
by The Bear

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned 'em, they'd have to show it on the Ecstasy Network.
Distribution: /
Feedback: Feed The Bear!
Pairing: Willow/Tara/Buffy

Summary: Book one of the Triad Trilogy. Sequel to the Please Trilogy.

Buffy was walking to the Magic Box, thinking about Willow and Tara. This whole 'Council' ordeal was putting a strain on their relationship. Not that there was any problem between the three of them, but it was interfering with how much time they could spend together.

Plus there was that bastard Travers. His disdainful sneer when the subject of their relationship was brought up made her want to slap his face right off of his arrogant little pin-head. It was a good thing Mistress Tara reined in both her and Willow. He was really lucky Willow didn't have her way with him. She'd been all for shrinking his manhood down to the size of a toothpick. Buffy'd just wanted to beat him up a little.

Add to that the stress of finding Glory in her house, and having Dawn right there with her! Buffy thought she'd have an aneurysm right there. They needed to find out how to beat Glory, and soon. That was the only way to be sure Dawn would be safe.

Unfortunately, it seemed the only way to get that information was to suck up to the Watcher's Council, even though it made her gag to do it. Her brain suddenly caught the double meaning in her musings and she stopped walking, shaking her head. "Ok, I *really* need to get laid tonight," she thought. It had been two whole days without sex with either of her lovers and it was getting to her.

As she stood there, musing, she was suddenly tackled to the ground.

Buffy spun around on the ground and leapt to her feet, facing her attacker. She saw a figure in medieval style armor, including chain-mail covering its face. The figure backhanded her into a pile of garbage.

As she again jumped to her feet, she noticed that her attacker was joined by two more, similarly dressed, figures. The two newcomers had long metal staves, and the first had a longsword.

As the three creatures circled around the slayer she asked, "Uh ... Guys? Any way we could... Not do this?"

The knight with the sword swung at Buffy's head. She ducked, spinning, and punched him. She ducked a staff thrust, kicked the other staff, ducked again, and kicked the first staff-holder in the stomach.

She had to duck another swing, and then kicked the second staff guy twice. She ducked a slash from the sword wielder, blocked a punch, and then punched him in the face while holding his sword arm. She kicked him in the chest, forcing him back long enough for her to grab the staff of another assailant and push him away, causing him to loose his weapon.

She spun around and deflected an attack from the other staff wielder, knocking his weapon away to land near the first. Then she jumped into two back handsprings that carried her over the two staves. She quickly grabbed one staff and thrust it into one knight's stomach. She used it to deflect a sword thrust and then kicked the sword swinger in the stomach.

She rammed the staff into the disarmed knight's stomach again and ducked just in time to avoid the staff of the other one, who had recovered his. As the staff passed over her, she kicked him hard in the stomach causing him to go spinning away. Buffy and the disarmed knight grappled for his staff for a moment, and then she finally just hit him in the face with it, knocking him down.

Buffy dropped her staff, deflected an overhand chop from the sword wielder with one hand, punching him in the face with the other, knocking him to the ground. She shot the staff wielder who was still on his feet a leaping snap kick to the bridge of the nose, knocking him out and picked up the staff again, facing off with the sword wielder who was staggering to his feet.

Buffy disarmed her disoriented foe and pushed him to the ground. She dropped on top of the prone figure and held her staff to its throat, growling, "Okay. Let's see what you are…" She tore away the chain-mail mask to reveal a human looking guy with a big symbol-thing tattooed onto his forehead, "…or who you are?"

The Knight said, "One soldier in a vast army."

Buffy demanded, "What army?"

The fallen Knight answered, "The knights of Byzantium, an ancient order; and now your enemy."

Buffy was getting seriously pissed off with all these new 'enemies' popping up all over the place. She pushed the staff harder into his throat and demanded, "You work for Glory?"

The Knight gave her a dumfounded look, "You think we align ourselves with The Beast? You must be mad!"

Buffy was confused at his words, but clear on the attacker/attackee relationship here. "You're the ones who tried killing me," she said as if that explained her side of things.

"We were fools," the Knight said, "Three of us alone. But if it takes a hundred men, we'll send a hundred men, and if it takes a thousand, we'll send a thousand."

"A thousand?" Buffy said, startled by the logistics of fighting such a group.

The Knight said, "So long as you protect the key, The Brotherhood will never stop until we destroy it and you. You are the slayer, and we know what we must do. Now, be done with it. Kill us, and let legions follow."

Buffy tossed the staff aside, got up and picked up the sword. The knight scrambled to his feet, and she put the sword to his throat. He turned his head away waiting for the kill stroke.

"Your ultimate goal is to destroy The Key?" Buffy asked, trying to get a grip on the situation.

The Knight was puzzled, expecting to be dead already. "Have I not said it?" he confirmed.

"Why?" Buffy asked, keeping the sword against his throat.

The Knight looked at her as if she were mad. "Why? To stop the Beast, of course!"

Buffy said, "So, your ultimate goal is to stop Glory, not destroy The Key…"

The knight stared at her for half a beat, then said, "The Key is too dangerous to be allowed to exist. The key is the link, the link must be severed, such is the will of God," he said, as though by rote.

Buffy rolled her eyes, but saw this as an opportunity to get some information on Glory without becoming beholden to the council. Maybe enough to try something she'd been considering… "Look, at least half of what you want is the same as what I want. You and me should talk. Then, when we're done you can decide if I should still kill you…"

Tara, Willow, Xander and Anya were all sitting on the floor of the mezzanine in the Magic Box. They were all up against the railing, their legs hanging over the side and dangling above the main floor below. They were looking down on all the watchers who had made their last few days a living hell of tension and anxiety with their constant questioning and poking their noses into the Scoobies' lives.

"Where is she?" Xander whispered nervously.

"She'll be here!" Willow whispered back, her voice not as full of conviction as she was striving for. She believed Buffy would be here, but there was always a tendril of fear that Buffy would someday meet something she couldn't win against. That tendril was even more insidious now that she and Buffy were lovers, as well as best friends. The thought of loosing Buffy had always weighed heavily on her, but the thought of loosing Mistress Buffy was even worse- not because she valued Buffy as a lover more than as a friend, but because she would be loosing both lover and friend. She was just about to let the worry get to her when she felt a warm hand under her top, rubbing up her back.

Tara smiled when her pet virtually purred as she petted the skin of her back. She leaned over and whispered into her lover's ear, "Buffy's just fine pet. We'd know if something happened."

Willow arched her back slightly, loving it when Mistress Tara played with her in public.

They didn't always play D/s games, especially in public, but not even always in the bedroom. Tara often liked it sweet and soft with her two lovers, but she did revel in the power that came with being Mistress to two such powerful women.

The power of the slayer was obvious- chosen one; superhuman speed, strength, endurance, and healing. Willow's power was less obvious. To the untrained eye, she was apparently a quiet, somewhat shy college student- beautiful in an understated 'girl next door' way- but nothing special. What was not so apparent was the magic power that she verily buzzed with. Tara had never seen a witch with as much raw power as Willow.

Sometimes it scared Tara a little just how much power Willow could wield- because she was so new and untrained. The girl was almost entirely self taught, and had never practiced with anyone else till Tara came along. There were times when she wanted to throttle Giles- not that she ever would, but she was exasperated with his attitude toward magic. He worried about Willow too, but rather than teach her, he just fretted about and tried to keep her from the more dangerous arcanea. After seeing her hacking skills, and her unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he should have known better.

Tara shook her head as she realized she was off woolgathering. She focused back on the issue at hand. Glory wanted the Key. Dawn *was* the Key. That was pretty much all they knew, beyond Glory being incredibly tough- too tough for Buffy to take on in single combat and beat. Buffy needed an edge, or a tool, or a trick… something to use against this creature. "And the Watcher's Council is our only hope at the moment," she thought.

Anya broke into her thoughts with her usual helpfulness, "Maybe something ate her!" she whispered suddenly.

Tara tightened her hold on Willow, knowing the redheaded witch didn't much like Anya to start with, and such comments were likely to result in a very upset Willow.

Xander, once again torn between his best friend and his lover, tried to diffuse the situation before Willow began a fight. "Ahn, honey, right now we are trying to think happy thoughts, Ok? Thinking about all the bad things that could have happened to Buffy just makes us feel worse, not better. Ok?

Anya was slightly embarrassed. She had been trying so hard to be more 'sensitive to others' feelings' as Xander put it, but she kept messing up. It was hard to tell when it was appropriate to lie and be in denial, and when it wasn't. She kept confusing when it was time for truth and when it was time for denial. She tried again, "Oh, I'm sure nothing ate her on the way here. She's much too big to be consumed so quickly." She smiled, proud that she had said something supportive.

Xander's smile became sort of a strained, 'please kill me now' grimace as he turned to Willow and Tara. "She meant it in a good way…" he trailed off, seeing Willow's scowl and Tara's more understanding half-smile. He turned back to his girlfriend and tried to make the smile more genuine, "Thanks, Ahn. I'm sure we all feel better knowing that."

Tara smirked. Anya was just being Anya. Tara knew she didn't mean anything by it- she was just culturally retarded. You had to accept it and move on, or be angry all the time. "Speaking of which," she thought.

Tara stopped rubbing Willow's back with her left hand and reached over with her right, to turn the scowling face toward her. "Play nice, pet," she instructed gently, but firmly before placing a light kiss on Willow's pouting lips.

Willow was embarrassed about getting annoyed with Anya. "Yes Mistress," she whispered, dropping her eyes. She knew such conflict between Scoobies displeased Tara.

All four Scoobies were relieved when Buffy walked into the shop not even a minute later.

Buffy walked into the Magic Box in somewhat of a daze. Her conversation with the Knight of Byzantium had revealed some information, but she wasn't sure that any of it was useful.

"Glory is a hell god. God of hell," she thought. Not *the* hell, maybe, but some hell dimension somewhere was missing one of it's gods. "Goddess, actually," she mused. She knew now why Glory wanted the key. It almost made her laugh. Glory wanted the key so she could open a portal, and go back to the dimension. Actually it did make her laugh when she first heard it, all this trouble so glory can go home.

She stopped laughing when she heard the rest.

Travers looked up from the table he was sitting alone at, several papers spread out in front of him, and said, "You're late." His condescending disapproval readily apparent.

Buffy said, "Yeah."

Giles noticed that Buffy was carrying a sword and rose to his feet, "Was there an attack?"

Buffy said, "Yeah."

Travers leaned forward slightly and said, "we can begin the review at last." His body language and tone were rife with arrogance and disdain. "We'll, uh, skip the more obvious questions..."

Buffy interrupted him by putting the sword down on his papers. "There isn't going to be a review."

Travers raised an eyebrow and said, "Sorry?" clearly communicating that he must have misheard her, because she couldn't have meant what she said.

Buffy's voice was calm and even as she said, "No review. No interrogation. No questions you *know* I can't answer. No hoops, no jumps…"

One of Travers' toadies began to speak up and Buffy instantly cut him off, "…and no interruptions."

The toady reluctantly shut his mouth.

Buffy looked around at her audience and began to pace. ""See ... I've had a lot of people talking at me the last few days. Everyone just lining up to tell me how unimportant I am. And I've finally figured out why." She stopped pacing and looked Travers in the eye, "Power. I have it. They don't. This bothers them."

The slayer removed her coat as she walked to the table. "Glory came to my home today," she said as if describing the weather.

Giles was alarmed and said, Buffy, are you…"

Buffy interrupted Giles, "Just to talk." She tossed her coat over the back of a chair and resumed pacing. "She told me I'm a bug, I'm a flea, and she could squash me in a second." She stopped and looked again directly at Travers, "Only she didn't. She came into my home, and we talked. We had what in her warped brain probably passes for a civilized conversation. Why?"

Buffy paused and the whole room leaned imperceptibly forward, anticipating the answer. "Because she needs something from me. Because I have power over her." She put her hands on her hips and looked around. She started walking, looking from one watcher to the next as she said, "You guys didn't come all the way from England to see whether or not I was good enough to be let back in. You came to beg me to let *you* back in. To give your jobs, your lives some semblance of meaning."

The toady who was going to interject earlier spoke up. "This is beyond insolence…" he began. The sudden presence of Buffy's sword sticking out from the wall a mere centimeter from his nose effectively interrupted him. He leapt back, shocked.

Buffy didn't ever raise her voice as she said, "I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions."

Xander whispered, "That was excellent!"

Willow and Tara grinned, their eyes shining with love and amazement at their powerful, masterful lover in action.

Buffy continued, "You're watchers. Without a slayer, you're pretty much just watchin' Masterpiece Theater. You can't stop Glory. You can't do anything with the info you have except maybe publish it in the "Everyone Thinks We're Insane-o's Home Journal." She paused and turned to address Travers directly. "So, here's how it's gonna work. You're gonna tell me everything you know. Then you're gonna go away." She began pacing again, her energy obviously making her antsy. "You'll contact me if and when you have any further information about Glory. The magic shop will remain open. Mr. Giles will stay here as my official watcher, reinstated at full salary..."

Giles coughed, "Retroactive."

Buffy amended, " be paid retroactively from the month he was fired." Buffy looked up at the faces of her friends and lovers, sharing a special smile with Tara and Willow. She looked back down at the assembled watchers and continued, "I will continue my work with the help of my friends...

The schoolmarm looking toady interrupted, "I, uh, I... Don't want a sword thrown at me, but, but, civilians, I… we're talking about *children*."

Buffy again looked up at the balcony, her eyes resting briefly on each face looking down at her. She answered, "We're talking about two very powerful witches and a thousand-year-old ex-demon."

Anya piped up, "Willow's a demon?!"

An as-yet unheard from toady said, "The boy? No power there."

Buffy laughed disdainfully, "'The Boy' has fought more demons than all of you combined. He has saved the life of each and every one of us at one time or another. He's one of us."

Willow reached over and gave Xander's hand a supportive squeeze.

Xander glanced at Willow, a giant grin on his face. "I'm one of us!"

Buffy once again addressed the watchers, "Now, you all may be very good at your jobs. The only way we're gonna find out is if you work with me. You can all take your time thinking about that…" she turned back to Travers. "…but I want an answer right now from Quinton, 'cause I think he's understanding me," her tone a disdainful mockery of his words to her.

Travers cleared his throat and said, "Ah, your terms are acceptable."

Giles smiled hugely. The Scoobies burst into cheers and applause, but quickly stopped, looking embarrassed.

Buffy didn't smile, but looked very satisfied. She sat down across from Travers, looking at him expectantly. "So?"

Travers nodded and said, "Ah, Rupert?"

Giles answered, "Quinton?"

Travers said, "When we inventoried your shop, we found a bottle of single malt scotch behind the, ah, incense holders."

Giles stuttered, "Well, it's, it's not, you know, during working hours…"

Travers said, "I think I could use a glass."

Giles said, "Well, I suppose we could use a drink…" and walked away to get a couple of glasses.

Buffy recaptured Travers' attention and said, "So? Glory. I wanna know."

Travers said, "Well, there's a lot to go through."

Buffy said, "I'm not stoppin' you…"

It was after 1am when Travers and his toadies finally left. They would be heading back to England the next morning, and it couldn't be too soon for Buffy.

Xander and Anya had left right after the watchers. Xander was still out on disability leave from his job, but Anya was getting cranky. "You haven't given me any orgasms in over a day!" she had petulantly complained. It was getting so that the other Scoobies were almost accustomed to such outbursts, and no one even batted an eye, though Giles did find a sudden need to clean his glasses.

For once, Buffy could sympathize- If she didn't get one or both of her girlfriends naked soon, she felt like she was gonna scream.

She and Giles were discussing their next step. Giles, of course, was eager to start digging into the research material the council had left for them. They also talked about what to do with Joyce and Dawn, who were spending the night in Spike's crypt. They discussed perhaps sending them away, but Giles suggested waiting until they had a chance to go through the information from the council and see if they could determine exactly how and maybe even when Glory intended to use The Key.

It was either that, or come up with a way to defeat her, because otherwise sending The Key away would just result in Glory chasing after; as she apparently had been doing for years. All that would result from such a course of action would be them losing track of the hellgod and having to leave the Hellmouth to chase her down.

So they tabled the discussion of moving Dawn, and went into a discussion of whether or not to tell Dawn. Buffy's initial reaction was not to, but it took only a raised brow from Mistress Tara to achieve a compromise in which they would sit down with Dawn after they had finished reviewing the council's material, and could thus offer the young girl as much information as possible. Buffy worried that Dawn would react badly, and Tara had pointed out that her innate curiosity would lead her to discovery eventually, and her reaction would be even worse if she found out some other way. She was, after all, already wigging out, what with the crazy people talking about her like she was a thing- apparently they saw something that 'normal' people couldn't.

Giles noted that Buffy's attention was becoming less and less focused on the particular topic at hand; and more and more focused on the two witches. Tara was sitting on the floor against the wall, while Willow laid with her head pillowed in the blonde witch's lap.

Tara was absently running her fingers through the mop of red hair in her lap, eliciting a contented purring from her pet. Her eyes, however were observing Buffy. She was coming to recognize that look in her lover's eyes. Occasionally the slayer seemed to find it necessary to mark her territory- no amount of discipline dissuaded her. Tara thought it must be her slayer nature. Whatever it was, something made her need to dominate Tara once in a while. It had happened twice already, preceded each time by that look of hunger, and both times Tara had followed it the next day with a session using the paddle, and denying Buffy's release until the slayer was crying and begging her mistress for forgiveness.

Such forgiveness was always forthcoming, of course. This was still a game for the most part, not their whole life.

Giles finally realized that there was no point in continuing the conversation this night. He got up and said, I'm going to take some of this home with me, Buffy. Will you lock up before you leave?

"Uh huh," Buffy muttered, her lust beginning to interfere with her thinking.

Giles sighed, "Just try not to break anything expensive, Alright?"

"Un huh," Buffy again muttered, not catching his meaning in her heightened state of arousal.

Willow giggled, seeing from Buffy's face that she was in for some thorough sexin' pretty much as soon as Giles walked out the door. "'Night, Giles," she said. she couldn't resist teasing him though and added, "Sweet dreams!" knowing what he was likely to dream about that night. Tweed or no, he was still a man and pretty much no straight man on the planet was going to be able to walk away from this situation, knowing what Giles knew, and not think about the three hot girls about to get naked.

Tara still had the grace to blush, but she too was struck by an impish need to tease the normally staid Brit, "Good night Mr. Giles. Oh, and don't worry- we'll use the training room."

Giles voice broke slightly as he uttered, "Good Lord!" and got himself out of the store as quickly as he could while still maintaining some slight sense of decorum.

As the door closed behind him, Willow innocently said, "I thought it was supposed to be their upper lip that was stiff…"

Part 2

Buffy wordlessly got up, walked over and took Tara's and Willow's hand, pulling them to their feet, gently but insistently. Neither witch protested in the least. They had taken the opportunity to enjoy each other's bodies in the last two days, but both missed their third partner in those encounters.

Buffy's enforced two day abstinence had been the most she had had to wait since the three of them had begun their relationship. While she had gone much longer between sexual encounters in her past, somehow she had become addicted to her two witches in a short time and was suffering from the lack. She led her partners into the training room and over to one of the exercise mats laying along the wall by her punching bag. She turned to Willow and caught her lips in a fiery kiss, clearly communicating her frustrated desire for the redheaded witch.

Willow was panting in lust as Buffy broke the kiss, her eyes dilated and her mouth hanging open, lips wet and swollen with Buffy's kiss. She eagerly waited for Buffy to tell her what to do next.

Tara knew what Buffy wanted, and decided to let it happen, but this time she would maintain control, or at least the appearance of control. She looked at Willow, "So beautiful," she thought fondly, loving the look of her girlfriend lost in a world of desire. "Take off your clothes pet," she instructed. She turned Buffy away from Willow and commanded her, "Mark me, slayer. I want you to put your mark on me."

Buffy's eyes widened even further as her Mistress commanded her. It was her intention in any case, but rather than fighting for dominance, Mistress was maintaining the upper hand while allowing Buffy to fulfill her needs. She looked into Tara's eyes and saw understanding there. "Thank you Mistress!" she whispered raggedly as she pulled the taller blonde into a searing, passionate kiss.

Tara had to break off the kiss, air becoming a necessity. She moaned as the slayer's lips trailed down her throat, latching on to her pulse point. She wrapped her arms around the petite woman and pulled her close to her body, reveling in the feel, even through layers of clothing, of her lithe body against Tara's fuller, more curvaceous figure. She brought up one hand and pulled the slayer's head against her neck, reinforcing her desire for the slayer to give in to this need.

Willow had wasted no time in shedding her clothes and stood watching in open amazement as Mistress Tara had Mistress Buffy leaving her love bite on her throat. Willow found that mark to be so sexy- she loved to kiss and lick Mistress Tara there, and it never failed to elicit a moan of pleasure from the blond witch. Since the first time Willow had seen it, Mistress Buffy never let the mark fade away entirely, renewing it despite the fact Tara disciplined her for it.

This was the first time Willow had seen Tara deliberately allowing the Slayer to mark her.

As Buffy released the flesh of Tara's neck from her teeth, she felt Tara sigh. She was a little confused, because this act had resulted in discipline in the past, but this time it had been at her Mistress' command and the Slayer didn't know how to react. "Mistress, I…" she trailed off, not knowing what to say or do.

Tara stepped back from her and used her fingers to tilt the Slayer's chin up to meet her gaze. "It's all right Slayer. What kind of Mistress would I be if I didn't see to my pet's needs?" she asked gently. Recognizing another need that the Slayer had, she added, "Maybe tomorrow we'll go shopping and you can pick out something nice for me to punish you with."

Buffy realized that Tara knew her needs better than she did herself. The Slayer needed to challenge her Mistress' dominance, not because she wanted to be dominant herself, but because she needed to be dominated- reminded that she belonged to the Mistress. The Slayer was a denizen of the night. She thrived on violence and pain. Buffy could readily submit to Tara, but the Slayer needed to be forced- she couldn't give up without a fight.

And, frankly, Buffy needed the pain- it was like a catharsis. It helped her assuage her guilt. Guilt that she knew was irrational, but felt regardless. Every time Tara disciplined her, she could feel that heavy load of guilt erode more and more. It satisfied her feeling of deserving punishment for what she saw as her failures. If Tara beat her, she didn't feel the need to beat herself up anymore, it enabled her mind to overcome her emotions.

She imagined that a psychiatrist would have a field day with her. But, conventional or not, she felt much better now that she was in this relationship. And, she didn't feel the need to analyze any of this- she just knew it, she just felt it; for the first time since becoming the Slayer, Buffy Summers felt happy.

All of that was something to be reflected upon later. Right now she had other needs to fulfill.

"Thank you Mistress!" Buffy cried, her voice heavy with both gratitude and desire.

Turning her attention to her other pet, Tara said, "I think your Mistress Buffy is overdressed for this occasion, don't you pet?"

Willow had actually began to salivate when Tara began talking about shopping for disciplinary toys- she didn't want whips or paddles, personally- but there were some other toys that she imagined she would enjoy very much. In answer to Tara's question she said, "Oh yes! Mistress Tara!" nodding vigorously.

Tara smiled at the sight of her lover bouncing up and down in excitement, her small breasts jiggling delightfully. "Why don't you take her clothes off, pet? Then the two of you can attend to mine."

Willow smiled excitedly. "Oh yes Mistress Tara! Thank you Mistress Tara!" she gushed as she fairly leapt to the task. She came up behind the Slayer and paused momentarily, her hands just about to move to the hem of her shirt. "May I undress you, Mistress Buffy," she was careful to ask before touching.

Buffy's voice was low and rough as her desire thickened her vocal cords. "Yes, please!" she half-moaned out.

Willow whispered in the Slayer's ear, "Thank you Mistress Buffy," and slid her hands under the fabric of her shirt, moving around to the front. She made sure she was pushing up the material with her arms as her hands moved over her bra, making sure to cop a feel of her Mistress as she went.

Buffy raised her arms over her head to help facilitate things, moaning at her pet's ability to involve maximal skin to skin contact in the process of stripping her.

Tara's eyes widened and she felt herself becoming quite moist as she watched the flesh of the Slayer's flat little tummy revealed. She loved Buffy's skin, loved the feel of it against her own.

Willow smiled, pleased to be arousing both of her Mistress's. She'd had so much practice at it lately that she'd mastered the art of taking off someone's clothes and turning it into a light petting session without obvious delays. Mistress became cross with her if she actually stopped to touch or play while removing the clothes, so Willow made sure constant, if not quick, progress was made in the removal process, while maximizing her hands-on contact with various erogenous zones. She could usually bring both of her mistresses to a mass of hot, panting, need by the time she had them naked.

Willow reveled in the submissive role. She adored being commanded and guided by her two Mistresses. It never failed to excite her. A single look, or a stern tone of voice from either of her lovers and she melted, instantly becoming wet and ready for any demand they might make of her.

If she had taken the time to analyze this almost Pavlovian response, she would have realized that her parents were to blame. Years of neglect had left an indelible mark on her psyche. Unlike some children who might rebel to gain attention, Willow had always strived to perform. Her parents had handed out praise sparingly, and always with an enjoinder to do better in the future. Such had turned Willow into a performance freak- always striving for perfection in the hopes of getting a pat on the head from mommy and daddy.

Well, with Tara and Buffy, performance received immediate rewards. She never had to wait or beg for it, every moan and groan, every cry of pleasure was like a badge of honor. Then, when she had done a good job of pleasing her Mistress(es), she was given pleasure herself, pleasure greater than anything she had ever felt before. This was why she loved the after part the best. The whispers and cuddling was like an affirmation of her value as a person. The last two weeks were like a smorgasbord, laid out before a starving person and she glutted herself on the love and attention and acceptance. However, unlike a starving person, she was often satisfied, but never full.

Willow could give and give and give till her Mistresses couldn't take another second. She could take and take and take until she had worn out even the Slayer's stamina. Willow was easily satisfied, perfectly content after only a single release; but she was never sated. Just for fun, her Mistress's had tried to wear her out one night, taking turns they made Willow cum over forty times, if you counted the multiples, and yet she could have gone more if Tara and Buffy hadn't been exhausted. It had been the greatest night of Willow's life to that point.

Right now her focus was on getting Buffy naked and aroused. She kept her palms flat on the Slayer's skin as she slid the shirt up her arms, briefly interlacing her fingers with Buffy's before the shirt came entirely off. She had her own naked flesh pressed against Buffy's half naked back as the shirt fell to the ground and Willow kicked it toward the growing pile.

Willow dragged her hands down the insides of Buffy's arms, slipping them down into the cups of her bra, gently kneading the flesh therein, before working the front catch open while her hands were still inside the material- a trick that impressed both her Mistresses quite a bit the first time she'd successfully done it. She made sure to capture Buffy's already stiff nipples between her fingers as she moved her hands out and away, opening the bra to Tara's gaze, and pulling Buffy's nipples up and out from her breasts.

Both Buffy and Tara gasped at that- one at the sight and the other at the sensation.

Tara immediately thought of the scissoring nipple clamps sitting in a drawer in her room. She wouldn't have been too shocked to know that Buffy was thinking of the same thing.

Willow released Buffy's stretched flesh, causing her breasts to bobble fetchingly. It was too much for Tara and she had to lean in and capture one stiff nubbin with her mouth, suckling it lightly as Willow continued to undress her junior Mistress.

Willow drew her hands back, sliding the bra off and away from Buffy, again kicking it to the side when it landed at her feet. She slid her hands back around the tanned skin of Buffy's torso, stroking down her flat stomach to the button of her jeans. After undoing the button, she pulled down the zipper. As the zipper reached the bottom of its range, Willow's hand continued down, briefly cupping the Slayer's hot sex through the denim material.

Buffy, already moaning at Tara's ministration to her right breast, gasped loudly at the feel of Willow's hand pressing the stiff denim into her already drenched pussy.

Willow slid her hands back up and around to the Slayer's lower back and got ready to push them down beneath the denim fabric and over her rounded cheeks. She expected to squeeze the Slayer's ass through the material of her panties, or maybe, if she was lucky, to pass them over a brief strip of material indicating a thong, thus allowing her to squeeze her ass directly.

Buffy smirked as she heard Willow's gasp when she found nothing but skin under her denim jeans.

Hearing her pet's gasp, Tara pulled away from the Slayer's nipple with a popping sound and looked down to see nothing but naked flesh revealed as Willow drew the Slayer's pants down her muscular legs. "Naughty Slayer! Did you lose your panties on your way here?"

Willow continued to move the pants down Buffy's legs, her thumbs stroking the ticklish spot on the inside of the backs of her knees as she went. And, if her face happened to rub against the smooth skin of Buffy's ass as she passed, well, it was purely intentional.

Buffy answered her Mistress; trying not to gasp at the sensations Willow was causing her, "N- no Mistress. I… I like the way these jeans feel against me when I walk."

Tara smiled and reached forward, stroking the Slayer's damp sex with a barely-there touch. "You like the way they rub you, Slayer? Tell me exactly where they make you feel good," she said.

Tara was beginning to really get into the sexy talk. She loved the way it made her pet's react, especially when whispered in their ears in public settings. It was another thing that she only now in her life felt empowered to do. This relationship was rapidly undoing the damage done by a lifetime of repression, being abused and beaten down- though thankfully not ever sexually abused. The love and acceptance from Willow during their monogamous relationship had done a great deal in helping Tara regain a sense of self worth- of being able to see herself as someone who was beautiful, someone who could be loved. She still felt like the junior partner sometimes though- joining a group of established friends- she felt a bit like the outsider.

Being Dom to Willow and Buffy… That had been like an adrenaline surge to her self image. Having these two strong women- powerful warriors of the light- submit to her will made her feel strong and confident- more so than she had ever before. She was well out of her shell now. If her brother Donny would have come back now instead of weeks ago, she'd have laughed him out of the store before giving him a piece of her mind- tearing him a new hole. And, if he'd so much as dared to raise a hand against her? She'd have smote him down like the hand of a wrathful god.

Ok, so she'd fantasized about it- just a little…

Buffy was shivering at the feather light touch Tara was applying to her. She answered her Mistress' question with a tremulous voice, "My p- pussy Mistress."

Willow slid off the Slayer's shoes and socks, and then pulled her pants away from her feet, leaving Buffy completely naked. She had to quickly rise to her feet, because from where she was on he knees, Willow could see the Slayer's juices, shiny on the inside of her thighs. She could smell the Slayer's potent arousal. If she didn't get away from it, she'd end up spreading Buffy's ass-cheeks and burying her face between those legs, licking for all she was worth. A grand idea, but Mistress Tara had given her instructions and she would carry them out. She did slip an unauthorized arm around Buffy's waist, pulling her close as she said, "May we undress you now, Mistress Tara?

Tara was impatient. She had become very turned on by Willow's teasing of Buffy while undressing her, and while she normally enjoyed such treatment herself, right now she wanted Buffy's face in her pussy. "No, pet. I don't think I could stand the teasing right now," she said as she quickly disrobed. "Why don't you lie down on your back. Buffy, you straddle her face and service me while Willow services you.

Both women were happy with that arrangement and chanted in unison, "Yes Mistress!"

One might have thought that Willow would be dissatisfied, as she would not receive any pleasuring from such a position. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Willow expected to service her Mistress before she received anything- that was her role, and she loved her role as sub. Not only that, but she did receive a great deal of satisfaction when servicing her Mistresses. It gave her enormous pleasure to drive Buffy or Tara wild with her fingers and tongue.

It was that 'recognition for performance' thing again. Nothing in life made Willow happier than to do a good job, and be recognized for having done so; especially by those whom she cared for most. When a simple 'thank you' from one of her Mistresses could make her day, the response of hearing them scream in ecstasy and look at her with awe-filled eyes and telling her how magnificent she was, well it was better than an orgasm for her. To please her Mistresses made her happier than she could ever explain.

The redhead quickly got onto her back and wiggled herself between the thighs of the kneeling Slayer. She pulled Buffy's hips down so that she didn't have to strain her neck to reach the dripping petals of her sex. Willow began to clean her thighs of her syrupy goodness. She didn't want to let a single drop of the Slayer's powerful essence go to waste.

Buffy herself wasted no time diving in to her Mistresses wet, sticky pussy. She sucked Tara's labia into her mouth, gently pulling away while sucking, until it slipped out of her mouth, then dove back in after the other. She spent several minutes French-kissing her Mistresses nether-lips, her own moans humming in harmony with Tara's as Willow worked her magic on the Slayer's weeping sex.

Everyone was so on the edge, that it didn't take long to cum. After only three minutes, Buffy's pussy was so wet that Willow couldn't keep up; the lower half of her face was completely coated in Buffy's syrup. Willow gave up trying and moved up to her clit, circling it slowly for a moment, having to hold onto the Slayer's hips, as they kept trying to rotate along with Willow's tongue as she subconsciously danced in an effort to grind her clit into that elusive tongue.

When Willow finally sucked Buffy's clit into her mouth and lashed it with her tongue, Buffy screamed her orgasm into Tara's quivering sex.

Tara lost control and grabbed her Slayer by the hair, grinding Buffy's face into her dripping need. Not even a minute later, Tara was howling out her rapturous release.

Buffy kept her tongue buried deep in Tara's center as her Mistress rode out her orgasm, never letting go of Buffy's hair or letting up on the pressure she was exerting against her head. Just when Buffy thought oxygen might become an issue, Tara pulled her face away from her sex and pulled her up by the hair for a kiss. She whimpered, both at the dominating kiss, and at being pulled away from Willow, who was busy gently lapping her clean.

After breaking off the kiss, and licking her own release from the Slayer's face, she loosened her grip on the blond hair. "You're such a good pet, Slayer. You please me so well!" She placed a quick kiss on Buffy's lips and then finished, "Now, go clean your pet up and tell her what a marvelous job she did. Then I'll let you see to her pleasure while she services me."

Buffy smiled and nodded, "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress."

She turned to her pet, who was staring in open lust at the sight of Mistress Tara licking Buffy's face clean. She smiled at Willow, pausing a moment to take in the sight. Willow was laying on her side, watching the two blondes interact. Buffy let her eyes trail down from Willow's face, sticky wet from the Slayer's passion, taking in the graceful curve of her neck, lingering momentarily on her small, but shapely breasts, sitting slightly askew as they were tugged down by gravity. Buffy continued down the saddle shaped curve of the redhead's torso, and up over the rise of her hip, which framed the lovely red triangle of fur surrounding Willow's saturated pussy.

Willow noticed her Mistress focusing on the juncture of her thighs. She raised her leg to give the Slayer a better view.

Buffy felt her salivary glands let go at the sight of Willow revealing her charms. The redhead's lap was wet with her desire, and the Slayer could see the sticky moisture stretching between the parting thighs. She moved her eyes back up to the face of her pet, taking in the flushed skin as Willow reacted to being ogled.

The look in Buffy's eyes was enough to make Willow feel heat course through her body. "Goddess, she looks like she's going to eat me alive!" the redhead thought with heart pounding anticipation.

Buffy pushed Willow down onto her back and straddled her hips, moving down so that their centers were touching. She didn't move, just pressed her body against her pet's, covering her as much as her slightly shorter frame could. She looked Willow in the eyes and held her head in her hands. She began to clean Willow's face, lapping slowly, using wide strokes to clean her own essence off of Willow's skin.

Buffy loved her own taste nearly as well as that of her lovers'. She especially enjoyed tasting it from their skin.

She began to praise her pet between licks:

"You're so beautiful, Willow."


"You please me so well."


"No one has ever made me feel like you do."


"I love you so much that I can't stand to be apart from you."


Willow was starting to go insane. Buffy had slowly begun to rub her pussy against Willow's engorged clit while she cleaned her face and praised her. It was just slow little circles, but with Willow's heightened state of arousal, and with the emotional stimulation from Buffy's words, it was only a minute before Willow was bucking up against the Slayer's body, waves of ecstasy rippling through her.

Buffy cut off Willow's orgasmic cries by sucking the redhead's tongue into her mouth, crushing their lips together in a wild kiss. She continued to gyrate her hips against Willow's, prolonging her pet's release as long as it would go.

She finally broke the kiss as Mistress Tara gripped her once again by the hair and pulled her up and away from the redhead's face.

"I said you could pleasure her while she services me, Slayer," Tara whispered in her ear. "Now get down there and try it again."

Buffy liked Mistress Tara more and more as the girl came out of her shell and took command. Buffy was finding that she liked being dominated. The Slayer nature in her wanted to rebel now and then, but she herself craved to be controlled. She was tired of being in charge all the time, of being responsible for everyone's safety, everyone's life. She lowered her eyes submissively and said, "Yes, Mistress."

Tara smiled as Buffy bent to her task. She looked down on the flushed redhead, and leaned in for a kiss. Breaking character for a moment she whispered in the redhead's ear, "Love you, Willow."

Willow melted. Tara's affirmation of love in the midst of her post-orgasmic bliss was just so sweet, so Tara-like. She cupped her lover's cheek for a moment and whispered back, "I love you too, baby."

Tara smiled and kissed Willow's palm, enjoying the look of pleasure on her face as Buffy began to suckle her pussy. Willow always looked so darn hot when she was being pleasured- the emotions and feelings really showed on her face. It almost seemed a shame to cover that beautiful face up, but Tara had a duty to perform. "Alright pet, let's put that talented tongue of yours to good use!" she said as she swung a leg over Willow's head and settled herself on that sweet mouth.

"Ysh Mshtrsh," Willow mumbled against the blonde's nether-lips before getting to work. "I love this!" she thought happily as Tara began whimpering and moaning with pleasure.

Part 3

Buffy woke up first again. Slayers needed little sleep, "Thank God!" Buffy thought.

She nudged Willow and Tara, who were sleeping spooned together, while Buffy faced them.

Willow whined, "Sleepy. Don't wanna get up!" while Tara was blinking sleep from her eyes.

Buffy grinned at the redhead, "She's such a little girl sometimes…" the thought tapered off as Buffy pictured Willow's head between her thighs, face grinding into her, tongue deep inside her- driving her insane with pleasure. "Not such a little girl all the time though," she thought with a blush. "Got to, baby. Don't want Giles finding us naked on the floor, do you?

Willow paused a moment as if considering it. "Hmm, I guess not," she said with obvious reluctance. Picturing the event, she grinned and added, "I don't know, though. It'd be pretty funny!"

Buffy's eyes bugged out and she blushed all over her body at the thought of Giles walking in and seeing them in their present state- buck naked and thoroughly sexed. "Willow!" she exclaimed in shock, "You little perv."

Tara slipped an arm possessively around her lover and said, "I don't think so, pet. I'm not sharing you with anyone but the Slayer!" She leaned in and gently nibbled Willow's ear to punctuate her statement.

Willow gasped and was instantly aroused.

Buffy snickered at Willow's spontaneous reaction. "Ah ah ah! No time for that, Mistress. Not if we don't want Willow's little scenario to come true." Seeing that neither really wanted to stop, she added, "He'll be here in about half an hour, maybe less. Plus, we've got to get Dawn and my mom from Spike's crypt. They're already gonna be pissed at having to spend the night there."

Willow once again whimpered in disappointment as Tara released her earlobe and rolled away from her. "Mmph! I wanted to play!"

Tara laughed, "Let that be your lesson, pet, for coming up with such a naughty idea. You can spend the morning aroused and unsatisfied."

Willow whimpered again, but submissively said, "Yes Mistress." Silently she resolved to do everything in her power to turn on her Mistresses until one or both gave in and played with her. "It'll be worth the spanking!" she thought, sure that playing the bad girl would result in having her ass whipped before she'd be allowed to cum. She knew, however, that neither of her Mistresses could spank her without giving in and letting her cum, just because they wanted to see it. They might be in charge, but she knew that she had power over them because they wanted her so badly.

Besides, it turned out that she really liked getting spanked.

It was a couple of days later; they'd moved mom and Dawn back to the house, figuring it was more suspicious to hide them out with Spike, Buffy was sitting in the Magic Box, trying to get out of having a birthday party. "Look, I know Mom wants to gather and make with the merry tomorrow night, but with everything that's going on..." she started.

Willow walked up from behind Buffy and unceremoniously plopped into her lap, draping her arms around the Slayer's neck and saying, "This is exactly what you need. A 20th birthday party with, with, with presents, and funny hats, and, and those candles that don't blow out..." She leaned her head backwards towards Tara, who had taken a seat next to the pair. "Those used to scare me," she whispered.

Tara smiled indulgently at her lover and whispered back, "Me too."

Buffy said, "I just don't think this is the best time to break out the party piñata. We need to stay f- focused if we're gonna find a way to stop Glory." She was trying, unsuccessfully to keep from being distracted by Willow rubbing her face into the Slayer's neck, gently kissing her over her pulse point.

Xander and Anya were sitting across from the triad. Neither noticed that the other was enthralled with Willow's attentions to the Slayer.

Tara noticed and shot them both a withering glare.

Xander shook off his staring. "Not good to piss of a dominatrix witch!" he thought as he desperately tried to deflect attention from himself. "We're going up against a god. An actual 'mightier-than-thou' god!" he lamented.

Willow stopped nuzzling Buffy long enough to say, "Well, you know what they say, the bigger they are…"

Anya interrupted her, "The faster they stomp you into nothing."

Everyone stared at her for a moment.

Buffy sighed. "She's right. I've thrown everything I've got at her and she just shrugs it off," she said somewhat despondently.

Ever the supportive friend, Willow was quick to try and perk up her lover. "Then we have to find something heavier to throw," she said as if it were that simple.

Giles looked up from the pile of books and papers he was reading through. "That might pose some difficulty," he said. "From what the Council's been able to discover from the book of Tarnis and, and, and other sources, Glory and two of her fellow hellgods ruled over... one of the more seriously unpleasant demon dimensions."

Tara was surprised. "There's more than one?"

Anya said, "Oh, there are thousands of demon dimensions. All different."

Continuing from Anya's comment, Giles said, "All pushing on the edges of our reality, trying to find a way in."

Buffy hugged Willow tightly to her, as a child would with a stuffed animal, "That bizarrium guy that attacked me said that she was banished here when she lost a war- it must have been with those other two. He said she wanted the key to get back there…"

Tara asked, "Why don't we let her go?"

Buffy said, "He said the portal she'd open wouldn't close- it would just get bigger and bigger until all the dimensions kinda mixed together…"

Giles frowned, "We have only his word to go on," he cautioned. "There's nothing to indicate that here. Just... vague references to... chaos and destruction." The sound of the whistling teakettle caused Giles to get up and walk away.

Buffy continued, "Plus, we don't know what she has to do to use The Key. I'm betting it won't be pleasant.

Tara sat back somewhat defeated. "Right. No Key for Glory then." She'd forgotten for just a moment that The Key was Dawn.

Buffy said, "Okay, so, we know where Glory's from…"

"And where she wants to go…" Willow said softly. She was still paying attention to Buffy's neck.

"Right," Buffy said, suppressing a moan. "I am so going to spank you later!" she thought. She knew that's exactly what Willow wanted, but she couldn't help herself. The little redhead was driving her nuts. "Uh, mmm, but what do we know about her?" she said, trying to get back on track. "You know, she's tough, yeah, but, but no bolts of lightning, no blasts of fire, sh- shouldn't a god be able to do that kind of stuff?" she asked, her eyes seeking Giles', looking for answers.

Giles tilted his head in thought as he poured his tea, "Uh, usually, yes, but um, being in human form must be severely limiting her powers. All we have to worry about right now is she's immortal, invulnerable, and insane."

"A *crazy* hellgod?" Xander asked loudly. "And the fun just keeps on leaving," he said, shaking his head.

Returning to his seat, tea in hand, Giles said, "From what I've been able to gather, her living in this world is... seriously affecting her mental state as well. She's only being able to keep her mind intact by, uh, extracting energy from us. Well, from, from the human brain."

Tara sat back up in alarm. "She's a brain-sucker?" she gulped at the thought.

"She, um..." Giles leaned over to read from the text, "…absorbs the energies that bind the human mind into a cohesive whole." His eyes leaving the text, he added, "Once drained, all that's left behind is, uh…"

"Crazy people," Buffy said, finishing the thought.

Giles got up to get more tea, saying, "Which is, I'm afraid, why there's been a marked increase in the ranks of the mentally unstable here in Sunnydale."

Tara muttered, "At least vampires just kill you."

Buffy said, rhetorically, "We have to find a way to stop her!"

Feeling in her heart the concern radiating from Buffy, Willow said, "Oh, well, Tara and I can work on some tactical spells," and made as if to get up from Buffy's lap.

Buffy held tightly to Willow, not wanting her to get up. Right now she needed her Will, needed her close. Looking over at Tara, she reached out a hand. She needed the support of both her lovers right now.

Willow practically melted against the Slayer. Being needed and wanted was pretty much all she wanted from life. Kicking evil's ass and having amazing sex with both of her lovers made up the rest of her id.

Tara gripped the Slayer's hand gratefully. She too needed the support of her lovers right now.

Anya wanted to be helpful too, "I can do some research. I know *way* more about demon dimensions than Giles does, she said. Noticing Giles frown, she said, "Well, I do."

Xander said, "what about The Key?"

Everyone's focus turned to Xander.

"Shouldn't The Key go on a little trip, maybe somewhere that's else, somewhere a little less… hellgoddy?" he asked.

No one said anything for a moment. Finally Giles said, "We don't know that that would do any good. Glory might well just go after her…"

Xander warmed to the subject, "But she wouldn't know." Turning his attention to Buffy, he pointed out, "She couldn't detect anything when she was at your house the other day, right?"

"Well, no…" Buffy answered hesitantly.

"And when your mom and Dawn went to SanFran, last month- no Glory scurrying off to find her was there?"

Again, Buffy answered, "Well… no, not so much."

Anya smiled broadly at Xander. "You're so smart!" she said proudly.

Xander beamed at his demon-girl.

Giles spoke up, "While I'm hesitant to agree with Xander…"

Anya and Xander both shouted, "Hey!" in unison.

Giles couldn't quite keep the smirk off of his face.

Tara and Willow both snickered not so quietly as Buffy said, "Giles! You made a funny!"

The group talked on for another hour, considering plans, and discussing what, and when, to tell Dawn.

Willow was hot and bothered. After two hours in Buffy's lap, squirming on and nuzzling against the Slayer, what did she expect? Both of her Mistresses turned her on so much that Willow was almost always aroused these days. She loved it though, even when she had to wait to cum. The arousal built up over time making her hotter and hotter. When her Mistresses finally did allow her release, she would go off like an explosion. And, she could cum and cum and cum without any diminishing of intensity. It was like the triad thing had turned her into this wanton sexual creature, something she'd never imagined she could be. "Goddess, I'm becoming a nymphomaniac!" she suddenly realized.

The three of them were walking back to Buffy's house- the Slayer had said in no uncertain terms that she wasn't spending another night on the mats in the training room. "I plan on making love to my girlfriends in a proper bed, thank you very much!

The first night the three of them had spent together in Buffy's room, while her mom and sister were home, had been, well less private than they might have wanted. When they had gone down to breakfast the next morning, Dawn and Joyce were already digging in to a stack of pancakes. They were giggling madly, and Willow had made the mistake of asking what's so funny. Dawn practically choked on her tongue in an effort not to laugh. Joyce managed an innocent look, and just said, "oh nothing." She turned to Dawn, picked up a pancake on the spatula and offered it, and without cracking a smile, said, "Ok, Baby, you think you can take one more?"

Willow looked confused, Buffy's eyes widened, and Tara began to blush light red.

Dawn was still giggling but managed to choke out, "Oh yeah, I think I've got one more in me."

Joyce still managed to keep a straight face as she continued, "You sure, Baby? That's four, already."

Buffy's jaw sagged open and Tara was blushing hot, beet-red, trying to restrain herself from laughing, or crying- she wasn't sure which. Willow was just now catching on and her skin was rapidly approaching the color of her hair.

Dawn finished the homage, saying, "Oh goddess yes, give it to me!"

With that Joyce couldn't restrain herself and busted out in raucous laughter. Dawn had tears streaming down her face, she laughed so hard.

Buffy shot Tara a withering glance as she too began to cackle wildly.

All the color left Willow's face and she threw herself into Buffy's arms, hiding from the evil Dawn and Joyce.

Buffy held the mortified redhead in her arms. She was so embarrassed. She softly said, "I thought we were being so quiet!"

At that, even Willow had to give in to the ridiculousness of the situation. She kept her face buried in Buffy's neck, but began to shake with laughter herself.

Willow still couldn't meet either Summers woman's eyes without blushing.

Since that night, they had taken precautions. Buffy wouldn't hear of spending the night apart from either her family or her girlfriends, what with Glory threatening everyone she loved. Tara had modified the sound insulation spell so that they could hear sounds from the house- just in case some nasty or other decided to break in- but no sound from inside the room made it past the walls. They had to renew it weekly, but it was well worth it.

Even though Willow was still embarrassed over what she called the 'pancake incident' it did nothing to slow her ardor. She still wanted her Mistresses nightly, "More like morning, noon, and nightly," she thought. "Oh, and evenings too." Yep, she was definitely becoming a nymphomaniac.

They were only halfway to their destination when Willow suddenly turned and threw herself at the Slayer, shouting, "Catch me Buffy!"

Buffy's heightened reflexes allowed her to keep from being knocked over as she suddenly found a redhead attached to her torso, arms and legs wrapped around her back, and lips assaulting her own.

After kissing Buffy breathless, Willow slid down off of her, and said, "I love you Mistress Buffy!"

Turning from the stunned Slayer, Willow sauntered the few steps to her other Mistress, being sure to swing her hips enticingly as she went. She didn't throw herself in the other blonde's arms- no Slayer strength or reflexes there- rather she gently pressed her body against the voluptuous curves of her senior Mistress and slowly suckled on Tara's pouty lips. After heightening Tara's pulse and respiration, she looked up into her eyes and repeated "I love you Mistress Tara!"

Tara gave Buffy one of her lopsided grins and said, "Somebody's feeling needy…"

Buffy snickered, "Can't wait till we get you home pet?"

Now Willow was getting really turned on. She tried a little pout, "What, can't a girl tell her dominatrix girlfriend's that she loves them?"

Buffy said, "We love you too, Will."

Tara said, "We do, but somehow I don't think your intentions were entirely pure."

Willow sulked unconvincingly.

"Don't pout, pet," Tara said. "The Slayer and I have a surprise for you tonight."

Buffy raised her eyebrows in surprise. She and Tara had talked about something, but she didn't know Tara had gotten the equipment for it. "Willowmeat?" she mouthed at her Mistress, checking to be sure she was on the same page.

Tara nodded her head.

Willow missed Buffy's question and spun around asking, "What? A surprise? What is it?" she sounded like a kid being told she was getting a present.

Buffy, addressing Tara, said, "She seems impatient to me, Mistress. She may need to be disciplined, and then she should work to earn her surprise."

Willow began to salivate at the thought.

Tara ran her hand down Willow's neck possessively, reaching around and grabbing her by the hair at the nape of her neck, not pulling or hurting, but just reminding her who was in charge as she said, "You'd like that even better wouldn't you pet?"

Willow couldn't nod her head from the firm grip Tara had on her. She was somewhat embarrassed to note that she could feel her panties soaking through the moment Tara had grabbed her hair. "Yes Mistress!" she said. "I should definitely be disciplined for my impatience."

"Don't put yourself out, Mouse," came a voice from across the street. "Why not let me have a go?" Spike asked, his tone lecherous. "I know how to wear out a slave."

Buffy was furious. How dare Spike interfere with her love life! "I am going to *so* kick your ass!" she growled.

Tara remained calm. She loosed Willow and addressed Buffy, "Easy, Slayer. I'll handle this one."

Spike was amazed when Buffy actually backed down. He'd expected to get beat up, but it would have been worth it. Now… "You're subbin to the bleedin Mouse?" he taunted Buffy.

Spike was mistaking the witch in front of him for the shy, meek little girl she used to be. It was, she supposed, a natural mistake, after all it hadn't been even three months since the encounter with her father, brother and cousin, when Spike had seen her at her worst.

Boy was he in for a surprise.

Tara whispered an incantation and made a gesture and the magic gripped Spike by his ankles. Another gesture and his feet were pulled out from under him, causing him to fall back and smash his head hard against the pavement.

"OOOWWWW!!! Bloody hell! What did you do to me, you stupid bint?" Spike shouted in pain.

Tara was thoroughly enjoying herself, and her pets' stunned reactions. "Now, now, Spike. You're being very rude."

She made another gesture and the vampire was snatched up into the air by his feet, until he was hanging upside-down with his head was about 8' above the street.

"Bloody hell!" Spike shouted again, his vocabulary not being all that extensive.

Tara smiled. "You know, I never did thank you for punching me in the nose that time." Turning to address Buffy, she said, "Slayer, why don't you show this vermin how high you jump when Mistress tells you to."

Buffy blushed just a little bit, slightly embarrassed at being dominated in front of Spike. Mostly she was turned on. Tara was definitely establishing just why she was the Dom in this relationship. "Yes Mistress she said with a feral grin."

Spike tried reason, "Hey now, I was bloody well doin you a favor… OOUUUCCHH!!" his attempt got cut off by Buffy's foot crushing the cartilage in his nose as she effortlessly performed a spinning back kick eight feet up in the air.

"You bwoke by nose!" he shouted as he cupped his hands to the damaged proboscis, blood pouring out and up over his eyes and forehead, dripping down off of his hair.

"Since you were doing me such a big favor, I won't let my Slayer kill you… tonight." Gesturing to Willow, she said, "Come here, pet."

Willow leapt to Tara's side. She was in awe at the way Tara was handling the bleached wonder. Not just the magic, Willow could easily have done that. It was thinking of it in the first place, plus the confident way she was handling the situation. "Goddess I love you!" she thought at her Mistress.

Tara smiled at the adoration showing in Willow's eyes. She stepped behind her and wrapped her arms around her. With a little gesture of her fingers she spun Spike around so that his back was to them. She let her hands wander over her pet's body, sliding up under her shirt and down into her pants.

Willow's breath was coming in gasps and she was making little moaning sounds as her Mistress played with her out on the street.

Tara said, "Now then, would you say I am perfectly capable of taking care of your needs, pet?"

"Oh, Yes, Mistress!" she moaned.

Spike was rapidly becoming hard from the sounds the little redhead was making, as he pictured what the blonde witch was doing to her.

"Both pleasure and pain?" Tara asked as she viciously pinched Willow's right nipple.

Willow cried out in pleasure as the sharp pain in her nipple darted directly to her clit. "Oh goddess, yes Mistress!"

Letting Willow go with a disappointed whimper, Tara once again addressed Spike. "So you see, I've got things firmly in hand. None of us need the help of an undead peroxide junky tonight, or any other night."

Spike moaned himself as his cock was now rock hard. It was all he could do not to pull it out right there and start stroking it.

Willow leaned back and whispered something in Tara's ear, too low for even Buffy and Spike to hear it. Tara laughed and said, "Go ahead, pet?"

Willow muttered an incantation and a barely-visible gauze of light extended from her hands and encircled the vampire's pelvis. She had an evil smile on her face as she said, "pleasant dreams, Spiky!"

Tara laughed again and said, "Come on, pets. We've got business to attend to."

They left Spike dangling in mid air, eight feet off of the ground, cursing and grumbling.

"When will the spell wear off?" Buffy asked as they were going up the stairs to her room.

Tara answered, "The one holding him up ended when we came through the door just now. He's probably cursing his newly acquired headache right now.

"Which one?" Willow asked with a snigger. Tara joined her in laughing.

"What did you do to him Will?" Buffy asked, curious as to what that pale light was all about.

Willow was still giggling as she explained, "I made him really, really hard."

Buffy was confused, "Why is that so funny?"

"Cause, it won't go away, and he won't be able to do anything about it for at least 24 hours." She said.

Buffy's eyes goggled, "You mean…"

Tara was giggling too as she added, "And, the harder he tries to 'deal with it', the harder it'll get!"

Buffy shook her head amazed and in awe of her girlfriends' deviousness. "I was just going to kick his ass. This is *way* better!" Switching into a more submissive tone as they entered her bedroom, she said, "And, may I say, Mistress- you were awesome! I got so turned on I can't believe it!"

Willow jumped in, "You were amazing, Mistress. Inspiring!"

Tara said, "I think we have someone's discipline to see to, don't we Slayer?"

Buffy smiled a predatory smile at Willow and said, "Yes Mistress. Then there's the service. Our pet needs to earn her surprise!"

"That's right, pet. I think you'll like it. Now, clothes off, both of you!"

Willow and Buffy scrambled to obey, while Tara disrobed at a more genteel pace. She walked over and laid down on the side of the bed, her upper body propped up on the pillows at the head of the bed. She put one food down on the floor next to the bed and moved the other leg toward the center of the bed.

"Slayer, you sit down there," she said, indicating the area by her calf. "Pet, I want you on the Slayer's lap, with that sweet little mouth of yours right here," she said as she began to stroke the slick heat between her legs. "Slayer, you start slow, and finish her discipline when she makes me cum."

Buffy sat down and Willow was on her lap the moment she settled. Willow said, "Thank you Mistress Tara," and looked over her shoulder and said, "Thank you too Mistress Buffy!" and then commenced to pleasing Tara as only Willow could.

Before she got lost in the pleasure that Willow's lips and tongue could bring her Tara said, "No cumming for you until you service us both, understand, pet?"

Willow nodded and pulled away just enough to say "Yes Mistress." She gave a delighted little squeal before diving back in as Buffy gave her the first *smack*.

By the time Tara had screamed out her orgasm, Buffy had rained down nearly fifty blows on her pet's delightful derrière. The formerly creamy flesh was bright, hot red. Buffy had been careful to keep the strikes gentle enough so that there was no bruising, while hard enough to assure a sharp, stinging sensation. Even so, Willow would have to sleep on her stomach tonight if she wanted to be comfortable.

Predictably, Buffy's lap was sopping wet with Willow's sweet syrup. Buffy almost envied the girl her task of licking mistress Buffy's thighs clean, which Willow did with great gusto before beginning her attack on Buffy's own sloppy wet cleft.

Once Tara had recovered from her orgasm, she got up and got out the tools for Willow's surprise. She reached down and wrapped a blindfold around Willow's eyes while she was still servicing Buffy. Tara paused for a moment as Buffy got close to her release. The slayer was a delight to watch when she came. Her whole body tensed like an overdrawn bow, then when released, all the muscles in her taught, hard body would quiver and twitch, making it look like her body was rippling like waves in a pond when you threw a rock in. it was amazing to behold.

Honestly though, and Buffy agreed with her on this, there was nothing like watching Willow cum. The panting and whimpering that immediately preceded it, the warbling cries during and the soft sighs and moans afterward were like an orchestral movement. Her body's flushed skin and all over quivering, the combined look of agony and ecstasy on her face- it was better than fine art, like a moving sculpture of beauty. Willow was so passionate, so responsive, so affectionate. She took discipline and pleasure in vast quantities and was always grateful.

Willow gave pleasure too; better than Tara could have ever imagined. She loved having Buffy go down on her- the slayer was a natural, and had wonderful stamina. She herself loved pleasuring both of her pets orally, but she knew that Willow was better at it than either of them. She just seemed to know exactly what to do and when to do it. She knew Tara's body much better than Tara did, and was able to drive her insane, keeping her near, but not over the top, almost indefinitely. Conversly, when she was trying to drive Tara over the edge, there was nothing, short of ordering her to stop, that the blonde witch could do to prevent it. "She's magical in more than just witchcraft!" Tara thought.

Once Buffy had come down from her release, Tara instructed Willow to kneel in the center of the bed and wait.

Buffy put on the monster strap-on, carefully adjusting the harness to the base of the dildo seated properly inside her and against her clit. She'd been embarrassed when Willow asked her to buy this for her, but couldn't back down. They had gone to the sex shop as master and slave, and Willow had played the part to the hilt, fawning on Buffy and dropping to her knees, begging her mistress to use the giant silicone dildo on her, promising to be a good little pet and please her mistress properly.

The dang thing was twelve inches long and three inches around. It was bright purple and rippled along it's entire length. Willow never failed to have multiple, screaming, orgasms when Buffy used it on her. It had taken four nights of working up to it before Willow could take it inside of her. She'd been proud of the accomplishment when she finally mastered it, and she'd driven Buffy to three orgasms in a row in thanks. Buffy hadn't been brave enough to try it herself, and Tara had confided in her that she couldn't imagine using it on Buffy. Aside from having either of her mistresses entire hand inside of her, it was Willow's favorite toy.

Tara was strapping on a toy of her own- something Willow hadn't seen yet. It was a little more than half the length of the monster Buffy was sporting, and only ¾ of an inch around, but it was going somewhere only a single slim finger had gone before. She gestured for Buffy to get up and lay on the bed next to the kneeling redhead. "Ok, Willow. It's time for your surprise. Your mistresses are going to make a sandwhich- and you get to be the meat!"

Willow scrunched her nose in confusion.

Tara smirked. "Mistress Buffy is laying next to you, and she's got one of your favorites. Climb aboard, pet.

Willow reached over and ran her hand down Buffy's body, encountering the harness and moving her hand to feel the Witch-slayer, as she dubbed it. Her face broke into a giant smile and she said, "Oh Thank you Mistress!" She wasted no time straddling Buffy and slowly enveloping the huge phallus. She had broken out in a sweat before she was all the way down on the thing. She loved the way it stretched her inside. It was the most amazing combination of pleasure and pain, and she absolutely adored it. By the time her pelvis was flush against Buffy's harness she was making little grunting sounds and tears were spilling from her eyes. "Oh goddess! Mistress, may I please cum?" she begged, almost unable to restrain herself."

Buffy looked up at Tara for guidance- she was running the show this night.

Tara smiled indulgently at her pets as she began to rub lubrication over the slim dildo strapped to her. "Yes pet, for the rest of the night, you can cum as often as you like," she said, knowing what she had just done was about the same as giving a teenager a credit card and turning them loose in a shopping mall.

Willow cried out, "Thank you Mistress!!" as she incited her first of many with just the slightest grinding movement around the base of Buffy's monster cock.

Before the shock waves from the first orgasm subsided, Willow began riding the big dildo with slow, short strokes. She didn't notice the bed move as Tara moved behind her. She was nearing her second orgasm when Tara slid a lubricated finger up inside her rectum. Willow stilled instantly as another orgasm ripped through her at the surprising penetration. "Oh, goddess! Thank you Mistress!" she shouted.

Tara said, "Hold still a moment, pet." She removed her finger to Willow's accompanying whimper and positioned the head of her cock against Willow's sphincter. Willow gasped when Tara slowly pushed it past the ring of muscle with a gentle pop. Thought slender, it was much larger than a finger, which was the largest thing Willow had ever experienced before in that location. Her breathing became ragged as Tara slowly pushed in all seven inches of dark-red silicone.

Willow's third orgasm came as Tara bottomed out and grabbed the redhead's hips, grinding them against the two toys.

Willow began to weep with joy and over stimulation as Tara guided her hips in a slow rhythm up and down against the two penetrating forces. Within five minutes both Mistresses were slamming into their pet, delighting in her hoarse cries as orgasm after orgasm poured through her. Tara had lost count at ten, along with three of her own, when she heard something she had never heard before. Willow was begging them to stop.

"Oh goddess! Too much, it's too much! Please, no more!" she cried.

Both blondes immediately stilled, concerned that they had hurt their pet.

"Are you ok, Baby?" Tara asked the twitching, shuddering redhead.

"Are you all right Willow?" Buffy asked at the same time.

Willow nodded tiredly. She was breathing heavily as she said, "Yes. Goddess yes… That was… the best… ever!" she panted out. "Please… no more… I think… I'll die!"

Both mistresses smirked at one another, happy they hadn't hurt their precious Willow, and amazed that they had actually found a limit to the pleasure she could take.

Willow moaned "AAAhhhhhhh," as they slowly withdrew from her. She collapsed on top of Buffy, spent and boneless.

Tara said, "Stay right there, I'll get something to clean you up, pet."

She was sound asleep in Buffy's arms by the time Tara got back. She didn't even wake up when they cleaned her up and put her under the covers.

Dawn was walking to the Magic Box. Buffy'd made her promise upon pain of death to come straight to the shop after school. Normally she was like, 'whatever' with Buffy's threats, but ever since she'd come out of the closet about Tara and Willow, Buffy had been much nicer to Dawn. Dawn even tried to be nicer back. All she wanted was to be included, even if it meant being extra nice to Buffy- such as keeping her promises, she'd do it.

As she turned the final corner to her destination, she saw her two favorite witches outside the shop, casting a spell of some kind.

She really, really liked Tara and Willow. Even if they were doing freaky sex things with Buffy, she still idolized them- No super powers, just regular girls that learned magic so they could fight vampires and stuff, just like Buffy.

Willow and Tara were outside the magic shop, drawing symbols on the ground with colored sand as Dawn walked up.

Dawn: You guys doin' a spell?

Willow said, "Dawn, hey. Y-yeah, we're doing an early warning incantation. If anything hellgodishly powerful comes within a hundred feet of the shop, then screechy siren things will, you know, screech."

Tara dusted her hands off, having completed the final symbol. "This should give us a heads-up so we can hide ... the, um, Key," she finished, lamely, annoyed with herself.

Willow jumped in, "We already put one up around your house."

Dawn smiled, missing Tara's awkwardness, "Cool, can I help?"

Willow and Tara exchanged a look.

Tara hesitantly asked, "You're interested in learning magic?"

Dawn nodded eagerly, "Oh Yeah! I think it's *so* cool, plus, Hello? Hellmouth, danger, vampires. I don't wanna spend my life being the victim in my family."

Willow said, "Uh, we've got this covered, Dawn, but maybe… if Buffy says it's ok,,," she trailed off.

Tara picked up, "It's a good point. We can talk with Buffy about teaching you magic."

Dawn actually jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "Really?! Oh, God, Thank you guys!"

"Don't get too excited, Dawn," Willow cautioned. We'd have to talk to your mom, too…"

That cooled Dawn's excitement a little, but Dawn had figured out how some things worked now. Mom would go along with anything Buffy wanted- Slayer/hellmouth-wise. She'd argue for a while, but she would go along with it- like when she'd taken Dawn out of town when the mayor was gonna ascend, or whatever. She didn't want to, and she and Buffy argued about it, but in the end, she did what Buffy wanted. That meant she just needed to convince Buffy it was ok for her to learn magic.

A couple of months ago Dawn wouldn't have bothered. Buffy wouldn't let Dawn do anything fun, especially hellmouth-wise. But now, Dawn knew Buffy would do whatever Tara told her to do, cause Tara was Buffy's Dom, and Buffy had to obey her. So, all Dawn needed to do was convince Tara, and it sounded like she was already ok with it, which basically meant it was a sure thing.

Dawn tried to maintain her calm outside, but inside she was doing a serious happy dance. Maybe she could convince Tara that she needed to learn to fight too- but she'd save that for later. "That's cool. I think she'll go along with it if Buffy will."

Tara narrowed her eyes slightly. It wouldn't do to underestimate Dawn just because she looked and acted like a fifteen year old. It appeared that Dawn had figured out Joyce's weak spot on all things hellmouth. Which means she probably figured that Buffy would do whatever Tara wanted, which wasn't exactly true. "Not exactly, anyway," Tara thought. "Buffy might still need a little convincing…" but since Tara happened to agree with Dawn's wishes in this matter, she'd convince the Slayer that this was best. Nevertheless, Tara resolved to watch out for Dawn's manipulation in the future.

Willow threw down her last handful of dust and the symbols all flashed brightly and disappeared.

Leaving the two witches outside, Dawn went into the shop. Anya was dusting something while Xander sat at the table reading.

"Hey. We on the case?" Dawn asked Xander.

Xander looked up at Dawn. "Yeah; right on top, perched, ready for action," he answered. He was only slightly nervous. Knowing that Buffy was planning on telling Dawn, and that he wouldn't have to hide things much longer, allowed him some measure composure. "You doing alright?" he asked, remaining relatively nonchalant.

Dawn was still gleeful at the prospect of learning magic. Though she'd never admit it to Buffy, she wanted to be a part of the Scoobies almost more than anything she could imagine. She also still had a slight crush on Xander- both of which made for a huge smile, "Better than alright! I'm spec-tac-ular" she answered, breaking the word into three distinct sounds.

Anya had a harder time than Xander. She was accustomed to speaking her mind, and had a difficult time censoring things. Tact was a concept very foreign to her. "You make a very pretty little girl!" she said, trying to be helpful.

Xander jumped up. His tension, which had been reasonably low, was instantly ratcheted up about ten notches with Anya's gaffe. With his eyes wide and his voice just a little too loud, he said, "Hey Anya, you wanna help me with that thing?"

Anya's voice was also too loud, and she wore an overly large smile and her laugh sounded forced as she said, "Xander needs help with his thing!"

Dawn stared at them as they walked off. "Could they be more obvious?" she wondered. Xander was a terrible liar, and Anya was just terrible. She wondered what they were hiding from her now. She was almost pissed off, except that she was still jazzed about the possibility of learning magic. Plus, the Scoobies were always hiding stuff from her. "If I learn magic, I can be part of the team, and maybe they'll stop keeping stuff from me!" she thought. She was sick and tired of being left out of stuff.

Just then, Giles and Buffy came out from the back.

Giles was saying, "I'm not sure our regular workout is... challenging you any more. Perhaps we should make it harder." He paused a moment to make a note in a small book he was holding

Buffy took a long drink from the bottle of water she was holding, "You always think harder is better. Maybe next time I patrol I should carry a load of bricks, use a stake made of butter," she said sarcastically.

Giles rolled his eyes, "Yes, very amusing."

They walked over to the counter, where Dawn was standing with her notebook lying open on the counter.

Giles put his book down on the counter and said, "I'm sure Dawn feels that way about her schoolwork sometimes."

Buffy asked, "That true? How was school today?"

Dawn wanted to wait until she had Tara for backup before bringing up the magic thing, so she just said, "Um, the usual. Big square building filled with boredom and despair."

Buffy smiled, saying "Just how I remember it."

Dawn's innate curiosity made her want to see what Giles was writing. She surreptitiously watched as he closed his book, and slid it off the counter and out of sight.

Buffy continued, "So, what's the homework sitch?"

Dawn rolled her eyes, "We have to imagine what we'll be like ten years from now and write a letter to our future self. The teacher's clearly so out of ideas." She noticed Giles closeing a drawer behind the counter. Looking back at her sister, she asked, "Wanna help?"

Buffy said, "Sure, but a little later, ok? I have some stuff I have to do first."

Dawn asked, "Is it about that weird girl that came to the house?"

Buffy just stared at Dawn for a moment. She really, really, *really* didn't want to have this discussion. But, she knew it was inevitable. "Glory. It's called Glory, and despite how it looks, it isn't a girl. It isn't human."

Dawn was still surprised when Buffy actually answered her questions. Years of being blown off had made her expect it even still. "So, what's her deal?" she asked, hoping this spirit of sharing would continue.

Buffy said, "Look, can we not talk about this right now?"

"I knew it wouldn't last," Dawn thought. "Like you'd tell me anyway. Dawn's too young and Dawn's too delicate," she said, attempting a mocking characterization of Buffy's voice.

Buffy rolled her eyes, "God, she's such a brat!" she thought. She did have to admit that her sister'd been better since Tara had made Buffy start sharing things with her. This, of course, meant that Dawn's brattyness was partly Buffy's fault- not something she was comfortable accepting. Out loud, she retorted, "Right. A young delicate pain in my butt."

Dawn couldn't stop herself from digging at her sister, "I just think you're freakin' out 'cause you have to fight someone prettier than you. That is the case, right?"

Buffy had to mentally count to ten. Dawn pushed her buttons like no one else. She stepped closer to her and softly said, "Glory is evil. And powerful." Reverting to her normal tone of voice, she added, "And in no way prettier than me!"

Dawn smirked, having successfully gotten a rise out of the Slayer. "I just think you're getting soft in your advanced age. She didn't look that tough to me."

Buffy sighed, "We do need to talk about it, ok? Just not right now."

Dawn crossed her arms under her chest and raised her eyebrow, "When?" She fully expected that Buffy would conveniently forget this discussion, or become too busy, or *something* Anything to avoid sharing important information with herself.

Buffy closed her eyes and said, "Tonight."

"Tonight's your birthday party," Dawn said. "Typical," she thought "setting a time when she knows she'll be busy…"

Buffy said, "After the party, I promise."

Part 4

The Scoobies were sitting around a huge pile of brightly wrapped gifts in the Summers' living room. Joyce and Dawn were sitting on one couch close together, while Giles sat a discrete distance from Joyce on the same couch. On the other couch Buffy sat flanked by Willow and Tara. Anya was sitting in Xander's lap in the armchair. Willow was wearing a party hat and blowing bubbles

Buffy was looking on the pile of gifts with a dazzling smile. "Prezzies!" she said excitedly.

Willow grinned and nuzzled Buffy's cheek briefly and said, "See, just what you needed."

Buffy shivered at the contact and said, "You are very, very wise." In her mind she added, "and just too darn sexy!" Focusing back on the gifts, she said, "Now gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Tara handed her a gift and Buffy began ripping off the paper.

Anya's eyes were glazed over with avarice. "This is extremely suspenseful!" she said. She leaned in to Xander and said, "I want the presents."

Buffy pulls out a dress. "Ohh... it's beautiful!" She kissed both her girlfriend's cheeks, "Thank you, guys."

Tara said, "Well, we thought you'd get lots of crossbows, other killy stuff…"

Willow added, "Yeah, so we figured, less killy, more frilly."

Anya jumped up from Xander's lap and said, "Gotta look." She grabbed the dress from Buffy and said, "Oh, it's just so lovely! Oh, I wish it was mine!"

Everyone stared at her.

Anya handed it back and quietly said, "Oh, like you weren't all thinking the same thing."

Giles said, "I'm fairly certain I wasn't." He leaned over and whispered to Xander, "I've got one just like it."

Xander shot him a startled look before noticing the little grin. He whispered back, "I don't know what freaks me more, thinking of you in that dress, or you making a joke!"

Dawn got up and said, "Here. Open mine," handing a gift to Buffy.

Buffy took it tentatively, "It's not gonna explode, is it?" she joked.

Dawn just rolled her eyes.

Buffy opened it and removed a photo of herself and Dawn, in a frame covered with seashells. Buffy's eyes welled up a bit as she looked at it.

Dawn said, "It's when we visited Dad that summer in San Diego." She noted Buffy's wide stare and added, "Um, I put the shells on it myself. We picked them off the beach."

Buffy softly replied, "I remember."

Joyce smiled and everyone else had a thoughtful look.

Dawn was kinda freaking out that everyone was dead silent. She said, "Well, geez, don't get all movie-of-the-week. I was just too cheap to buy a real present."

Buffy gave Dawn an emotional, "Thank you!" and hugged her tightly for a minute. She and Joyce exchanged a look over Dawn's shoulder.

The rest of the gift opening went as normal, though at one point Tara leaned close and whispered in her ear, "I've got another gift for you, Slayer. But you have to wait until later tonight- I don't think you want everyone else to see me give it to you."

It was the soft whisper and the warmth of her breath against Buffy's ear, as much as the words spoken that made Buffy instantly wet. She wanted to forget presents and cake and drag her Mistress up the stairs and ravish her right then.

Which, of course was exactly how Tara wanted her to feel. She wanted her Slayer in the proper frame of mind for later tonight.

Dawn was noticing that conversations tended to end abruptly or quickly change topic when she approached. They were hiding something from her again. She was getting a little sick of this crap.

Normally, she would have pitched a fit, but Buffy had promised to explain things to her tonight after the party. She would give her sister a chance to do that before laying into her. After all, she still wanted to learn magic and be a part of the gang. Throwing a temper tantrum would only hurt her chances.

That didn't mean she felt like put up with this crap any longer, though. She headed out to the back patio when no one was watching. She knew she wasn't supposed to go out there at night, but she needed to get away. Besides, you'd think vampires would know better than to hang around the Slayer's house. That was a good way to end up as a pile of dust.

Dawn was standing by the back stairs, watching the windows as she was rationalizing her behavior. No sooner had she finished that thought when she smelled cigarette smoke. She turned around to find Spike standing right behind her, with something under his arm and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

Dawn yelped in surprise. "Jeez! Lurk much?" she demanded.

Spike said, "I wasn't lurking. I was standing about. It's a whole different vibe."

Dawn saw the box under his arm and started to ask, "What is…" She realized it was a gift. She folded her arms under her chest and smirked at him. "Are you giving Buffy a birthday present?" Spike looked down at the box, as if trying to think of what to say. "Oh my God. Weird." She shook her head, saying, "And chocolates? Lame. Plus the box is all bent, and, well, you know she'd never touch anything from you anyway."

Spike noticed that, with her arms like that, her burgeoning breasts were pushed up and together. "Little bit's comin' along quite nicely!" he thought. He leaned closer to her, speaking menacingly, "Shouldn't you be tucked away in your beddy-bye? All warm and safe where nothing can eat you?"

Dawn giggled, "Is that supposed to scare me?" She noticed his eyes seemed to be… "Oh my God! Are you kidding me?" she dropped her arms and stepped back away from him. "Were you…"

The back door opened and Buffy stepped out, "Dawn are you…" she started to call out. She'd noticed Dawn wasn't hanging around any of the others in at the party, and became concerned, what with Glory out there somewhere, not to mention that Dawn had been abducted by vampires off of this very porch only a couple of months ago.

"Dawn! What are you doing out here?" she demanded. She then noticed that Spike was standing there with her. "Spike! What the hell are you doing here?"

Dawn said, "He was just staring at my breasts and trying to be threatening."

Spike's jaw sagged and his eyes widened.

"Oh, and he brought you a birthday present, It looks like a beat up box of chocolates," Dawn finished with a smirk.

"Oh my God! This is just too disturbing!" Buffy said, shocked to the core.

"I… I…" Spike stuttered. He had no idea how to salvage this. Plus, he couldn't believe Nibblet was hanging him out to dry like this.

"Get the hell away from my sister, you sick, twisted pervert!" Buffy shouted.

Just then Spikes feet again went out from under him and up into the air. This time they went just high enough that his head struck the ground with quite a bit of force as he was turned ass over kilter. Chocolates went flying everywhere as the box hit the sidewalk and he felt himself being hauled up higher into the air. He heard Willow's voice say, "Ooo, it's like a piñata!"

Spike was groggy from the impact and the sudden inversion and all he could get out was a slurred, "Bloody hell, not again!"

Tara and Willow had come out when they heard Buffy shouting. Tara was seriously loosing patience with this damned vampire sniffing around her girlfriend. She could practically see sparks shooting from Willow's eyes, and knew her pet was just as angry as she was. "Willow warned you, Spike. But you wouldn't listen." She chided.

Willow suddenly got a truly malicious grin on her face and composed a spell, modifying the one she had used earlier on him. She chanted under her breath for a moment and clapped her hands once, loudly as the chant ended.

Spike was horrified as he saw Willow begin casting. That last spell had almost done him in as he had gone back to his crypt and jumped Harmony, much to her delight, and pounded her furiously for almost two hours before he realized he wasn't getting any pleasure at all, and his cock was getting harder and harder until it actually hurt. It had been almost a day later before his erection subsided.

He waited for something to happen, but nothing did. He hoped it meant that, since he wasn't hard, the spell didn't work. "Unless, this one made me impotent!" he thought, suddenly even more worried.

Tara walked up to Spike and met him face to (upside down) face. Pointing at Buffy, she said, "She belongs to me. Don't let me see you sniffing around her again, or it will go very badly for you, understand?"

Normally Spike would have said Tara's voice was anything but threatening. He would have laughed out loud, in fact, at the notion that this quiet little girl could send fear running down his spine. There was something in her eyes, however, that did that very thing. He looked up past the blonde witch and saw the entire Scooby gang, plus the Slayer's mum, standing on the deck, all giving him hard-eyed stares. He thought smelled the smoke of a burning bridge.

Buffy walked up beside her Mistress and growled, "Mistress asked you a question, bleach brain."

Normally Spike wouldn't back down for anything, not even at the prospect of getting his ass kicked. Something in the Slayer's eyes told him she was seriously considering staking him right now and just needed an excuse. Deciding for once in his life that discretion might really be the better part of valor, Spike muttered, "Yeah, I get it."

As the Scoobies filed back into the house, Spike raged in his thoughts, "Someday I'll get this bloody chip out and then you'll all be…"

His thoughts were cut off when Tara ended the spell holding him suspended in the air and his head once again met the sidewalk with a hollow thump.

"Ok, is it just me, or is Spike losing it?" Dawn asked, a little freaked out about him staring at her chest like that. It was kind of flattering in a way that he thought she was attractive, but kinda not, that he was just staring at her… breasts. Plus, Hello! Vampire! Dawn was *so* not going to go the Buffy route to boyfriends. Her list of non-potential boyfriend material had vampire right at the top. She remembered the constant drama that was Buffy's life when she was seeing Angel, not to mention the whole Angelus thing. She didn't really like Angel with or without soul.

Then there was Riley. Much calmer, nice to look at but kinda boring and not funny at all. Dawn didn't think she could go out with someone that didn't make her laugh… ever. Plus she overheard some stuff between Tara and Willow and maybe there was some drama with Riley too, just it was all on his side of things. Instead of him making Buffy cry all the time, it sounded like she was the one making him cry. Dawn didn't think she could be with someone like that either. A man should be strong, and smart, and funny, and fun to be with and she pictured Xander in her head when she had these thoughts.

Xander was Dawn's ideal of the perfect man. She was glad Buffy decided to be gay or whatever, 'cause it freed up Xander for her. There was only one flaw with Xander, well two really. But she didn't count his infatuation with Buffy any more since Buffy was all about the witches. No, Xander's only flaw was the annoying bottle-blond cow that followed him everywhere. "God, what does he see in her?" she thought. She knew there was the sex thing, but jeez, could that really make up for the rest of the time? She was worse than Cordelia! She had no tact, she always said the wrong things at the wrong time, she was just Aargh! She made Dawn crazy. To Dawn, dealing with Anya was like dealing with a dog that wouldn't stop barking- minus the cuteness factor!

All these thoughts were running through her head while everyone was talking about the Spike deal. Buffy was saying he was becoming a liability. Giles was saying that he could still be useful fighting against Glory. Xander was voting for staking, and talking about they didn't need Deadboy junior's help with anything.

The room fell silent when she said, "You know, Buffy, Spike's got the hots for you.

Buffy did a full-body shudder, and Willow looked like she'd just drank a big mouthful of sour milk. Dawn could see that Buffy was going to deny it, when Tara said, "I think Dawn's right." Which, of course, pleased Dawn greatly. Right at that moment, Dawn decided that Tara was her hero.

Buffy was still grossed out by the very thought and said, "You've got to be kidding me! That's… that's…"

"Horrifying!" Willow supplied, still looking like she might gag.

Tara was nodding, agreeing with Willow's sentiments, but said, "Totally! But I still think Dawn's right. Buffy, he was bringing you chocolates for your birthday."

Dawn was so pleased that someone was agreeing with her! "That's not all," she said. "When you abandoned mom and me in his crypt the other night I found some stuff."

Buffy narrowed her eyes, "What kind of stuff?" she asked- her voice dangerously low.

Dawn was enjoying being the center of attention for something good for once. Well, not good, but something that she did that wasn't making everyone angry for once. Not angry at her anyway. Whatever! "Mom and him were watching that soap opera Mom likes so much, and I was bored, so I was snoopin' around and I found this hole in the ground. So I went down, and spike's got this whole bedroom thing down there, and over off to the side there was this tarp-thing covering some stuff, and I accidentally kinda looked under it…" she paused the narrative to see if she was gonna get chewed out for being nosy, but no one said anything so she moved on. "Anyway, so there was this mannequin thing with a blond wig, and it was wearing your blue sweater that you accused *me* of stealing, and there were all these pictures and drawings of you and stuff."

Willow said, "Stop! You're making me sick to my stomach! That's so… so… repulsive!"

Buffy was gaping like a fish out of water

Tara was looking pissed-off and nauseous at the same time.

Xander had that closed-off look that said he was seriously angry.

Joyce looked bewildered.

Giles muttered, "Good Lord!" and pulled his glasses from his face, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Anya looked confused for a moment, then a look of understanding crossed her face. "Oh! He must use those things for when he ma…"

"Anya!" Xander shouted, interrupting her. "For the love of God, do *not* complete that sentence!"

Anya looked as clueless as ever. "Why? What else would he use it for?"

"Oh God!" Willow gulped before turning and running up the stairs. Everyone was looking at Anya with horror. Xander groaned.

Buffy shot her a dirty look and took off up the stairs yelling, "Willow? You ok, Will?"

It took Dawn just a second to figure out why everyone was freaking and then it hit her. "Eww, that's gross!"

Anya looked at Dawn and said, "You didn't touch any of it did you?"

Dawn's eyes bugged out.

Joyce's jaw sagged in horror.

Xander winced as if in pain.

Giles, who by this time was furiously cleaning his eyeglasses, said, "All right Anya! That's quite enough!"

Tara shook her head and pushed past the clueless ex-demon to check on her girlfriends.

Xander grabbed Anya around her shoulders and started to lead her out towards the door. "Ahn, I think it's time for us to leave." When he got to the door he said, "Why don't you wait outside, I'll just go say goodbye, ok?"

"No, its not ok!" Anya said, getting angry. "Why is everyone mad at me? I'm not the one who was masturbating on pictures of Buffy! You're supposed to be supporting me, not taking their side!"

Xander looked pained as he tried to explain, "Anya, I'm not taking anyone's side, I'm just trying to get us out of here before…"

"Before what?!" Anya demanded, clearly angry with him.

Losing patience just a little, Xander said, "Before you say something else totally inappropriate and piss off everyone some more!"

Anya threw her hands up "Fine! Why don't you just take everyone's side but mine! After all I'm just the one you have sex with! I obviously don't matter at all!" With that she went through the front door, slamming it behind her.

Xander knew he should follow her and calm her down, but he was so sick of her behavior lately, that he just couldn't make himself go after her. He wandered back into the kitchen where Dawn, Joyce and Giles were standing, pretending they didn't just hear the argument between him and Anya.

"Hey, I'm sorry about all that. I… I… Well, thanks for having us over, it was a nice party. If you'll just tell Buffy…" he said

"Tell me what?" Buffy asked as she and the two witches made their way back down the stairs.

Xander turned a worried gaze on the Slayer and her girlfriends. He knew they must be mad at Anya, and rightfully so, what with her behavior tonight. "I just wanted to apologize, Buffy, Willow, Tara; I'm sorry about bringing down the party and all…" He would have said more, trying to dig his way out of the hole Anya had dug for them both, but Tara cut him off.

"Xander, you don't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." She said, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Xander dropped his eyes to the floor. "Yeah, well, thanks. I guess I… still feel like I should."

Willow spoke up, "Yeah? Well, don't 'k?"

Buffy said, "Look, lets just move on, alright?" Getting a hesitant nod from Xander, she said, "It's good that the Scoobies are all here. We need to talk."

Tara said, "Buffy promised Dawn she'd tell her about Glory. *All* about Glory… and The Key."

Xander's eyes widened, "Wow, time for the talk, huh?"

Dawn noted the seriousness of the looks everyone was shooting back and forth, and kinda chuckled nervously, "Uh, what's with the serious looks, guys?" she looked over at Joyce, who was suddenly fascinated with the floor. "Mom?" she asked with a sudden tendril of fear in her voice.

Buffy walked over and took Dawn's hand, saying, "lets go sit in the living room, Ok?"

They sat, Buffy and Joyce flanking Dawn on the couch, Willow squeezed in next to Buffy and Tara standing by the side, her hand on Willow's shoulder; while Xander and Giles sat in the couch facing them.

Buffy said, "Giles, why don't you review what we know about The Key?"

Giles cleared his throat uncomfortably, and took his notebook from his pocket. He began to speak, referring to his notes often- clearly uncomfortable meeting anyone's eyes. "The key is not directly described in any known literature, but all research indicates a- an energy matrix vibrating at a dimensional frequency beyond normal human perception. Only those outside reality can see the key's true nature."

Dawn interrupted, "Outside reality. What's that mean?"

Giles stuttered, "A- ah those in- individuals who are gifted with s- second sight; or even th- those who are disconnected from reality. S- some are considered… w- well lunatics, I suppose.

Dawn had a flash back to the crazy guy strapped to the bed in the hospital several weeks ago…

"There!" he said, pointing at Dawn, "There's no one in there!"

She flashed back to the guy outside the magic shop when they found the owner, dead…

Getting right up in her face, he claimed, "I know what you are!"

She thought of the things her mom said when she had that tumor pressing on her brain…

"Who are you!"

Giles continued reading, "The key is also susceptible to necromanced animal detection, particularly those of canine or serpent construct."

Dawn flashed back to the giant snake creature slithering up to her in the Magic Box, it's eye's flashing red as it reared up before her and then darted off.

Giles continued, "The monks possessed the ability to transform energy, bend reality. They started work on transforming The Key." Giles looked up over the notebook and said, "The Council has suggested to us that they were interrupted; presumably by Glory."

Giles reverted to reading as a way to avoid having to be responsible for saying what he was about to say. "They obviously did manage to accomplish the task. They had to be certain the Slayer would protect it with her life, so they sent the key to her… in human form…"

Buffy cut him off, "They sent you to me. To us."

All the blood drained from Dawn's face. "I… No. No, it can't be true. It can't be me." She looked at Joyce and said, "I'm not a key!" She looked at Buffy and yelled, "I'm not a thing!"

Buffy grabbed her sister in a tight hug. Joyce slid to the floor on her knees and hugged the two girls.

Dawn's voice was grim and she completely ignored the hugging going on around her as she said through clenched teeth, "What am I? Am I real? Am I anything?"

Buffy pulled back enough to look into Dawn's eyes. "Yes, you are my sister. No matter how it came to be, you are still my sister, and I love you."

Joyce jumped in, "You're still my daughter, honey. I love you. I'll always love you no matter what!"

Even though she was freaking out inside, Dawn could feel the sincerity in their words and their hugs. She looked over Buffy's shoulder at Tara and Willow, the question in her eyes.

Willow had tears streaming down her face as she said, "Of course we love you, Dawnie! You're practically our sister too!

Tara nodded her head, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.

Giles was far too British to make any protestations of love, but he did answer her glance, "You are the same person you have always been, Dawn. The way all of us feel for you hasn't changed with this knowledge. We are in many ways defined by our memories of our experiences, however they came to be…"

Xander interrupted, giving Dawn one of his high-wattage, lopsided smiles, "What the man in tweed is *trying* to say, is we love you too.

Predictably, Giles found the need to, once again, clean his glasses as he muttered, "Yes, rather… well… yes."

"Is she asleep?" Tara asked as Buffy came out of Dawn's room and into the hallway.

Buffy said, "Yeah, finally," she said wearily. She walked over and pressed herself against Tara, not in a sex-inducing maneuver on her Mistress, but rather seeking the comfort of her lover after a heart-rending, terribly stressful situation.

Dawn had seemed almost broken by the news of her origins. The fact that Glory wanted to use her in some unspecified, but no doubt terminal, way barely phased her. It was the whole, 'hey guess what- six months ago you didn't exist' thing that was so horrible.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" Tara asked. She too was concerned. She saw Dawn as almost a daughter in some ways, a younger sister in others; either way she hated to see the teen in such emotional turmoil.

"Yeah, I think so," she said with a sigh. "Mom's going to spend the night with her. We don't want her waking up alone after having all that dumped on her," she explained.

"If nothing else, she knows you and Joyce love her, and that we all accept her just as she is, regardless of what else is going on," Tara reassured her lover.

"Yeah, at least she has that," Buffy said with no small bitterness in her voice.

Tara knew what she was referring to- Dawn had the luxury of her family knowing and accepting her big secret. A luxury Buffy didn't have when she found out she was the slayer.

Rather than get into that topic, Tara asked, "Are you too tired for your other present tonight?"

Buffy perked up a little bit. She remembered Tara teasing her with promises of a present that couldn't be given in front of the other Scoobies. "Oh yes, Mistress. Right now I could use a nice surprise."

Tara smiled. "I think you'll enjoy this surprise, slayer. Willow and I collaborated on something special." She led Buffy into their bedroom to find Willow naked and on her knees beside the bed. The only thing she was wearing was a collar of woven gold and platinum chain mesh. The collar was closed at a hasp in the front, secured with a small lock behind an unobtrusive D-Ring. A four foot long leash of the same braided material was attached to the collar. Willow held the free end of the leash in her hands.

Buffy became very aroused to see her beloved kneeling before her in supplication, as she always did at seeing Willow like this.

Tara spoke, and it was clearly the persona of the Mistress doing the talking. "Slayer, on this, your twentieth birthday, I give you the gift of this pet, to be your very own."

Buffy was clearly confused.

"No longer will I be Willow's Mistress- that title shall be yours alone. You may choose to share your pet with me, as is my due being your Mistress, but she shall belong to you alone."

Buffy stammered, "But… but… you and Willow…"

Tara smiled at Buffy's confusion. "Outside the parameters of the game, we three are still a triad. I'll never stop loving either of you, nor will any of the three of us be separated, have no fear of that. This is within the game we all enjoy." Turning to the kneeling redhead Tara asked, "Willow, do you consent to this? Will you serve Buffy as your sole Mistress, submit yourself to her will alone as her slave?"

It was obvious that Willow and Tara had worked this whole thing out behind Buffy's back, including coming up with this ritual.

Willow replied, "Yes, Lady Tara. I will gladly subject and submit myself to Mistress Buffy, to be her personal slave, obedient to her every whim, to be pleasured or punished at her hand as she desires."

Tara took the leash from Willow's hand and handed it to the bemused slayer. She also handed her a black velvet box. "Open it," she commanded.

Buffy opened the box to find a golden key suspended on a necklace made from the same material as Willow's collar. She had no words, still stunned into speechlessness.

Tara said, "There's a spell on the collar and lock- If you accept this, the spell will be set, and only this key, in your hand, will be able to unlock it. Willow will wear it for as long as you live, unless you reject her." She took the necklace out of the box and opened the clasp. "Do you accept Willow as your slave, to do with as you please for as long as you please?"

Buffy was amazed and touched by the enormity of this gift. It didn't change the fact that the three of them were all each others, but it was an incredible gesture from Tara, who had Willow's heart before she did, and from Willow, who had given herself to Tara before ever to Buffy. She nodded her head, "Yes, gladly."

Tara put the necklace around Buffy's neck and whispered the final few words of an incantation she and Willow had worked on for almost a week.

There was a brightening of the room, not a flash, but as if the lights got brighter for a moment, and Buffy felt heat radiate from the key around her neck for a moment. She wondered if she had just imagined it.

Tara said, "Look at the lock."

Buffy said, "Stand up, pet. Let me see your collar."

Willow jumped to her feet with a "Yes Mistress,"

Buffy looked closely at the collar around Willow's neck, examining the lock to see what Tara was referring to. Written around the opening of the lock was engraved: "Property of Buffy Summers."

Buffy said, "Stand right there, pet." She turned to Tara and kissed her long and hard. Breaking away at last, she leaned her forehead against Tara's cheek and whispered, "Thank you Mistress, this is the best birthday present I could have ever wished for." Turning back to her pet she disrobed, hopped on the bed and spread her legs, "Ok pet, come make this the happiest birthday of my life," tugging on the leash to indicate where she wanted her.

Willow smiled gleefully. "Oh Yes Mistress! Thank you Mistress!" she said as she dove-in between the slayer's thighs.

Continued in Triskellion...

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