Wednesday, June 30, 2004
One More Year of Hell

We've been renewed for another year! Unfortunently the same can't be said for most of the network's fall lineups for 2003 (including our beloved poof and his buddies). But hey, yay us at least!

Looks like SMG won't be doing Doo 3 anytime soon. You gotta get sick of talking to a cgi dog after awhile.

Until tomorrow, world.

- Matt


What our fearless leader neglected to mention is that for us lucky people in the states, Spider-Man 2 has arrived in theaters. You all must go see it NOW! Go buy tickets quickly before they sell out. I've had mine for some time now. Anyone who goes to see Spider-Man 2 this weekend can mail me their ticket stub and I'll send them an autographed picture of myself. If you don't go see it, I will send you an autographed picture of my ass. Ok, I know what you're thinking, Spider-Man is off topic, but hey...they mention him on Buffy a bunch. Seriously, go see the damn movie. I'll update Buffy.Fu later if I feel like it.

- Eric

Doesn't Humpday make you want to drink hard liquor?

Let us delve...

Features: FanFic by Cordelia Chse (not Chase), "Two Soldiers Down".
News and Info: Tons of News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.
News and Info: Yesterday Eric added a new article to Buffy.FU - plus a format change! We wouldn't want to be behind the times now, would we?

A new "Quote Me" is up as well.

That's the straight poop for now. Later.

- Matt