Welcome to My Nightmare

By Frau Hunter Ash

Copyright © 2002


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimers: The characters and show all belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, and God only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

Distribution: /www.hunterash.com/    /mysticmuse.net

Feedback: Feedback welcome!

Grouping: Buffy/Willow/Tara

Summary: Willow is healed physically from the after-effects of detoxifying from the black magic Dracula forced on her and dealing with guilt for giving into Dracula along with Xander and Buffy.  Now the gang wants to get out of town for some R&R.  Can you say "Road Trip?"

Part 3

The first real stop of the trip was at the classic Malibu beach. The day was clear and in the low 70s, perfect for roaming along the sand, Xander declared. The weather in Sunnydale was still in the grip of winter and hadn't let go of temperatures in the 50s and 60s.

Xander grinned and parked the RV, satisfied with the vast amount of parking on a weekday.

"Beach!" he shouted. Tara grinned as Anya clapped. The back partition opened to reveal a grinning Buffy and a blinking but smiling Willow.

"First stop!" Xander announced.

"Excellent choice!" Tara agreed.

"We've all been keeping too many night time hours," Buffy added. "I could use some sun. You too, Will."

"I am in total agreement," the red-head grinned.

The first real test of the motor home came moments later when it was debated whether it was warm enough for shorts and who would change where. Given Willow's recent physical problems, they decided just to run around a bit on the beach and not change their clothes this time.

Xander and Anya picked a picnic table to sit on as Buffy, Willow and Tara romped on the edge of the surf, tackling each other and ending up playing tag. Until the teasing during the play ended up in a three-way snuggle and kissing fest.

The next test for the group came with the second decision: make time as far up the coast as they could get, play tourist along the way or both.

Anya leaned back in Xander's arms on the sand as the triad settled down, each grinning and flushed from their romp by the ocean.

"It's so weird," Buffy commented. "We're always chasing our tails, either with school or saving the world. I'm not used to having time to think, let alone slack off."

"I agree," Willow added, leaning against Buffy's shoulder as Tara lay on a blanket, her head in Willow's lap.

"I suggest we just hit Highway 1 and stop whenever and wherever we want," Xander proposed and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's move then and at least get out of the county," Buffy suggested, sitting up with a grin.

The next week was spent moving slowly up the California coastline. After the first day Xander began to relax and settled into driving at a calm pace instead of rushing through the scenery.

Malibu beach, a cruise around the Channel Islands; La Purisima Mission; Point Sal; Pismo Beach; Los Osos; Morro Bay where they spent the afternoon eating calm chowder and French bread on a dock; Harmony, a town of artists that barely registered on a map; a very long day in Hearst Castle; the magnificent beauty of the rough coast of Big Sur; another day exploring Carmel, Monterey and Cannery Row.

Tara threw herself onto the RV bed with an exaggerated sigh as Willow spun around in the Captain's chair, laughing softly.

"Got tired of the noise too?" Willow asked, knowing that about her sometimes shy lover.

"Yeah, that arcade is enough to make you dizzy," Tara nodded, leaning up on her elbows. "Buffy and Xander are competing with a shooting game. I think Buffy forgot that Xander was some kind of soldier for real one Halloween and he's giving her a run for her money in sharp-shooting and Anya claiming all the prizes."

"Yeah, you should have seen him that Halloween," Willow smiled. "For a scary thing it was actually interesting. He was like John Wayne or something."

"And you were a ghost," Tara added, remembering being told the story of haunted costumes.

"Yup and the only one thinking clearly," Willow smiled.

"The others should be gone for awhile," Tara said softly and Willow felt her heart skip a beat as her mate's eyes darkened in desire.

Willow moved slowly out of the chair as Tara turned over onto her side. The red-haired witch grabbed something from the back of the door and placed it on the outside door handle before closing it.

Tara smiled as Willow climbed onto the bed next to her and closed the partition.

Willow touched Tara's cheek gently, as if afraid her mate was a dream. Tara pulled Willow into her arms and moaned as their lips met. Her red haired lover snuggled down into her arms with a sigh and a smile.

"We haven't had a lot of time to snuggle since Dracula," Willow commented.

"Before that actually," Tara observed, beginning to unbutton Willow blouse as Willow drew a leg over Tara's. "I love you Willow, don't you ever dare run away again!"

"I won't, I promise," Willow said, her voice getting husky as Tara pulled her blouse open. "I'll never leave you or Buffy again."

Willow's hands were pulling at Tara's t-shirt as well and growled as it remained stubbornly on. Tara smiled and rose up enough for her mate to get the t-shirt over her head. Bras were removed quickly and mutually as both women began breathing heavily and movements became a little more frantic.

"Goddess, Will," Tara mumbled.

"Yes, now!" Willow growled, pulling at Tara's jeans as the other woman tugged at her shorts.

"It always feels like fire when I'm touching you!" Tara whispered, kissing Willow's neck and biting her earlobe before moving to her lips again.

"I love you, Tara," Willow moaned as clothing was shoved aside, impatiently. She cried out as Tara's lips and teeth moved lower to her breasts and nipples. Her back arched as her lover's hands roamed all over her skin.

"Need you! It's like I'm in heaven when I touch you and I'll die if I don't keep touching you," Tara mumbled.

"Yes," Willow whimpered, agreeing with the sentiment.

Willow willingly gave up the lead to her lover as Tara's body covered her. A leg between hers caused Willow to cry out again and thrust against Tara. The blonde witch felt herself whimper as her hand moved between their bodies, touching warmth and wetness as Willow bit her lip.

Xander stopped in the parking lot, his arms filled with stuffed animals and packages. Buffy and Anya snapped in protest as they nearly ran into him until they saw the red bandana tied to the door handle of the RV.

"Looks like we're supposed to stay out for awhile," Xander smirked.

"Should have known this would happen when they both decided they had enough of big noises," Anya complained. "We are getting a hotel room tonight, Xander!"

"Yes, dear," he said willingly. The only real draw back of traveling with the Scooby Gang was the lack of privacy for sex.

Buffy grinned, she intended to give Tara and Willow another work out later that night in their own hotel room. She needed snuggle time and sex as well and sometimes having Anya and Xander just on the other side of a thin partition wasn't enough space.

The next day was spent along the beach at Santa Cruz. Xander and Anya took in a few of the rides on the Boardwalk while Buffy, Willow and Tara lounged on a blanket on the beach. The weather was nice; it was a weekday so it wasn't crowded and they wanted to relax from playing tourist.

"This is really nice," Willow murmured, her head resting on Buffy's stomach.

"Yeah," Tara, lying on her stomach next to Buffy, agreed.

"Any Jonesing for the magick thing?" Buffy asked the red-head, running her hand over Willow's hair.

"Some," Willow admitted. "It's not bad, though. I look at the two of you and it passes."

"You'll let us know if it gets too hard, right?" Tara repeated.

"You bet," Willow nodded. "I think the real test will be when we get back to Sunnyhell and facing danger."

"Yeah and I don't think the Council will let us off the hook just because we played tourist all this time," Buffy said thoughtfully.

"I know, they'll still want to keep an eye on me until we either prove I can handle it or can stay away from it," Willow nodded.

"Which do you want to do?" Tara asked, sitting up to look down at her lover.

Willow frowned as she thought for a moment. "I've been going over it in my head, a lot. I want to work on controlling it with you. The magick started working for me when we worked together. I'd like to start slow and go back to the basics."

"Okay, we can start any time you'd like," Tara nodded and used the opportunity to bend over and kiss Willow and then Buffy before lying back down.

"Well, well, well," a masculine voice intruded into the conversation.

Buffy sat up instantly as Tara and Willow looked up to find three college-looking males standing nearby.

"Here we were going to ask for a date tonight," the voice continued with a smirk.

Willow and Tara sat up slowly as Buffy's muscles tensed.

"Guess that's out of the question, huh, Steve," the middle one grinned. "Looks like they're either very, very kinky or a bunch of dykes."

Buffy glanced around, gauging her surroundings, her lack of weapons, and her growing irritation. She had heard the word 'dyke' muttered around them after Willow and Tara had been open about their relationship but never to her face.

The blonde Slayer slowly got to her feet and moved to where Tara and Willow were slightly behind her.

"Look, guys," Buffy said slowly. "We're just trying to grab some sun and quiet. How about giving us some space?"

The Slayer knew that it wasn't likely that the three males would leave but she really wanted it to end peacefully.

The three smirked again and Buffy quickly sized each of them up in their baggy shorts, baggy t-shirts and baseball caps. No weapons of any kind but they were big, probably football players, she surmised.

"What's the matter, sweetheart," the third one grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't dig guys?"

The other two snarled, their eyes hardening.

The beach was fairly deserted and there wasn't anyone close enough to help or encourage the males to leave. Buffy had a sinking feeling this was going to get messy.

Buffy felt a "ping" at her mental shields and opened them.

//Buffy, this isn't good,// Willow said mentally.

///Don't worry about us,/// Tara reassured their mate mentally.

Buffy's sense of fair play demanded that she wait until they made a move before she beat the hell out of them but that didn't mean she couldn't push them.

"Well it has been awhile since I got to kick some ass," she muttered. "Look, guys, if you are the alternative to women, I'll choose women every time."

It took the males a moment to realize what she was saying and then they got angry.

"Why you little dyke!" Steve growled and swung his fist at Buffy's nose as the other two moved to grab her.

Buffy knew they expected her to try and go for the groin. Instead the Slayer thrust upwards with the palm of her hand, shattering Steve's nose. She bent her body over to one side and brought her leg straight up under the chin of the one on her right. He fell heavily to the sand.

The remaining male stopped his advance and looked at his friends, one lying on the ground with a broken jaw and the other on his knees, holding a broken nose.

"I'm cool," he muttered.

"Take them and leave, you ruined my sun," Buffy complained. "And that wasn't even a decent demonstration of self defense."

"Come on, let's head back," Willow said behind her as the male helped his friends to his feet.

Buffy kept an eye on the wounded males as Willow and Tara gathered their things.

"Bummer," Buffy muttered. "Let's grab something to eat."

"Good idea," Tara agreed.

Xander had been disappointed that he missed the minor altercation on the beach but Anya was overjoyed. She had managed to drag her boyfriend into a deserted janitorial closet for some kinky private time.

Xander's hand over her mouth stopped any further graphic descriptions of their sexual encounter when he blushed a bright red as Tara and Willow giggled. Buffy grinned at his embarrassment.

"At least we wait until we get back to the RV or a hotel room," she smirked.

"Hey, that's enough now!" he protested. "Okay, how about….uh, food! Food would be good!"

"He's trying to change the subject," Willow pointed out the obvious to Tara and the witch nodded, still feeling as playful as Willow.

"How true. You know he's always hinting for descriptions about what we do together sexually but he never lets Anya share what they do, ever notice that?" Tara teased.

Anya pulled Xander's hand away from her mouth and nodded vigorously.

"I too have noticed that!" she agreed.

"I think I'll crawl under the RV now!" Xander shouted. "No talking about my sex life!"

"Gee, that seems one-sided," Buffy joined in on the teasing.

"Food or Anya doesn't get sex for a week!" Xander threatened.

Anya was quickly sitting in the passenger seat and buckling her safety belt, very compliant.

Buffy and her mates laughed hysterically for several moments as Xander started the RV up and moved out of the parking lot.

The Slayer took the chance to watch her lovers and friends over dinner and smiled. For the first time in six months they finally were relaxing and it felt a bit like old times as Willow laughed and leaned against Tara as Xander made goofy faces over his slice of pizza, resting his cast on the table.

Anya was trying to understand male juvenile humor as Tara blushed.

Buffy found herself grinning as Tara and Xander raced for the jukebox in the pizza parlor, fighting to see who got to choose the next set of songs. Anya shook her head and watched Xander with loving eyes.

"He is special," she declared.

"Yeah," Buffy agreed.

Xander caught the look from Anya and grinned a goofy smile and began blushing, giving Tara an opening to insert her dollar into the machine while he was distracted. He threw up his hands in defeat and began to beg Tara for a chance to pick at least one of the songs.

Tara, laughing, relented and let him pick the first song.

Buffy, watching Xander saw him suddenly get a very serious look on his face as he dug into his jacket pocket for something. The Slayer had noticed him checking the pocket every ten minutes ever since they had left the RV for dinner and wondered what he was up to.

Xander was obviously nervous when he and Tara came back to the table causing Willow and Buffy to get very quiet. Anya, catching Xander's expression fell silent a moment later.

"Xander? Is something wrong?" Anya questioned after a moment of the young man standing at the table instead of sitting; shuffling his feet, hands deep in his pockets.

"No! Nothing!" he squeaked.

"Xan, what gives?" Willow asked softly.

"I…I've been doing a lot of thinking lately," he stammered. "That deal with Dracula really twisted me up inside…I almost lost all of you…I was almost lost."

"Xan?" Buffy asked softly, almost afraid of where he was headed.

"I don't want to miss any chance I've got," he continued quickly. "Seeing the three of you together makes me…"

"Horny?" Anya questioned.

"NO!" he snapped, blushing. "Kinda like warm fuzzies, I guess. You three just fit together and Willow and Buffy are finally happy. I want that too."

"You do not have this with me?" Anya demanded, beginning to pout. "You wish more women or men in your bed?"

"NO!" Xander snapped and went to one knee, fumbling with something in his pocket.

"Oh God," Buffy muttered as he pulled out a jewelry box.

"Oh boy," Willow muttered.

"Anya," Xander continued, ignoring his friends and opening the box to reveal a very nice diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Anya blinked as the other three women held their breath, eyes wide in surprise. Buffy was surprised when the former vengeance demon's eyes filled with tears.

"You mean a traditional-like wedding and marriage?" she whispered.

"Yes," Xander nodded. "Whatever you want; white dress, preacher, our friends, a small house, kids, everything!"

"Yes!" Anya shouted and pulled Xander to her for a long and passionate kiss as Buffy, Tara and Willow began to cheer and clap.

Other customers, figuring out what was happening when they saw the young man on one knee with a ring box, joined in on the cheering and clapping. Xander got to his feet with Anya still in his arms. He kissed and held her tightly.

He began moving slightly with his fiancée as Bryan Adams began singing "Everything I Do."

Willow leaned against Tara and held Buffy's hand as they watched the young couple sway, lost in the moment and in each other's eyes.

The next three days were spent in San Francisco celebrating the engagement and their freedom. The only 'bitch' during the trip to that point was Anya complaining that Xander wouldn't let her buy everything in sight. Her mercenary heart quickly calculated the resale value of several things they saw along the way that she could resale in the Magic Box and Xander put his foot down by saying there wasn't enough room in the RV.

Willow consulted the map as they crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. A quick detour to the Marin Headlands for a picnic and travel decisions led to the general idea of driving slowly, continuing up Highway 1, taking in the little towns and the magnificent coastline above San Francisco.

Tara, having lived in Northern California, stood back and watched Buffy and Willow discover the crashing ocean against the sea cliffs and the pine trees that lined the other side of the road. Willow was delighted with the combination of coast and forest and the rest of the group was more than happy to indulge her desire to explore almost every spot along the way. Xander took special delight in pointing out that they could take a tour of the area via horror movies.

Buffy asked what he was talking about and he happily pointed out that several movies had been filmed in the SF area and above.

"'Scream' was filmed at the Santa Rosa high school; 'The Birds' at Bodega Bay; 'The Fog' was at Point Reyes; 'Interview with the Vampire' in San Francisco," he grinned.

"And 'Time After Time' in San Francisco too," Tara mentioned and Willow raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"I remember that one!" Willow said happily. "Jack the Ripper and H.G. Wells, so romantic!"

Tara grinned and nuzzled Willow's neck as they lounged on the bed in the back.

Buffy laughed from the seat behind Anya. "Only Xander would know what horror films were filmed where," she grinned.

The small band took their time traveling up the coast, taking several days before they reached Eureka.

As they got closer to the California-Oregon border, they decided it was time for more traveling decisions and huddled over the maps one evening in a hotel room.

"Well, we have 15 days before the next full moon," Tara pointed out, looking at a calendar and holding Willow's hand. "We need to decide if we want to be back in Sunnydale by the full moon or chance sedating and chaining Willow up somewhere on the road."

"What do you think, Wills?" Buffy asked softly.

Willow's jaw muscles clenched as she struggled against her feelings of guilt for putting her friends through the hassle of dealing with her as a werewolf as she looked over the map.

Buffy leaned forward and raised Willow's chin.

"None of that, Red," Buffy scolded. "None of us are to blame for this, not even Oz really. No guilty feelings, we just deal with it."

"Yeah," Xander agreed as Anya played with her ring. "It's no deal, Will. Just like when we watched over Oz."

"It still makes me feel bad," Willow mumbled.

"I suggest we take our time heading back," Tara said thoughtfully. "I can help hold the werewolf magickally and it'll show the Council that we're not afraid of dealing with Willow on any level."

"Wow!" Buffy said with a smile. "That's a great idea."

Tara blushed under the praise and Willow leaned up and kissed the blonde witch.

"Okay, how about crossing over from here to Redding, over to Susanville, down to Reno and then back to Sacramento and then down to home?" Xander suggested, pointing out his suggested long route. "It'll take us through some major mountains, into the fun gambling city of Reno and then down the State. We can veer off and see Yosemite from Merced or something else if we want."

"Grand idea and we can see Lake Tahoe, it's so beautiful this time of year," Buffy agreed. "Giles isn't complaining about the credit card charges or yelling for us to hurry back, so I agree."

"I'm in!" Tara said with a smile. "As long as we avoid Scott Bar."

"Where is that?" Xander asked with a frown.

"Probably not even listed," she mumbled. "And it's further up than we're going."

"Then not a problem," he grinned.

"Let's do it," Willow agreed.

"I am in agreement," Anya said, looking at her ring and the diamond.

"Let's get some sleep and we'll start the mountain tour tomorrow," Buffy suggested.

"As if the three of you ever sleep," Anya complained.

"Well, I remember the hotel manager threatening to break in your door last time we stopped at a hotel," Buffy teased and Xander began blushing again.

"Yeah," Willow joined in quickly. "He wasn't sure if you were having sex or killing Xander."

"Well, can you blame him?" Tara added as Xander groaned. "Seeing Xander tied to the bed and Anya with a…."

"Nothing! That wasn't a riding crop in her hand!" Xander protested and dragged Anya off the bed. "It was the belt off my robe!"

"I thought that's what I tied your hands with…" Anya began to correct him as he dragged her out of the room.

Buffy, Willow and Tara laughed until tears flowed and ribs hurt.

"Goddess, we have got to stop teasing him!" Tara insisted, still giggling.

"Anya makes him such a great target though," Buffy commented as Willow lay back on the bed holding her ribs.

"One of these days he's going to catch us doing something and tease us forever," Willow warned as Buffy moved slowly to lay beside her. Willow's breath caught in her throat as Buffy's eyes darkened with desire and she began unbuttoning Willow's blouse.

Tara moved up along Willow on the other side and nuzzled the red-head's neck.

"Oh boy, you two drive me insane!" Willow whispered.

"Oh yeah and I enjoy every minute of it," Buffy muttered as she unfastened Willow's bra and took a nipple into her mouth. She then moved up to Willow's lips.

Tara snuggled on one side and Buffy on the other, Willow sighed with happiness.

The evening was spent snuggling, nuzzling and slowly building to sex. One of the times the three lovers had the chance to take things slow and lovingly and they intended to treasure it.

Even if they didn't get enough sleep.

Two days later Xander pulled over and consulted the map as they traveled from Susanville towards Reno, Nevada. Anya turned and smiled at the three women snuggling in the back of the RV. The trip had been good for everyone, Anya included.

Most of those two days were spent snuggling in the RV, either Xander and Anya in the bed above the cab or the three lovers in the bed in the back. A gentle and romantic mood had descended on the group after Xander's proposal and Anya's acceptance of marriage.

Anya frowned as she changed the channel on the radio. Xander looked over with a puzzled looked as she swore under her breath.

"What is it, honey?" he asked.

"Radio religious fanatics are more annoying now than in the 15th century," Anya complained.

"Just change the channel," Xander suggested.

"It is so stupid! These uptight men and women who probably have never achieved an orgasm go around telling people how to live," Anya continued to complain.

"What's the problem this time?" Xander grinned.

"That moron was saying that homosexuals are evil people just because who they have sex with and love," Anya bitched loudly.

Xander glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed Buffy leaning up on her elbow, as the three women got quiet.

"Can't change those types, Anya," Xander said sadly as he looked around at the road signs. "Just change the channel."

"They are stupid and should be educated," Anya protested. "All they would have to do is spend time with our friends to know that they aren't evil. We fight evil, they aren't evil."

Xander grinned as he saw Buffy shake her head with a grin. Anya switched seats with him and wrangled the RV back onto the road, managing quite well.

"They wouldn't even agree to talk with Willow and Tara, Anya," Xander tried to explain. "They think witches are evil too."

"So, they think Willow and Tara are evil because they are gay and witches?" Anya asked.

"Pretty much, Buffy gets included because she's gay now or at least bisexual with them," Xander nodded, putting in a CD to avoid any more preaching from the radio.

"But Buffy fights evil more than any of us! That is not fair! She's died for the good side, don't those idiots think about such things?" Anya asked.

"Not really," Xander pondered. "They think Buffy is wrong because she now sleeps with women, two of them at the same time and has unmarried sex. Lots of things, I guess."

"This doesn't make sense," Anya complained.

"No, sometimes strong religious beliefs don't make sense," Xander said gently.

"They never have, I know that," Anya snapped. "It just shouldn't continue is what I'm saying. They should be willing to take time to learn their mistakes."

"I agree totally," Xander nodded. "Unfortunately, we can't tie them to a chair and make them listen."

Anya sighed as Xander grinned. "I miss the days when we could," she smiled.

Xander shook his head as Willow giggled softly.

"Can we stop for lunch, guys? I'm a little tired and would like to switch drivers," Xander called. "We've got a town coming into sight down in that valley below."

"That's strange," Anya muttered, looking over the map. "There's no town listed this soon."

"Well, maybe it's too small for the map," Xander suggested.

"They might not have a coffee shop then," Tara called from the back.

"I hope they do, I'd really like a good greasy hamburger, please," Xander begged.

"We could all use a stretch break," Buffy agreed.

"Cool, thanks," Xander smiled and worked the RV slowly down the mountain road slowly. The group had decided to take some off highway roads and see the mountains. Now they had found a small town that wasn't even listed on the map.

He grinned with relief when they spotted a small coffee shop at the end of the one road town.

The three mates moved up to check out the town as Xander slowed to a crawl.

"Wow! This is like something out of a bad horror movie!" Xander said softly.

"Or some biker film," Tara added.

"Deliverance," Anya chirped in.

"Oh, so not a place I want to visit!" Xander declared. "I don't want to squeal like a pig!"

The place looked like a stereotypical small mountain town from a horror movie: small little shops, a sheriff's office, a bar and a few houses. A couple of roads branched off from the main road and they could see several houses in the woods along those roads.

"Let's eat!" Xander said enthusiastically.

"You're always hungry," Willow laughed.

The small group emerged from the RV, smiling and joking among themselves. They spotted several locals hanging around outside a small general store but didn't pay too much attention to them. Buffy, of course, immediately gauged strength, potential weapons and possible danger from the men and two women and anywhere surrounding them but her "spidey" sense wasn't buzzing so she followed her mates and friends into the coffee shop.

"Mel's diner!" Xander whispered with a grin.

"You watch too much TV!" Tara whispered back as a waitress with a bee-hive hairdo approached them with menus.

"Five of you?" she asked, snapping her gum.

Buffy could tell that Xander was barely hanging onto his composure and not laugh in the woman's face. She did look like something out of a TV truck stop.

"Yes, please," Anya said politely.

The group sat down in the booth, with Willow squeezing in between Tara and Buffy. Xander grinned at the typical menu and leaned against Anya.

The waitress returned a few moments later with her order pad and smiled.

"Can I take..." Xander looked up as the woman hesitated, her face puzzled as she looked at the three young women.

"Order?" Xander asked quickly, wondering if they were about to get a dose of small town prejudice. "Yeah, I'd like a double cheeseburger, fries and a coke."

The woman blinked and quickly wrote on her pad.

"I would like a cheeseburger, a small salad and milk, please," Anya requested.

"Same here, please," Willow said softly and Tara nodded.

"Sounds good," Buffy agreed.

"Okay," the waitress smiled but Willow caught Buffy's frown, the smile seemed forced.

"Was that weird or what?" Tara whispered as the woman leaned over a back counter and handed someone in back their order.

"Yeah," Xander agreed and frowned when he noticed the waitress moving to the far end of the counter to urgently talk with one of the locals. Buffy continued to frown when the scruffy young man got up with his meal only half finished and moved out a back door.

"Is anybody else getting wigged here?" Xander whispered.

"Yeah, there's something…" Willow muttered.

"What is it, Will?" Buffy asked, frowning with worry.

"I don't know," Willow frowned. "It's like…I don't know, damnit. Maybe she's a magic user and I'm sensing that."

The waitress returned with three plates and made a return trip with the last two, including Xander's double cheeseburger. Drinks followed next and Willow continued to frown.

Buffy felt Tara trying to extend her "senses" at the same time Buffy did but couldn't sense anything out of the ordinary.

"Okay, Willow senses something weird," Xander said between large bites. "Why isn't Buffy sensing something?"

"Or Tara if it's magic?" Anya asked.

Willow's eyes widened and her breathing quickened.

"Get me out of here, guys!" she whispered, her voice almost panicked.


"Buffy, please! Let's get out of here!" Willow begged and Xander was on his feet in a moment. He quickly crossed to the counter and pulled out some money.

"I'm sorry, my friend isn't feeling well, thanks!" he said quickly as the girls dashed for the door with Anya right behind them. Xander grabbed his burger and moved to follow her friends.

Willow squeaked as the door slammed open and a huge man in uniform stood in their way. Xander turned to find that the same scruffy young man had returned and was standing at the back door.

"Good afternoon, ladies," the Sheriff said calmly. "Sir," he continued, including Xander as he looked over their shoulders.

His eyes settled on Willow as she whimpered and stumbled back into Buffy.

"Welcome to Lupercalia," he said with a smile. "Sister."

Willow felt her heart racing as the Sheriff's eyes changed from dark brown to wolf yellow and his canines extended into fangs.

Continued in Part 4...


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