the updates...

An all-new Rants from the Crypt is up, with a new format! Check it out.

Upcoming Episodes are updated...kind of.

Now to the poll...

Last week we asked, "Which is the saddest moment in Buffy history?" Here are the results...

Buffy dies in "The Gift" - 21.4%
Buffy kills Angel in "Becoming II" - 20.1%
Joyce Summers dies in "The Body" - 19.5%
Tara dies in "Seeing Red" - 8.9%
Spike dies in "Chosen" - 6.9%
Oz leaves Willow in "Wild at Heart" - 5.1%
Anya dies in "Chosen" - 4.4%
Jenny Calender dies in "Passion" - 3.3%
Other (make comment) - 2.6%
Angel breaks up with Buffy in "The Prom" - 2.4%
The "Yellow Crayon" speech in "Grave" - 2.0%
Angel leaves Sunnydale in "Graduation Day II" - 1.5%
Buffy finds out she'll die in "Prophecy Girl" - 1.3%
Cordelia breaks up with Xander in "Lover's Walk" - 0.5%
Riley leaves Sunnydale in "Into The Woods" - 0.2%

Total votes: 548

Someone actually voted for Riley? Yeesh. So Buffy dying was the saddest, with Buffy killing Angel and Joyce dying rounding out the top 3. Let's see what you guys had to say...

"Not exactly how you worded it, but for me it's a tie between the ENTIRE episode "The Body" (ok, not really a moment) watching the Scoobies look over Buffy's body in "The Gift." (I know I'm splitting hairs, but that was just sadder than her death itself.)"
- fiatlux

"I voted for Xander & Cordy. I'm sorry. I thought it was the only moment that came about purely by the CHOICES the people involved made. Each of the other options (well not Riley) just crushed me but came about by people doing what they HAD to by nature. nuff said."
- Blood&Whisky

"aw c'mon when xander cant find anya in 'chosen' and is calling out for her when the building is slowly falling down, little knowing her dead body is a few feet away under some rubble is tear jerking to say the least!"
- blood hell woman

"Needless to say, there have been a lot of tear-worthy moments in the Jossverse: Buffy's "too young to die" speech[PG]; Giles at Jenny's grave; Buffy having to kill Angel; Joyce's death; Tara's death; Xander & Willow on the cliff; and Riley ever breathing oxygen. Still, I had to choose Buffy's death. See, though Spike dying, going from "evil, soulless thing"-as certain people called him- to a Messiah, was heartbreaking, his full redemption made the event a little less painful. However, Buffy's death seemed less a victory and more a blend of familial sacrifice & suicide. Also, while seeing the reactions of Giles, Willow & Xander was almost too much to bear, Spike, crying to the point of popping blood vessels, is where I physically lose control. No, Buffy's death, to me, is by far the most tragic event of the Jossverse."

"I had to choose other because it took me over a week to get over this episode. It was season seven, episode two: Beneath You. The scene at the very end of the episode with Buffy and Spike in the church.... I was crying like a baby for hours after. It was at that point that I KNEW that they (those evil powers that be) were going to kill off Spike that season. Of course, had known at the time that he was going to be resurrected next season on Angel it may have not have been as tramatic as all that, but as it was, I was devastated."
- Maiga

"Buffy killing Angel never gets easier to watch. So on tear inducing factors alone I chose this one. Some of those options are a little wierd..."Giles leavs Sunnydale in Bargaining 1"...Thats not even blip on the radar for me"
- caitse

"How come more people haven't voted for the 'yellow crayon' speech? That was straight from the heart and contained all the sadness of Willow's life going wrong, but all was not lost as she still had Xander-love to keep her going. That was on a par with Spike's death for saddest moment ever."
- ssjo

"found it hard to choose between Buffy in the gift and Joyce, both make me sob like a baby, i guess because Joyce was permenant and so damn real it was the saddest, but i went for the gift i think i find it so hard because it was Buffy sacrificing herself, she chose to save the world and it was the only way :("
- Fluff

"Of course, it was when Buffy's mom dies, but that was to easy, so I voted for the second saddest moment in Buffy history, when Buffy died in "The Gift". And that is still almost too easy. But, when Oz left Willow is the saddest, non death, moment in Buffy History."
- Vidman

"At the time, when the fate of BtVS seemed very much in doubt, Buffy's death in THE GIFT seemed like the end of the series. Buffy's sacrifice was the ultimate gift of love to a sister who was the creation of supernatural forces, not parental love. Buffy's recognition of her place in the universe and her admonition to her friends to carry on was the saddest and most moving moment in the entire series. "She saved the world a lot" - not a dry eye in the place. The end of BECOMING 2 comes in a close second for me. Sarah Mac's "Full of Grace" in the background as Joyce reads Buffy's note and Buffy leaves town gets me every time."
- ribbie149

"The Jossverse has put me thru so many head trips and crying jags from "I Robot You Jane" on that I can't pick. And people say TV is fun!"
- DaddyCatALSO

"ok..it's been a while for the hawkster here so give me a break...mac, where is the selection for I Will Remember You where buffy and angel only have 1 minute left together!!!! (ok, ok...so it was on reruns today...) but i have to say that the moment where buffy kills angel has to be the saddest moment in buffy history..by far...no question about it...well, come to think of it, maybe the saddest moment in buffy history is when the show stopped being about BUFFY and the scooby gang and switched to being about a peroxide blonde poofhead...hmmmm...think about... LOL"
- NIghthawk

Note from Matt: Thank you.

"Many gut wrenching moments to be had on BTVS. But the one that still gets me no matter how much I've seen it is when Buffy kills Angel. What that meant at the time and how hard that must have been for Buffy. I cried in almost all of those listed!"
- jkirch

"It was a tough call between Buffy dying in "The Gift" and Joyce dying in "The Body." Joyce's death was gut wrenching, but Buffy sacrificing her life to save Dawn and the world had tears streaming down my face. Buffy: Dawn, the hardest thing in this world ... is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."
- *glow*

"Another excruciatingly difficult poll! I got chills after reading every single choice. I'm between "The Body" and "Becoming II". "The Body" was the best portrayal of death and grief I have ever seen on television however, I'm going to vote for "Becoming II". When Buffy kills Angel I was actually sobbing, and to this day, even when I watch the rerun on FX, years later, I still cry! There's not many t.v. shows or for that matter movies, that effect me like that. And after that ep, I knew the show was a classic and the best kept secret on t.v. and I felt special that I had found it."
- Jrzlee

"Tough call. When Buffy sends Angel to hell, gets thrown out by Joyce and leaves town was my first thought, but it was the break up of the Scoobies at the end of Tabula Rasa that is probably the saddest moment for me. Giles leaving for England, Tara leaving Willow, Willow on the floor crying and that damn Michelle Branch song just breaks my heart."
- Lisa

"I have to admit that the others were pretty sad, but the saddest was when Buffy died in "The Gift" I balled the first time I saw it, of course that could have been partly that I had lost someone special to me that time...ok, nevermind. Anyway, whenever I see it, I just cry and cry and cry. If this doesn't win, I'll cry again."
- Liz

"This was a really hard poll to choose just one. A lot of those moments were sad. All of the deaths, especially. Finally, I had to go with Jenny's, because I just didn't see it coming. And not only was it sad because she died, but it was then that I finally realized that Angel really was gone and that Angelus had "taken over" his body."
- JediOz

"Wow. Seeing this list just reminded me of how layered each of these moments are (as if I should be shocked). Each is unique and affects me in different ways. I decided to vote for Joyce's death and I guess I don't need to say why."
- Sunnycide

"A tough and heart-wrenching poll, Mac Daddy. Buffy's death in "The Gift" was just beyond grievous. Knowing that she had to come back didn't keep me from crying my eyeballs out- it was too poignant for reason. Then Spike just crumpled to the ground- the whole audience went with him. I'm choked up now!"
- Life's A Show

"Ohhh, difficult poll this week. It was a difficult choice for me. I went with Joyce dying. Seeing Buffy's reaction, Anya's heartfelt kool-aid speech... just kept me in tears. Buffy, Spike and Anya's deaths were also hard... but Anya's you knew she wasn't coming back from."
- Aeryn

"The Gift!!! *WOW* Sober man! I cried like a baby! I thought it was such a powerful ending and episode!!"
- Roxy Winters

"It's a close call for me between Buffy's death and Joyce's. In the end I chose Buffy's death in "The Gift" as the saddest [i]moment[/i]. I was introduced to the series, rather bizzarely, seeing "Welcome to the Hellmouth," "Anne," and "The Weight of the World/The Gift" within 3 days of each other. Even with such a recent introduction to the characters, Buffy's death and the grief of her friends had me in tears. When I eventually saw Joyce's death, I already knew it was going to happen, but I was still shocked. I had a lump in my throat all the next day. I think because by that time I had seen all the intervening seasons, and had a much stronger emotional attachment to the characters, Joyce's death affected me more, long-term (also probably because, unlike Buffy, she wasn't coming back). But as far as the tragedy of the moment, it was Buffy's death."
- Starfury

"Ouch! Tough poll! I had to go with Buffy dying in the Gift, because that's the one I remember crying after the most, but they were all tearful occurances for me. One question though: What about Innocence? The scene with Buffy and Angel in his apartment always kills me! Or, when Xander's talking to Willow right before she wakes up in Becoming? I think these deserved a spot on the poll."
- Reisita

"The face of real death in a show dealing with death & resurrection by means of supernatural embellishment ---the weight of the world notwithstanding, "The Body" affected me the most and boo hooi-ng. You know a spell check or edit function would be nice as this is a lil tiny box to write in. Imagine the lilting free verse I could be composing in response and yet I find myself writing sharp terse sentences in the manner of a newshound. ARF!"
- wretch

"Many good choices but I had to go with Jenny's death. It came as a complete shock and I knew that Joss wasn't fooling around with the series nor with us. It softened the blow for me when the other sad occurences happened...I was prepped and I knew that Joss was capable of tearing out our hearts time and again."
- Myth

"I think the most tragic moment on Buffy is a tie really--between Buffy having to send Angel to hell in "Becoming, Part 2" and the realization that Joyce is gone on "The Body." Both pack such an emotional impact on you and are defining moments for the series as a whole. Both are superbly acted and both show the reason that Buffy was robbed of Emmys each and every time."
- Michael Hickerson

"All of the ones listed are sad and moving moments on Buffy...But the single one that sticks out the most is when Buffy found our beloved den mother dead on the living room couch. Joyce was so woderful to watch, she was a great mom and a great cast member. I missed seeing her a lot, and I remember thinking how much Buffy needed her (season 6). Another sad moment is when Angel comes back from hell and finally knows Buffy and he hugs her waist and says her name...the sadness on her face is overwhelming..."
- Bufflover

There were a LOT more comments, but this page is filled to the brim, so we'll stop here.

The new poll is up. Go vote. That's it for now.

- Matt

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