Welcome to My Nightmare

By Frau Hunter Ash

Copyright © 2002


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimers: The characters and show all belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, and God only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

Distribution: /www.hunterash.com/    /mysticmuse.net

Feedback: Feedback welcome!

Grouping: Buffy/Willow/Tara

Summary: Willow is healed physically from the after-effects of detoxifying from the black magic Dracula forced on her and dealing with guilt for giving into Dracula along with Xander and Buffy.  Now the gang wants to get out of town for some R&R.  Can you say "Road Trip?"

Part 4

Willow's squeak turned to a growl when the Sheriff's canine's turned into fangs. She felt Buffy's muscles tensing behind her.

"Please!" the Sheriff said quickly, holding up his hands in a peaceful gesture. "We mean you no harm! I promise!"

His fangs quickly retracted and his eyes shifted back to human brown.

"Would you all please sit down and finish your meal?" he asked softly.

"Will?" Buffy asked, her hands on Willow's shoulders, ready to pull her lover out of the way to protect everyone.

"I swear by Romulus and Remus and their wolf mother that we don't mean you any harm," the Sheriff said slowly. He pulled out his pistol and handed it to Buffy; butt first.

"Okay," Willow said softly.

The small group returned to their booth and the young man brought over a chair for the Sheriff to sit down at the edge of the booth.

"I'm called Luke," the Sheriff said introducing himself. "That's Lucille and the young one is Phillip."

"I'm Willow," Willow said slowly. "Tara, Buffy, Xander and Anya."

"You're a werewolf too?" Anya demanded, getting right to the point.

"Yes, we all are," Luke nodded.

"All?" Willow squeaked, almost jumping up in fright and surprise.

"Easy, young one!" Luke smiled.

"All of you?" Buffy demanded and then muttered, "Why didn't I sense it?"

"The entire town is," Luke added, watching Xander almost choke on his fries.

"Oh God," Willow whispered.

"The entire town?" Xander repeated.

"Yes, we're the descendants of an ancient tribe from the Carpathian Mountains," Luke explained. "Our families immigrated here with the gypsies but we stayed together and founded this small town when mankind moved west."

"The entire town gets furry on full moons and tears up the countryside?" Buffy asked, wrapping an arm protectively around Willow's shoulders.

"In a way," Luke grinned. "We find our wolf selves when we hit teenage years and the Elders show the young ones how to control it so we aren't a danger to anyone."

"You can control it?" Willow whispered, her eyes suddenly hopeful instead of fearful.

Luke nodded gently. "Yes, and we offer that to any of our kin passing through, like you."

Buffy frowned. "A friend of ours left town a while back and when he came back he could control the wolf but he was totally evil."

"He didn't learn from us," Luke said firmly. "We teach the young how to accept the wolf and nature. We view ourselves as part of nature, not something evil and cursed."

"But I was," Willow said softly. "I took the curse from someone by using black magic."

"That doesn't make you evil," Luke said firmly, shaking his head as Lucille placed a hand on his shoulder. "We can sense evil ones and ask them to leave town once they finish their meals. You aren't evil."

Willow sighed and leaned against Tara's shoulder.

"I take it that you don't know control yet?" Luke asked gently.

"No, full moons especially," Tara answered, feeling Willow's 'fight or flight' energy fading quickly. "She changed once to protect me but she has no control on full moons."

Buffy raised Willow's chin gently and wiped at the tears flowing down her lover's cheeks.

"I think Will should lie down for awhile," Buffy said softly.

"Her energy is low, she's been ill recently," Luke said, passing a hand in front of Willow's face.

"Yes, we've been through a lot," Buffy agreed.

"Do you think you all could stay a few days?" Luke asked. "We could show her a lot in three days, enough to keep her from being a danger on full moons."

"I don't know, we need to talk about it," Buffy said slowly. "I'd like to meet some of the others."

"Of course," Luke agreed readily, standing up as Lucille smiled at the small group. "Shall we meet in the church in about two hours? I'll get the Elders together."

"Where's the church?" Tara asked as Willow watched Luke and Lucille carefully but wearily.

"At the end of the street, top of the small rise," Lucille smiled. "Lunch is on us."

"Thank you," Buffy said softly as the group worked their way out of the booth, Tara and Buffy staying on either side of Willow as they made their way to the RV.

Buffy and Tara quickly moved Willow to the bed and sat on either side of her as she perched on the edge of it.

"I'm confused and scared," Willow muttered.

"Does this remind anyone else of a horror movie?" Xander demanded. "I say we rev Priscilla up and get the hell out of here!"

Willow frowned. "They feel okay."

"Okay? An entire town of werewolves feels okay?" Xander squeaked. "What, you got warm fuzzies for werewolves after what Oz did to all of us?"

"Back off, Xander!" Buffy snapped. "If they're on the level, it might be a perfect chance for Willow to learn. You know the hell she went through when she escaped."

"Look, I know how much it scares all of us that she might escape and hurt someone," Xander said softly. "But how weird is this? A town of werewolves? John Carradine is going to rise from the grave sprouting fangs and fur!"

"It's very weird," Tara agreed, holding Willow's hand. "So is Sunnydale."

"Okay, we live on a mouth of Hell, what are the odds that we found a town of werewolves?" Xander demanded.

"I'm not surprised, actually," Buffy shrugged. "I'm just surprised it took something this long to jump out at us."

"I want to see the Elders," Willow said more firmly. "If they can help, I'd be a major idiot to pass up the chance."

"I have to agree," Tara nodded. "I didn't sense anything evil from them and Buffy's Slayer senses didn't go into alert."

"Okay, how about we stay in the RV with the engine running in case you guys need to leave quickly?" Xander suggested.

"Alright," Buffy nodded. "That's not a bad idea. Until then, I want Willow to get some rest and we can plan an escape and ready our weapons."

"Okay!" Xander nodded, feeling better with a plan for defense.

One added feature of the RV was a secret compartment in the floor and under the dining seats. Inside the compartments were weapons: stakes, silver daggers, crossbows, axes, swords, holy water, tranquilizer gun and five automatic pistols. The bullets were a special mix with silver hollow points filled with garlic.

Tara curled up in bed, holding Willow closely as the others dug out the weapons and checked them, stashing them in various parts of the RV.

Buffy frowned and placed the tranquilizer gun near the door. Tara caught her eye and frowned.

"They might be able to use her against us, like vampires," Buffy said softly.

"I am tired," Willow mumbled.

"It's the stress, lover," Tara said softly, gently stroking her mate's hair.

"I don't think they're dangerous," Willow muttered, closing her eyes as she curled up in Tara's arms.

"Hasn't she been through enough already?" Xander complained as he looked at his best friend drifting into sleep.

"Yup, and it's up to us to protect her for awhile," Buffy nodded. "I hope they don't want to fight us for her."

"Slayer doesn't want a good fight?" Anya demanded.

"Actually I don't," Buffy responded. "I would really rather not take on an entire town of werewolves with only a few clips of silver bullets."

"Okay, we're supposed to meet them in half an hour," Tara said softly, looking at her watch, stroking Willow's cheek as the girl napped restlessly.

"Let's walk to the church," Buffy suggested. "Xander, if you hear gunshots or see one of us flashing our flashlights, you come barreling down the street."

"You got it," the young man nodded.

"Come on, Will," Tara said gently. "Let's go meet your new kinfolk."

Willow grumbled but sat up slowly. "I hope they're friendly."

"So do we, Will," Buffy nodded, handing her a small Mag-Lite flashlight. "We signal Xander and Anya with either gunshots or flashlight."

"Okay," Willow nodded, clipping the flashlight to a belt loop but frowned when Buffy started to hand her a small pistol. "Silver bullets?"

"Silver tipped, Slayer specials," Xander answered.

"I don't know," Willow said, hesitating to take the pistol.

"Will, if these werewolves are bad guys, they won't let us leave," Buffy said softly.

"Like Oz and his pack," Tara added.

Willow frowned but took the gun and stuck it in her belt behind her back.

The small church looked like something out of a New England postcard. It was small, white and with a steeple.

"Does it hold everyone?" Tara asked as they approached the small building on the rise.

"I don't know," Buffy commented, constantly looking around for town's people and possible danger. "Luke said he'd gather the Elders, not the entire town."

Phillip was waiting on the stairs outside and smiled broadly when the three young women got closer.

Buffy noticed a few people hanging around outside their front doors, apparently curious but not threatening.

She felt Willow's hand slip into hers as Tara placed a comforting hand on the red-haired witch's shoulder.

Buffy glanced at her lovers and smiled, trying to encourage them. She could tell Tara was nervous and Willow was as jumpy and shy as when Buffy first met her.

"Ladies, thank you very much for agreeing to meet with the Elders," Phillip said calmly, opening the doors for them. Buffy was surprised, he sounded well educated, not the back-woods farmer type he looked like.

"Thanks," Buffy smiled, noticing that he held his hands in sight, as if he expected them to be nervous.

He moved through the doors ahead of them, as if anticipating they wouldn't want someone between them and the door.

Willow swallowed nervously and followed Buffy into the small building.

Xander waited impatiently as he and Anya watched the three women enter the small church. Anya had a pistol in her lap and Xander had a shotgun across his. The shotgun was loaded with special rounds, a combination load of wood, iron and silver pellets. They were special loads for vampires, demons and werewolves. He could see several people milling around inside the coffee shop, occasionally watching the RV.

Xander had a feeling it was going to be a long wait. Anya put in a CD as the engine idled.

Luke, the Sheriff, was standing near the front of the pews and Buffy quickly scanned the church, looking for windows, doors, and any at-hand weapons. The altar had been moved back and two tables set up with chairs all around it.

Five men and four women stood up as the girls walked down the aisle.

Tara's student eyes took notes of the older adults: the youngest looked to be 50 and the oldest somewhere over 100. Overall, the general impression to the young college student was a senior citizen meeting or a small town council.

"Thank you, ladies," Luke smiled and offered them chairs at the table.

"We're a little nervous here," Buffy admitted and was grateful that each of the Elders had small name plaques on the table in front of them.

"We expect that, Miss," Robert Stockwell, the oldest Elder said easily.

"I'm Buffy, this is Tara and Willow is between us," Buffy said in introduction.

"Robert Stockwell, Maggie O'Connor, Layton Lawson, Pietr Androvkoff, Stefn Wulfsson, Ster Johansson, Helki Androvkoff, and Rowan O'Connor," Luke pointed to each member.

"Willow is a sister," Helki commented.

"Yes," Willow nodded shyly. "The sheriff says the entire town are lycanthropes."

"Yes," Robert nodded. "Most are, some aren't by way of marriage and sometimes the wolf skips a generation if one of the parents is human."

"I offered young Willow our usual hospitality," Luke said, sitting down to join the table.

"Let us tell you about Lupercalia," Rowan suggested. "Our families originated in the Carpathian Mountains, stayed together when mankind moved west across America and founded this small town. We keep to ourselves but most of our young people venture out, go to college and build lives but they always return, usually with wives or husbands, adding new blood to the town."

"We have met many Weres in our history," Layton continued. "Most had no control over their wild side. We offer help in learning that control."

"Why?" Buffy asked. "I think it's great but why?"

"Well, we think its better that Weres learn control, it brings less attention to our kind and thus protects us," Helki commented. "We are also dedicated to teaching Weres control so they don't give into evil."

"We are from the first Weres," Luke continued. "We feel more at home in the forest than hunting some poor human in a city."

"Like you, Will," Buffy said softly.

"Tell us about you and your wolf side," Rowan encouraged.

"I…uh…" Willow stammered.

"Want me to take that one?" Buffy offered.

"Please," Willow said softly, beginning to blush.

"We live in a place where evil stuff pours out of the mouth of Hell, literally," Buffy began. "Willow began dating a guy in high school and it turned out Oz was a werewolf. He didn't have any control at all and would attack anything or anyone when he was a werewolf."

"How did you handle that?" Luke asked.

"We'd lock him away every full moon and sedate him if he got out," Willow answered. "He went away to find a cure and came back a few months later. He…Oz had…he had changed."

"Oz traveled and found a pack of werewolves who took him in," Buffy continued. "It was a pack of werewolves who enjoyed hunting humans."

The Elders looked at each other and some nodded, as if they weren't surprised by the answer.

"Colony," Layton muttered.

"Wanna clue us in?" Buffy asked.

"Please continue first," Stefn suggested.

"Oz wanted to claim Willow as his mate, he had become the alpha male of his pack," Tara added.

"The young woman chose not to?" Maggie asked.

"No, I didn't…I cared but…I…I wasn't in love with him anymore and I didn't know he had gone bad," Willow stammered.

"He tried to force the issue," Buffy continued, holding Willow's hand under the table. "Oz attacked Willow and shattered her hand. He was about to intentionally bite Willow and I stepped in."

"She took the bite for Willow," Tara explained.

"You took the bite? Oz's werewolf was through the blood?" Luke questioned.

"Yes, his cousin bit him and he bit Buffy," Willow explained.

"Then how are you a Were and not her?" Robert questioned.

"I…I'm a witch," Willow said softly.

"Oh by the Goddess!" Rowan exclaimed. "You found a transference spell that worked?"

"Yeah," Willow nodded. "It was on the wrong side of gray though and I think it worked because we're…I mean…Buffy and I…we're close."

"You willingly took a curse for your friend?" Luke asked softly.

"Yes," Willow nodded.

"Wow," Luke whistled.

"She's not like Oz though," Buffy added. "She…there was an earthquake and the werewolf got out."

Willow's head dropped and Tara wrapped her arm around the red head's shoulder.

"She…the werewolf didn't attack me," Tara said softly. "I was trapped by a fallen door and she could have killed me but didn't."

"Go on," Pietr encouraged.

"Two bodies were found ripped apart," Buffy continued, squeezing Willow's hand under the table. "They were killed by two different werewolves and we discovered through lab analysis and hypnosis that Willow came across the male werewolf killing a young girl. She attacked and killed him trying to protect the girl and the forest."

"Praise be to Romulus and Remus!" Helki exclaimed.

"Who?" Buffy asked.

"The founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. They were abandoned at birth but a she-wolf found them, suckled and protected them," Tara explained. "She was celebrated during the Lupercalia."

"Research girl," Buffy muttered.

"She's a nature wolf!" Luke said enthusiastically.

"Clue us in?" Buffy asked.

"Even though she used a spell and took a curse, it seems your mate is from our line," Maggie said, the elder woman's face one of happiness.

Buffy glanced at Willow and Tara and knew they had both caught the word 'mate' even though Tara was the only one being semi-open in her affection for Willow.

"Explanations, please," Tara pleaded.

"She is a natural werewolf," Luke said. "Some Weres seem prone to violence and blood. Those are like your boyfriend; others are like us. We are shy as wolves outside the pack and would prefer to run from a human than kill them. It sounds like you are one of us."

"A friend said that Willow may have been blessed with a gentle nature demon werewolf," Buffy said thoughtfully.

"Yes," Sterling nodded. "We don't feel the wolf is a demon but we understand the thought."

"During a battle with Dr…with two other werewolves, Willow changed into a werewolf on her own and killed them. She was protecting me," Tara added.

"Fantastic!" Luke grinned. "How long have you been a Were?"

"Halloween," Willow said softly.

"That's fast for a voluntary change," Rowan commented with a slight frown.

"She was protecting a mate," Stefn pointed out.

"You know?" Buffy finally asked.

"We can tell when someone is mated, you three are as close as any werewolf mates we've ever seen," Robert explained. "The energy runs between all of you, very strongly."

"Can you help Will?" Buffy asked softly

"Yes, if you can spend a few days with us," Sterling nodded calmly. "I believe we can help her learn control."

"It won't be easy," Maggie O'Connor warned. "Your energy is low and erratic and we'll be asking more concentration than you've ever given before."

"Yeah, you thought finals were bad," Phillip grinned from one of the pews.

"I…I should tell you all something, before you decide," Willow said slowly.

"Will," Buffy said quickly but Willow shook her head.

"No, they've offered to help me and they need to know all of it," Willow said firmly. The werewolf raised her head and met each set of eyes, slowly. "My energy is off because I recently detoxed from black magic."

"It wasn't her fault!" Buffy said quickly. "An evil sorcerer held her captive and kinda drugged her with magic."

"Willow has good energy and spirit," Helki said slowly.

"She's our witch," Luke grinned as the three visitors looked puzzled.

"Tara and Willow are ours," Buffy grinned back.

"Red Willow is tainted but not lost," Helki said firmly as her eyes focused from a half trance.

Willow blushed a bright red but Tara and Buffy smiled.

"You should let your friends know that you're alright," Luke suggested. "Tell him to put the guns away, please."

"We can feel the silver," Sterling smiled slightly.

"I'll go tell them," Tara volunteered.

"Okay, tell them to hang loose," Buffy agreed.

"Let us describe what we'll be working on and what you can expect," Stefn suggested.

The next two hours were spent with Willow listening carefully as well as exchanging ideas and suggestions. The Elders were pleased with her magickal training and powers, explaining that her ability to concentrate to use magick would help in learning control over the wolf.

Buffy leaned back in her chair, glad to see a spark in Willow's eyes again and feeling hopeful about their future, for once.

After discovering the connection the three young lovers shared, the Elders included Buffy and Tara in Willow's training. The small group started early, just at sunrise, leaving Anya and Xander sleeping in the RV.

Tara and Willow found the first day much like learning intense magick, crash course style. Concentration, meditation, mental exercises and testing of Willow's inability to change at will.

Buffy worked right along with her lovers, discovering that she did better at the concentration and meditation stuff than she anticipated. She also did better than the Elders had expected during a run through the woods.

The next day over lunch, the young adults explained about the Slayer and Buffy's unique gifts.

Xander and Anya joined their friends for lunch and listened closely as Willow enthusiastically told them about the morning training.

The young couple smiled as Willow babbled on. Unknowingly, both of them agreed with Buffy's assessment from the night before. They were pleased with Willow's enthusiasm and hope.

Luke was grinning as well.

Heilki finished her iced tea and caught everyone's attention.

"The next bit will require just Willow, alone," she said. "All of you are welcome to meet the town people and enjoy our small community."

"Will?" Buffy asked with a frown.

"I'll be okay, Buff," Willow said with a smile.

"You sure? Is it dangerous?" Buffy demanded.

"No, just very stressful," Heilki said softly. "She'll need to focus totally and not worry about her mates being there."

"Come on, Buffy," Tara said, encouraging her lover as Xander and Anya got up and began roaming towards the center of town. "She can yell if it gets too much."

Buffy hated leaving Willow to the unknown but knew she had to trust Willow's instincts and knew there were things she couldn't help with. Magick and werewolves. She still hated it.

Willow followed Phillip, Luke and a young woman named Thena to the woods until they came upon a clearing that was obviously the center of activity. An altar was set up in the north and rocks formed a permanent circle that was large enough to include at least 20 people.

Willow felt her senses heightening as a familiar smell greeted her from the area of the altar. The Wiccan approached the altar from around the circle, careful not to step inside the rocks. Luke, Phillip and Thena waited patiently outside the circle, watching her.

Willow sniffed the air and glanced around with a frown. She turned back to the three Lupercalia citizens with a puzzled look. "Blood?"

"It's our offering altar during the Lupercalia in February and on full moons," Luke said, nodding. "We offer chickens or rabbits that we catch."

Willow nodded, understanding the ancient ritual of sacrifice and offerings in all religions. She walked back to the three, still staying outside the ritual circle. They seemed pleased by her respect and caution. "What next?" she asked calmly.

"We really test your ability to change," Luke said slowly.

Willow frowned. "I haven't been able to control it, just that once when Tara was in danger."

"Can you do it when you're angry?" Thena asked.

"Nope," Willow said, shaking her head.

"Okay, when her lover was threatened she was able to," Phillip said slowly. "How do you want to handle this?"

"We can either scare you into changing, get you mad enough to change, or threaten Buffy or Tara until you change. I don't like any of those options," Luke growled.

"I'm not overly amused by them either," Willow muttered.

"Slow and fun?" Thena suggested.

"A plan I like," Phillip nodded and began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Uh, guys?" Willow questioned as Thena pulled off her t-shirt, revealing a very beautiful upper body and breasts.

Luke wiggled his eyebrows and tossed his sheriff's hat onto a tree limb and unbuckled his gun belt.

"I take it you guys are about to get furry," Willow muttered. "I remind you all that I can't do that yet."

"Yes you can," Thena said softly as she kicked off her shoes. "Sit down on the grass inside the circle. Take your shoes off and close your eyes, go into a light trance."

Willow obeyed slowly as Phillip and Luke removed their shirts and shoes before joining Willow and Thena inside the circle. Phillip pulled out a Shaman drum from under a padded cover.

Thena knelt down behind Willow and placed her hands on Willow's shoulders as Phillip began drumming a steady and rapid beat.

Willow easily shifted into a trance state.

"Just let go, follow the beat down," Thena's voice encouraged. "Find a doorway at the bottom of the stairs and go through that door. Find your wolf, find your fur."

Willow let the voice become part of the background and followed the visual journey.

<Oh Goddess!> Willow cried mentally as she realized she was changing.

<Easy, cub,> Thena's voice soothed. <Just let it come and don't fight it. Your wolf isn't evil, it is intelligent and can tell an enemy from a friend.>

Willow tried to relax as she felt her fangs growing larger and hair turning into fur.

<Easy!> Luke's voice joined. <It gets easier over time.>

Willow screamed physically as her body jerked and shifted.

<Come on, Red,> Luke's voice encouraged. <Keep going! Don't fight it!>

<Hurts!> Willow screamed mentally.

<Keep going! Accept the wolf!> Thena urged. <Luke, her mates can hear her!>

<Fuck, Phillip, change back and keep them away for a bit.>


Willow screamed again as she fell forward on the grass. She could feel Luke and Thena's hands on her, comforting her.

<Keep going!> Thena urged.

<How?> Willow screamed mentally.

<Let go and stop fighting the wolf.> Luke instructed. <Just feel the wolf and let your body take it.>

Willow tried to relax but the pain of her body changing was incredible.

<Float, Willow,> Thena suddenly suggested. <Float as if your mate is loving you.>

Willow's head snapped back and she clutched at the grass with her clawed and furry hands. She mentally pulled back and let her spirit drift away from the pain. Visually she was suddenly facing a small red wolf in the grassy circle.

Willow's green eyes faced the yellow eyes of the wolf without fear. The witch could feel the intelligence and curiosity from the wolf just a few inches from her face. Willow realized she was looking at her own wolf and it wasn't a scary thing.

<Willow?> Buffy and Tara's voices were frantic.

<I'm okay, stay back.> Willow softly said mentally and reached out from her hands and knees to touch the wolf's muzzle. The wolf sat perfectly still, as if patient.

The young woman sat up on her knees and stroked the wolf's fur down its neck and chest. Impulsively she reached out to hug the creature and felt herself falling into the wolf.

Willow opened her eyes and blinked as her vision tried to adjust and looked down at her hands. The hands were no longer hands but paws and the red haired witch wagged her tail in delight.

Buffy paced restlessly and Tara sat rubbing her hands together as Phillip sat on a log, encouraging them to relax and wait.

They had been very surprised when they had ran for the woods at Willow's physical and mental screams to find Phillip waiting for them on a log next to the path. He explained that Willow was going through the change and it was painful until the Were learned control. Phillip asked them to wait.

Willow screamed mentally again and both women whimpered.

Buffy considered going through Phillip, especially since he was only dressed in a pair of jeans. No shirt, no shoes and his hair was ruffled.

Finally Willow had answered their frantic mental calls and reassured them she was okay.

Buffy still paced, anxious to see their mate.

The Slayer's head snapped up at a gasp from Tara. She followed Tara's glance and Phillip's grin and looked down the path and felt her own breathing stop.

In the middle of the trail were two gray wolves and one red one in between them.

Green eyes met blue ones as Phillip stood up with Tara and Buffy.

"Willow," Buffy said softly and felt Tara's hand slip into hers.

"It's Willow," Tara agreed as the red wolf seemed to grin at them and then turned and dashed down the path. The two gray wolves spun and followed.

"Ladies," Phillip said softly, motioning for Tara and Buffy to follow the path.

The two lovers and werewolf entered the clearing as Willow's body shook, finishing its transformation back to human. Buffy and Tara stood back as Thena and Luke, both naked and human again, gently stroked Willow's back and arms. They whispered soothing things in the red-head's ear as her trembling stopped.

Luke glanced up and Phillip threw the backpack at the Sheriff, followed by Luke and Thena's pants.

Thena took the backpack from Luke, pulled out a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt and turned to the confused lovers.

"Come on, the circle isn't sealed," she said. "Help her get dressed."

"She's going to be very tired and weak," Luke nodded, slipping on his official brown trousers.

Buffy and Tara rushed forward as the other werewolves moved away to let the lovers next to Willow.

Buffy gently turned Willow over and was surprised to see the werewolf looked exhausted but peaceful.

Both Tara and Buffy sighed when Willow opened her eyes and smiled.

"Hi, guys," she said softly.

"Let's get her dressed," Tara suggested. "It's a little cold out here."

Buffy helped Willow sit up and Tara slipped a t-shirt over her head and arms. Together they got Willow to her feet and she held tightly to Buffy's shoulders as Tara slipped the sweat pants over her legs.

"Reminds me of when I had the broken arm," Willow said softly, her eyes half closed.

Buffy easily lifted her mate into her arms and grinned at the surprised looks on Phillip, Luke and Thena's eyes.

"Slayer strength," Buffy quipped as Willow wrapped her arms around Buffy's neck.

"Tara?" Willow mumbled.

"Right here, baby," Tara said softly, stroking Willow's hair, gently.

"She'll sleep for a couple of hours," Luke said calmly as Thena pulled on her shirt and handed the sheriff his.

"She was the wolf, wasn't she?" Tara asked.

"Yes, she changed into a full wolf," Thena nodded. "Eventually she'll be able to change when she wants and it won't hurt. It'll take years though. Today was a taste of what she'll achieve."

"It'll tire her out for awhile though," Phillip added. "The werewolf you see every month will be calmer, no longer in a rage."

"Let her sleep and meet us for dinner in the diner," Luke suggested.

"Okay," Buffy nodded.

Xander and Anya were out of the RV when Tara opened the door and Buffy managed to wake up Willow enough for the red head to enter the RV and stumble to the bed. Tara curled up on one side of her and Buffy joined her girlfriends on the other.

The Slayer reached over and stroked Tara's cheek.

"I'm not sure I believe what happened," she admitted.

"I know, it's great progress if she can hang onto it," Tara nodded. "She's sleeping easier too."

"There is something bugging me though," Buffy said with a frown.

"What's that?"

"When we mentioned Oz had found a pack of evil werewolves, the Elders didn't seem surprised," Buffy said slowly. "I want to ask them about that."

Tara mumbled something as she reached over Willow and touched Buffy's arm. "Shhhhh."

Buffy sighed and let sleep claim her.

Continued in Part 5...


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