Saturday, August 28, 2004
It's oh-so Quiet

Jewel Staite says Serenity has wrapped. Wooo-hoo. That wasn't sarcasm, that was my nerd-dom leaking out again.

We have Hellhounds all over Oakland SlayerCon. Should get some reports and pictures sometime next week. The reports may have spelling errors, and the pics may be out of focus. I hear there's a lot of alcohol.

Happy Birthday to J. August Richards! The only Gunn we like is 31. Also - another Happy Birthday to Brian Thompson! He's 45 today. For those who don't know, he played The Judge and Luke The Vessel.

SIGN-UP for HELLHOUND CON! Click HERE for more!

Chew in, Chew Out -

News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Yesterday's Prime Chew -

Features: Ask The Poobah - The Video Edition
Articles: Good Vibrations - "Faith, Buffy, and Nietzsche Part 1".

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"

For artwork that is out of this world, visit the 
Dragon*Con Store!


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