In Thrall

By Frau Hunter Ash

Copyright © 2002

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimers: The characters and show all belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, and God only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices. "Buffy vs. Dracula" Written by Marti Noxon, directed by David Solomon.

Distribution: /    /

Feedback: Feedback welcome!

Grouping: Buffy/Willow/Tara

Author's Note: A Special "Thank You" to Joan the English Chick ( for her transcripts.

Summary: Adam has been defeated and the gang are recovering.  In this one Willow uses her magick to help things along with major consequences for two couples and there's a 'guest' appearance here.

Part 4

Buffy jumped over a tombstone and landed cat-like on her feet. The Slayer brought her fist in an uppercut, catching the male vampire under the chin and rattling his jaw and crashing his teeth together.

Tara and Willow, standing nearby with hands ready to lend a magickal hand, if needed, smiled at each other.

"It's amazing how much s-she enjoys t-this," Tara commented and Willow nodded, leaning into Tara's arms but very aware of everything around them. Cemeteries weren't exactly the safest places in Sunnydale to catch a snuggle with a lover, Willow knew.

"Yeah, she's so good at it," Willow agreed.

Buffy followed through with the blow with several punches from both fists that kept the vampire off balance and his head spinning. To add further insult, the Slayer grabbed the vampire by his shoulders and rammed her knee into his crotch.

Willow and Tara grinned. "If he had blood in his body, he'd be a bright red, I think," Willow said easily, stake and cross in hand.

"Oh most definitely," Tara agreed.

As the vampire tried to stand upright, Buffy jumped on his back.

"Was t-that a good move?" Tara asked and, before Willow could respond, she had her answer when the vampire grabbed Buffy and threw her over his shoulder to land hard on the ground.

None of the young women or even the vampire noticed a small patch of fog in among some trees nearby, nor the eyes looking out of the fog.

Buffy, rolling out of being tossed to the ground, regained her feet and charged the vampire, throwing punches that made him blink and shake his head. A kick to the jaw didn't take him down, however. It made him growl.

The Slayer tried to kick him again but the vampire anticipated her move and grabbed Buffy, lifting her over his head.

"Willow?" Tara asked, suddenly concerned.

"Easy," Willow said softly, frowning as the vampire threw their lover several feet away. She had seen Buffy in action more than Tara had and so she knew how to wait.

Buffy grinned from the ground and did a move that would have made a professional wrestler proud, a scissor neck lock. She kicked up with both feet, wrapped her calves around the vampire's neck and when he threw her down, she used the momentum to flip him over onto the ground. The Slayer came up into a sitting position with stake in hand and the vampire was dust before he had even blinked from the surprising move.

Buffy stood up and grinned at the sound of applause, looking over at Willow and Tara. The Slayer playfully took a small bow and began walking towards her girlfriends.

Willow noticed Buffy's expression change suddenly and the Slayer turned on her heels, stake in hand.

Willow and Tara stopped and hesitated as a tall man stepped out of a small grove of trees.

Willow figured he was as tall or taller then Angel and had the same dark hair but it was longer and swept back off his high forehead with a classic widow's peak. His skin was as pale as the usual vampire's but his eyes were a bright and piercing blue. Dark, gothic clothes, pale skin, red lips—vampire.

The witch wasn't surprised that he was thin but the longer fingernails did surprise her.

"Very impressive hunt," the stranger said calmly in an intriguing voice with an accent that Willow figured was Slavic. "Such power!"

"That was no hunt," Buffy corrected. "That was just another day on the job."

Willow and Tara almost had the urge to giggle at the vampire as they spotted his long cloak, long flowing hair, widow's peak hair, and pale skin, but didn't. Even though he looked like a wanna-be vampire straight out of Anne Rice or a gothic novel, there was an aura of power around him that made them hesitate.

"Care to step up for some overtime?" Buffy invited, a gleam in her eyes.

"We're not going to fight tonight," the stranger said calmly.

"Do you know what a Slayer is?" Buffy asked, almost exasperated.

"Do you?" he countered and Buffy looked intrigued by the question.

"Who are you?" Buffy asked, realizing that this wasn't an ordinary Sunnydale vampire.

"I apologize for my rudeness. I assumed you knew. I am Dracula," the stranger said easily.

Willow and Tara could see Buffy's eyes widen in surprise and in delight.

"Get out of here! No way!"

The Slayer looked amused. "So let me get this straight, you're 'Dracula.' The guy, the Count, Prince of Darkness and all of that?"

Dracula, looking at all three women, smiled and the young lovers could see his fangs.

"I am," he agreed.

Buffy smirked at the stranger. "You sure this isn't just some fanboy thing? 'Cause I've fought more than a couple of pimply overweight vamps that called themselves Lestat."

Dracula's expression changed from smirking to annoyed. "You know who I am, as I would know without question that you are Buffy Summers.

He approached Buffy slowly, towering over her.

"You've heard of me?" Buffy asked, her eyebrows furrowing in question.

"Naturally, you are known throughout the world among the vampires."

Tara, under any other circumstances would have found Buffy's shy smile charming. In these circumstances, it was just weird for the Slayer to be awe-struck over a vampire. Tara glanced over and saw Willow appeared to be just as intrigued.

"Nah, really?" Buffy asked softly.

"Why else would I come here?" Dracula demanded. "For the sun? I came to meet the renowned…killer."

Buffy lost her amused expression. "I prefer the term 'slayer.' You know, killer just sounds so…."

"Naked?" Dracula suggested.

"Nah, like I'm a bad guy, I'm the good guy, remember?"

"Perhaps, but your power is rooted in darkness. You must feel it?" he suggested.

Buffy appeared to ponder the suggestion and raised her stake.

"No, you know what I feel? Bored," Buffy commented as she rushed forward with the stake only to stumble over the spot he had been in. Only a faint trace of fog revealed any trace of the vampire.

The Slayer looked around, confused.

"Behind you!" Tara shouted and Buffy spun with the stake but Dracula was gone again.

"Okay! That's cheating!" Buffy snapped. Willow and Tara rushed over to Buffy. "Get out of here!" Buffy snapped at them.

"Let us help!" Tara insisted.

"Behind you!" Buffy cried and the two women spun to see Dracula standing near them.

"I have no interests in you, leave us," Dracula ordered and then looked confused as he caught Willow's green eyes. "I might have an interest after all," he muttered.

After a moment he turned his attention back to the Slayer.

"This is not the right time, I will see you again," he promised and then looked back at Willow. "Greetings, Sister," he grinned and was gone.

"Sister?" Tara and Buffy whispered softly and then squeaked as the fog turned into a bat and dove at them. Willow seemed glued to the spot until Tara and Buffy pulled her down.

The three women stood up slowly and squeaked again as the bat dived at them.

"Oh, bat! Damnit!" Buffy yelled. "Hair! Bat! Not good! Get out of here!"

The three women continued to look around the dark sky for a few moments and then Tara and Buffy turned to Willow and the hacker shifted uncomfortably under their gazes.

"Sister?" Buffy asked.

"I don't know!" Willow protested. "Carson knew I'm a werewolf, he could sense it, maybe Dracula sensed it too."

"Yeah," Tara agreed thoughtfully, "But C-Carson and Angel said t-that vampires and werewolves are natural enemies. Would he c-call an enemy, sister?"

"I don't know!" Willow protested.

"Let's figure that out later," Buffy snapped. "I suggest we get home and call a meeting of the Scooby Gang, Dracula is a big thing."

Giles sat patiently as Buffy described their encounter with Dracula and Joyce looked on, concerned.

"Did I mention that he knew me?" Buffy repeated. "Count Famous has heard of me."

"Well, you are the Slayer, Buffy," Giles pointed out.

"Well, I was just blown away," Buffy admitted. "Those dark penetrating eyes and accent, it was cool."

"Way cool and sexy," Willow mumbled.

Tara ran her hand through Willow's hair as the redhead sat on the sofa and Tara sat behind her. "You thought Dracula was sexy?" she asked, lightly teasing her girlfriend.

"No!" Willow protested with a blush. "No, he was…like yuck! Vampire, you know."

"Right!" Anya agreed as she sat in Xander's lap. "Except for that whole tall, dark, handsome thing, right?"

"How would you know?" Xander demanded.

"We hung out a few times," Anya explained, ignoring Xander's jealous looks. "Back in my demon days, once or twice. He's pretty cool."

Anya saw Giles and Joyce's expressions and ducked her eyes. "Well, you know, from a whole evil thing perspective."

"I bet he was no big whoop," Xander grumbled.

"No big whoop?" Willow exclaimed. "What about that thing where he turned himself into a bat? That was awesome!"

"How can he do that?" Xander demanded from Giles.

Giles removed his glasses and began to clean them. "I, actually, I have no idea. There's a great deal of myth about Dracula. I think the key to defeating him lies in separating the fact from the fiction."

Buffy frowned. "So, you suggest we take it slow? I mean, he said that we would meet again but I would like to avoid that until we do some serious homework."

"Even with the tricks, he's just a vampire, right?" Xander asked. "I say we grab stakes, crossbows, crosses and run his ass down."

"No, Buffy's right," Anya said thoughtfully. "Dracula's too slick to fall for the usual stuff."

"So, we hold off until we know exactly what we're dealing with," Buffy said firmly.

"You're not just saying that because of the dark, brooding, handsome vampire thing? The dark penetrating eyes thing?" Xander smirked.

"No!" Buffy protested, quickly looking at her girlfriends. "His eyes were…no penetration. Honest!"

Willow grinned and Tara smirked at the embarrassed Slayer.

"Alright, I suggest that Tara and Willow hit the Internet and find out everything you can about the actual legend of Vlad the Impaler. I'll check the library with Joyce. I want everyone to stay together and not go out alone. There are too many myths about Dracula's mental control over victims. A thrall, I believe they call it," Giles said thoughtfully.

"I'm tired," Buffy grumbled and sat down next to Willow, leaning her head on Willow's shoulder as Tara began to rub her shoulders.

The next five minutes were spent making their goodbyes to Xander and Anya and saying goodnight to Giles and Joyce.

"I'm kinda wired, guys," Willow said once they were left alone in the living room. "Why don't you go on up to bed, I'll be along in a bit."

"You sure, Will?" Tara asked, a frown on her face.

"Yeah, I'm going to cruise the net for a bit on my laptop," Willow said softly and kissed Tara and then Buffy.

Tara looked at Buffy and realized the Slayer had been telling the truth; it was obvious that she was tired. Tara smiled and led Buffy up the stairs towards one of the bedrooms.

Willow sat down and booted up her laptop and waited as the machine went through its routine and quickly keyed into the Internet.

Xander walked along with Anya towards their apartment, Xander still fuming over Anya's obvious attraction to Dracula.

"Maybe if you see Dracula, you could mention my name," she suggested.

"Or better yet," Xander snapped. "Why don't you just go sit on top of a crypt and flaunt your neck cleavage until Dracula shows up? Then you two can talk privately!"

Anya stopped and stared at Xander as a wolf observed them from the top of a coffee shop.

"Oh please!" Anya snapped. "Don't tell me you're jealous!"

"Oh no, just because you're panting all over the guy!" Xander snapped back, stopping on the sidewalk.

"I am not panting!" Anya protested.

"Oh right!" Xander shouted. "Just because you brought up the tall, dark, brooding, handsome, piercing eyes, evil thing!"

"Stop it! I'm going home, are you coming?" Anya shouted.

"No, I don't think so!" Xander shouted back. "Maybe I don't want to compete against tall, dark and evil!"

"Xander," Anya tried to calm down. "Let's go home. I'm with you, I don't want Dracula."

Xander calmed down but was still brooding. "You go on, I'm going to walk for a little bit."

"Giles said we shouldn't be alone," Anya whined.

"As if Dracula would even pay attention to me," Xander said bitterly. "I'll be home soon. I'm going to go around the block."

"You sure?" Anya asked with a frown.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Xander said, his voice a little more gentle as he bent down to kiss his girlfriend.

Xander watched his girlfriend turn a corner and started around the block in the opposite direction. The young man was deep in thought and shuffled his feet as he walked.

Xander jumped when he turned the corner and found Dracula waiting for him.

"Oh great! Perfect!" he muttered and then snapped his head up. "Okay! Fine! You're not so big. One good round, you'll fold like a bitty baby."

Xander raised his fists.

"One good round and no poofing out of sight! Pucker on up, cause you can kiss your pale ass…"

"Silence!" Dracula ordered and raised his hand.

"Yes, Master," Xander said softly. "No, that's not…."

"You will be my emissary, my eyes and ears in daylight," Dracula explained.

"Your emissary?" Xander asked softly.

Dracula smiled, "You serve me well and you will be rewarded. I will make you an immortal. A child of darkness that feeds on life itself, on blood."

"Blood?" Xander repeated in Dracula's accent. "Yes! Yes! I will serve you, your most excellent spookiness!"

Dracula frowned and Xander quickly correctly himself. "Or Master, I'll just stick with Master."

Dracula continued to frown. "You are strange and off putting, go now."

Xander nodded eagerly and turned to leave and spun around again.

"Master, how can I find…?"

Dracula was gone.

Xander found himself giggling like some crazed 1930s Renfield. "What an exit!" he exclaimed. "What a genius!"

The young man headed towards his home with Anya, trying to catch moths on the way.

Giles welcomed Joyce into his arms as he leaned back against the headboard of the bed he was now sharing with the Slayer's mother. He smiled as she snuggled next to him with a contended sigh.

"Do you think they're okay?" Joyce asked.

"The girls? I think so," Giles said slowly. "Buffy's reaction does worry me. It's not good for a Slayer to be star-struck."

"I know, sometimes my daughter can be…." Joyce was at a loss of words in describing Buffy.

Giles laughed lightly. "I understand, I believe. I've had to try and train her all these years."

"Is this going to stop our plans?" Joyce asked, beginning to unbutton his pajama top.

"Uh, plans?" he managed to squeak. "Oh plans! Wedding plans!"

Joyce laughed at his blushing face and moved her body over his, both of them moaning as he arched under her, his hips meeting hers.

"Those were the ones I was talking about," she whispered. "What plans did you have for tonight?"

Giles moaned and then growled as she opened his shirt.

"Luv! Oh God," he muttered, feeling Ripper coming to the surface. He counted himself lucky at taking a chance at love again after Jenny's death. Joyce was still adapting to Buffy being the Slayer but also seemed to understand about Ripper.

"Yes, Giles!" Joyce hissed, "Now!"

Willow's keen werewolf senses picked up the soft moans and sounds of sex from upstairs and extended her mental senses. She smiled when she discovered Buffy and Tara were deep asleep.

Willow frowned and moved quietly through the house to the back door and stepped through it after unlocking it. The witch sniffed the air and felt her pulse quicken.

"I'm here," she said softly and didn't jump or flinch when Dracula stepped out from the shadows and walked up to her.

The red-head was trapped in the vampire's eyes and didn't move. He looked down at her with a smile, his eyes questioning. He passed a hand over in front of Willow's face and her eyes shone back totally black, no white showing at all.

Dracula smiled. "I was right, your darkness even surpasses that of the Slayer," he commented. "Not only the wolf is in you but you have touched and traveled the darkness to capture that wolf."

"Yes," Willow admitted. "What do you want with me?"

"You will be useful," Dracula said easily, drawing the witch into his arms and wrapping his cloak around the both of them. "You will make a magnificent part of my life, wolf-witch."

"You want Buffy," Willow countered, trying to scream as she wrapped her arms around his thin body.

"Yes, I want the Slayer," Dracula confirmed. "She is magnificent, the best one I've seen in four hundred years. What about your other lover? The white-light witch?"

"What about her?" Willow snapped, her eyes shifting back to green as she stepped back slightly. "Don't you dare hurt her or Buffy!"

Dracula merely laughed and pulled her back into his arms, his lips nuzzling her neck. Willow began cursing herself as she moved her head, granting him more access to her neck. Why didn't Buffy and Tara hear her? She was screaming inside, they should be all over Dracula by now.

"I hear you, Scarlet one," Dracula whispered in her ear. "I am blocking your thoughts from them, just as I called you out here."

"How?" she asked, holding close to him.

"Part of my powers," he said softly. "Some things are correct, invite me in."

Willow suddenly had a glimmer of hope, if she could resist him and not invite him in, maybe he would only kill her. If she could keep him out, maybe Buffy, Tara and the others would be safe.

"Invite me in!" Dracula said, his voice a little firmer.

"No!" Willow somewhere found the strength for the word.

"I was hoping not to mark you yet," Dracula muttered.

"Then don't?" Willow suggested, her green eyes flashing angrily.

Dracula laughed again. "You are strong, witch. Very strong but you are mine!"

Willow snapped her hand up under Dracula's chin, surprising both of them with the action and the strength. As his hands loosed, Willow spun around and tried for the door but Dracula grabbed the back of her shirt, pulling her back against him.

//Tara! Buffy!// she screamed mentally.

Willow tried to scream but Dracula's hand clamped over her mouth and his fangs sank into her throat. The witch struggled but quickly weakened and whimpered as her body responded to the eroticism the bite was causing.

One of Dracula's arms was wrapped around her ribs, holding her to him at first and then upright as her legs gave out, his other hand left her mouth. Willow thought for a moment that it was over when the hand disappeared but it reappeared in front of her.

"Drink, bind to me," Dracula ordered and pressed his bleeding wrist to her mouth.

Willow tried to resist but tasted some of the blood and found herself drinking eagerly.

"You're invited," Willow said softly.

Willow heard Buffy and Tara's frantic thoughts in her head as the darkness crowded her.

Buffy was sound asleep when Willow's mental scream snapped her into an upright position, Tara a moment behind her.

"Will!" Buffy yelled, hitting the door before the shout had echoed in her head. The Slayer had stake in hand and was bounding down the stairs with Tara close behind her. They could hear Giles and Joyce Mom yelling, confused and demanding to know what was happening.

Buffy hit the back door at a run and almost tripped over Willow on the porch.

"Will!" she shouted as Tara stopped in the doorway, flipping on the back light, filling the porch and yard with light.

Willow was lying on her side, her red hair falling over her face and her hands clenched tightly. Buffy pulled Willow over and into her arms as Joyce and Giles shoved out onto the porch.

They could all see the fang marks and how pale she was.

"Giles!" Buffy cried as the ex-Watcher bent to examine the young woman.

"Her heartbeat is good, I don't think they took enough," Giles sighed with relief. "Get her inside."

Buffy lifted her unconscious lover into the house and placed Willow on the sofa. Willow moaned and opened her eyes slowly as Joyce handed Tara a gauze pad to hold against her slightly bleeding wounds.

"Oh Goddess, Tara, Buffy!" Willow whispered, her hand going to her neck. "I'm alive?"

Buffy felt tears filling her eyes. "Yeah, you're alive."

"What happened, Will?" Tara asked softly, stroking Willow's hair.

Willow frowned. "I'm not sure," she said slowly. "I was working on the computer and then I was opening the door."

Willow sat up slowly, still frowning. "Dracula was there, I couldn't scream and I couldn't run."

Buffy looked up at Giles as he tried to button his pajama top. He appeared unconcerned but the Slayer knew he was taking in every word, gesture and facial expression from her lover.

Willow looked scared and guilty as she pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. She looked up at Giles, her eyes pleading.

"Why couldn't I yell, Giles?" she asked softly.

"Well, I think it's that Thrall thing of Dracula's," he said slowly.

"You mean he had mental control over Will?" Buffy demanded.

"I believe so," Giles nodded unhappily. "You didn't hear her mentally?"

Tara wrapped her arms around Willow from behind.

"It's okay, baby," she said softly.

"No, we didn't until you heard us," Buffy said with a frown.

"Dracula said he was blocking me," Willow said softly, her eyes distant.

"What did he say, Willow?" Giles asked almost in a whisper as he sat down on the coffee table, his eyes watching Willow closely.

"That my darkness drew me to him," Willow whispered, tears beginning to fall. "Said I was strong and for me to invite him in."

"Thank God some parts hold true for him too," Giles muttered.

"Did you?" Joyce asked.

"No," Willow shook her head. "Said he'd force me then and bit me. I refused and I guess I-I blacked out."

"Willow," Giles said gently and leaned forward. "Think very carefully, this is important. Did he give you some of his blood?"

Willow looked puzzled and appeared to be thinking about it.

"Why is that important?" Buffy asked. "He didn't drain her enough to kill her so the feeding and exchanging thing wouldn't work, she didn't turn."

"Because in all the books, movies and such, Dracula has mental control over his victims," Giles began explaining. "Usually with just his eyes but it's not foolproof, Willow broke the hold. All the myths say that if Dracula gives a victim his blood then they are bound to him and must obey him without question, even if he doesn't take enough to kill them."

"Will?" Buffy asked, turning to her lover. The Slayer could feel Tara reaching out mentally to Willow as well.

Willow shook her head. "No, I wouldn't drink and I wouldn't invite him in, then nothing."

"Willow," Giles said softly, pulling everyone's attention back to him. "What did the bite feel like?"

Willow's eyes widened in surprise at the question and she heard a growl from Buffy. Tara tightened her arms around the red-haired witch.

"Giles? What the hell kind of question is that?" Buffy demanded.

"I know, Buffy, but it might be important," Giles said quickly. "We know from most victims that survive that the bite isn't erotic like it is in movies but painful and frightening. In the stories and myths of Dracula, his victims enjoy the bite and seduction and come back for more."

Willow's eyes widened again. "You mean, I might go back to him if he calls? But, he-he's a vampire like and a guy, never worked with guys, uh huh, found where I belong!"

Tara smiled and Buffy grinned at a trademark ramble.

"What did it feel like?" Giles insisted.

Willow frowned again and thought about it. She seemed to draw into herself and suddenly wouldn't look at Tara or Buffy.

"It…it f-felt good," she whispered and closed her eyes.

Giles held up a finger to his lips before Buffy or Tara could say anything.

"Tell me, Willow," he intoned. "You're safe and among friends. Tell me what it was like. How was he holding you?"

"Giles, damnit! I don't want details!" Buffy hissed and he placed a finger on his lips again.

Willow's face calmed.

"Behind…he's behind me," she said slowly and softly. Tara motioned for Buffy to be quiet as well.

"Trance," Tara explained in a whisper.

"I-I tried to run, get back in-inside," Willow continued. "He wanted in and I hit him…tried to run. I'm against him…I can't scream…a hand over…over my mouth."

Buffy whimpered and Tara closed her eyes, trying not to picture what Willow had gone through.

"I-I tried to…I screamed mentally," Willow continued. "I got past him! He…he…bit me. Oh Goddess…" Willow breath quickened. "It…it feels so good…my body…on fire…I…I want him to keep going."

Buffy tried not to reach out and draw Willow into her arms.

"I-I don't want it to stop," Willow admitted.

"Willow," Giles said softly. "If he calls, will you go?"

Willow looked confused. "No," she finally answered.

"Did you drink some of his blood?" Giles asked again.

"No," Willow answered easily. "Wouldn't drink, wouldn't…let him in."

Giles sighed with relief.

"Willow, you didn't do anything wrong," he said calmly. "Do you understand that?"

Willow frowned. "Let him…hurt me."

"You didn't do anything wrong," Giles insisted.

Willow's head dropped forward.

"Willow?" he questioned, a little more firmly. "Willow? I think she's asleep."

"Well, she was just mentally mind fucked and drained of her blood," Buffy said bitterly. "I'd be tired too."

"Buffy?" Joyce's voice held reproach and questions.

"I'm the Slayer, Mom," Buffy whimpered. "I can't even protect the women I love! I was asleep!"

"Buffy," Joyce cut in, her voice firm. "You are also human! Slayer or not! Now stop beating yourself up and take Willow to bed. She's going to be feeling guilty when she wakes up tomorrow and doesn't need all of us blaming ourselves for whatever we did or didn't do."

"I'm sorry, Mom," Buffy said softly and Tara reached out to squeeze her shoulder softly. The Slayer stood up and took Willow back into her arms. Together the three young lovers headed up the stairs.

Joyce moved in front of Giles and wasn't surprised when he wrapped his arms around her waist. She held him for a few moments.

"I know how she feels," he muttered. "I can't protect them. Willow is cursed as a werewolf, Buffy was nearly killed by Adam, Tara is at risk every time they form a circle. Xander has been knocked unconscious, broken bones, and nearly killed many times. When does it end?"

"I'm not sure it does, Rupert," Joyce said wearily. "I think we just grab what happiness we can and try and keep them safe while they save the world."

Once again, Willow was in the middle of the bed with Tara on one side and Buffy on the other. For once, since the nightmare of Oz returning, Willow seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Tara and Buffy figured it was from the trance working and being drained of even a little blood.

"Will she be okay?" Tara asked as they settled in next to the red-haired witch.

"I think so," Buffy smiled, touching Tara's cheek lovingly. "God, I love you both."

Tara's eyes softened and she leaned over to kiss the other blonde. "I love you, Buffy."

Buffy smiled and closed her eyes, expanding her awareness to Willow and Tara and discovered Willow was indeed resting peacefully. Tara sent waves of love back to her and the Slayer let herself drift.

Buffy focused her eyes and looked around, confused. She was sitting on her bed and it was still dark. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep with Willow and Tara.

The Slayer looked down and was vaguely relieved to find she was wearing the same nighttime clothes she had gone to bed in. Buffy tried to mentally rouse herself; she was in her room alone and had no memory of getting there. That meant something was wrong, including the fact she couldn't seem to move. Also wrong was the open window; California or not, it was still cold at night.

Buffy watched as a fog seemed to seep in through the window and gather at the foot of her bed. The Slayer felt her heart rate quicken and mentally and physically tried to call out but couldn't.

Dracula looked down at her from the end of the bed.

"You are magnificent," he said softly, his blue eyes drilling into hers.

"I bet you say that before you bite all the girls," Buffy quipped, trying to force her body to move.

"No, you and the witch are different, kindred," Dracula responded.

"Kindred?" Buffy questioned. "Hardly, I…"

"Pull your hair back," Dracula instructed her and Buffy, looking surprised, pulled her hair back from the side of her neck.

The Slayer looked stunned as the vampire admired her.

"This isn't how I…usually fight," Buffy said uncertain and self-conscious. "You think you can just waft in here with your music video wind and your hypno eyes and…"

Dracula let her words trail off as he approached her slowly.

"I have searched the world over for you. I have yearned for you," he said, sitting down on the bed, facing her. "For a creature whose darkness rivals my own and I find you are already mated to a dark one."

"Willow, you hurt her," Buffy frowned.

"No, she enjoyed it and it didn't harm her," he countered. Dracula reached out and turned Buffy's head to the side, taking in the fang scars from where Angel had drank from her just before graduation. "You have been tasted," he commented as he ran a fingernail over the scar with a smile.

"He was…"Buffy started to say…what? She wasn't sure.

"Unworthy," Dracula finished for her. "He let you go."

Buffy's face reflected her confusion and uncertainty.

"No," she whispered, trying to think as Dracula caressed her face softly, pulling closer to her.

"You remember the embrace, his bite?" he whispered.

"No! It wasn't fun," Buffy whispered as his hand went to the back of her neck and pulled her closer.

"Do not fight," Dracula whispered, "I can feel your hunger like you can feel mine."

Buffy whimpered as he drew her lips to his. Inside the Slayer was screaming but her body was welcoming the touch and she let him deepen the kiss.

"You want this, Slayer," he said softly when he broke off the kiss as he began kissing her neck.

Buffy wanted to protest but could only gasp as his fangs sank into her neck. The Slayer wanted to strike out, to scream, anything. Anything except reach out to hold his head in place, silently begging him to continue as her body jerked against his.

Dracula, pushing her back onto the bed as his fangs still held Buffy, covered her body with his and Buffy clung to him as he drank.

"Oh God," the Slayer whispered.

Continued in Part 5...


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