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PM Update

Dannyboy sent in the summary for Wonderfalls "Wax Lion"! It's up in the Wonderfalls season 1 episode guide. Check it out.

<- To your left is the newly integrated navigation menu. The graphics have been changed to match the new header. Hope you dig it.

You can now pre-order Buffy Season 6 on DVD from HMC through Amazon! CLICK HERE for more details. Only $38.99 right now!

There have been some board login problems lately. Just wanted to give you all a heads up and say that Eric and our server tech guys are working on it.

That's it for today. Hope you guys have a good one.

AM Update

Happy Birthday to Alyson Hannigan! She turns the big 3-0 today! We love Aly here... I hope she has a great B-Day.

It's Non-Angel Wednesday. Man, by the time Angel comes back from March hiatus, our UK friends will be caught up to us on episodes. Next week they finally get to see "You're Welcome". We here in the states are still sitting around waiting for the next new episode. But enough of my whining....

SevenofTN has his review for "Tales of the Vampires #3" up in Color Me Impressed. Check it out.

News Bites has...

- A report of the Scooby Doo 2 red carpet. Some quotes from SMG are in it.
- Mutant Enemy President Chris Buchanan sets the record straight on some of those pesky SERENITY rumors. Firefly fans should read it.

Upcoming Dates are updated. SMG guest stars on "The Simpsons" this Sunday on FOX.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

I'm taking daily pics for the Hell-o-logue. I'll pick one each day, just start sending them. Remember to make the subject "Hell-pic" and give me your name or nickname so that I can give you credit for sending it in.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

Save Angel Campaigns
- SavingAngel.org
- SaveAngel.org
- RenewAngel.com

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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