A Little Better

by Jaho

Copyright © November 2003


Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Joss owns all. Just taking them for a little spin where he left off.
Distribution: Forever Faith: /mysticmuse.net/faith
The Mystic Muse: /mysticmuse.net
All others, please ask first.
Feedback: Yes please.
Spoilers: Season 7.
Author's Note: A/U Stuff: S7. Tara is not dead. Warren was a terrible shot, and he missed EVERYBODY before getting his ass kicked. Tara and Willow broke up definitively in S6 and Willow is now with Kennedy.
Pairing: Faith/Tara

Summary: Faith and Tara make things a little more bearable for each other. Have a little fun in the process too.

"What's up, Blondie?" Faith asked as she stepped out onto the back porch. She saw Tara seated on the back step the moment that she opened the back door to have a smoke. The blonde witch's back was to her, and she sat on the top step of the back porch of the house that so many people were currently sharing.

Tara didn't turn around fully. She just looked back over her shoulder to acknowledge the pretty brunette's presence, uttering a slight "Hi..." Then she returned to her previous position.

Faith took a seat on the back step, next to the pretty girl that she had immediately noticed upon her return to this house. When she had walked in the front door with Buffy, Tara had been one of the first people to greet them. She had also been one of the only people to seem happy to see her, though a little hesitant.

Faith broke out her pack of cigarettes and shook one out, then brought it to her lips and lit it. Only then did she look over at the girl who was sitting next to her. She saw the, now drying, tear tracks on her cheeks and the occasional hitch of breath that signified that Tara had been crying, and she had only stopped because of Faith's sudden appearance on the porch with her.

Faith had been around enough. She knew body language.

They sat in silence for a while, Faith taking the occasional drag from her cigarette, before the brunette finally decided to speak.

"Wanna talk about it?" she said.

"About what?" Tara continued to stare straight ahead.

"About whatever's got you so frickin' down, girl..."

Tara bit her bottom lip, stifling back a flow of even more tears. "I knew she'd move on sooner or later. I just never knew it would hurt this much."

"Willow you mean. Is this because she's got a new girl-toy?"

"Yeah..." Tara said, her lips trembling. "Not that you'd understand, Faith."

Faith winced at the insinuation that she was cold and unfeeling.

"Hey..." the dark Slayer said, placing a hand on the blonde's own. "That's not fair. I do know what you mean. Don't you think that I've ever been in love?"

"I-I'm sorry." Tara backtracked. "I don't know....I mean, I d- didn't."

Faith shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, sighing deeply. "I guess that's just the image that I put off. My own fault, Blondie."

They sat for a while longer before Tara finally asked. "Have you? B- been in love?"

Faith took another drag on her cigarette before she answered. "Yeah... How do you think it makes me feel to see B with Fangy Smurf in there?"

"Oh my God..." Tara said, realization hitting her. "Buffy?"

Faith just nodded her head.

"D-did she know?"

"She might have figured it out. But I never told her...I was afraid that she would think I was trying to play her or something. If you know your Buffy and Faith history, you wouldn't blame her for thinking that. But it wouldn't have been a play...it woulda been the truth." Faith looked down at the ground.

Tara leaned her head against Faith's shoulder for a while as they sat in silence and Faith finished her smoke. Occasionally Tara's eyes were drawn to Faith's own, feeling an odd comfort in the darker girl's eyes. Finally, chaos theory in full effect, Tara hugged Faith. It was a warm hug, tight and deep.

Faith looked down at the blonde who clung to her, feeling her heart beat faster. A certain warmth began in her stomach and spread downward to her lower extremities. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't attracted to the blonde. It was undeniable, that Tara was beautiful. Faith licked her lips and steadied herself against the blonde's embrace. This is what the blonde needed, but she could fight the heat in her sex only so much.

Hungry and horny was the saying, and tonight Faith was extremely hungry.

Faith reached down to the pretty face that was pressed against her shoulder and brought it to meet her own. She kissed Tara with just a bit of the passion that was in her, and she found a mouth that was more than willing to return it. They both needed this.

Their hands found their way over each other, grasping for anything that would give them back substance. Their need was desperate to be sated in each other. For a long while, they just explored each other, their hands and mouths on each other's bodies, the heat that they felt from each other, spreading effervescently through them.

"Tara..." Faith had gasped once, feeling the blonde witch's touch on her breast and trailing lower. Only then had they pulled back from each other.

"Let's go upstairs." Tara suggested, seeing and feeling the smoldering desire in Faith's eyes.

Willow who?

The entire house was asleep as Tara and Faith made their way up the stairs. They held hands gently, walking up the staircase toward the second floor landing and into the room that Tara normally shared with three Potentials. But there was no one. No girls in sleeping bags. No mindless prattle. Only her bed and the person she meant to share it with.

Tara felt her peasant top being unbuttoned and stripped from her, as she kissed Faith's hungry mouth. The skirt she was wearing was somehow, magically, gone too. The brunette Slayer's mouth was on her, licking and tugging at her aching flesh and she was responding to each sensation. She dug her fingers into Faith's back, and her body arched, as she felt her nipple drawn into the older girl's mouth.

Realizing that Faith still hadn't undressed, she gasped a complaint. "These clothes need to go...please, Faith..."

Faith sat up, straddling the pretty blonde's waist, and stripped off her black tank top. Then smiling down at the witch, she kissed Tara again. Tara's hands were on her immediately, touching the exposed flesh, caressing her breasts gently and centering on the hardening nipples. Faith moaned into Tara's mouth as they continued to let their tongues dance together.

The blonde witch moaned as Faith began to trace forceful kisses down her neck and ran her tongue in circles between her breasts. She was teasing now, lightly licking an intricate pattern over each of Tara's breasts but skillfully avoiding the nipple, regardless of how Tara arched and tried to move her body to gain some satisfaction. Faith was good, very good.

Finally, after incessant pleading, Faith took a nipple into her mouth while slipping her hand between the blonde's legs and cupping her sex. The teasing that was suddenly satisfied by the double stimulation almost sent Tara over the edge into orgasm, right away. Her hips bucked and her body shook in anticipation of her approaching release. Then Faith backed off, giving her a wry smile.

Tara was panting with unfulfilled desire. "Oh you tease..." she panted.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm going to give you what you need right now." Then, if possible Faith's smile grew wider as she kissed her way down over Tara's cute little tummy and finally settled between her legs. Tara looked down at the beautiful brunette, who was smiling up at her. Faith's mouth was mere inches from her sex, and she was teasing again.

What did Faith want her to do? Beg? At this point she'd actually be willing to get down on her knees and beg for Faith to touch her, just a little more. Blissfully, she found out that begging wouldn't be necessary.

Her body arched off the mattress when Faith's tongue entered her for the first time, tracing a long line from her opening all the way to her swollen center. Faith may like to tease, but she didn't waste time when it came to the actual act. She knew that Tara was close, and didn't make her wait for her release. She sucked and licked at the hardened nub intermittently until Tara was calling her name over and over again. Tara cupped Faith's head with both hands, holding the brunette's face to her while her body spasmed in pleasure. The dance of pleasure that Faith had brought out of her was incredible, and right now Tara doubted that there was anything that the dark Slayer couldn't do.

When she opened her eyes and caught her breath, Faith was above her. Their faces were only inches apart. She's so very beautiful, Tara thought.

"I'm gonna do something special for you, Tara." Faith said with a small grin that was surprisingly sweet.

Tara just gazed at her dreamily, her eyelids still fluttering as she came down from her orgasmic high. "Mmm....more special than what you just did?"

"Mmmhmm...I'm gonna let you be on top." With that she rolled off of the beautiful Wiccan, pulling Tara on top of her as she went. Tara just looked down at the beautiful prize that lay beneath her as Faith moved a hand behind her head.

"Don't wait, baby...I need it!" Faith's voice was almost animalistic, and it drove Tara to an even greater level of arousal at the thought of giving the brunette pleasure. Tara dove for her, devouring her neck in languid kisses. She, delicately, kissed her way down Faith's body pausing at each nipple to circle it with her tongue.

Tara's heart skipped a beat when Faith moaned her name. It was so exciting to know that she was bringing this incredibly erotic woman to a higher level. At first, Tara had doubted that she could keep up with the raven-haired beauty. But now, she was riding on her own sexual high. Her hand trailed up Faith's inner thigh, finding the wetness that was at the center and pushing her middle finger against it.

Her finger entered easily, Faith's hips trembling at the welcome penetration. Tara still looked down into the eyes of the dark Slayer, seeing the excitement in her eyes as she gasped, "Harder..."

Tara was incredible. She was soft, beautiful, and passionate. But Faith needed just a little more roughness in her lovemaking. Tara reciprocated by increasing her thrusts into Faith's core. Then, hearing the renewed sounds of pleasure that came from her new lover, she kissed her way lower finally settling between Faith's legs.

As she continued to work her fingers into Faith, she licked at her clit bringing even more pleasure to the woman who shared her bed. Faith's hips shot straight up at the first contact of Tara's tongue against her.

"Oh...Fuck!!" She exclaimed. So long...so good...

Tara played her body like an instrument, bringing out the most beautiful sounds and sensations. She was an artist, and Faith was her canvas.

"Tara, baby...I'm gonna..." Faith gasped, just before her orgasm hit her. It ripped through her like a lightning bolt that made her body jump in and uncontrollable rhythm, only to be calmed by the further touch of Tara's hands and mouth upon her. Tara was snuggling into her shoulder and smiling up at her, while she caught her breath.

They lay in silence for a while, basking in the afterglow of the experience that they had just shared. Finally Tara was the one to break the silent reverie.

"Faith?" she asked. "Why weren't the other girls in here, like usual?"

Faith just gave her a sly smile.

"Did you plan this, you vixen?" Tara laughed.

"Hey you know my philosophy." Faith shrugged. "Want, Take..."

"Have." Tara finished for her, before kissing her again.

The End

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