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PM Update

Just a quick PM update this evening, as we've been distracted...

The message board is back up and running. According to our hosts it was a "service failure". We apologize for any inconvenience this caused any of users.

I'll be back tomorrow morning with the rant (FINALLY) and a new Poobah tomorrow evening. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Thursday. Ugh, argh, err...

Quick Note: We know that the message board has been down since last night at around midnight. This is most likely due to the complete incompotence of our hosts. We are working on moving to new servers, better servers. Please be patient and the board should be back up sometime soon.

Briana sent in 2 new wallpapers.

News Bites has...

- An article about Buffy and feminism.
- An article on Marti Noxon's next pilot.

To the poll...

Last week we asked, "Who's the Most Annoying Mutant Enemy Character Ever?" Here are the results...

Connor - 37.3%
Riley Finn - 23.9%
Dawn Summers - 17.2%
Kate Lochley - 5.3%
Other (comment) - 5.1%
Ben - 4.7%
Amy Madison - 4.7%
Rack - 1.7%

Total votes: 528

So Angel's annoying son comes in 1st, Capt. Cardboard hits 2nd, and The key rounds out the top 3 (although one could say this was Dawn from season 5 and 6). Let's see what you guys had to say...

"Riley Finn... what an ass!"
- mrsmarsters

"Is there really even a little bit of competition here? Obviously Connor is the most annoying. Dawn evened out by the end of the show, Amy never bugged me, Kate, Ben, and Rack were only mildly annoying. For some strange reason I liked Riley...meh...Connor wins! Yay!?"
- Reisita

"I voted for Connor. I never saw the point of him. He was pretty much the downfall of the show for awhile. I am so happy they pushed that all aside. I would like to see Angel have some closure with it....but I mean, I hated that guy. :)"
- bufflover

"I find none of the mentioned characters annoying, because with the exception of Rack (and even him to some extent) they all have real motivations behind their actions. I may not always like what they do, but I understand it, and I like them. Eve on the other hand, unless explained very well, will continue to irritate me until the end of time. Kennedy trumps her in the annoying department, largely because she was a walking plot device meant to appease the people who feared Willow would become straight again. Maybe I just didn't get her. I loved her in Chosen though--had her writting made any sense or served a narative purpose, she would have been fine. As is ,she makes me itch with irritation."
- Alison

"Joss, just when you think that there can't be a better poll, here comes another chance to beat up on Captain Cardboard! Yeah, Connor was annoying & was one half of the two-backed beast, but he is, afterall, Angel's offspriing- what did you expect? Dawn? I see how someone could have said that in S5, but she became our lovable Niblit. Amy? Yeah, but what a rack! Ummmm, I mean what's up with that guy Rack. No, without ANY doubt, Riley was beyond the most annoying. He was beyond oppressive to all human sensory capabilities. His mere presence was like a migraine, throat culture, cracking knuckles, a Caleb thumb to the eye, bamboo shards stuck under the fingernails while dragged down a chalk board, & a hot poker stuck through the groin ALL at the same time. Being made to watch his street convo w/ Buffy in "Doomed" should be STRICTLY prohibited by the Geneva Conventions & Human Rights Accords. DIE, RILEY, DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEE!!!!!!"

"Well tough one - would have liked to be able to choose more than one - I voted for Dawn but I think Connor is right up there w her, with Amy just behind them :)"
- strandmose

"Yeah, Connor. He was just...gyaghh. Though to give him a bit of credit, I did start to feel sorry for him in 'Home'. But that might've had to do with the fact that I knew it was his last episode. :D Dawn was good in Season 7, so I forgave her for her annoyingness."
- jojo

"I personally can't stand Kennedy."
- Meckare

"Glory! *cringes*"
- Lucky

""Get Out, Get Out, GET OUT!!!" UUUgggghhhhhhhh!"
- Jkirch

"I can't believe Kate Lochley is on this list- I thought she was a wonderful additon to ANGEL and I still miss her. I voted for Dawn. I can't tell you how many times I wished she would have reverted to a nice, quiet (less whiney) ball of energy."
- ribbie149

"Although Connor and Riley come in at a close 2nd and 3rd, Andrew is #1. The oh-so-pointless annoying virgin should not have been involved beyond Season 6 of Buffy."
- Siren

"CONNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you really think the winner would be anybody else?"
- sraeps

"This was really a tough one for me to decide on. I went with Dawn though because I really find her whining annoying. But, I also can't stand Riley. I would also have to go with Professor Walsh as well. She drove me crazy from the second I saw her."
- Candace Hope

"I know people think Dawn is really annoying, and I know the same goes for Connor-but come on! Amy Madison is definately the most annoying-and evil-of all the Mutant Enemy characters, if only because she turned Willow into a man-the one she killed, no less-because she was jealous of Willow's ability with magic...like mother like daughter, ya?"
- Alyx

"Alright....how is it possible to decide between Connor and Riley for the title of the most annoying Mutant Enemy character? I mean really, Connor's "I must kill my father" bit, or Riley's "I love her, but she doesn't love me". They both wound my soul."
- SaxySlayer

"Kennedy, hands down, is the most annoying creature to ever grace an ME show that I've run across so far, what with her faux-bad girl crap and over-the-top advances on Willow early on. I was sooooo bummed she made it through BtVS's last ep. Ugh and ick and pls never come back."
- maylai

"I thought Ben was irritating as hell. Good lord, you'd think that a guy with a hell goddess inside him would be more interesting. Oh and Riley isn't annoying and neither is Kate. Are you people on crack?!?!"
- Sami

Note from Matt: Yes.

"Annoying? One of the reasons this site is fun is that there is a substantial range of opinion. Your list includes several characters I liked & was not the least bit annoyed by (Dawn, Amy, Kate, Rack etc). Luckily you included Connor so I did vote. Riley would have been my second choice from your list, but he did have his moments. Too bad you did not include Parker in your list. That would have made my choice more difficult."
- Fogey

"Well, since you guys didn't put Kennedy on the list I'll have to go with Conner. Dawn was annoying in season five, but she kinda grew on me during season six (although I don't know why. Guess I just got used to her.) And Riley himself never annoyed me so much as he and Buffy's relationship did. Everyone else on the list never really annoyed me at all. So yeah, Conner. Definitely Conner. That boy just took annoyance to a whole new level. Although Kennedy did give him a run for his money."
- RiotAngel

"I personally think the most annoying character would be Holtz. I mean, if it wasn't for him Connor wouldn't have turned out the way he did."
- Charissa

"What about Kennedy? Maybe we can pack all the potentials into one pot and see how many dislike THAT."
- infected_slinky

"I don't know if he's a M.E Character, but that kid from "Who's The Boss" is pretty annoying:)"
- chosen girl

"This was hard, but I ended up going with Connor. I liked most of the other characters at one point or another and the ones I totally hated weren't around enough to warrant a vote."
- sbfan

"Hmmmm. The list is impressive, but woefully incomplete. I think the most annoying character is/was Principal Snider. He was such a thorn in the Scoobies collective sides it was wonderful. Plus, let's face it, Buffy could face the Master, Angelus, The Mayor, Adam, Glory, The Evil Dweeb Trio, and The First without blinking, but NOBODY put the fear of God into Buffy like Principal Snider did."
- Kirsten

- Nora

"2 words: Connor. I don't think I need to explain why...he's the worst character ME ever thought about. May we never hear of him again...(I'm not even talking about seeing him...*shudder*). Riley comes in second, but at a safe distance. Wow, that's just a measure of how much I hate Connor...he makes me accept Riley!"
- fat tony

"Connor... *shudder*... I can't even vocalize my seething hatred for him. I don't know how Angel and the gang put up with him for so long. If he was MY son, I would surely disown him. If not worse...."
- beerbad

Good comments guys. The new poll is up....go vote! If you haven't seen Firefly, shame on you.

I should be back in the PM with the rant with Eric...but if I can't get in to post it then there won't be one. Hopefully I'll be able to do that.

- Matt

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