Friday, February 11, 2005

I know, horrible picture. Really crappy quality. It's the only one I could find of that crappy helicopter scene. You know which one.

Part 7 of The Dimension's ULTIMATE BUFFY Episode Countdown is up! Read it, love it, kiss its boo-boo's.

Almost the Weekend Chew -

Articles: The Dimension - Buffy Episode Countdown.
News and Info: The News Wire.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Don't Forget -

Articles: Divine Musings - "Caleb".
The Sims 2 HMC Pack!
HMC DVD Episode Commentary!

Poll Me -

Last Week we asked, "Are You Giving "Point Pleasant" a Try?" Here are the results....

Sure. Why not? - 42.2%
I did give it a try, and I want that hour back. - 20.9%
Oh Hell No! - 10.4%
What's Point Pleasant? - 10.1%
Marti's producing it? No thanks! - 7.1%
I did give it a try and I want new pants. - 4.9%
Other (Comment) - 3.7%
I did give it a try, and I want my mommy. - 0.7%

Total votes: 268

REALLY? 42% of you are giving it a try and not being forced to watch it? Incredible. The same can not be said for the rest of America, because I believe that 42% of 268 people are the only ones watching. Let's see el comments....

"A show Noxon produces? Pfft, she can kiss my Canadian arse."
- Jo

"I *wanted* to see it, but the scheduling is so strange I always miss it. Why does it hide so? The commercials were entertaining, at least."
- Rebecca

"I meant to watch it, really I did, but I wound up working or something and forgot to tape it. And frankly... I'm just not interested enough in it to chase another show that will probably just get cancelled soon anyway. :::missing Angel horribly:::"
- Darkest Wicca

"I've seen 2 episodes of Point Pleasant already and I quite like it but the mix of soap opera and fantasy just doesn't work whatsoever. And judging by the US ratings, it won't ever get the chance to fix its wrongs."
- Levis Omelasz

"Honestly, i was going to watch it. Then i realized that a couple of things: A) it's genre B) it's FOX and C) genre and FOX don't like each other. So i decided to pass."
- amanda

"The pilot was horrendous, but the show itself isn't that bad. The teens are boring and kind of generic, but the adults are actually great, especially the guy who plays Satan's lackey. He's obviously enjoying being evil, and it's fun to watch him wreak havoc. The way he decimates Dina Meyer's aging beauty queen...priceless."
- LazyDolphin

"It's not on in Australia and I couldn't be arsed d/l a torrent, but I do know this: Tony reckons that if you have a wank right before watching Point Pleasant, the show is robbed of it's charms."
- Mr. P Matt: Well, Tony would know about wanking.

"Eh, I gave it a try, two actually, and I was tired of the cheesy acting and effects/plotlines. Good Joss, what happened to all the good shows? :("
- Voltage

Matt: They like to cancel those.

The new poll is up. Vote. Now. Hoebags.


"Ummmm, I'm a little confused about the top of the site page. I assume the guy to the far right is either you or Eric or someone. That's cool. But the female is really what caught my attention. There's Angel, then Buffy, then Spike, but why did you stick a pic of that dumb, pink-haired bitch beside them? If memory serves, didn't some Bringers slice & dice her in a disco in Berlin or somewhere?
Question: Why such love & loyalty to one dead potential?

Poobah Says:
Ok, so the pictures in question are of Jennifer Garner (Alias) and Dominic Monaghan (Lost). Don't ask me why Matt and Eric have decided to cover these two shows. They weren't created by Joss, and let's face it, they don't have producers like Marti Noxon to make fun of....but hey, it was their decision. I don't have any pull around here, so I can't stop the madness. All I can tell you is that I tried to get them off the crank, but the intervention lead to empty bottles being thrown at me and Jon and some words that were said that I don't believe they meant. At least I hope not. I really don't want to crawl up a Panda Bear's ass.

- Matt

[Posted @ 1:16 p.m.]

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"


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