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PM Update

The episode guide is updated with summaries for "Provider", "Waiting in the Wings", "Couplet", "Loyalty" and "Sleep Tight". Kirsten is doing a hell of a job on the season 3 summaries.

News Bites has a small feature on Morena Baccarin talking about Still Life.

Gabriel Romero sent in one new Fan Art.

I need more questions for Ask The Poobah this week. So start sending them. ;)

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Tuesday. I'm off to work. Let's hit the updates....

There's a new review section called "Color Me Impressed" (working title..heh). It's comic book reviews by SevenofTN. Check out the first two reviews here.

News Bites is updated with the top DVDs of the year at amazon, a Christian Kane article, an article on quotes, and some Angel spoilers.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

We're trying to see whose interested in a Hellhound convention in Atlanta sometime this year. So check out the poll here and tell us what you think. Please do NOT fill out the form if you don't plan on attending.

That's it for now. I'll be back after work.

- Matt

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