Monday, September 26, 2005
Joss & Amy
"I killed you! HAHA!"..."I Know, WoooHAHA!"
 It's update and junk.

  In the News -

  - Joss is all over the place. Latino Review has an interview with him, TIME (yes, TIME) has an interview with him, then there's an article on him by the scotsman. The man is EVERYWHERE. You can't stop the signal, and apparently you can't stop the publicity train either.

  - There's a cool celebrity charity auction going on soon, with Marti Noxon and David Fury involved.

More info on that and other crap in the NEWS BITES.

Douchebag Email of the Week -

Ah, a new segment, inspired by....what else....a douchebag. Here's his email about our incompotence...

"Upon viewing your quotes, I was confused by the message

"Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication."

And I'm not at all asshamed to admit, I was confused. After all, shouldn't we credit Firefly for the quotes (which you seem to have forgotten!). But then as I was reading, I found SEVERAL errors. In Firefly his name is Wash, not Walsh. And Inarar doesn't say, " Inara: Exactly...except that I said it was dumb." She says, "Precisely. But the exact word I used was, 'Don't.'". (By the way, you got the first part of that quote wrong too.) So I realized, the reason you wanted credit was because you've re-writtent them! I hate it when non fans get into the fan sites. Greed isn't flattering on you, leave fandom to people who've seen the show more then once."

Obviously he didn't leave a name....because that's normally what douchebags do. So then ERIC EMAILED EL DOUCHEY BACK...

"Wow, thank you for noticing the error, apparently an old page was uploaded after a server lost all of our files a little while back. And also thank you for being completely rude and out of line when calling our attention to this. It is so nice to be told that you aren’t a fan by someone that doesn’t even know you. I just feel totally burned by your scathing words. You caught us. We aren’t fans, obviously, we have never seen a show because an errors page was uploaded in a rush to get a site back up. We are sitting in our penthouse right now wallowing in our cash we make from HMC. Those five bucks a month we sometimes get in donations really keeps us in the wine and caviar."

Then Eric goes on to tell him major spoilers in the movie. I think I just pee'd myself.

Don't fuck with us. We're too good at making fun of people. The people who always win the arguments are the ones who don't take themselves serious enough to care.

Don't Miss -

HMC: Live!...and Still Recorded!!! Go to the HMC:Live! page and download Parts 1 & 2!

WARNING: This video contains language that is NOT suitable for children or anyone who's extremely uptight. People with pencils up their asses shouldn't download it either.

- Matt [@ 10:25 a.m.]


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