Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters-they are all Joss Whedons and BtVS
and Mutant Enemy and so forth, but the kids are mine and I'd like to keep them!
The Mystic Muse: /mysticmuse.net
Anyone else, just ask.
Feedback: Please, I'm needy.
Spoilers: Post-Chosen.
Author's Notes: Tara never died, Willow never went all Dark Willow,
which means she never killed Rack, but she did become addicted and she did do
the Forgetting spell on Tara. Tara and Willow got back together when the show
said they did and Tara was with the gang through season 7. The Willow/Kennedy
pairing never happened. Anya and Xander did get married. Sunnydale did demolish,
but it is rebuilt and now the Gang is living there again. Thoughts are in
Italics. Just want to note that I have nothing against any type of music. I
listen to anything and everything, so please do not get offended if you think
I'm degrading an artist.
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Summary: The Gang find themselves in a trap when they are transported to the future and meet their own children as teenagers.
Chapter One: A Midsummer's Night Slay…
"I wonder what our futures are like; how our children will be. I mean, if I have a child, I wonder what he or she will be like," commented the blond as she ducked the incoming blow from the disco vampire. With a powerful kick, the Slayer sent the over rated vampire flying through the air. She quickly retrieved her stake and dusted the afro-totting vamp.
Giles smiled to himself and muttered, "He brought new meaning to the phrase 'Staying Alive'."
"Oh, was that? I think it was…it was a sense of humor. You're funny," responded Buffy with a playful smile.
"Yes, well, it was rather scary, that hair of his. More frightening than the vampire himself," concluded the British Watcher. He stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets while he trudged through the cemetery with his Slayer.
"You spend too much time with us Giles," laughed Buffy Summers, a Slayer, who now, after Willow's doing, could claim that she wasn't the only one.
"Believe me, I know I do. Bloody teenagers," he tried to cover.
"Hey! Twenty-year-olds! In my twenties. Have been for five years now," she glanced over at him with a mischievous smile," nice recovery with the British-talk though."
Comfortable silence passed between them as they walked along the streets of Sunnydale, fully rebuilt after the fight with the First. Buffy contemplated the future quite often now that she wasn't the only Slayer in the world. Hell, she wasn't the only Slayer in town.
"It would be nice though. To have a kid, a daughter that I could raise, have connections with, maybe lead a normal life…"she trailed off as she fiddled with her stake and looked down. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?" she asked, a half smile graced upon her face.
"No, of course not. Wanting a normal life is natural. Rather expect really," he soothed.
As they reached the Summers home, Buffy unlocked the door and turned to Giles. She nodded her approval to let him come in, if he so chose. With a shake of his head 'no', she smiled at him.
"I have to open up the Magic Box tomorrow. Anya is rather frantic about getting back to a normal working schedule. I believe her exact words to me were, 'Money, money, money'," he grinned.
"I can stop by tomorrow after work with Dawn and help with some of the stocking and such. There's not too much activity around town as of late. You know, demon here and there, spell gone wrong now and then, but nothing long-term," she explained.
"Part of you misses it," he inferred. When her gaze met his, he smiled knowingly. "Don't act so surprised. You weren't the only one that had something to do and now is left with nothing except an enthusiastic blonde, or is she brunette now, I think brunette, that berates you for showing up fifteen minutes late to work," he muttered, a little irritated.
When Buffy giggled, he looked at her with darting eyes. He continued on, feeling the need to explain himself, "I ran out of gas and needed to refuel. Not my fault the damn gas pump took forever." He suddenly stopped, realizing how dreadfully foolish he sounded. He sighed at himself. Turning to a highly amused Slayer, he smiled warmly, glad to have pleased his some what of a daughter.
"Goodnight Buffy," he retreated.
"Night Giles," the blonde replied, thankful for his childish behavior.
She watched her Watcher as he made his way in the direction of his home until she turned to go inside her house for the night. Buffy quietly crept her way into the kitchen to retrieve a yogurt and spoon.
Making her way up the stairs, Buffy pondered herself with some new and abnormal thoughts. Life is dull, she thought. Admitting that she missed the big bads and bumps in the night was strange to the aged Slayer. Not that I'm that aged.
After settling into pajamas and lying in bed, she dozed off still deliberating over her future plans. How she was going live life. Hmmm, live life. Something I never thought I would do.
Chapter Two: That's My Prerogative…
"Get out (leave), right now; it's the end of you and me,
and it's too late, I can't wait, for you to be gone,
cause I know, about her, and I wonder,
why I bought all the lies, that said that you would treat me right,
but you was just a waste of time…"
This extremely annoying sound came from the room next door. And it woke Buffy. It woke the Slayer too. And the Slayer growled.
"Oh my God," mumbled Buffy into her pillow. The half-awake blonde murmured some incoherent words before looking at the clock.
6:05 a.m.
The blonde beauty stumbled out of bed and maneuvered over to her bathroom to brush her teeth, shower, and fix herself up.
Dawn's 'pop' faze is driving me up the damn wall.
While she was drying her hair, a moment of complete silence fell across the Summer's residence, and a very happy blonde grinned from ear to ear. That is, until…
"They say I'm crazy, I really don't care. That's my prerogative. They say I'm nasty, but I don't give a damn. Getting boys is how I live. Some ask me questions, why am I so real…"
"Dawnie, c-can you turn that down, or um, off, please?"
"Yes!" Buffy said as she dressed herself, ready for the day. She dragged herself downstairs. Sitting at the island in her kitchen, she looked up towards the stove.
"Tara, you're my hero," announced Buffy, her eyes adjusting to the brightness of the sun radiating off the window glass.
The blue-eyed blonde looked up to see Buffy staggering for some coffee. She beamed her signature half-smile.
"Trust me, Willow and I are all Britney Spears-ed out. But I'm worried about Willow. She was singing Lindsey Lohan yesterday…you have heard Willow sing right?" inquired, remembering the red head singing 'Rumors' in their bedroom. The blonde Wicca laughed.
Buffy thought back to when the town caught a singing spell and thought about Willow. She sang little and when she did…you love Willow for her other, "talents"! With this thought, Buffy laughed too. Hell, even Buffy caught herself singing Justin Timberlake after her sister played his solo CD.
Dawn bounded down the stairs, slowly followed by Willow. Dawn's hair was straightened perfectly, while Willow managed to put her, now lengthy hair, into a ponytail. Unknown to Tara and Willow, Dawn was singing Jo-Jo very softly, but the Slayer hearing caught Buffy.
"Dawn, seriously, you need to chill with the music. It's really loud and not everyone here is a huge fan of Britney Spears," stated Buffy firmly.
"I know I can get carried away sometimes. I just can't find the right volume. The ones you tell me are too soft. I can hear noises behind the music. It ruins the song!" explained the seventeen-year-old girl.
"I can see that, uh, I guess, but the fact is…I don't listen to my Green Day CD that loud, Willow doesn't listen to her Nickelback CD that loud, nor does Tara listen to her country CDs that loud. We all live here, and you need to respect the other people, ok?" pleaded the blonde. Buffy wanted Dawn to understand, but not feel like Buffy was trying to control her or punish her.
The brunette thought a moment before speaking. "I suppose I can turn it down, but when you guys aren't home, I get to listen to it however loud I want."
"Fine," allowed Buffy. Ever since things had quieted down, Dawn and Buffy seemed to get along better. Maybe it was because the girls could spend more time together, maybe Dawn was just getting older, or maybe it was both. Either way, the mutual truce was working perfectly.
All of a sudden, Dawn began giggling. The three women in the kitchen stared at her in amazement.
"Hey Dawnie, you wanna tell me why you're giggling so much?" asked Willow, who up until this point, saw no reason to speak.
Dawn regained her composer to answer Willow's question.
"Sure thing. I was thinking that when Buffy gets a teenager, I hope she listens to horrible music entirely too loud so Buffy always is singing random, no good songs," Dawn stated, completely amused with herself for thinking that.
"Ha ha ha…oh wait, my teenager will actually have a taste in music, not goofball wannabes," bashed the blonde.
"Good comeback. You almost struck a nerve," teased the blonde. Dawn and Buffy could get away with teasing and not fighting now-a-days. It was a good feeling for the Slayer.
Just then, the kitchen door opened, allowing a perky Xander Harris to walk inside.
"Good morning, good morning, good morning ladies," he charmed.
"Morning Xander," responded Willow and the others nodded his way.
Still smiling, the brown-eyed boy faced Dawn.
"Are you ready to go? Ya know, hit the books and all that jazz?" questioned the construction worker.
"Yeah, let me grab my backpack," said Dawn.
"Thank you for taking her to school today Xander. I would walk with her, but I have that job interview today," explained Tara. For the past six or so months, the Summers house ran in a routine.
Now that Willow had stopped magic, dark and powerful magic, Tara and Willow had moved on in life. Tara had helped Willow ease back into white magic, simple spells; Tara grounded Willow. Willow worked quite well and even went on to help defeat the First with Tara when the time came about seven months ago.
Not that it was easy for Willow. Even now, she occasionally had severe withdrawals. However, unlike the first times, she had Tara to hold and comfort her in her time of need.
Tara shook her head. She hated dwelling on the bad stuff in her and Willow's relationship. They lived a comfortable lifestyle for the most part. The random demon popped up and intervened every now and then, but their life was simi-normal. Nothing too serious since the First.
So, as of late, they settled into a steady rhythm. The house woke up on week days and ate cereal, while on Saturday's, Tara cooked a good breakfast with pancakes. Usually on school days, Tara would walk Dawn to school, while Willow drove Buffy to work. Willow drove Buffy to the Sunnydale Stretch, a local gym, where Buffy worked as a kick-boxing instructor, but also an aerobics instructor. Fortunately for Buffy, aerobics was only on Wednesdays and today was Thursday. The job paid well and the work was easy come for Buffy. She enjoyed it, honestly. Plus, the hours fit perfectly.
Meanwhile, after she drops Buffy off, Willow drives to her job as a computer specialist. Basically, she helped design programs and computers, but also did 'house-calls' and installed systems for various businesses. Fitting for Willow, she excelled at her job and made up the difference in pay that Tara and Buffy lacked.
But for some reason, they all wanted more. They wanted more then a steady life. The gang wanted a family of their own.
Chapter 3: The Harris Household…
"Xander, I think we're ready! I mean honestly, a child would be perfect. We need to cram as much family bliss in life as possible!" Anya smiled, happy with her argument.
"Ahn, honestly, we just got married not two months ago. Let's just enjoy being married for a while," responded a panicked Xander. He loved Anya, with all his heart, but sometimes the concept of mortal life overwhelmed her into thinking the world would end tomorrow. And who could blame her…
"Oh! Oh, well, FINE! That's just fine! I'm gonna die an old, wrinkled lady, with fake teeth, zero orgasms, and NO grandchildren!" she crossed her arms as she fell on the Harris's couch. She made her pout prominent as she looked away from him.
"Anya," Xander cooed, moving to console his wife," we'll have children, ok, but not now, not in an apartment with hardly enough cash to support ourselves. If we do this, I have to know that my children will have a better life then I did," he reasoned. Xander hardly spoke of his family, and when he spoke, Anya knew he meant serious business.
She gave him a full-blown smile. "Ok, but a want two at least: boy and girl!" she offered.
"Two, check," smiled her husband.
Chapter 4: A Simple Days Work…
Buffy changed into her workout clothes, grabbing her water bottle as she walked into the main weight lifting room. The gym was two stories, with the basketball court and a track around the basketball court upstairs, but downstairs, they had weights, and a boxing ring towards the back. The lockers were to the left when you walked in, as was the front desk. Buffy lifted her eyes to search the room. Her eyes fell on Marc, her 9 a.m.
Outward, she smiled and made friendly conversation with the jock, but inside she groaned. Marc loved to hit on Buffy, he almost made it a sport with her, but he never won. Too full of himself. For some odd reason, he was awed and threatened by her massive amount of strength. Buffy hardly needed that from a guy.
"Alright, sexy, what are we doing today?" he charmed. His eyes held a glint of macho-ness in them.
Ignoring his 'sexy' comment, she spoke, "I thought we'd work on your jabs, round kicks, and if we have time, some situational tactics."
As she turned to wrap up her hands, she heard Marc's voice.
"I worked on my jabs and kicks yesterday. I already got them down. Let's just mess around and do a couple rounds, eh? You could try to beat me," he laughed, as if the idea of her winning was absurd.
Buffy pseudo-smiled.
"Well, I'm sorry, but your coach specifically told me to work on fundamentals for at least an hour portion of the workout. He's part of my employer-the bigger part," she stated, emphasizing the last part of the sentence.
"My coach is a fag, ignore him, he doesn't know what's going on. He's a drop-out kick boxer any way," he said, half laughing, half serious.
"Your coach also happens to be an old mentor of mine. He trained me while I was in L.A. until I was fifteen, and I always listened to him. I still only listen to him," replied Buffy, now with a cold glare. Deciding not to respond to the 'fag' comment, she picked up the chest punching bag to hold.
"Jabs," she said tersely.
Marc rolled his eyes and jabbed for forty-five minutes, and then he did kicks for another forty-five. Buffy made sure that the intervals she put up for him were just enough to fill in the entire session period. After the kicks, his workout was over. With a last attempt to get a date, he asked her out, but her crossed arms to send up a red flag. Unfortunately, not a big enough flag to diminish his dreams completely.
Meanwhile, Tara walked into an office that read Cadence Coil and waited patiently for the young woman to return to her desk. Not too long after arriving, a pretty woman walked in the room.
"Tara MaClay," she smiled warmly, "Please, have a seat."
The somewhat still shy blonde agreed and sat herself down in a chair across from the Head of Photography. The woman took her seat behind her mahogany desk. A smile graced the woman's face.
"Your application is quite impressive. And your work is absolutely stunning. You are my choice, but the only way I can hire you is if you begin right away," she beamed.
Tara's face lit up the room. After all the anxiety, she felt relieved.
"Of course, most definitely, what would you like me to do?" answered the blonde woman. She wanted to bounce or babble or both…
"Well, I'm sending my reporter to interview the new principal for Sunnydale High School and some kids for the article of the rebuilt school. But we need visuals! You are just the photographer we've been looking for. What I need is for you to go up to the school with our reporter, Ashley, and follow her around. Get shots of the outside of the building, inside, the students in action, at least one student that Ashley interviews, and the principal. In all, there should be about fifty pictures. I want doubles of a lot of things, ya know, so we have options of which ones to use. Don't be afraid to take more though.
When you step outside, you will see my secretary, Madeline. She will issue you your camera and film. Yes, we supply all of the equipment. You can also request film for your own personal camera if you choose to use that one, but if your personal camera doesn't have great quality, we will ask you to use the ones issued. You also receive your own digital camera, which is used on occasion when we want computer pictures. Generally, you will want to take both, but you don't have to today. Not to worry, I will inform you when we want digital pictures. Now," she blew out a breath," breathe in slowly and absorb the massive amount of information that I have just bestowed upon you," she laughed and then continued at a much slower pace.
"I apologize for swamping you. It is a hell of a lot to take in, I know, but please, feel free to ask me any questions at anytime. Call me Cadence, please. This is a rather small portion of the new paper. Everyone in the photography department is very tight. There are about ten of us, including me. You are basically our sole person as of this moment. The other guy quit without two weeks notice, so you can imagine the frenzy I've been in. But the point I've been trying to make was that I am extremely close to my co-workers. I have parties at my house on occasion; I know my workers names, their favorite color, and their families. I am a family type person. I don't like to intimidate people with the fact that I'm the head of the department. I will be your boss, but also someone you can come to without having a panic attack, ok?" She smiled.
Tara, absorbing every last word of her speech, smiled at her new boss. She nodded her head in understanding.
"Great! Now I hope you don't mind, but I do have a personal question for you. But not too personal. Just something I ask everyone so I can identify them with. I have a forgetful memory, but I took a class where that if I match people up with certain objects or ideas, I won't forget so easily," she amended.
"Shoot," replied the eager blonde.
"Favorite colors?"
"Red and green," Tara smiled. Red as in Willow's hair; green as in Willow's eyes...
Cadence quirked an eyebrow. "Christmas fan?" she inquired.
"Oh," blushed Tara," well, um, those are color of my g-girlfriend Willow's hair and eyes," she explained, hoping her boss wouldn't be thrown-off by her sexuality.
"Really now? How long have you two been an item?" she asked, not caring about the blonde's lifestyle choice.
"Oh about," she thought a moment, "four years maybe? We aren't the type of couple to keep track," she answered.
"I hear you. My husband Ron and I don't even celebrate an anniversary, well yeah we do, but it's more of an 'it was last week and now that we're free, lets go out dancing' or something along those lines. We're an incredibly laid back couple," she finished her babble and half-grinned at the blonde who was holding back a giggle.
"You're giggling. I suppose it's good you're comfortable around me, but why are you giggling?" she asked.
"You babble like Willow. She does it all the time. It amuses me," she clarified.
"Ahh," Cadence stated with a knowing look. She looked at her watch and then back at Tara. "I hate to cut this little 'bonding' moment short, but Ashley wanted to head out at about ten and its nine forty-five now, so you better go obtain your cameras and hit the road."
Tara smiled and shook her new co-workers hand and told her 'thank you' which she received a playful swat on the arm for. After picking up her cameras, she met Ashley Storms, a hyper, happy-go-lucky reporter. Her co-worker bounced at the sight of Tara. Tara took a moment as she walked toward Ashley to take a look at her.
Ashley's blonde hair was lighter than Tara's, and from what Tara could tell, thinner. The reporters brown eyes, were light as well, almost hazel. The excited blonde was a little slimmer than Tara, but not as slim as Willow. Tara flashed a warm smile at the happy woman.
"Hi, I'm Ashley," the reporter introduced as her extended her hand. Tara shook it politely. "I'm extremely excited you got the position!" Tara thought she saw Ashley bounce a bit. She chuckled quietly. "It's such a pleasure to meet you," finished the blonde.
"Pleasure to meet you as well," replied Tara, as she smiled.
"Ok, well my car is just outside the wing door, so let's head on out," offered Ashley.
"O-okay," answered Tara, cursing her stutter. She wasn't nervous around Ashley, she was sort of, well intimidated. The witch followed Ashley out to her red mini-cooper and settled herself in, all the while listening to Ashley's ramblings.
The girl isn't shy.
"I'm so glad they picked you because the other guy was so boring. And stuffy. 'This isn't right here, there's not enough light there, why do you always talk…'. You know, stuff like that. He was not a happy camper. It would have been hell to work with him. Plus, girls connect more, or at least, that has been my experience. I suddenly realize I'm rambling on and on and not giving you a chance to speak. How rude of me," she said, briefly turning to give Tara an apologetic smile.
"It's quite fine really," smiled Tara, trying her best to reassure her new friend. I'm used to it any way, what with Willow and Buffy's occasional out-loud debates with herself…
The red vehicle pulled up to the high school. Ashley grabbed a tape recorder and some writing material and hopped out into the warm, Californian breeze. As Tara stepped out, she looked over the top of the car to see Ashley smiling like an idiot at her.
"For what all my talking is worth," she trailed off, with a hint of embarrassment, but then her tone took a more sincere curve, "I'm glad you're working here, with me and the paper," she finished as she smiled. Tara had no choice but to smile back because the blonde's joy caught up with Tara as Ashley's words sunk into her.
The two headed up the stairs to the front doors, Ashley leading the way. When they reached the doors, Ashley opened the door and held it for Tara.
"Why thank you," thanked Tara playfully.
"No problem," replied Ashley, "I do have a small favor to ask before we start. My fiancé works here and well, I would really appreciate it if we could stop by his office and see him," asked the reporter.
"Sure thing."
Ashley was spunky, but Tara hardly minded. She reveled in having a job that allowed her to do something she loved, and contribute to the family. Not that Willow didn't do a superior job of that herself, but Tara wanted more to do then sit on her ass all day long. She usually cleaned all day, and although Tara enjoyed helping around the house, it was scarcely the job she dreamed of growing up. The other week, Tara sat Willow down to discuss this issue she was having. Willow listened and sympathized. The redhead even helped Tara search for what she wanted to do. However, Tara was not surprised with how eagerly Willow wanted to help. Financially, things weren't too first-rate, but they weren't in the ditches either. They just were a tad bit tight. So, with Willow, Tara and Buffy working, they could keep up the bills and add to Dawn's college fund. Joyce started one when Dawnie was just a kid, or at least the Monks gave Joyce the money to send Dawn off to college, but not enough for all the years of her education. Tara needed this job as much for her own sanity as Dawn's educational needs. Hmm, my own sanity, how ironic.
Walking down the corridors with Ashley, the Wicca took the time to closely examine what she could. Not only was this the place her girlfriend had spent some of her most important years (well kinda, they were in relation to this building.) but Dawn was also now attending the school. And even though the First was defeated, who knows what hell could come out.
"Ok, here's the schedule. My meeting with Principal Turner is at 10:30 and its 10:15 now. Hopefully, the interview won't take but fifteen to thirty minutes tops. I'm sure Cadence filled you in, but to make your job less boring, you can roam around and take pictures while I'm interviewing. Unless you want to sit in, then of course, you're welcome to. We can get a shot of the principal before the interview for you if that's ok?" explained Ashley. They both walked into the main office. Ashley told the secretary that they had an appointment with the principal for 10:30 and they took a seat, waiting.
"Sounds like a fair plan to me, and I'll roam for about thirty minutes afterward to get several shots," nodded Tara.
A tall, muscular man in his late thirties stepped out of his office. He had short, curly black hair. He flashed the girls a smile.
"You must be from Sunnydale News," he said, extending his hand to shake both of their hands. The girls complied. "I'm Jonathon Turner, new and hopefully long lasting principal of the improved Sunnydale High School," he joked.
"I'm Ashley Storms," introduced the reporter when Mr. Turner shook her hand.
"And I'm Tara MaClay, the photographer," copied Tara when he shook hers. "I was hoping to take your picture now and then some around the school."
"Of course, what sort of shot would you like?" he inquired.
"A head shot for the paper, and probably a desk shot, sort of like you are working," acknowledged Tara.
The man nodded his understanding. He rummaged through his desk for a pen. Retrieving one, he looked up expectantly at Tara.
"How 'bout I sign this sheet of paper for the action shot?" Seeing a nod from Tara, he slowly began applying his signature to the paper, hearing Tara's camera clicking away. After two shots or so, she kneeled in front of the desk, aiming the lens of the camera at an angle towards his head. The shot included his head and name tag in it.
"Ok, this is the head shot, most liking going into the paper, so smile real nice and such," she joked. She took three pictures pf him and his fairly fine smile.
"Alright, I'm all done here," she said, looking at Ashley. Ashley nodded and took at seat across from the principal.
Tara made her way into the halls and took in the scenery. She shot one of lockers, actually stopping a kid at his locker to ask permission to take one. He agreed quite enthusiastically. She caught some really superb shots of the new gym and library. Tara even received a cookie from the cafeteria. Tara giggled at the thought of her eating a cookie like a six year old. Fulfilling Cadence's request, she took fifteen shots of the outside of the school, the High School sign, the entrance and a mural painting they installed in the new school.
At about twenty-seven minutes after her leave, Tara returned to the main office to find Ashley and Principal Turner engaged in a conversation. Upon seeing Tara, Ashley turned to her new co-worker.
"Hey, you're back! Did you get all the shots you need?" she asked.
"For the most part. I still need a photo of the kid you interview, but other then that, its finito." Tara answered, adding in some Spanish she knew.
"Muy bien! Ha-ha, I know a lil' español as well! Let's get going," she nodded her head towards the hallway.
Ashley extended her hand towards the new principal.
"It was nice meeting you Mr. Turner. Thank you for your time and good luck this school year!" she exclaimed.
Tara nodded her agreement.
"Nice meeting you two as well, have a wonderful day and don't hesitate to wonder the halls!" he allowed, finally giving them a last smile as he turned and retired back into his office.
Chapter 5: Run-Ins…
When the girls reached the hallway, the blonde reporter turned to Tara, lightly grabbing her arm.
"Let's go to the computer lab, yeah? Rich, my fiancé works in there," she explained. Tara smirked at her and agreed.
They saw a school map on one of the walls. The map was because of the new school and all the buildings and classes were moved around. Ashley found that the computer lab was at the end of the hall they were on and to the left. Almost dragging Tara behind her, the ecstatic blonde walked briskly toward the room.
"Are you single? Rich's brother Scott works in the gym, but since he doesn't have a class this period, he usually hangs out with Rich," she asked.
It suddenly occurred to Tara that the subject of her love life hadn't come up in their conversations. While deliberating whether to tell Ashley straight off the bat that she was gay, they walked into the computer lab. If it hadn't been for the familiar ass that was sticking out in the air, Tara would have continued her thought process, but a distinguished voice broke her concentration.
"…the system just had an over-load, what with all the computers hooked up to the same connecter. Basically, you put too much strain on the internet connection. That's why lately they've shut down automatically. Almost like a rebellion, only not cause, hello! Computers. However, the concept is the same…" drifted Willow's muffled voice from behind the back of one of the computers she was working on. Willow was so intrigued in her work and thought that she didn't look up to speak nor did she see her girlfriend. Plus, her back was facing away from Tara. Willow wouldn't be able to see Tara even if she was sitting up straight. Tara's gaze, however, was caught by another figure. A man's figure, she guessed, Scott's, who was quite openly ogling her Willow's ass. Tara scowled.
Ashley was hugging and kissing on Rich. They were making small talk and Tara just smiled as she waited for Willow to finish. But her mind never left the fact that Scott was looking.
"Ok, so what my company has authorized me to do is order you so more connectors. We should receive them in a short number of days, so the wait won't be too terribly wrong. But I and a few other computer programmers will have to come in and fix each computer individually, so that when the parts come in, the computers will actually, ya know, work. That could take, well, each computer should take one to two hours. We'd have to clean the memory, files, databases and such. Then upload them all again," her brow furrowed, which didn't go unnoticed by Tara or Scott. Scott however, perked up.
"What's wrong? You're frowning," he asked. Tara's blood boiled. His eyes caught Tara, and smiled, giving her the once over glance. Unfortunately, he seemed interested in Tara as well. He winked. Tara moaned internally. Oh god…
"What, oh, um, nothing concerning the computers. It would just take some time…more time then the work day, but I know the students need the computers, so I'd have to work late..." she sighed, "every stinking day," she pouted.
"That a problem? I mean, I could keep you company, if you'd want it…" trailed Scott, moving around to come face to face with Willow. As obvious as he was being, Willow didn't catch on. The emerald-eyed beauty sat down in her seat, starting up the computer she had just fixed.
"No, it's not so much working as I had a surprise dinner planned for my girlfriend on Friday, kinda an important deal, and well, I might not be able to get free, unless-no, I can make it work. I'll just explain to Tara that I have to work really late tonight to make up for Friday night," stated Willow, really pleased with herself for solving her own problem.
Just as oblivious as Willow, Scott missed the hint.
"Oh like a girl's night out? Reconnecting thing? I get it! My sister has those all the time, it means a lot to her. But that leaves her Saturday's free for dates. That means your Saturday's are free too. How bout I take you out to get a bite to eat, eh? Maybe get your mind off of computers and work?" he asked, hopeful.
"Uhh…well, I would, I mean, you're sweet and all, but uh, Friday isn't a 'girl's-night-out', it's me and my girlfriend-of-four-years-night-out," she explained, hoping he wouldn't be too upset.
Tara smiled broadly.
"Oh, uh, wow, sorry," he said, backing off. Then, like a light bulb went off in his head, he looked up at Tara and gave her, what Scott thought, was a charming smile. But she wasn't about to give him any illusions. She moved toward redhead, and Scott, thinking she was coming over to see him, smiled even brighter. Tara shook her head at him, causing a look of confusion for Scott. Why would she be coming over here if she's not interested?
Tara squatted quietly behind Willow, and leaned in close to her ear. "Any girl would be lucky to have you," she said, seductively, making sure her lips touched Willow's ear as she said 'lucky'. A smile crept over Willow's face slowly.
"I thought I smelled familiar vanilla shampoo," she commented as she turned around. Tara giggled a bit as Willow faced her. "Hey!" Willow said quietly, almost a whisper, as she embraced her lover in a warm hug. Their smiles reached ear to ear on both their faces.
Tara, realizing where they were, turned to face Ashley.
"Ashley, this is my girlfriend, Willow Rosenberg, Willow this is my new co-worker Ashley Storms," introduced Tara. Willow smiled giddily at Tara.
"You got the job! Ah!" she said kissing Tara lightly and then bouncing.
"Yes, yes I did, and as a first assignment, I came with Ashley to the school for an article for the paper," explained the blonde, "We stopped by the computer lab because Ashley wanted to see her fiancé, Rich, who I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting."
"Oh, he's super nice, I met him with the whole, business deal thing," commented the redhead. Tara held back a giggle.
Ashley, after getting over the initial shock of Tara and Willow, smiled at them both. Ashley didn't have a problem, she just never expected Tara to be, well, gay.
"Pleased to meet you Willow, and of course, this is the man of my life, Richard Kern," established Ashley, "However, you may call him Rich because you are friends now. He mook over there is Scott, Rich's younger brother."
The younger man blushed from the embarrassment of hitting on both women. He began to apologize, as much to Tara as Willow because he was ogling Willow's ass, but Tara stopped him before he could say anything.
"Please, no apologies. It happens a lot, and hey, who could blame you," she said, making the redhead blush the color of her hair. Tara gave her a nudge.
The young brother just blushed harder. Rich laughed at him while Ashley checked her watch. She turned to her fiancé and asked, "Do you have a class soon?" At his nod, she continued, "I'll interview one of them and Tara you can just take the picture of them, sound good?" Tara nodded and Willow looked at her girl with pride. This did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room.
"How long 'til the next class?" asked Ashley.
"Ten minutes, which means I better get goin'. My class starts soon," stated Scott, leaving the room after everyone said their goodbyes and whatnot. He gave an apologetic look to the two witches before finally taking his leave.
While Ashley and Rich talked about their wedding plans, Willow and Tara discussed the morning's events and how Tara's first day was going.
"I'm so glad you're here. I usually don't get to see you during the day, but today, I got my own little surprise at work. Like a secret Santa only not because I'm Jewish, and it's spring, so yeah, but I'm happy you're here!" babbled the computer programmer.
Tara chuckled and continued on about Ashley and Cadence. Then, she quirked her eyebrow and Willow knew what was coming. The question she had been dreading.
"What were you planning for tomorrow night anyway?"
Willow snapped her fingers. Damn!
"Uh, nothing, that is of importance for right now…" Willow threw out, hoping Tara would take the bait.
With raised eyebrows, Tara decided not to push because Willow seemed very anxious about it.
"…but wear something nice, ok?" added the redhead, making Tara smile at her adorableness.
In five minutes the bell rang and students poured into the lab. The late bell rang six minutes later and Rich addressed the class.
"Guys, the computers have a problem. Apparently, someone at the nice electric company forgot to wire the system the right way, so Ms. Rosenberg and her crew are going to fix them, like the friendly people they are," he addressed the class as he smiled at Willow. He continued, "Which means that the computers are off limits until Ms. Rosenberg gives us the go ahead sign. No touching them! Yes, you included Mr. O'Brian. No touching! So we're going to have study hall during my period. However, if someone is brave enough, you can come and be interviewed for the Sunnydale News by my fiancé, Ashley. You even get a picture in the paper by Ms. MaClay."
At this half the class erupted in oh!'s and pick-me's. Rich chose a raven haired girl in the back, who practically ran up to the front of the class. After a few simple questions, Tara snapped her picture and looked at Ashley expectantly, not really sure what the next thing for her to do was.
"Alright, well unfortunately, we have to go now, but I'll see you tonight, ok?" Ashley told Rich and gave him a hug goodbye. Rich nodded and rolled his eyes when the boys in the class cheered.
"I'll walk you guys out," noted Willow. The three ladies headed outside to Ashley's car. Once outside the classroom, Willow and Tara clasped hands, figuring it would cause a controversy in front of the kids. As they stepped into the sunlight, Tara turned to Willow and kissed her, slightly more passionate then the one inside.
"What time do you think you'll be home?" inquired the blonde.
"I have no clue, not before twelve. Look, you sleep, ok? Don't stay up. I would feel bad, and there's hardly a point to it," she spoke, looking into her girlfriend's eyes.
"You won't come home. I know you all too well. You'll stay up all night-workaholic," teased Tara. Seeing a nod from Willow she kissed Willow's cheek. "Don't over do it, ok? If you get exhausted, come home, promise me."
"I'll see you, er, tomorrow, ok?" With Willow's nod, Tara turned to Ashley who was watching amusedly.
"What?" she asked, half smiling at Ashley as she watched Willow walk back inside.
"Oh, you got it bad!" Ashley laughed as she drove off.
Chapter 6: All My Life…
Just as Tara guessed, Willow decided to stay at the school all night, fixing and uploading all the computer's hard drives. The blonde Wicca was lonely and cold that night, but then again, there was no redhead to keep her warm.
Tara's mind drifted to the 'surprise' dinner that would happen tomorrow night. Her girl hardly ever became anxious. Ok, that was a lie, but when she did, it was under extreme circumstances. Was it an anniversary? No. I know when that is. Our fifth year is in a month. There's no holiday, no special occasion…or is there?
Tara's thought-filled mind drifted into a slumber after some time of contemplating all the possibilities.
The next day ran smoothly, except for the morning which was thrown off by Willow and the lack-of-car. Xander agreed at the last minute to drive Buffy and Dawn to their various locations, while Ashley picked Tara up and drove her to the office.
Tara and Cadence spent the morning and part of the afternoon developing and choosing which pictures to put in which paper. The Sunnydale News ran a little differently then some newspapers. They distributed a paper and a magazine. So, Tara and Cadence decided to take the head shot of Mr. Turner and put that in the paper, while taking the working picture and placing it in the magazine. The interviewed teenager would be in the magazine, seeing as the audience of the magazine was mostly teenagers. They took a short lunch break and came back to try and decide which scenery pictures to use when Tara's cell phone rang.
"Oh, go ahead and get it, I've got it covered!" she exclaimed.
Though slightly embarrassed, she wanted to take the call: it was Willow.
"Hey sweetie," she answered.
"Hey! How's my girl?" asked a very spunky redhead.
"I'm lonely, and you?" she teased. She knew that Willow regretted working all night, but she also knew that Willow had to do it for tonight.
"Aw poor Tara, she didn't get snuggles last night?" Willow teased back. Tara chuckled then remembered she wasn't at home.
"W-willow, was there something you needed?" Tara suddenly felt self-conscious talking to her girlfriend on the phone in front of her boss while she was supposed to be working.
"Oh yeah, I was wondering when you would be home tonight? 'Cause I might be a little late, you know," replied the green-eyed witch.
"Um, I don't know, 5:30-6 maybe? Listen Will, I got to go, but I love you and I'll talk to you later," she responded.
"Okie dokie, I love you too baby! See you later." Willow hung up the phone, and Tara turned around to see an amused Cadence looking at her.
"I know, I know, I got it bad," laughed the blonde.
When Tara did reach home, she was surprised to find Willow no where in sight, but a note on their dresser. It read:
Put on some pj's and meet me downstairs.
We need to talk.
Pajamas? I thought we were going out…I guess she really is tired.
Tara complied with the note and slipped into some comfortable plaid pants with a white tank top. She put her hair into a loose ponytail. Not hearing the door open, Tara started to feel disappointed. Where is Willow?
She headed downstairs to see if she could make dinner of some sort, but was in shock to find Willow sitting on the couch, with a couple of candles lit and dinner in the living room. Like Tara, Willow also sported night clothes.
Seeing Tara enter the room, Willow rose and moved across the room, coming to a halt in front of Tara. She leaned in and kissed her sweetly.
"I thought you'd never come downstairs!" she began.
Tara smiled and then quirked her eyebrow, "Well, if someone hadn't made her note all secretive, maybe I would have!" Tara tickled Willow's side, causing the smaller girl to giggle.
"Sorry, it was just so mysterious. Well, I couldn't resist," admitted the redhead. She extended her hand and took Tara's in her own. Willow led Tara to the couch and sat them down.
Willow looked deeply into Tara's sapphire eyes and lost herself for a moment before finally smiling. She spoke while moving her arms in gestures to help the point she was saying.
"I uh, well, I planned this whole thing out because well, I felt we needed to talk. And well, it's rather serious, to be honest, and as you can see I'm quite nervous, so please don't interrupt me when I begin this speech I have in my head, ok?" Seeing the nod from Tara and a look of concern, Willow gently kissed her girlfriend in reassurance.
"Tara, all my life, I've had dreams of meeting the perfect person. The 'one and only' that all those movies like The Princess Bride and Moulin Rouge talk about. Ya know, I used to look up at my ceiling at night and gaze at my glow in the dark stars and wonder who my prince charming would be. All my life, I've waited for someone to change my life. To make an impact on me. To make me a better person when I'm around them. You came along and did just that. You are my princess charming, my 'one and only' and I can't help but think that without you, I'd be half the person I am today. All my life, I've waited for a man to propose to me, but these past five years of my life have been the most wonderful…" Willow stated. As she trialed off the last part of wonderful, she retrieved a box from behind her back and kneeled onto the floor.
"Tara MaClay, all my life means nothing to me unless I have you for the rest of my life," she popped the box open, showing a brilliant 16kt diamond ring," please be my wife." Willow finished up her speech just in time for Tara to hug her tenderly, tears forming around her eyes.
"Yes, of course, Willow," she answered, smiling while her tears of joy streamed down her face.
"Yes?" asked Willow. Tara nodded, smiling.
"You will?" asked Willow again. Tara nodded smiling and saying 'yes' again.
"You will!" exclaimed the redhead as she pulled Tara into a gentle kiss, each tongue darting out to caress the other. After they pulled apart, Willow extracted the ring from the box and gently slid the ring on the left ring finger.
Tara admired it and smiled as she looked up at her soon-to-be wife. "I love you," she simply stated, "I love you so much!" Tara hugged Willow again as Willow responded with, "I love you too baby, I love you too."
For the rest of the evening, the two lovers sipped on wine and ate the delicious meal Willow had cooked. All night, Tara kept stealing glances at her ring and smiled. Mrs. Tara Rosenberg…Afterward, the two snuggled up on the couch and watched, ironically enough, The Princess Bride. Hell couldn't wipe the grins off these girl's faces.
Chapter 7: Why Are You Smiling so Big?
Buffy and Dawn walked in, still pumped from the last vampire fight. Unfortunately, it was the only vampire fight, so they still carried a lot of energy. The girls walked into the living room to find Willow and Tara cuddled together on the couch, the living room dimmed with candles lit and wine glasses half-full.
"Party at Casa de Summers?" asked Buffy, an amused tone in her voice.
The two girls just smiled at each other like two five-year-olds who escaped from Mom with cookies. Buffy looked at them weird.
"Why are you smiling so big?" she asked. The only time Buffy had seen anyone that happy was when Anya and Xander got eng…
"Oh my God! Willow, you didn't! Oh my God, I bet you did! Come' ere you little skank!" she laughed as she jumped for Willow, who smiled and ran across the room, behind the stairs into the kitchen. Buffy changed her course and went through the dinning room towards the kitchen, catching Willow slightly off guard. Willow got trapped behind the table and her and Buffy went back and forth in different directions around it, all the while Buffy bantering with Willow.
"I can't believe it! My Willow! My little Sears-totting wonder child! My frog-o-phobic Wicca!" She laughed as she chased Willow around the tabled, but Willow got the better of her as she ran back into the living room. Buffy followed, only to be blocked by Dawn.
"What the hell is going on?" asked Dawn, her voice slightly raised in irritation.
"Tara, show Dawn your hands," remarked Buffy.
"Why would Tara show me…?" Just then, the realization dawned on Dawn. "Oh my God! Are you engaged?!" With Tara's nod and her extended ring hand the Summers girl's looked at each other and jumped up and down, screaming in unison…
"Willow and Tara are getting married!!"
"Er, well, blessed and united, to be technical, but in the same sense, she will be my wife, yes," clarified Willow.
Buffy and Dawn looked at Willow and then back at each other. They jumped up and screamed yet again…
"Willow and Tara are getting married!"
Tara just laughed while Willow smiled. Willow sat down next to her girl and whispered, "Yeah, we are." They rested their foreheads together, happy and contempt, while the other two females giggled and discussed wedding options and colors and gowns and guests.
"Oh my God, we have to tell Giles!" alerted Buffy.
"Buffy, Dawn, we will, ok? Let's just settle down and sleep tonight. No need to wake him up. Let's see, Xander and Anya waited weeks before they told us, so I'm sure Giles and them won't mind if we wait a night," explained Willow, her auburn hair falling around her shoulders. Tara nodded in agreement. Willow shut off the TV and clasped Tara's hand in her own.
"We're going to bed," stated Willow simply.
When they were out of earshot, Buffy and Dawn shared a knowing look.
"I'll bet you ten bucks that they are smiling even bigger in the morning…" trailed Dawn.
"Dawn! That's none of our business nor is it a good thought to think about…plus, I'd lose that bet if I waged against it!" Buffy added.
The two giggled and chose to hurry upstairs before anything too loud started. They quickly went to bed, hoping they could fall asleep before…
"Ohh Willllow…"
To Be continued...
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