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PM Update

I posted a few quotes from Wonderfalls "Wound-Up Penguin" (1.3). Check those out in the episode guide.

News Bites has an article on the good and the ridiculously awful on FOX.

Almost forgot -
Happy Birthday to Juliet Landau! She turned 39 today. :)

That's it for today. Later.

AM Update

It's Tuesday. Again, I'm a little late. Let's move this puppy along...

SaxySlayer sent in 4 new wallpapers. Check those out.

News Bites has...

- An article on SMG and Scooby Doo 2.
- A deleted scene from Wonderfalls "Karma Chameleon" (it's legal too...it's on the Fox website).
- NBC recasts the male lead in Aly Hannigan's sitcom.
- Angel casting spoilers.
- And the WORLDWIDE Saving Angel rally. You definitely need to read that.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That's it for now. Back in a bit.

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