
by Gencie Salter

Copyright © 2003

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Joss is God. I am not.
Distribution: Watchers: / and Mystic Muse /
Feedback: Sure!
Author's Note: I wanna be a Kennedy lyrics by Kill Hannah.
A Night the Lights Went Out in Cleveland Story.
Pairing: Kennedy/Vi

Summary: Vi's feeling brave.

I. Live Fast

i wanna be a kennedy/i wanna be a big heartbreaker/live fast and for real/and you can follow it in the papers

Vi is not gay, and she's ninety-eight percent sure of that fact. She's kissed only one boy in her lifetime but she's certain she enjoyed it and near-certain she'd like to do it again sometime.

Still, when Kennedy does a backwards flip off a brick wall, her body twisting gracefully in mid-air and her shirt riding up just a skosh to show off her perfectly flat abs, Vi can't help but be spellbound. The dark-haired Slayer wastes no time planting her stake in the vampire's chest, and Vi lets out a long sigh. If only she were that coordinated. She realizes that, as a Slayer, she has the same super strength, speed, and dexterity as Kennedy does, but somehow it just looks better on the other girl. Vi tries her hardest, but she still only manages a sort of flamboyant flail when she attempts those stunts.

Faith is praising Kennedy's slaying skill now. That's another thing that Vi envies. Though Faith has made no effort to hide how much Kennedy annoys her, lately it seems as if she's taken the young Slayer under her wing. Kennedy's even begun dressing a little like Faith and sometimes engaging in some of the woman's mannerisms. Whether consciously or subconsciously, Kennedy has made Faith her role-model and Vi doesn't know if that's such a good choice. It's not that she thinks Faith's a bad influence, even if she sort of is, it's more the fact that ever since Kennedy began imitating the older Slayer, Vi can't seem to get the dark-haired former potential out of her mind.

It's mid-August now, and the summer heat is already fading fast. Cleveland is colder than California, especially at night. Some of the Slayers have taken to wearing jackets on patrol while others, like Kennedy and Faith, prefer to wear skinny tank tops and tight jeans. Vi pulls her wool coat tighter around her chest and tries not to wince as the motion causes the fabric of her shirt to rub irritatingly against her nipples. She remembers Faith mentioning that slaying made her hungry and horny, and silently curses her destiny for the tenth or eleventh time that night.

'I am not gay. I like boys. This must be something else.' She thinks to herself.

This has become her mantra. Every night she stares at herself in the mirror, repeating the phrase over and over until she feels it's sufficient enough to convince herself for another night. Vi has never figured herself the type for questioning her sexuality; she thought that only happened to younger kids. Then again, hadn't Willow come out when she was in college? And hadn't Vi's cousin admitted he was gay after ending his nine year marriage?

It's been a long night, and Rona is complaining openly about the lack of activity. Kennedy agrees, and looks to Faith for what they should do next. Vi is trying to pay attention to the conversation, but her eyes keep wandering over Kennedy's body. The girl was well-formed before she became a Slayer but now she is magnificently cut. Her muscles are sleek and her skin is just so perfectly tan. Vi decides to spend more time out in the sun, or maybe get some of that fake tanning lotion since red-heads don't tend to tan well, and perhaps purchase some more revealing clothing. If Kennedy can imitate Faith, then why can't Vi imitate Kennedy? Maybe she will dye her hair as well, or get some unusual piercing? She imagines that a bolt through the tongue will probably hurt an awful lot, but perhaps a stud in her nose would be sexy?

"Vi! Earth to Violet!"

Vi snaps to attention, feeling like she did when her mother caught her stealing fudge from the cupboard before dinner. Faith is grinning wildly, glancing between her and Kennedy. A deep blush rises in Vi's cheeks as she realizes she's been caught checking out her fellow Slayer. Kennedy is eyeing her suspiciously, but seems otherwise unaffected. Regardless, Vi still wants to crawl into a damp, dark hole in the ground and stay there for all eternity.

The patrolling plan has changed to the clubbing plan. Robin looks skeptical, but a deeply pleading look from Faith seems to melt his apprehension. He's not up to his full strength yet, the wound he sustained in the battle against the First has slowed him down but he still insists on being a part of the nightly activities.

For a moment, Vi nervously remembers when Faith last took them clubbing. Buffy had been furious and Vi felt bad about agreeing to go in the first place. She admired Buffy, even if the blond Slayer was a bit of a tight-ass, and Vi hates to disappoint the people she admires.

Still, Buffy is no longer here. Faith is in charge now, and if Faith says they've done enough for the night then it is apparently dancing time.

Faith ignores some of the younger Slayers requests to go home and change.

"You have to be ready to party at a moment's notice. It's kinda like slaying." Faith tosses a sizzling smile back at Robin. "If you can't dance in what you got on, how do you expect to be able to kill anything?"

Most of the girls are nodding in agreement, including Kennedy. Vi just wishes she'd put on a bra before she'd left the house. She usually wears one, but ever since she's become a Slayer she feels everything ten-fold. It was a bold decision on her part. Her personality has changed a bit since she has become a Slayer. She knows this and she lets it happen. She's not about to go all dark and sleazy like Faith and Kennedy, but she's much more laid back these days. Though she's still not laid back enough to flaunt the fact that she's been slaying braless these past few nights. Leave it to Faith to cut slaying short in favor of writhing around together on the dance floor on the one night when it would most embarrass poor Vi.

Robin snakes his arm around Faith's waist as they make their way downtown. Vi can hear Rona speaking to her, but the other girl's voice is soft and distant, slipping out of Vi's ears. She doesn't see Rona's annoyed glare, or another girl rolling her eyes. All she sees is Faith's arm resting comfortably over Kennedy's shoulder, the younger girl leaning into the touch and smiling.

II. Kiss the Girls

i wanna be a kennedy/i wanna shake hands with heroes/and kiss the girls of centerfolds on the tongue/and die young

Sweat-soaked bodies rubbing and wriggling. Twisting vines made of arms and legs. Heat rises in waves off the concrete floor. Vi tugs at the collar of her heavy jacket. It is obscenely hot in the club, but Vi would rather suffer the heat than suffer the humiliation. She can feel the sharp points of her breasts stretching her shirt as she watches her patrol group dance.

Rona is fed up with her tonight, she's sure of it. She sees her friend off in the corner talking to a butch Asian boy with bleach-blond hair and sipping something she's probably far too young to be sipping.

Vi snorts unpleasantly. She's brought it on herself, truthfully. Why can't she seem to focus on anything but Kennedy? At the mere thought, she twists around, her eyes seeking out the dark-haired Slayer. Kennedy is out in the middle of the floor, situated almost directly next to Faith. While Faith seems content to focus all of her attention on Robin, something that in and of itself makes Vi blink, Kennedy is surrounded on both sides by men and women alike. Young, beautiful things. Vi wonders what Willow would think about this scene.

A dark-skinned young man tries to wiggle in between Kennedy and a buxom blond woman. Kennedy will have none of it and elbows the man in the stomach. He retreats to his table, glaring daggers at the girls. Vi feels an unbidden smile come to her face as Kennedy smirks back at the man. If only she were that self-assured.

Vi glances to her side, where a couple of the girls are drinking diet cokes, then shifts her gaze back to where Kennedy is now openly bumping and grinding with a pair of blond twins. She will probably regret it later, but Vi's decision is made. Determined not to be outdone by Rona, who is now eagerly running her fingernails up and down the bleach blond's arm, Vi shucks her heavy coat and slips out of the booth.

Her heart is doing a tap dance on her ribcage. Bodies slide passed her as she makes her way out onto the dance floor. A couple of men try to grab for her and she repays them with jabs and slaps. Not hard enough to get her thrown out, but still hard enough to make them back off, grumbling about the 'damn lesbians' taking over the place. For a moment, Vi considers going back to tell him she's not a lesbian, but she doesn't think he'd believe her. Besides, if what she's about to do is any indication she's no longer sure that the barb is entirely inaccurate.

Kennedy turns to face Vi as she slides in between the twins. Suddenly the room around them seems dimmer. Or maybe they're the ones that have dimmed. It makes sense to Vi. Kennedy is anything but a ray of shining light. Maybe Willow is, but not Kennedy. The brunette is dark. Probably darker than even she imagines. Vi dives into that darkness, lets it seep through her. Kennedy's arms are around her, hands trailing down her sides. Vi can't help but moan softly when Kennedy grips her hips, moving them in tandem with her own.

The blonds are still there, hands and fingers and hips, touching every part of the two girls. Neither Slayer seems to notice anymore. Their caresses are too soft, too light. Kennedy's caress is like fire. Vi feels the power coursing through her. It feels a lot like slaying. The fervor, the adrenaline, the sweat. The poor blonds can't possibly understand what they're missing.

Vi understands. Vi understands when Kennedy's knee slips between her thighs, her hips grinding against the redhead. The heat is getting to her now. She can feel the sweat pooling in the small of her back. Her shirt seems thinner, and for a moment Vi is scared. There is practically nothing between them now. The silk of Vi's top is nearly soaked through, and her arousal stands proudly for everyone to see. Kennedy's own top is drenched and, to Vi's amazement, she's not the only one who likes to go commando on patrol.

She almost can't bring herself to meet Kennedy's eyes. She feels truly frightened of so little these days, but the thought of what she might find in those eyes is more than she can stand.

Kennedy moves her hands away from Vi's hips and, before the girl can protest, places them firmly on Vi's rear. A tidal wave of tingling pleasure courses through her. Emboldened by the brazen move, Vi pulls her eyes from the floor and forces herself to look at Kennedy's face.

Glistening skin, pouty lips, and a scorching come-hither look is all it takes. Vi swallows her fear and darts forward, catching Kennedy's lips with her own.

In that moment, the world stops.

III. Die Young

i wanna be a kennedy/i wanna be tall and handsome/i'd conquer the world/and you'd see me on television/if i could be a kennedy /if i could be a big heartbreaker/i'd watch you crash into my arms/with the stars under the barrel of a gun/we die young

The only reason Vi realizes the power is out is that the music stops. Some people keep dancing. Not the Slayers, though, or their Watcher-for-the-night, Robin. Vi can hear Faith calling for them. Before she takes two steps, all hell breaks loose. The people have now noticed that the music is gone and that the flashing lights have been replaced by emergency lights located near the exits.

Vi's thankful it's too dark to see Kennedy's reaction to the kiss. She stands perfectly still as the crowd around them becomes a mass of undulating snakes. People are pushing at them, trying to get to the exits. She feels Kennedy tense, ready for a fight. The brunette Slayer grasps Vi's hand and begins pulling her toward the door. The blow comes just as Vi and Kennedy are passing the bar. One minute Vi's watching Kennedy's ponytail swinging against her back, and the next she's watching the edge of the bar reach up to hit her.

When she wakes up she's lying on the floor with a pounding headache, and Kennedy is struggling against a group of burly men with leather jackets and tattoos. The brunette is holding her own, but Vi can see that she is starting to lose her edge. The thin line of red trickling down Kennedy's face does nothing to ease Vi's mind. As the red-head struggles to get to her feet, another man appears behind the kicking, screaming Kennedy. He lifts his arm, hefting a rather large bottle of some type of liquor. Before Vi knows exactly what in the hell she's doing she's rushing forward, screaming Kennedy's name, and everything's happening in slow motion again. Vi shoves Kennedy out of the way and reaches her hand upward, grabbing hold of the bottle as it comes smashing down. The glass shatters in her hand and she curses as she suddenly remembers her Slayer strength. She feels her palm being sliced open, and glares at the man in front of her. She cannot see his eyes in the dark, but his wide, ugly grin is easy enough to spot.

Vi's pretty certain she's never felt pure fury before. She remembers the feeling she had while fighting the First in Sunnydale and thinks this feeling is similar, but not identical. She can feel her blood moving through her body, and there's a throbbing pain in her head that makes it feel like she's going to explode any minute now.

She knows now just what Buffy was always talking about. The power. The rush of it coursing through her. Distantly, Vi can hear Faith calling Kennedy's name, but by now she's too far gone. She unleashes her fury upon the man in front of her, kicking and punching until he's down on the ground. Even then, she doesn't let up. Just one more hit, just one more is all he needs. All she needs.

Faith pulls Vi off the man before she finishes. The newly awakened Slayer is dripping with blood, which she's pretty sure she'll never be able to get out of the silk shirt. Faith grabs one of Vi's arms and Kennedy grabs the other. Together they manage to drag her outside where the rest of the group is waiting for them. Rona lets out something between a gasp and a screech when she catches sight of her friend.

Vi is dragged across the street and deposited on the sidewalk. She tries to speak, but she's slowly starting to feel the pain. Her hands are burning and her head feels two seconds away from falling off. She can't answer Faith's questions, or explain herself to Kennedy, who is staring at her with a look that Vi can't identify. Sorrow perhaps? Guilt?

Robin is kneeling beside her now, ripping off a strip of his t-shirt to wrap her hands in. He gently pushes Faith away and talks to Vi in slow, soothing tones, asking what happened and how she's feeling. Vi coughs and clears her throat a few times, trying to find her voice. Finally, she manages to groan out a word.


The African-American Slayer steps forward quickly.

"Yeah, I'm here. What is it?"

"Sorry… for ruining your shirt."

IV. Never Let Go

i'll be brave tonight/either live or die/i'll be brave tonight/standing tall and bright/such romantic eyes/got me hypnotized/and if i had my chance i'd never let you go

Willow and Giles are just pulling up to the house in the old station wagon when the patrol group returns home that night. Vi turns slightly, ignoring the argument from her throbbing skull, to watch Kennedy. The brunette walks passed Willow as the witch steps out of the car, giving her barely more than a glance. Willow reaches out toward her lover for a moment, before lowering her hand with a confused look on her face. Vi swallows hard. She's the reason for this rift. She's got to be. Willow and Kennedy weren't having any problems until Vi had kissed Willow's girlfriend. At least, Vi didn't think they were having problems. She watches Willow follow after Kennedy, the witch imploring her girlfriend to talk to her. Kennedy tenses up at Willow's touch and says something, but Vi is too far away to hear what they are talking about. Perhaps if she gathers the courage later on, Vi can talk to Kennedy about the kiss.

As Robin leads the way upstairs to the bunks, Kennedy finally turns to face Vi. They lock eyes for a moment and Vi is struck by the sadness in the other girl's eyes. Kennedy finally shakes her head slightly, turns, and walks away.

Rona stays by Vi's side, mumbling words of sympathy and encouragement as Robin tends to her wounds and puts her to bed. Vi is thankful for her friend's concern, and considers asking Rona to stay for a moment, then thinks better of it. After what she's done, she deserves to be alone. They leave her there to stare up at the dark, empty ceiling. The power is still out and Vi can feel herself slipping. Slowly, tears begin to pool in her eyes. Alone in the Slayer quarters, Vi silently falls apart, wishing for the calm, white-noise sound of electricity.

The End

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