Thursday, April 21, 2005
Smells like an update

A new DIVINE MUSINGS is up and ready for your viewing pleasure! This week, Aeryn talks about "Billy".

"Poopie"....ha! Thanks Eric -- now everytime I think about Billy that will pop in my head.

Chew -

Articles: Divine Musings - "Billy".
News & Info: News Bites.
News & Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Poll Me -

Last week we said, "Ok, smart ass: You pick the best episodes! (Angel Season 1)" Here are the results...

Hero - 30.5%
I Will Remember You - 28.8%
Five By Five - 14.0%
To Shanshu In L.A. - 6.1%
In The Dark - 4.8%
Sanctuary - 4.6%
Rm W/a VU - 1.9%
Parting Gifts - 1.9%
City Of - 1.5%

Total votes: 413

Every other episode was under 1%. Well, it was a battle between "Hero" and IWRY. Hero came out on top by less than 2%. It will be Hero, IWRY, Five By Five and To Shanshu going to the next round. Let's see what you had to say...

"tough poll..... evil infact!!! You really know how to pick um Matt! Bad boy! ;) When it came down to it though! I will Remember you!! Shocker I know!"
- Roxy Winters

Matt: I love it when she calls me 'bad boy'.

"I'm really not a fan of I Will Remember's torturous and pointless at the same time."
- Knoxy

Matt: My sentiments exactly.

"I think IWRY is one of the best Angel episodes period. Yes it's a beautiful heartbreaking love story but it shows us exactly what kind of hero Angel is. He will do what's best for the world or the girl even when it hurts him. It also shows us what kind of "man" he is that loves so deeply and so much."
- Kristi

Matt: I think I tasted a little of what I had for dinner last night.

"Didn't we try this already? If I recall correctly, the results were even worse than your picks on The ULTIMATE Countdown..."
- Tony

Matt: Yes, we did this before, except without Season 5 to add to it. So we're doing it again. Don't like it? Smooch my nuts.

"I Will Remember You is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OVERRATED!!! Makes my eyes hurt everytime I see this sentimental crap on top, bleh!"
- Sunnycide

"Loved Shanshu because of the change in Cordelia. Awesome..."
- Seven

Matt: I loved Buffy Season 3 for the change in Cordelia...if ya know what I mean... VROOOOOOOMM!!! *if you don't know, that's the sound of boobs expanding*

"I voted Sense & Sensitivity for it's sheer comedy goodness...nah I'm just joking I voted for Five by Five mainly because anything with Faith rocks (well except for THOSE two episodes in Buffy Season Seven that were near stinkers) and it's always to great to see Wesley endure torture (well in the first 2 seasons he was annoying anyways)"
- Levis Omelasz

"Well I was gonna pick I Will Remember You but I figured that was WAY too predictable. :P So I'm going with Five By Five because it makes me cry. :)"
- Selz

"The reason I loved "Hero" was because that was the point when I knew that this series was not gonna disappoint and was far more than a ‘Buffy’ spin-off. To me this episode shows that in the early days a great episode of Angel did not require a visit from the Sunnydale alumnae. Also we had the farewell of the character of Doyle who really was the highlight of the season. His exit was emotional and beautifully crafted. The advert taking on a whole new meaning at the end. Perfect. The speech alone, delivered by Glen, is one of the most memorable moments of a fantastic series…."
- High on Unlife

Matt: So you liked the episode?

New. Poll. Up. Time. To. Vote. For. Season. 2. Piss. Ants.

Coolness -

Features: Caption HELL - "Put Some Color In Your Life!"
Articles: The Dimension - Buffy Episode Countdown (Part 22).
SIGN UP for the "We Blew Our Refund For You!" Sweepstakes.

- Matt

[Posted @ 11:16 a.m.]

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