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PM Update

Just some news this evening...

News Bites has...

- Seth Green writing a show for Cartoon Network.
- SMG is in negotations for "Southland Tales" (from "Donnie Darko"'s Richard Kelly).

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's FRIGGIN' THURSDAY! WOOO! And I am officially on vacation today! I'm off for so long, I can't count the days on both my hands! Yeeeeesss. Anyway, update time...

News Bites has...

- A fan report from a Nick Brendon-guested Creation Con.
- A Scooby Doo 2 review (completely downed it).
- HUGE Angel casting (or non-casting) spoilers from Jeff Bell.
- Nick Brendon says Buffy The Animated Series is being re-shopped.
- A new press release from the Saving Angel Rally.

Conventions are updated. Those of you in the UK should really check out Fusion Con. Their lineup is massive.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

To the poll...

Last week we asked, "Are You Watching Wonderfalls?" Here are the results...

Yes. I love it! - 48.6%
I may start. Undecided. - 19.0%
No. I have no interest in it. - 18.4%
Not yet, but I'm going to start. - 14.0%

Total votes: 358

48% is a nice size for 1st place. That's a good sign. 19% are undecided. Not bad either. Let's see what you guys had to say...

"I really want to watch Wonderfalls! But when is it on? On what channels?"
- Tasha

Note from Matt: You know you're on a site that covers Wonderfalls and has a schedule for it, right? See, this is the problem with Fox. Anyway, it's on FOX at 9PM Eastern on Fridays.

"Pilot was OK. Lets see Numero Deux and see whats what..."
- wretch

"Originally, I put planning on watching it, then I watched it Thursday night and have to say that I loved it. What a great show!"
- Kirsten

"There's hope for TV! It's a bloody miracle!!! Oy, thank Joss for Buffyverse writers."
- jojo

"just watched it - freaking hilarious!"
- sraeps

"Hell yeah I'm watching Wonderfalls! It's awesome! I just love Jaye with all of her snarkyness!"
- Vampire Lady

"Finally a heroine for us slackers out there. And something new for us sci-fi stoners to analyze. Mac knows what I'm talking about."
- Zgirl714

Note from Matt: What's THAT supposed to mean? *rubs chin*

"Yes, I love it! What a wonderful surprise! And thanks HMC, I wouldn't even have checked it out if it wasn't by your suggestion. It won't replace Buffy or Angel, but, really, what show could? I just hope the network sticks with it, and not cancel it after a few shows like it did to the other show I enjoyed, Miracles."
- Jrzlee

"Wonderfalls hasn't started in Australia yet, but when it does I will definitely be tuning in."
- Jennifer

"Ummm...I put "Yes I love it!" only 'cos there's not an option for "Yes, I saw the first ep. too soon to judge, I'll watch the next one, but I don't love it (yet).'"
- Sarcastic Voice

"I love Wonderfalls! It's a little disturbing, because it seems to be paralleling my own twisted life... well, except for the part where inanimate objects speak to me... I'm not admitting that on the world wide web, no friggin' way! It's bad enough that Wofram and Hart use their evil satellites to confuse me with the sound of chattering pixies in my head, who tell me to KILL, KILL, KILL!!! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!! *sigh* Anywho, tune into Wonderfalls, or be a dumb ass and get in the canoe full of losers not interested in this show. You need to know why your ass is ringing!!!"
- Princess Kimberley

"I want my own smush-faced lion now..."
- SevenofTN

"I so would! If I knew when it was on... *goes to look*"
- Kit

"I voted undecided - The humor was fine, the acting was good & I found the story easy to follow (plus the actress is cute). My decision is in abeyance because to me it suffers from the dreaded ³Riley² syndrome (better than Connor syndrome). It doesn't matter how good the actor is etc if they are portraying a character I have trouble emphasizing with or feeling sympathy for. She just plain irritated me. My advice to someone like that would be to shape up and get a life that doesnıt involve self absorbed ennui. A show needs someone I care about, if I am going to watch it. I will wait until after at least a second episode before deciding if I like it."
- Fogey

"I voted not yet... cos it isn't on over here in the uk yet. but hopefully it'll get picked up. it sounds great."
- Levis Omelasz

"I'm giving it a shot for now. I watched the pilot and I intend to watch the next episode as well and see how it develops. It looks like it has some potential, but it also has potential to suck...I'll watch a couple of eps. and see if I like it."
- fat tony

Good comments guys. Go vote in the new poll. As I state in the title of it, I'll probably regret it. ;)

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM with more.

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