Monday, March 7, 2005
That weekend sure did blow by quick.

The crew all got together over the weekend, so you know what happened....naked limbo! Oh yeah, and....

5 NEW HMC DVD Episode Commentaries! "Welcome to the Hellmouth", "The Harvest", "Superstar", "Shindig" and "War Stories". That's right, not a single damn one that you voted for --- aren't we the biggest asses ever?

If you haven't yet -- go SIGN UP for the "We Blew Our Refund For You!" Sweepstakes.

An all-new Divine Musings is up! This week Aeryn talks about the Carpenter.

Chew -

Episodes: HMC DVD Episode Commentary.
Articles: Divine Musings - "Xander".
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Dates.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.
Note: The Temp Board is up right now!

Editorial: There was a recent article involving a Sony executive "inside source" talking about how Joss didn't actually create the Buffy character and that the Kuzui's did. That for years they've been in a legal battle to try and make a Buffy film sequel. Joss created Buffy -- 'nuff said.

As for the article itself, whoever allowed it to be posted as something like a big deep throat conspiracy should be shot.

- Matt

[Posted @ 11:28 a.m.]

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