Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Check. Check. Is this thing on?

Hey Hellhounds! We're back. We've been beaten up, we've been screwed, but we're still here.

You will find that there is quite a bit of content missing. Some of the Angel episode countdown, a couple Divine Musings, a couple Caption HELL's, Askewed Reviews.....pretty much most of what we posted in November and December. I was able to recover a little here and there, but definitely not everything.

But at least we're up and about. The board we have up should just be a temp board. And yes, you do have to re-register to use it. It's brand new, just like before. We're trying to get the old one up, and it looks like it may actually happen this time. Cross your fingers.

You ask, "What's New?" Well, honestly, not much. That's because we've spent this entire time recovering things and trying to make things halfway decent looking. I hope we accomplished this.

Chew: The RETURN -

Articles: Divine Musings - "Rundown".
News and Info: The News Wire.
There's a new poll up.

The layout color scheme and design are a little different. Hope you like it. If not, tough shit, I do.

I think that's it for now.

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"


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