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PM Update

News Bites has...

- The Onion's review of the Firefly DVD.
- Drew Goddard posting.
- An article on future character appearances on Angel.
- And Herc's review of "Harm's Way".

That's all I have for today. Back tomorrow. Enjoy "Harm's Way" tonight!

AM Update

I've been waiting to say this for 2 months now....It's NEW....ANGEL...WEDNESDAY!!! "Harm's Way" airs tonight at 9PM on the WB. Watch it. :)

It's Official: Hellhound Con 2004 will be held in Atlanta, GA on November 5-7. So SIGN UP today.

News Bites is updated with...

- A video rant with Amy Acker talking about David Boreanaz's directorial debut.
- Joss Whedon talking to Sci-Fi Wire about the X-Men comic gig.
- An interview with Charisma Carpenter on many issues (Angel, See Jane Date, Miss Match).

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That is what's up right now. I'm off to work. I'll be back in the PM with more.

- Matt

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