It's You

by DiamondForever

Copyright © 2003

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: How I wish these characters were mine, but alas, they are the property of Joss Whedon and his genius (not really, what genius could kill Tara?).
Distribution: The Mystic Muse /
You can use it, but tell me first.
Feedback: It's welcome, but please, constructive criticism, don't email me telling me how much you hated it.
Spoilers: None Really.
Pairing: Willow/Tara

Summary: Willow wants to kiss someone.

"T-Tomorrow then, Willow?" Tara glanced up from beneath her hair, smiling shyly. She gathered up her books, hugging them to her chest. "I-I’ll see you t-then." Her eyes connected with Willow’s, a shock of electricity passing between them. Before more could happen, she quickly closed the door, stumbling out of Stevenson Hall.

Willow continued to stare at the now-closed door, tempted to go after Tara. She was attracted to the blonde Wiccan, that was for sure. But in what way? Was she just desperate for a friend, something that she could call her own? No. She could answer that right now. No. She was attracted to Tara in the I-wanna-kiss-you and I-love-you ways. She knew that deep down inside. So why couldn’t she say it?

If tomorrow never comes
I would want just one thing
I would tell it to the stars and the sun
I would write it for the world to see
And it's you

Willow knew she had to tell Tara sometime or the other. Living on the Hellmouth meant that no one could really tell when something bad was going to happen. For all she knew, either of them could be dead tomorrow. I have to tell her. She quickly threw on her jacket and grabbed the trinket she had been working on, beginning a sequence of events she knew would change her life, and hopefully Tara’s, forever.

The light changes when you're in the room
Oh it's you
Oh it's you

Whenever she saw Tara, it was as if the whole room got all of a sudden brighter. A weight would be lifted off her back, and the warmth and care that emitted from the blonde would wash away all her Scooby pains and worries. It was hard to keep that feeling down inside her. These days, Willow’s love for this wonderful woman constantly threatened to burst through her tightly sewn seams.

If tomorrow never comes
I would want just one wish
To kiss your quiet mouth
Trace the steps of my fingertips
And it's you

But how to kiss a woman? Heck, she didn’t know! She’d only ever kissed two men, and men for that fact. How did a woman’s lips feel? Willow stopped and touched her lips to her knuckle, trying to imagine that it was in fact not a knuckle, but Tara’s lips. Her thumb brushed at her lower lip, capturing it in the expectation of a more passionate response. Her tongue began to trace her finger before plunging into the crevice that kept her hand from becoming a mitt. She moaned, imagining the taste of Tara’s warm mouth.

"Uh, ma’am?" A young man touched Willow’s shoulder, jolting her out of her make-out. He looked worriedly at her, wondering if she was mentally deficient. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah!" Willow said a little too loudly. "I’m fine, thanks." She smiled before resuming her journey to Tara’s dorm room. Mentally deficient, no. Sexually lacking, yes. Tara-wanting, double-yes.

The light changes when you're in the room

She knocked on the door, the latch clicking and the hinges creaking to reveal a frightened face. "W-Willow?"

Oh it's you

The redhead smiled nervously. "Well, you see Tara, I just really wanted to tell you something that’s really really important. I like you a lot, Tara. I mean, a lot. I dream about you, and Buffy’s noticing that I’m always distracted these days. You know why? Cuz I’m dreaming about you, but I already said that. I’ll get straight to the point then." She paused, embarrassed. "You can tell I didn’t rehearse that."

Oh it's you

Tara’s lips pursed, trying to hold in her laughter. "N-no. It was perfect. L-like you."

Oh it's you

Willow’s eyes widened at the compliment. "I’m not perfect, Tara. Far from it. I’m human, I make mistakes, lots of them. Like the time when I broke the yellow crayon in kindergarten. I didn’t tell the teacher that it was me, and Xander had to bail me out. I’m not perfect at all. You’re the perfect one. You brighten my day. You make me look forward to night. And that’s why I love-"

She was stopped by Tara’s hands: one on her lips, the other calming her rapidly moving hands. Tara smiled. "I b-brighten your d-day?"

Oh it's you

"More than you’ll ever know," Willow replied. They were both grinning now, ear to ear, hesitantly holding hands.

Oh it's you

"A-and you l-love m-m-me?" A tear fell down Tara’s cheek, only to be wiped away by a soft Willow-digit.

Oh it's you

"See this?" Willow held out the bauble she’d been carrying with her. "Willow and Tara. WT. It’s for you. To show that I love you." She slipped the carved ring onto Tara’s finger.

"W-Willow…" Tara moved forward, momentarily capturing Willow’s lips in hers. "I love you too."

And it was just as Willow had imagined, the kiss. Soft beyond description, loving beyond expression. Their lives had been changed, just as she’d wanted, for the better.

Oh it's you...

The End

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