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PM Update

We're trying to see whose interested in a Hellhound convention in Atlanta sometime this year. So check out the poll here and tell us what you think. Please do NOT fill out the form if you don't plan on attending.

There's a new Danny Strong Image Gallery up. Check that out.

News Bites has an article on Firefly staying alive on DVD.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Monday. Let's hit the updates...

Michael Hickerson sent in two new wallpapers.

Roxy Winters sent in one new Fan Art.

The Image Gallery is updated with 4 Alexis Denisof pics added.

News Bites has an article on Amber Benson, a small interview with James Marsters, and a best hourlong shows list (Buffy is #1, Angel is #4).

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

- Matt

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