a Hellmouth Central
  Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Aww, this sucks. News again!


Calm down, homeslice. There will be a ton of stuff coming on Thursday and Friday, and maybe some stuff tomorrow as well. So tune in.

And yes, I'm well aware I can't pull off street slang from 1987. And yes, I'm well aware that I can't pull off street slang from any era.

Oh, bite me.

- Matt

Torture-Your-Watcher Tuesday

Catchy, ain't it?

Right to the chewin'...

Chew on this -

Multimedia: Fan Art by CordeliaChse.
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

And now a commercial from HMC...

Facts about helping us out...
- Did you know that if you click our sponsors and/or buy something from Amazon through our links to it you can help us be able to pay for things like HHC funding, and server costs? It's true. So take a couple seconds out of your day and help us grow.

You can purchase your tickets for HELLHOUND CON 2004 now. Just go to the official HELLHOUND CON website HERE. You can also reserve your hotel room as well. Go to the website for more information. Do it today! :)


This has been a commercial from HMC. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Oh right, nothing else. Oh well, see ya later.

- Matt


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