
By Magrat

Copyright © 2003


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Not mine; I would have treated them better.

Distribution: If you want it you can have it, just tell me first.


Spoilers: Set somewhere between Wrecked and Older and Far Away.

Feedback: Yes please but be constructive.

Pairing: Willow/Tara

Summary: Even though apart, Willow and Tara need each other.

Encounter 1: Tara

I take a deep breath doubts flooding my head, but I know I'm going to go into the bar, Sunnydale's one and only gay bar and a place I've been going to every Friday for about a month now. As I've found to my cost addiction is a terrible thing.

She's there, I knew she would be. She's sitting at the bar, I catch her eye as I order a drink and go and sit in a corner seat. Sit back and take a long pull of my beer, Dutch courage, I feel her breath on my neck and she whispers lightly in my ear "I've missed you, once a week is not enough,". She then lazily dumps herself on my lap kissing me before I have time to reply.

"I've missed you too," I know she's not listening to me her mouth is already on my neck sucking at my pulse point, making me shiver. God it feels so good. Her hands are starting to unbutton my shirt it takes me all my will power to stop her. "We can't do this not here."

She leans away from me her eyes intense and cloudy with passion "I've waited too long. I want you. I know we can't go to your dorm room if people saw us together there they wouldn't understand and well my house is so out of the question. I hope your not mad but I've booked a hotel room."

I'm shocked but almost instantly and painful aroused it's been so long since...No I can't even think about it not here not now. "O-okay," just one word that is all I could get out.

She beams happily into my face "Wow I didn't think you would come with me but, I've been planning for this and I promise you a good time."

The thoughts and doubts run through my mind I know I shouldn't be doing this but I have to. Just this once I want to be selfish not Tara the homebuilder, the good friend, supporto girl but the girl who needs the love, the passion and to honest the sex. So I follow like a lovesick puppy into the unknown.

"Well the room is quite nice and at least the clerk only leered at us a little," she sits on the bed testing the springs with a big salacious grin on her face.

My heart starts to thump "I shouldn't be doing this."

"Beautiful, don't go guilty on me now," she is on me kissing me, pushing my mouth open, and probing me with her tongue. My resistance disappears and I can feel myself getting wet. "Hey I've got something to show you."

She takes me into the bathroom and to my surprise it is just like one that I stayed at in a hotel room in Italy. The one and only time I have been abroad, my father thought it would be a good idea, a sort of catholic retreat. He said it would help with my demon and bring me closer to God. Funny, I can almost laugh about it now. The room is totally tiled there is the usual wash hand basin and W.C but the unusual feature of the room is the shower and the drain. The floor is tiled dipping to a drain in the middle and the showerhead is just set in the wall turning the whole room into a giant cubicle. I remember it made feel free, had I told her about it, I don't recall.

She is stood grinning and leaning against the doorframe "You like?" She starts to unbutton her shirt and removes it. She moves to her jeans unbuttoning the fly making sure I'm watching her, she seductively eases them over her slim hips. She has amazingly muscular abs. I watch as she continues her strip tease she is absolutely beautiful. She is now down to her blue lacy bra and panties set, such a feminine look on her slim boyish figure, it's driving me insane.

I must have closed my eyes because the next thing I know I'm being pushed against the wall. " I think you're a bit over dressed for this room," she breathes and this time I don't resist as she starts to undress me. In her skilled hands it doesn't take long. I shiver with nervousness and anticipation. She looks at me concerned. "Your cold. Why don't you get under the shower." Again I allow myself to be propelled by her. The warm water on my skin feels wonderful. "I'm going to wash you now and I can't wait to get me hands on your boobs,"

"Your underwear will get wet," I protest pathetically.

She laughs. "A bit to late to worry about that," her hands are straight on me, soaping my breasts.

I can't control myself any longer; I take off her bra, pull down her panties and pull her into my arms. I kiss her deeply biting her lip; she lets off a small cry. My hand snakes down between our two bodies and I pull one of her small erect nipples, moving further down I trace the muscles standing out firm on her tense stomach. I hear her suck in her breath as my hand moves between her legs. I should probably wait, tease a bit more but I can't resist pushing two fingers easily inside her wet pussy. "You were right about the wetness."

"Please, Tara no talking I need you to..." she said.

Her eyes are closed "Open your eyes and tell me what you want." I command her.

"Fuck me please," she says and I oblige. I keep the pressure up hard and my thumb tightly on her engorged clit. I'm probably rougher than I'm ever usually, but I can feel her teeth on my breast biting me hard and her hands clawing at my back and then she pulls her head back saying my name over and over and I can feel her walls crushing my fingers with convulsions as she comes. I lean against the wall shaken and a bit trembley at the electricity that has just passed between us. She sits on the floor. "Wow, you were amazing and my knees have gone all dizzy. You have turned the tables, this is not what I expected." She smiles "Tara do you trust me?"

I don't know what to say. Do I? I'm not sure. "Why?"

"I have something special planned for you but you have to trust me for it to work." She grabs my hand and leads me towards the bedroom. I hadn't noticed before when I walked in, on the bed lies some handcuffs, a blindfold, and some silk scarves. "What do you think?"

"I think you're insane if you think I'm going to let you tie me up. "I'm, not into that"

"Not into what?" she shoots back

"Whatever you've got planned"

"See I knew you didn't trust me," her lovely green eyes start to look like they're about to spill some tears. "Tara please let me. I promise if you don't like what I'm doing I'll stop straight away but don't use my name or say no it has to be a safe word just think of one and if you use it I'll stop."

Okay at this moment alarm bells are going off in the back of my head, safe words not something I've ever had to think about before, but do you know when you're worried but at the same time so curious that if you don't do this you might regret it for the rest of your life so I guess I'll take the plunge. "Moon"


"My word is moon."

She has a huge smile on her face. "You won't regret this. I'll tell you what I'm going to do; I'm going to tie you up, handcuff you to the bed, blindfold you and I have these earplugs for you to wear.

"You're joking with me. You're just going to take funny photos of me." I laugh

"No trust me with this it might seem strange but I think you will enjoy the end results and remember I'll be here and I would never leave you"

She restrains me it feels almost chaste as if we have put some distance between ourselves. Then I start to realize I have to keep moving because my muscles keep seizing up on me and then it starts to kick I can feel my mind clouding it feels really weird almost like I'm drifting off to sleep and I can't hear anything, see anything and because of the way my limbs are splayed I can't touch anything either. I don't know how long I stay like this time seems to have almost frozen.

Out of nowhere I feel the sensation of feather being brushed up my thigh but it feels almost 10 times as intense. I jump and can feel my heart race as this replaced by what feels like an ice cube placed on my nipple, the ice-cold water runs down my side making me shiver. This is replaced by a strange sharp prickling feeling that make me feel like all my never endings have all come alive at the same time, while I'm still trying to figure out what it was a new and delicious feeling grabs me as what feels like a piece of fur is gently rubbed between my legs, I try to lift me body to it to increase the pressure on my clit but to no avail, an ice cub is run up the inside of my thigh, then the feather, followed by the prickles and I have started to lose a grip on what is happening to my body as the feeling come thick and fast, wave after wave.

Without warning I feel her mouth on me, her tongue on my clit the intensity of this moment is beyond any that I have ever felt. She then enters me with two cool fingers and she starts to relentlessly fuck me hard at the same time she never lets up on my clit sucking and licking and I can feel the inevitable orgasm building in my stomach. I come quickly but long and hard. I don't know why but I start to shiver and cry, she has me untied in what seems like seconds and cradles me back and forth. "Come back to me baby, come back to me love," she croons in my ear.

Eventually I get back to normal "You were, that that was amazing."

She smiles but then the clock catches her eye. "Shit it's Eleven Thirty. I should have been home ages ago. Bugger it I'm going to stay here the night. Stay with me."

"Well I'm free but you know you cant," I reply

She thinks a second and then picks up the phone. " Hi Buffy I'm glad I caught you before you went on patrol. Look my meeting went on for longer than I thought so I've decided to stay at my parents tonight with it being closer and all. Give my love to Dawn"

So now you know our secret, this is our spell-casters anonymous meeting I help her with her addiction to magic and she feeds mine to Willow Rosenberg.

I dangle the handcuffs in her face "Guess that means I have time to play with you now."

Encounter 2: Willow

I feel like a nervous wreck. I have been waiting in this smoky bar for almost an hour, its not that I don't think Tara will turn up, it's more whether she will agree to what I have planned for her.

She enters. I watch as she shoots me a look, grabs a drink and goes and sits in a quiet corner. I close in behind. "I've missed you, once a week is not enough," I sit on her lap and start to kiss her neck and almost by magic my hands are on her shirt fumbling with the buttons.

"Not here," said Tara.

I take a deep breath here goes everything "I've waited so long for you. I want you so much. I know we can't go to your dorm room or you come to my house so I hope you won't mind but I have booked a hotel room."

She looks at me in surprise and utters just one word. "O-okay."

I'm elated. "You won't regret this," I tell her, "I promise you a good time." I pull her quickly from the bar the excitement growing within me.

The hotel clerk leers at us as I ask take her up the stairs to the room I've prepared but I couldn't care less. I just can't wait to get Tara up those stairs.

As we enter the room she turns to me "I shouldn't be doing this."

I feel my heart start to sink everything is so raw and fragile. We probably shouldn't be doing this, sneaking about behind our friends back but I need this and I think she does too, so I just let passion take over and start to kiss her probing my tongue into her mouth I can feel her breathing quicken and I know I have snagged her.

"I want to show you something." I remember her once telling me about a fantasy she had about fucking in a totally tiled bathroom with no cubicle or bath in it and I searched the whole of Sunnydale to find exactly what I was looking for. "You like?" I ask her.

Her blue are huge filled with lust and while I have her attention I start to put on an impromptu strip tease for her. I wouldn't normally be so bold but the way she is looking at me like she could eat me all up is more than reward for my boldness.

I push her against the wall. "You are too over dressed," and with this I start to undress her. She is shivering and I insist she goes under the shower. I start to soap her wonderful body. I love her full breasts and they way she reacts when I pull her hard nipples.

She starts to undress me and pulls me into a passionate embrace, I cry out as she bites my lip. Tara isn't normally this rough but it seems to suit the moment and I'm even more surprised to feel her fingers enter me. She stops and looks into my eyes god I need her to do this. I start to plead with her.

"Open your eyes and tell me what you want," said Tara.

"Tara fuck me please," I just about have the strength to whisper. She obliges moving quick and hard inside me and keeping a hard pressure on my clit. I don't think I have ever been fucked like this before and it takes me all my strength to stay on my feet as she leads me towards my orgasm.

As I recover not really able to understand how she managed to turn the tables on me but feeling so unbelievably elated at what she did to me. The secret Tara always seems to want to hide from the world is how sexy and passionate she is, but I don't mind as long as I have her to myself.

Here comes the big part I hope I have the nerve and she has the trust in me to go through with it so here goes. "Tara do you trust me?"

"Why?" she responds.

"I want to do something special for you but you have to trust me to make it work," I say hoping to reassure her. I lead her towards the bedroom where I have set out a few things on the bed. She starts to back away

"Your insane if you think I'm going to let you tie me up. I'm not into that," she said a shocked look on her face.

"Not in to what" I'm trying my best to hold things together I'm not sure if I can take her rejecting me.

"Into what ever you've got planned," said Tara breaking my heart in two.

I start to babble anything to be able to have my baby where I want her. "I'll stop when ever you want you can use a safe word I promise I want do anything to hurt you."

"Moon" said Tara

"What?" I replied not really able to take in what she just said to me. Does this mean she is going to let me?

"My word is moon," said Tara.

My heart is racing I wasn't sure if she would really let me. I explain quickly what I'm going to do and she makes a joke, I think to hide her nerves, about me taking funny photos. I handcuff her hands to the headboard and use some silk scarves to restrain her feet. I blindfold her and push some earplugs into her ears. Sensory depravation, it's supposed to give you this huge head rush, I know I haven't got the most sophisticated toys but I'm hoping it'll work.

I know I have to sit back now and watch over her, it'll take her a while to get to where I want her, but to honest I could sit here all night looking at her, she looks so beautiful and I can't believe I almost threw all this away.

I take some things out of my bag a feather, a piece of fake fur, an antique silver hairbrush and I got to the mini-bar and remove a tray of ice cubes. What to use first, I know I have to keep changing the sensations to make it more intense.

I start with the feather just gently down her thigh. She jumps her back arching. I apply an ice cube to her nipple and I am rewarded with a groan. I use the hairbrush on her next; this brings out an amazing reaction from her moving her hips and groaning in real pleasure. I gently stoke her clit with the fur; she is trying so hard to rub herself against it that I fear she will pull the headboard off. I then use everything quickly try to bring her to a crescendo of feelings.

I try my best, but I can't resist it and I move my mouth over her hard clit. I love going down on her she tastes and smells so good. I love to do it first thing in the morning so that I can have her faint scent on me all day. Her clit is so hard and she is so wet. I slip two fingers inside her and just fuck her hard. It doesn't take long before I can feel her clit throbbing in my mouth. Her back arches as she comes hard in my mouth.

I pull away and look down at her and to my dismay she has started to cry. I untie her and cradle her in my arms crooning her back to this reality. I get ready to apologize to her, thinking maybe I had gone too far, but instead she starts to tell me how wonderful I was. My chest heaves with love and pride at being able to put my self at this woman's service.

The clock catches my eye. "Shit its Eleven thirty, bugger it, I'm going to stay here the night." I look into her eyes "Stay with me."

"I can but you know you can't," said Tara.

I have an idea I pick up the phone. "Hi Buffy I'm glad I caught you before you went on patrol. I'm going to stay the night with my parents, as their house is closer. See you, give my love to Dawnie."

I turn to Tara but can't get any words out as she is standing looking at me in a most provocative way the handcuffs dangling from one finger.

"I guess that means I have time to play with you," said Tara.

I lie back on the pillow. "Do what you want"

She fastens my hands to the headboard. "Your happy to let me do anything?"

"I trust you."

She looks at me her pupils are dilated "Let me see what you have in your bag of tricks," she goes to the bag and pulls out an item I was going to use but forgot all about. "You were going to fuck me with this?" she asks her eyes flashing.

She has a leather harness and a silicon dildo in her hand. I just nod not sure if she is angry with me or not. I know she likes penetration, but maybe I've taken it too far.

She kneels between my legs I feel very vulnerable. She takes the tip of the dildo and starts to rub it against the wet lips of my pussy. I move to try and get it to rub against my clit but she carefully avoids this and instead teases me for some minutes. She then pushes a couple of fingers inside me I gasp wanting more.

"Your so wet, I think you need more," said Tara her voice hoarse with passion and lust. She pushes one then and another finger inside and almost as suddenly withdraws.

"Tara, please don't tease me anymore," I cry.

"I'm not teasing I am going to do something to you I've never done before," Tara replies.

I watch as she opens the tube of lube that I had brought with me and covers her hand with it. She enters me finger after finger and then to my surprise she curls her thumb inside. I've never felt so full as she starts to me fuck me gently with her whole fist. It feels wonderful like she has total possession of me.

She catches my eye. "Tell me that that pretend dick could feel better than this?"

"Never," I breathe

She smiles and her beautiful mouth goes to join her hand and I come so hard I think I will lose consciousness.

She lets me out of the handcuffs. I apologize to her if I have upset her with the dildo.

"No apology needed, in fact maybe we can use it another night" said Tara with a wicked smile on her face.

Encounter 3

Tara couldn't concentrate on class. Images of the Friday before kept flashing in front of her eyes; it had been the same all weekend. Damn you, Willow why have you made this more difficult than it already was. Although smiling to herself she would be dishonest to blame everything on Willow after all hadn't she agreed to meet her at that bar every Friday.

The lecture finished at last, Tara decided to go to the library and attempt to study, going back to her dorm wouldn't allow that. All that happened there were that the images of white flesh; breasts, thighs, arching backs overwhelmed her and she ended up in bed attempting to bring herself to the peak of pleasure that Willow had so effortless bought her to all Friday night.

As she left the lecture room she could feel Willow's presence behind her. She carried on walking to the library knowing that the redhead was behind her every step of the way. Should she challenge her? Find out exactly why she was following her or just see where the situation would lead.

The library was practically empty, but Tara decided to push onto the darkest recess of the stacks before she would turn and face her pursuer. She turned sharply but before she could say a word Willow was on her. Lips met, hands were in one another's hair, pulling closer. Who had Tara been trying to kid? She knew deep in her heart that this was the only possibility.

Willow bit Tara's lip her hands pulling at the blonde witch's skirt. "I've been going mad thinking about you all weekend. I need you."

"Willow you can't; not here" said Tara as she felt Willow's hands moving towards her panties.

"Stop Me," challenged Willow as her fingers found the waistband and pushed downwards. She slipped Tara's panties down, the blonde witch stepped out of them, and Willow grabbed them quickly and tossed them into her bag.

Tara started to protest "W-What are you doing?"

"Shh," said the hacker pressing a finger against the blonde's full lips, while her other hands once more moves to the hem off Tara's skirt. Her hand travels up the length of Tara's thigh until she reaches woman's damp curls "You can't stop me can you? I can feel you want this just as much as I do."

Willow starts to run her finger across Tara's damp flesh. She catches the witch by surprise by pushing one finger in to her slick hot entrance then removing it again. "Suck it," said the hacker "Taste yourself, find out why I am so addicted to you."

Tara takes Willow's hand in both of hers and keeps her eyes firmly focused on Willow's as she slowly draws the hacker's finger in and out of her lush mouth.

Willow feels the gush of wetness between her legs as her finger is sucked slowly into the velvety wetness of Tara's mouth. She pulls her hand away replacing it with her mouth, their tongues dueling for superiority. Her hand goes back between the blonde's legs rubbing her fingers up and down the silky smooth flesh of Tara's slick inner lips

"Do you want this baby?" asked Willow. "Or should I stop in case anyone finds us?" and to add more pressure to the blonde's decision she starts to rub her thumb in circles round the hard nub of Tara's engorged clit.

The blonde just has her head back rested against stack lost in the electric sensations the hacker is producing within her.

Receiving no answer from Tara; Willow stops and moves her hand millimeters away from Tara's aching clit. "I think I should stop," said Willow.

"No," pleads Tara.

"Do you want this?" asks Willow slowly resuming her actions.

"Yes," agreed Tara.

"How about this?" said Willow pushing one finger slowly and tantalizingly into the Blonde's wet pussy.

"More," croaks Tara, her voice heavy with passion.

"More," said Willow. "two maybe or how about three," and this time there is no teasing as she enters Tara with three fingers all the way to her knuckle and circles her clit with increasing speed and pressure.

Tara's head rests on Willow's shoulder and she starts to whisper passionately into the hacker's ear. "God that is so good, come on fuck me as hard as you can. I am going to come; I can't stop. Willow I'm coming."

They stand together their heads resting on one another, panting, shaken by the electricity and desire that had just passed between them. They spring apart as they hear some voices not too far away.

"Tara my parents have gone away to a conference. Come round tonight after class, please?" said Willow

"Okay" said Tara

"Great," said Willow and goes to walk away. She runs back and kisses Tara firmly on the lips. "I love you."

Encounter 4

Willow felt impatient for the night to be over and to go home. She had had to phone Tara and tell her that she would be at the Bronze and not waiting for her at her parents' house.

Xander had been all concerned about Willow staying at her parents' house without anyone else there to look out for her so he had suggested that the gang go for a night out. Although, Willow personally thought it was just an excuse he was making so that he didn't have to spent the night in with Anya being nagged about the wedding.

"Hey Will, c'mon and join us on the dance floor," said Xander.

"No, thank you. I think I'll just sit this one out," said Willow.

Willow found herself with the sudden urge to be alone, she noticed that balcony was empty so decided to go up there and watch the action and just take a minute to herself.

Tara entered The Bronze being careful to cloud her thoughts; she didn't want Willow feeling her presence. She lurked in the shadows watching her group of friends cavort on the dance floor. Her heart started to race when she saw Willow head for the upstairs; this was the chance she was waiting for. She quickly and quietly followed the redhead upwards.

Willow stood watching her friends dancing wishing she was at home, wishing she was with Tara.

"Hey, you," said Tara whispering softly into Willow's ear.

The redhead shivered surprised by the presence behind her, she could feel Tara's body pressed against her, her hot breath against her neck.

Tara had on her long red duster and quickly moved it to obscure Willow's body from view in case anyone ventured up the stairs. "Can we call this payback for the library?"

Willow's mouth went dry as she realized the implications of the blonde's words. "Tara, we shouldn't...not here..."

"Oh, we so, should," said Tara and at the same time lifting Willow's skirt and feeling the hacker's tight ass.

Willow let out a small groan, closing her eyes and pushing even further against her lover's body "Tara..."

"Shh," said Tara letting her hand moving between the smaller girl's legs, feeling the dampness that was soaking Willow's cotton panties. She pulled the offending piece of material down and starts to run one finger between the folds of Willow's labia. "Keep you eyes open, watch our friends."

Tara started to enter the hacker's quivering body and slowly started to move inside her. "Don't you love this; having me fuck you when they have absolutely no idea what we're doing. Thinking that we're both nursing broken hearts, while really all we are doing is finding secret places to make this happen." Tara moved her mouth from Willow's ear to her neck sucking on the pulse point nibbling and adding a second finger to her slow torturous rhythm.

Willow was finding it so hard to keep her face empty, showing nothing, but at the same time she could feel the throbbing of the rushing blood that was making her clit so hard it was almost painful. "Tara, please...I need more"

"Not yet my sweet" said Tara. The witch stopped and cocked her head to one side hearing someone start to mount the stairs towards them. She removed her hand and roughly turned Willow towards her, still making sure her duster covered their bodies. She kissed Willow with a passion and pushed one of her legs between the hacker's.

The redhead pushed herself wantonly against her lover, desperate to feel friction against her aching flesh. Their tongues wrestled for superiority as the forgot about the rest of the world and just let their passion for one another take over and soar.

The member of The Bronze staff who had just popped up to see if there was any glasses up on the balcony needing to be collected just shrugged his shoulder, figuring that whatever the two girls were doing had nothing to do with him.

"Vixen" said Tara as the young man disappeared. She took that moment to lift Willow's skirt once more and plunged into her with two long fingers. "Goddess your are so wet." The blonde brought her thumb across Willow's engorged clit, loving the feel of Willow's involuntary hip movements and she settled into circular motion that was driving Willow mad by keeping her on the edge but not giving her enough direct contact to push her over edge to the release she so urgently needed.

Tara decided to move the stakes up a notch. "Maybe I should stop now. Just in case someone comes up here."

"You can't stop, god, please say you won't." Said Willow.

"But what if Buffy or Xander saw you," said Tara but her pace wasn't slowing in fact she added another finger and could feel the hacker's muscle start to contract round her fingers'. "It turns you on doesn't it; the thought of being caught. I bet if Buffy came up those stairs you would probably come straight away."

Willow was shocked, but turned on beyond belief; Tara had never been so bold. She lent her head against Tara's chest just hoping that this sweet torture would come to an end soon. "I need..."

Tara ground her thumb directly onto Willow's clit. "Is this what you need?"

The redhead just had the strength to nod as she felt the muscles tighten in her stomach and the growing heat in her groin, the orgasm building low but growing at a huge pace. She came silently biting her lip and drawing blood in an effort not to draw attention to them.

"I love you," whispered Tara before withdrawing from her. She gave Willow a big grin and sucked her three fingers into her mouth. "Just to remind me what you'll taste like when I go down on you at your folks house tonight." Tara gave another seductive smile, but then turned and ran down the stairs, leaving Willow sagging at the knees and clutching the rail for support.

Encounter 5

Willow was relieved when she finally got rid of Xander. He had tried to insist that she came back to his and Anya's apartment, but she said told him she wanted to be on her own. He had looked like he was going to argue all night 'til Anya grabbed him and took him home.

She had felt like screaming at him. Did he not understand that all she wanted was Tara and if he didn't leave she couldn't have her.

The moment that Willow's friends had left the house she picked up the phone and punched in Tara' dorm number. She let the phone ring a few times before a knock at her front door almost made her jump out of her skin. She opened the door slightly annoyed. "Xander, I told you...Tara."

"I thought they were never going to leave," said the blonde pulling the door shut behind her.

Willow's heart was pumping with excitement; the last few days had seen such a change in her quiet girlfriend's usual demeanor that she had no idea what was about to happen next. "Tara are you sure, you want to keep doing this?"

"I'm sure," said the blonde with a little smile. "I've missed you so bad, we shouldn't be doing this, I know, but I don't want to stop. Do you?"

"Oh god, no. I just want more, more of you and all the time," said Willow moving close to Tara and instead if kissing her, she flicks her tongue gently over the Wicca's full lips. "Hmm, I can still taste me. Are you going to make good your promise to me?"

"Do I ever let you down?" said Tara panting slightly wanting her lover.

"No, but I think it is my turn now and I still have the handcuffs," said Willow teasing slightly but pleased by the open mouth reaction. "You like the idea of that?"

Tara nods, her eyes wide.

"Lets get upstairs," said Willow relishing the chance to take over control again. Much as she had enjoyed Tara's wild side she loved to be in charge.

Willow pushed Tara into the bedroom a sense of urgency starting to take over. She pulled the blonde into a hard kiss, her tongue slipping into Tara's mouth. Her hands roamed over Tara's body, trying to remove her clothes as quickly as possible.

"Hey what's the hurry?" asked Tara breaking away from the kiss.

"I didn't notice you taking your time in the Bronze. I've got an idea. Do you want to play a game?" asked Willow with a wicked smile.

"What sort of game?" asked Tara laughing gently.

"Well, you are going to have to take it serious for a start," said Willow with a dangerous gleam in her eye.

"I do," said Tara gulping loving it when Willow started to move into full domination mode.

"Do you trust me?" asked Willow drinking in Tara's dilated pupils and ragged breathing.

"Yes," said Tara her voice barely a whisper.

Willow with slow calculated movements went to her closet and pulled out the leather harness and dildo and laid them on the bed. She then took out the handcuffs and pulled up a chair, sat down and put the cuffs on her lap.

Tara's eyes followed Willow's actions, feeling her excitement rising by the second.

"I want you to undress for me," said Willow a predatory look showing on her face. "And I don't want some psuedo strip-tease, I know how sexy you are. I just want you to remove your clothes and lie on the bed."

Tara again nods and starts to remove her clothes, feeling nervous, more nervous than when she was fucking Willow in the Bronze. She wasn't sure what Willow wanted and the dildo had just heightened those feelings.

Willow waited until the blonde was completely naked before snapping out her next command "Look in my eyes" she watched as the witch complied. "God you're so beautiful. I bet there would be a line of girls and guys, who would give their right arms to be with you, but your mine. Tell me your mine."

"Always," said Tara.

"No, say your mine," said Willow.

"I'm yours, always," said Tara.

"Say you'll come back to me," said Willow.

"I will," said Tara not thinking about the consequents of her words.

"Get yourself off," said Willow her voice sounding rough and harsh.

"Will?" asked Tara sounding nervous.

"You said you wanted to play," said Willow pouting.

The blonde to make good her words started to play with her nipples pulling them until she had made them into hard little peaks. Willows breathing increased as she watched her girlfriend's hand snake into her honey colored pubes. Tara closed her eyes and just went for it. Imagining early on in the evening, her mind took her back to entering Willow's wet pussy.

Willow watched Tara playing with her clit, her eyes closed, her face flushed, and a bead of sweat showing on her forehead. Willow was about to tell Tara to open her eyes, when she thought she might as well take advantage of the situation. She started to disrobe and with a slight degree of difficulty pulled on the harness and dildo. She adjusted the straps until the base of the dildo fitted snug against her clit.

She turned her attention back to her lover who seemed lost in the act of pleasuring herself. She could see that Tara was close to the edge, a flush showing on her skin and her breathing fast and shallow. There was no way she was going to allow Tara to release yet. "Stop."

Tara suddenly jumped as if she was just remembering where she was. "W-what?"

"Stop, I don't want you to come yet," said Willow standing in front of her.

Tara couldn't believe what she was seeing; she didn't think that Willow would go through with the whole dildo thing. "Will I'm not sure..."

"You said that you trusted me. I won't do anything to hurt you; please Tara let me do this, if you don't like it I'll stop straight away, but I really want to fuck you," said Willow.

"O-okay," said Tara hesitantly.

Willow smiled "Put your hands out above your head."

Tara complied and was unsurprised when she felt the cuffs round her wrists, she tried to move but couldn't. She realized that Willow had looped the cuffs round the bars of her headboard. She could feel the excitement building between her legs as she watched Willow kneel on the bed.

Willow started to kiss the inside of Tara's ankle and slowly work her way up making the girl squirm as she bit gently on the witch's tender inner thigh and started to suck on the pale flesh. She ignored her girlfriend's wet pussy and started on the opposite ankle repeating the process.

"Will, stop teasing me. I've been wanting you for so long tonight. I don't need to be..."

"You deserve this, after what you did to me at the Bronze," said Willow.

"But you liked it," objected Tara.

"That really isn't the point, now be quiet and let me play. I've missed you and I want to kiss and worship every inch of your body," said Willow her eyes a deep emerald green pure lust reflecting from them.

Tara shivered and closed her eyes knowing she was in for the time of her life and thanking the goddess once more for delivering such a wonderful lover as Willow to her.

The redhead moved to the witch's neck feasting on her flesh, finding the most tender and sensitive points. She sucked hard leaving bruises on the pale delicate skin, not caring. Wanting to mark her. She moved slowly and deliberately down the other girl's body, sucking her nipples hard. Loving the sounds and feel of Tara starting to lose control beneath her. She stopped and looked into crystal blue eyes. "You like that baby?"

"Willow I want you...I want you to fuck me," said Tara pleading with her girlfriend

"Are you sure?" said Willow.

Tara nods her head.

Willow reaches down to the side of the bed for some lube. She coats the dildo slowly, making she sure she had Tara's full attention as she worked the long shaft.

Once more Tara watched intently, desire building up by the second. Her breath taken away by the pure show of sexuality.

Willow knelt between Tara's legs and gently rubbed the tip of the dildo against Tara's slick entrance, then up to her clit. Watching as the witch's body stiffened with the touch. She removed the dildo then entered the hot cauldron of her girlfriend's body with three fingers and using her thumb to just flick gently back and forth across her clit.

The blonde closed her eyes at last starting to get close to the sensations she had lusted for all night.

"Are you ready?" asked Willow

"Yes"-said Tara.

Willow stopped for a second and looked into Tara's eyes. "Baby if this hurts in any way I'll stop."

Blue eyes now darker. "Fuck me Willow, now" said Tara fiercely.

Willow puts the thick head of the dildo against Tara's wet lips, scared now that she was in this position, scared that she would hurt or not fulfill the woman she loved more than life its self.

Tara looked at her "Fuck me, I know you want too. C'mon Will show me what you've got."

Green meets blue as Willow slowly and gently eased the shaft into Tara, all the way. They stop in that position for a second. Willow's hand reaches down and brushes some hair from Tara's eyes; they drink one another in, lost, totally connected. Then Willow starts to move slowly at first, before picking up pace, driving hard into Tara.

"Willow stop," said Tara.

"Oh god, Tara have I hurt you..."

"No, untie my hands I want to be able to hold you while you fuck me," said Tara.

Willow complies with Tara's request quickly and is surprised as the blonde quickly turns her on her back. "What..."

"Shh my turn to play," said Tara putting her finger against Willow's lips. "Watch." She lowers herself on to the dildo sinking all the way down, before rocking back on it.

Willow's eyes rolled back as she felt the base rubbing against her hard clit, she can't believe the sensations a mixture of immense pleasure and pain as Tara rocked harder and harder.

"Don't close your eyes, watch me" snapped the blonde.

Willow eyes fly open and the sight almost makes her come straight away. The witch was moving quickly on the dildo, with one hand playing with her clit and the other pulling hard on one of her nipples. Willow puts her hands on Tara's hips pushing her down hard. "I'm gonna come...oh Tara baby...come with me... oh fuck"

Tara screamed Willow's name at the redhead's last savage thrust and the orgasm rocked through her body leaving her exhausted, spent and satisfied. She collapsed onto Willow's body, not wanting to lose the feeling of being totally filled. They hold one another close basking in their love and passion.

Tara sits up causing Willow to start to shudder as the base rubs against her still sensitive clit. "Sorry baby. I just wanted to..."

"I know," said Willow. "But that feeling could become quite addictive."

Tara removes herself from the dildo and lies on her side facing her lover. " Is it uncomfortable to wear?"

"No, it's just strange, but I think I want to take it off now," said Willow.

"Can I do it?" asked Tara.

"Sure" said Willow.

Tara moved slowly down Willow's body placing tiny kisses as she went. She came to the buckles and undone them, with Willow's help she removed the harness and placed a final kiss on the redhead's mound, before coming back up the bed and pulling Willow into a loving embrace.

Willow snuggled against Tara's breasts feeling happy and warm inside.

Encounter 6

Tara arched her back and stretched her beautiful body out with an easy air of luxury until the realization hit her that she wasn't in her own bed. Her sudden anxiety dispelled when she saw the redhead lying next to her and the memories of the night before came flooding back. She smiled and then turned on her side and she had to take a huge intake of breath.

The covers on the bed were thrown on the floor and the bed was scattered with, well apart from a beautiful woman, sex toys. She shivered as she looked at the leather harness, dildo, handcuffs and lube that were scattered around the bed. Had she really? Oh god the bronze she groaned to herself and then a smirk covered her face it had been good though.

A wicked thought crossed her mind as she looked at the dildo. She wondered how Willow would react if she strapped it...No, she thought Will, would...love it probably. The blonde got off the bed and picked up the leather harness and started to figure out the buckles.

Willow woke to the delicious felling of Tara lips pressed against her own "Morning baby, I could get used to this."

"Morning sweetie," said Tara with an anything but sweet look on her face. "Do you want to play some more?"

Willow eyes opened wide as her gaze went to the blonde's hips and the dildo jutting from them. "Tara?"

"I want you to give yourself to me," said Tara.

Willow's breath came fast not sure if she could ever live up to a demand like that. "How...I don't know..."

Tara took a deep breath. "Do you trust me Willow?"


"I want you to do some thing for me," said Tara looking serious.

For a minute Willow felt relieved as if the witch had lifted her intensity and they could just play and she wouldn't have herself laid bare. "Sure."

"Be mine, cuff yourself for me?" asked Tara again with the serious but gentle voice "I ...I don't think..."

Tara watched her lover but she needed to express the way she felt "Willow everything I want from you I need you to give to me. I won't ever hurt you. Please?" said Tara.

Willow hesitated not sure if she could allow herself to be that helpless.

"Please baby, trust me," pleaded Tara.

Willow closed her eyes knowing that it could bridge the gap between them and without saying anything she cuffed herself keeping her eyes on Tara needing the reassurance that her lover was going to be there.

Tara laid on her side by Willow and slowly but surely stroked the redhead's body just gently, hardly touching. Her mouth moved by Willow's ear "Tell me what you need, what you want from me? How do you want me Willow, I want to please you."

Willow hesitated her mind in turmoil.

"Tell me what to do?" asked Tara.

Still no response from the redhead.

"Please Willow let me do this for you. Let me in; let yourself give in. Give me your heart, your soul and your body and I will always take care of you," said Tara her voice low, hoarse with passion.

"Just love me Tara," said Willow her voice barely a whisper.

"How, how should I love you?" asked Tara now kissing her way down Willow's body with soft butterfly caresses hardly touching the skin. Her finger tips also beating a fiery trail down her lover's body; hardly touching the surface but setting fires with every soft touch.

Willow closed her eyes, feeling herself burn as she gives herself over to Tara's care wondering why she had fought this for so long. Wanting, needing to give in, no longer fighting but fallen before the woman who had conquered her heart. The one who had broken down the walls she had so skillfully constructed around her soul.

Tara's voice broke her out of her revelry "Tell me Willow and I'll show you how beautiful you are. Why I long for you, why I need to touch you, taste you."

Willow shivered, her imagination and knowledge of the skill of her lover arousing her. Wanting to feel soft lips. Needing to feel them. "Please Tara make love to me. I want, you so much."

The butterfly kisses continue flowing down curves and hollows as Tara continues her journey down Willow body. She stops. "Willow open you eyes."

The redhead can't scared of what she might see, scared of what she might give away.

"Will look at me," said Tara and in that moment their eyes lock "I love you. I will never stop loving you."

Willow is lost to the moment not believing that anyone could feel this way about Willow Rosenberg lest of all the beauty who is talking to her and in the moment she finally accepts that Tara loves her, not a super witch but just Willow, no power required. She can see even in her position of total surrender the look of pure love, lust and desire held in those blue eyes. Waiting for Willow's request. "Taste me," said the redhead hardly recognizing her own voice, which is so thick with passion.

Tara rubbed her face against the hacker's taught abdomen, using her chin, cheeks and nose delighting in the feel of silk against silk. She caught the scent of her lover drawing her nearer to the thing she wanted most. She reached her goal and gently ran her tongue up and down the folds of Willow's labia before just once slipping inside. "You taste so good. I love this; I can taste you, your essence and know it's all for me."

The slender redhead's body arched as between her words Tara lapped softly on her clit and with each stroke it was a fraction harder, a fraction longer. Until Tara took the whole of Willow's clit into her mouth, her tongue keeping up a tight little tap dance. Willow could feel her orgasm building but doesn't want too, not yet. "Tara stop."

Her lover looked at her surprised.

"Uncuff me?" asked Willow, she could see the disappointment in crystal blue eyes. "You don't need these to hold me, I promise. I want to give myself to you without restraints. I think it's time I worked without the net."

Tara reached for the keys and let her lover out of her bonds. She was shaking unsure what to say, finally having the one thing she craved for, Willow. "You're free. What do you want umm from me?"

"Fuck me, I'm ready for you," said Willow but hearing her words realizing it's wrong and not what she really wants. Which is so much more. Not sure she can face life like this not matter how great the pleasure. Tears well up in her eyes. She needs to know, know if Tara meant what she had said.

The blonde looks confused can see the inner turmoil on Willow's face. "Willow?"

"I can't do this any longer Tara," said Willow.

"I don't understand. I thought..."

"You've told me to trust you, that you'll do anything I want to please me, but I can't go on like this I don't want to be a secret. I want this to be real again, not like before, better. I don't want you to fuck me; I want you to love me. That's all I want." said Willow not sure she had vocalized it right that maybe this was the end.

Tara tenderly stroked Willow's face, taking in the fine lines of her fragile looking cheekbones. Almost unable to believe that this was finally the moment that she had waited for. "I am going to make love to you. I was never going to fuck you, not this morning baby, not ever... If you want me, I'm coming back for good."

"More, more than anything. I love you so much and I've missed..."

The blonde witch puts her finger to Willow's lips. "Shh. Do you still want to?"

"Yes," said Willow her body trembling with desire and lust.

Tara grabbed the lube and slicked the dildo, finding it an awkward alien thing to do.

"I'm ready for you," said Willow seeing a slight reluctance in her girlfriend's eye. "Please, Tara I want you."

Tara placed the tip of the dildo against Willow's wet lips. She doesn't enter her instead Tara starts to kiss Willow softly, but the passion starts to explode within them and the kisses deepen, Tara's tongue licking the redheads lips then entering her mouth and the movement is mirrored as they move their hips in time.

Willow groaned as she feels the penetration, she sucks on Tara's tongue and is rewarded by an answering moan from the blonde. They move together their bodies slipping and sliding, becoming fluid, becoming one. The blonde moves from the Willow's mouth and starts to kiss her outstretched neck until she finds her pulse point and starts to suck on the tender flesh. Claiming what is now hers.

The redhead can feel her pleasure rising, suddenly wishing she was still cuffed, feeling vulnerable the way she was giving herself so totally. Her hands moved to the bars of her headboard needing to hold on to something. She felt the movement of Tara's fingertips moving up her arms slowly, gently until she reached her hands. Willow released the bars. Their fingers' became entwined and the hacker felt herself explode as Tara pushed her palm into hers. Tara was everywhere in her mind, in her body. The orgasm ripped through her, but the clarity of mind stayed; not alone, not now but joined to Tara. She had felt Tara's core and all the love she held for her.

After what seemed like an age she opened her eyes to see blue eyes staring at her in wonder "Tara?"

"Did you feel it? I pressed your hands and I felt what you were feeling. How much I m-mean to you. How much you love me and god, I came so hard...I've never...I love you Willow," said Tara.

"I know," said Willow as they press their foreheads together not sure what happened but sure of the one thing; their total love and devotion for one another.

Do you need anything from me?" asked Willow not really sure if that was the correct way to frame the question. Hoping Tara would understand what she meant.

"No, it was perfect," said the blonde. "You were perfect."

"Nope, I think that was you," said Willow and kissed Tara's cheek enjoying the closeness, being held by her lover.

Eventually they move apart, loath to break the bond but knowing they had to. Tara rolled to one side and lay on her back as Willow turned to face her. "Are you sure you don't want me to make love to you?"

"Not yet and anyway. I'm hungry," said Tara giving Willow her sweet crooked smile. Her hands moving over Willow tickling her softly loving the sound of soft Willow giggles.

"Me too," agreed Willow kissing Tara on the end of her nose

Pancakes?" asked Tara returning the kiss.

Willow's laughter answered in reply.

Buffy came to front door groaning wondering who had roused her at this early hour on her day off. "Xander, you freak what do you want?"

"I'm worried about Willow I've tried to phone her parents house and no answer," said Xander.

"Maybe she's asleep," suggested Buffy not terribly amused by Xander's visit.

"I don't think so. Didn't you notice how flushed and strange she was last night?" asked Xander.

"Flushed, no I didn't. Shit you don't think she is back..."

"I feel like she is keeping something, you know, from us," said Xander.

Dawn appeared at the top of the stairs "What's up guys. Did I hear you say something about Willow."

"It's nothing Dawn, go back to bed," said Buffy.

"No," said Xander. "If Willow is back on the magic it affects her too."

"Willow's back on the magic? She wouldn't. She wants Tara back too much" said Dawn.

"I know she does," said Buffy. "But she has a problem, it's hard her for her and we have to be there to support her."

"The car's outside ladies if you want to get dressed Ill drive you to her mom and dad's house" said Xander with a determined look on his face.

"Hey sweetie do you want rounds or funny shapes?" asked Tara struggling to pull one of Willow's robes totally shut.

Willow's eyes mesmerized for a second by one of Tara's glorious orbs of flesh escaping from the gown. "Rounds I think," said Willow with a wicked smile.

"Will," said Tara and breakfast was about to be put off for a while as Willow approached and undid the belt of the of the gown to show Tara's body in all it's glory. Until the bell rang disturbing the redhead's plan to see if she could coax Tara into letting her make love to her.

"Frilly heck," said Willow. "I'll get rid of who ever that is and don't you move."

Willow opened the door and was surprised to see Xander, Buffy and Dawn standing on the doorstep. "Hey morning and why do I deserve early morning visits?"

"We were worried about you," said Xander. "We tried to phone but there was no answer."

Buffy watched her friend closely, her tussled hair, flushed face and the she noticed the hickie on Willow's neck.

"How could you Will?" asked Buffy looking furious.

"Buffy I haven't done anything," said Willow her brow furrowed not sure what had made her best friend seem so angry.

"You know how much Tara loves you. Where is she?" asked the slayer.

"Tara?" asked Willow looking confused.

"No, who ever did that to your neck," said Buffy.

Willow's hand guiltily touched the bruise on her neck. "It's not what you think..."

"What did some stray dog bite you Willow?" said Dawn. "I hate you. I thought you really wanted Tara back."

Buffy cocked her head catching a noise. "There is someone in the kitchen."

"No, Buffy don't..." said Willow trying to pull back the slayer well aware that Tara was in the kitchen semi-naked.

The slayer dodged past and was followed by Xander and Dawn.

Tara looked up from the pan as her friends whose raised voices she had caught stood at the doorway gaping at the blonde witch. "I take it we have three more for breakfast."

Buffy and Dawn raced forward and grabbed Tara in a hug. "I can't believe you two have kept this secret from us," said Dawn, she looked across at Willow. "I'm sorry for what I said."

"Forget it," said Willow smiling.

"Are you back together for good?" asked Xander.

Willow looked at Tara who nodded her head and smiled. "We are. We should never have been apart."

The End

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