Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Extra! Extra! Read more crap!

More in the NEWS BITES this afternoon, including a few comments from SMG about Richard Kelly's "Southland Tales".

I should have more of the Angel Episode Countdown tomorrow afternoon.

- Matt

Tuesday Blues

You can say that again, Sarah.

There's a good little blurby interview Todd Holland did with the Toronto Sun. He compares CSI and Law & Order to Starbucks - "You know exactly what your drink is going to taste like. Same with your TV shows." Oh, snap!

Can I really pull off "Oh, snap"? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

More in the News Bites.

Chew -

News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Pre-order Buffy Season 7 by CLICKING HERE. Just $38.99! Wow-wee!

HELLHOUND CON postponed. Click HERE for details.

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"


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