Bad Hair Good Willow

by Bob Head

Copyright © 2006

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: None of the characters below belong to me. All the BtVS people belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. (Damn it!) I'm just trying to have fun.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse: /
Just ask.
Oh HELL yeah!
Spoilers: A couple of general mentions of Season Two.
Author's Notes: Not long ago, I had this strange thought about Willow, Buffy, a bad hair day and a really nice way to fix it.

Summary: Buffy is having a bad hair day and Willow's got the cure.

Willow awoke confused, 'Huh?' she thought, trying to rub sleep from her eyes, 'What was that noise?'

Then she heard it again, a soft tapping at the french doors that led from her bedroom to the backyard. Quickly, she climbed out of bed and peeked through the curtains, and what she saw caused her mouth to drop open. Her best friend, Buffy Summers, was standing outside her door, covered head to foot in a faintly iridescent orange goop.

Giggling she opened the door and asked, "W-what happened to you?"

Glaring daggers at the redhead, the Slayer replied, "Got jumped by a demon in the park. When I stabbed him…well, he kinda exploded. I can't go home covered in this crap, so I was hoping to borrow your shower. And maybe some sweats, cause this outfit has HAD it!" looking down at herself she continued, "I might be able to salvage the jacket cause it's leather but everything else is toast."

"Okay, come around to the garage and I'll let you in."

"The garage Will?" Buffy asked.

"Orange goo, white carpet." she said pointing at Buffy, and then down at the floor, "They don't go together."

Buffy, looking where Willow was pointing, thought, 'Boy with the light behind her like that I can almost see through…yipes! Bad Buffy.' Then looking back up she said, "I see your point."

"I'll go open the door." She said, then looking down at her nightshirt, wondered, 'What was she staring at?'

Willow opened the garage door and a very bedraggled looking Slayer handed her a garden hose. On seeing the redheads dubious expression, she said, "Just do it fast Will."

"Okay." Working as quickly as she could (and ignoring the blondes shrieks of discomfort) she rinsed as much of the orange slime off her friend as possible, getting pretty well soaked herself in the process.

'God! That water's cold!' thought Buffy, opening her eyes to see Willow standing there with her wet nightshirt clinging to her skin. Apparently completely oblivious to the effect she was having on the Slayer.

"Okay, strip!" said Willow.

Her mouth suddenly dry, Buffy had to swallow hard before she could stammer, "W-what?"

"Gotta get you out of those wet things and into a warm shower before you catch cold." She said matter of factly. "Here, give me your jacket and I'll hang it up so it can dry."

Handing the jacket to Willow, she watched with her heart pounding a mile a minute as the redhead had to stretch up on her toes to drape it over the utility room door. By the time she turned around all the hacker saw was a pile of wet clothes on the floor and a fleeting glimpse of an underwear clad blonde running out of the garage at full Slayer speed!

After showering off the rest of the demon goop, and shampooing her hair three times to make sure she'd gotten it all out, the Slayer stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around her hair turban fashion. Then she wrapped a second towel around herself and taking a deep breath, went to join her friend.

'Friend!' she thought 'As in emphasis on! God, if Will knew I was Bi…and how hot I think she is…especially earlier, when her nightshirt got all wet and see-throughable…Oh God I am such a horndog! If she knew…' Shaking her head to clear it the Slayer said quietly, "She'd freak."

Willow was working on her computer when Buffy entered her room. Fortunately she had changed out of her nightshirt into a dry pair of pajamas. The Slayer breathed an inaudible sigh of relief even as she quashed a pang of disappointment.

"Feel better?" asked Willow.

"Much." Buffy said plopping down on the bed. "Whatcha doin'?" she asked casually.

"Giles asked me to set up a database of some of his personal collection, so I've been working on it after school and on the weekends."

Toweling her hair dry, Buffy asked skeptically, "Giles? The guy who still calls the computer 'that dread machine'?"

"Okay, so maybe he didn't ask, specifically, but I think he'll like it if he gives it a chance..." Willow glanced over her shoulder at Buffy and her eyes went wide as her mouth formed a shocked 'O'.

Confused by her friend's reaction, the Slayer asked, "What?"

Apparently struck dumb, the redhead could only point a shaking finger at the mirror over her dresser.

Still toweling her hair, Buffy looked in the mirror only to have her own eyes widen in horror. "My…my hair! Omigod! My hair is ORANGE!"

Willow stammered out, "I-it is kinda orangey."

The formerly blonde Slayer glared at her friend, "No, it's NOT 'kinda orangey' Willow! My hair is fluorescent, fucking, ORANGE!"

"Okay, just calm down Buffy." Willow said, "We'll figure this out and we'll fix it."

"Fix it? How Will? I can't even go home like this!" Buffy said in a panic. "Blood on my clothes? Mom can ignore that. This? THIS she'll notice!"

"Um…maybe you can tell her it's a hair-color experiment gone wrong?" Willow offered.

With a dark scowl the Slayer replied, "I've never done more than add highlights Will. Now my hair is the color of a traffic cone!"

"We could call Giles, maybe he could…"

"Oh no!" Buffy interrupted, "No Giles! He'll only get on my case about thinking before I attack! And if Xander or Cordelia found out…I'd never hear the end of it."

"Okay, okay. No Giles." Willow said, "We'll try to look up the demon in the books I um, borrowed from him…"

"I think I hear a 'but' coming Will."

"Yeah," the hacker agreed, "It's a 'but if the demon isn't in these, what do we do then'? "

Buffy rubbed her temples and sighed in resignation, "We call Giles."

Picking up a musty volume from the box next to her computer desk, Willow asked, "I don't suppose you remember anything special about it?"

The Slayer thought for a moment, "About seven and a half to eight feet tall, scaly, and it pops when you poke it with sharp objects. That's about the it."

"Skin color?" Willow prodded

Buffy scowled and gestured at her hair.

"Sorry." The hacker said sheepishly. "Anything else?"

Buffy replied sarcastically, "Sorry Will. I was too busy trying to keep it from bashing my head in with a club to invite it to play 'Twenty Questions'."

"A club?" Willow asked animatedly, "Describe it." She said, flipping through the pages of another book.

"Uh…about four feet long, as thick as my leg…Oh! And it had three iron bands around it."

Nodding in satisfaction, Willow passed the book to Buffy. It was opened to a picture of a large scaly demon waving a formidable looking club exactly as she described.

"Yep, that's him." Said the Slayer, "Does it say how to get rid of this color?"

Taking the book back from Buffy, Willow struggled to translate from the Latin. "Well, if I'm reading this right, the Gn'o'ch demon…"

"Gn…oh hell! There is no way I can pronounce that." Buffy interrupted.

Sounding a little annoyed the redhead continued, "As I was saying. The demon sprays this gunk when it's killed as a way of marking the assailant so it's clan can avenge him."

"There're more of them? That's just great. Does that book say anything about how to get rid of the damn color?"

"Just a second." Willow said switching back and forth from a Latin dictionary to Giles' demonography. "I need to check something."

For the next several minutes, she read and re-read the passage in question, 'No," the red haired hacker thought, 'that can't be right!'

After sitting on pins and needles watching Willow work on the translation for nearly ten minutes, Buffy finally snapped. "Willow! What does it SAY?"

"Okay! Okay!" 'Geez,' she thought, 'Impatient much?' Out loud she continued, "It looks like there's two ways to fix this. The first option is to just wait for it to gradually fade out."

"How long will that take?" Asked Buffy skeptically.

"Uh, about three months." Willow said, bracing for the explosion.

"THREE MONTHS?" Buffy exclaimed, "I can't wait three months! What's the other way?"

Blushing furiously, the hacker responded, "The other way, right, that's what, uh…

That's why I was double checking the translation."

'God,' she thought, 'it must be something really bad for Willow to get that look.' Almost dreading the answer the Slayer asked, "Okay Will, spill it. What do I do to get rid of this?"

Her face rapidly matching her hair color, Willow rapid fired the answer. "Youhavetohavesexwithsomeoneclosetoyou."

'God she is so cute when she does that. Wait, what did she say?' It took Buffy a moment to slow down and replay Willow's high-speed babble. "You've got to be kidding!"

Willow shook her head, "Buffy I've checked it three times. That's what it says."

'Of course it does!' the Slayer thought miserably, 'It couldn't be something simple? Why does it have to be sex? Especially when the only person I want to have sex WITH right now…well that's just not possible.'

For long minutes Buffy just sat next to Willow trying to come up with a way out of this. 'I can almost SEE the wheels turning in her head.' Willow thought, 'If I wasn't such a coward I could tell her the perfect solution to the problem. But I AM a coward! A big ol' yellow streak down the back, lily livered chicken!'

Suddenly Buffy's eyes lit up as she decided on a course of action, "Will, does it say anything about…" she trailed off, 'Crap! Why is this so hard to say?' "Can I take care of this…by myself?"

Willow looked confused. "By…oh!" she said, suddenly getting it. "Um, no. It says that two must join to raise power to eliminate the mark."

"Which leaves me with a problem." The Slayer mused. "I've pretty much turned down every guy in school since…well, since Angel."

The hacker said hesitantly, "You…uh, you could ask Xander."

"No I couldn't." Buffy sighed, "he's with Cordelia and I wouldn't want to mess that up for him over what could only be a one time thing."

That's when the little voice in the back of her head started whispering things to her. Naughty things. Things about her and Willow. 'Oh God! Shut up back there I can't possibly tell her! Can I? No, no way. Will would hate me. Or worse think I'm a pervert! Which, I obviously am! Since I'm sitting here in nothing but a towel, thinking about how fucking HOT Willow was in that wet nightshirt earlier, how perky her nipples looked, how much I wanted to…And, oh God, when did it get so hot in here?'

Lurching to her feet the Slayer staggered to the french doors and pushed them wide open, taking deep gulping breaths of oxygen. Startled by her friend's sudden action Willow leapt up and moved to join her at the open door.

"Buffy! Are you okay? Is something wrong? Well, besides the obvious. You know? Your hair? Oh! Not that your hair is wrong or anything! Of course, the color is wrong, but your hair's not. Wrong, that is. I think I'll just shut up now."

"I wish you wouldn't."

"But I was babbling again! Could I be any MORE of a spaz?"

Frowning at the hacker's self-deprecating remark, Buffy replied, "You are NOT a spaz! Besides, I like your babbling. I think you're cute…" Realizing her blunder the former blonde tried frantically to cover, "Uh…what I meant to say was…it, uh yeah! IT'S cute when you babble! Not that YOU'RE cute! But not that you AREN'T cute! Just not to me…cause you're a girl a-and I-I'm a girl and…" 'Omigod! Would it be too much to ask for the Hellmouth to just open up and swallow me whole right NOW?' she thought, slapping her hand over her mouth to stop the flood of words.

It took Willow a few moments to sort through what Buffy had said. 'Am I understanding her right? Cause that just doesn't seem possible. Buffy thinks I'm cute? Buffy, my best friend? My straight best friend who had sex with a guy on her seventeenth birthday thinks I'm cute? Okay, yeah the guy was a vampire who went insane and tried to kill me afterwards, but the sex was had! But if Buffy thinks I'm cute does that mean that she's bi-sexual?' As her line of thought continued her eyes got wider and her breathing grew more erratic. 'And if she is, does that mean that she wants…to…to…with me?' "Eep!"

It was the little squeaky noise that did it, that and the play of emotions on Willow's face. Buffy saw her go from confusion, to understanding, to shock and it was just too much! 'Oh god, she knows! And she hates me!' she thought as the tears welled up and she started crying. As the floodgates opened her legs gave way and she dropped to the floor.

Willow, pulled from her reverie by Buffy's reaction, sat next to her friend and drew her into her lap. Whispering soothing sounds she noticed that the towel wrapped around the other girl was no longer securely fastened and had begun to gape just a little.

'Oh boy!' she thought, 'I think I'm getting an idea. Yep, that's an idea all right! A really, REALLY naughty idea about how to take care of several problems at once.' Had Buffy been looking up just then, she'd have seen the famous Rosenberg 'Resolve Face' flash across her friend's features.

"Buffy, look at me." Willow said softly.

Slowly The Slayer raised her tear-streaked face to the redhead.

"Buffy, are you…bisexual?"

Automatically, she began to deny it but the look on Willow's face caused it to die on her lips and she just nodded.

"And do you…want me? Like you wanted Angel?" asked Willow.

Buffy tried to respond, but her voice seemed to have quit working. As she nodded again she could feel heat rush up her face.

"Wow! I wonder if she knows she's blushing all the way down her…Damn, now I'M blushing!' Willow thought.

For long moments Willow just sat there with the towel clad Slayer in her lap, stroking the bright orange locks that had started all this. "Buffy, get up." She said firmly.

Buffy felt as if a vise had closed around her heart. "Here it comes." She thought miserably, "She's gonna tell me she doesn't want to see me anymore." She got off Willow's lap and watched in confusion as the hacker closed and locked the french doors, put away Giles' books and turned off the computer. "Willow, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing Buffy?" crossing to her bedroom door and locking it.

"Well, it…uh, it looks like you're getting ready for bed."

"I am." She said as she undid the buttons on her pajama top.

Buffy's eyes widened as her hand reached out to stop Willow from undressing. "Will, are you sure?"

"Buff, do you WANT to go to school with orange hair Monday?"

"No, but I don't want to mess up our friendship either. Not because of this." She gestured at her hair. "Or because I can't keep my hormones in check."

"About that," Willow said sheepishly, " you're not the only one with hormone problems!"


"When…when I…you know? By myself?" Buffy nodded, "It's not Oz that I think about." Willow said softly.

"And, who DO you think about?" She asked stepping closer.

"You." Willow replied, taking that last half step and placing a soft kiss on the other girl's lips.

'Is this real?' the hacker thought, 'Am I really kissing Buffy?' and as her hands stroked Buffy's bare back, "Where'd that towel go? And do I really care?'

Feeling Willow's hands on her bare skin was making the Slayer crazy. She whimpered deep in her throat as she was pushed back on the bed with the hacker on top. "Off." She groaned, pulling at Willow's pajamas while recapturing her lips with a desperate intensity.

"Oh!" Willow cried when she felt the top being forcibly torn from her body. She pulled back to see a sheepish expression on Buffy's face as she dangled the shredded garment from a finger.


The redhead grinned at her friend ('No, that would be lover now, or soon to be lover anyway.') as she shimmied out of her bottoms and rejoined Buffy on the bed.

Buffy's eyes widened a little as she finally got a good look at her friend's ('Girlfriend's?') naked body. "Willow!" She gasped. "I didn't know you shaved, you naughty girl, you."

Buffy reached tentatively between the hacker's legs, cupping her bare mound. Willow gasped, closing her eyes as she answered, "Its n-not sup…oh! Supposed to be for naughtiness!" Her eyes opened in time to catch the Slayer's arched eyebrow. "Okay," she admitted while Buffy's thumb idly toyed with her clit, "Maybe it is, a L-LITTLE! "Oh god BUUUFFY!" this last was in response to the Slayer drawing a nipple into her mouth.

After a few moments more of tongue lashing the turgid nub, the former (and soon to be again) blonde raised her head and gasped out, "God Will! I wanted to do this SOOO bad in the garage earlier!" she latched onto Willow's other nipple, elicited a fresh gasp from the redhead.

"R…r-really?" she managed to squeak.

"Why do you think I ran for the bathroom like I had a pack of Vampires after me?" Buffy grinned. "That thin little nightshirt, all wet from you spraying me down with the hose? Then you stretched to hang up my jacket, god! I thought I was gonna cum just from watching you move!" All through this recitation Buffy was mercilessly teasing Willow's clit with one hand while with the other she tweaked and pinched her sensitive nipples.

"God, Buffy!" Willow begged with a look of desperation, "Stop teasing, please?"

"Okay, lift this leg Wills." She tapped Willow's right leg. The hacker looked confused but did as she was told. A look of understanding came over her as Buffy straddled the raised leg and brought her own into hard contact with Willow's already overly sensitive core.

Both girls started breathing faster as Buffy began to move. Sliding back and forth on Willow's leg and at the same time rubbing her own leg on the other girl's hairless mons. The Slayer gasped as she realized this new position had put her nipples in range of a delightful assault by her little hacker. And she was doing just that, having captured one nipple with her lips and the other with her fingers. Twisting, pinching, nibbling, licking and switching from one to the other, it was all designed to drive Buffy over the edge, and it was working!

"Omigod! Harder Willow! Plleeaaassse!" Buffy begged.

Not entirely sure what the Slayer was asking, the hacker pressed harder into Buffy's center while at the same time working her nipples more aggressively. After a particularly hard nip accompanied by an almost savage twist, she was reward by the other girl's deep, shuddering, gasping cry, "Oh! Oh! Oooo good, good Wiiillllooow!"

That was enough to push the redhead into her own orgasm. Squeezing Buffy's thigh tight between her own, Willow frantically pulled her closer, capturing her lips and plundering her mouth. Moaning long and loud into the kiss as her tremors subsided. For long minutes afterwards neither girl could muster the energy to move.

Finally Buffy rolled off her lover and stared at the ceiling, "Wow." She whispered.

"Uh Huh." Said Willow.

"Double wow!"

"Uh HUH!"

Both girls broke down giggling.

"Why did we wait so long to do this?" Buffy asked.

Willow replied while pulling something from her nightstand. "Well, I thought you were straight, you thought I was and we were both too scared to tell each other and then this demon jumped you and your hair turned orange and then…" She pulled a hand mirror from behind her back and gave it to Buffy.

"Oh…my hair! It's blonde again!" she cried as she sat up in the bed and checked all of her hair with the small mirror. After a few moments she noticed that Willow had gone all quiet. Lying back down next to the girl she asked, "What's the matter Will?"

"Earlier you said that this could only be a one time thing. I-is it? I mean is this the only time we'll be together…like this?"

Buffy sighed as she stroked her lover's back. "Willow I said that about Xander."

"So this wasn't just about…" The hacker trailed off.

"My hair?" Willow nodded, "God no Wills! I have wanted you almost from the day I met you! I just thought you were straight, cause first you were crushing on Xander and now there's…oh shit! Willow? What about Oz?"

The red haired hacker rolled her eyes, "What ABOUT him." She said bitterly.

"Oh, still not taken the hint huh?"

"No! A-and maybe he's waited too long! Cause Buffy-smootchies are way better than what Oz smootchies must be! I-if you…uh, still wanna, have smootchies, that is?"

Buffy feigned a shocked expression on her face, "Give up MY Willow-smootchies? To OZ? No way! You snooze! You lose! And as far as I'm concerned, HIS loss is MY gain!"

Willow smiled, "Really?"

And for the rest of that night (and a good part of the next day) Buffy showed Willow just how big a gain she had made.

The End

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