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PM Update

The 1st edition of the newsletter will be sent out in a matter of minutes. Anyone who signs up after the deadline of the 1st edition can email me at my webmaster@hellmouthcentral.com account and ask for a copy of the first edition. I'll try to get it out to you as soon as possible.

In the first edition you'll find exclusive features such as "In The News", "Matt Attacks...", "Mutant Enemy Knowledge" and even an exclusive "El Presidente's Proverbs". You don't want to miss out on "The Hellmouth Weekly".

Donations: What we need is $600. Eric's christmas money was stole from him and his family by some asshole who went on an online shopping spree. Now Eric's daughter isn't going to have a christmas. The $600 is NOT for the site, but for the Hendrix's.

If you could, send anything you can.
Click Here for paypal donations.

This isn't some joke. This is real stuff. Eric has not asked me to do this, I have taken it upon myself to try this. Let's get back the money that was taken from him.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

Quick Update: A new Ask The Poobah is up! This week's column is small, because I didn't get a lot of questions, so send me some questions for next week....ok? Good.

More to come (I think) in the PM.

AM Update

Thank Joss it's Friday. Let's get right to it....

You can now subscribe to the HMC Newsletter. The sign up is to the left of the page. Look for the first edition soon. ;)

News Bites is updated with the first look at "Eurotrip", Angel 100th episode spoilers, and a new RPG is being released.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

A new poobah is coming in the PM. Come on back and check it out.

El Presidente's Daily Proverb:
"If vampires never change, why does Spike have to keep re-bleaching his hair?"

- Matt

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