
By Rainne

Copyright © 2003

Rating: R

Disclaimer: The usual.

Distribution: The Mystic Muse /

Ask first.

Spoilers: Up to Seeing Red.

Feedback: Yeah!

Pairing: Buffy/Willow

Summary: Things that happen in a chat room.

Like a shipwrecked mariner adrift on an unknown sea
Clinging to the wreckage of the lost ship Fantasy
I'm a castaway, stranded in a desolate land
I can see the footprints on the virtual sand
Net boy, net girl send your signal round the world
Let your fingers walk and talk and set you free
Net boy, net girl send your impulse round the world
Put your message in a modem and throw it in a cybersea
Astronauts in the weightlessness of pixellated space
Exchange graffiti with a disembodied race
I can see the universe in a grain of sand
I can hold the future in my virtual hand
Let's dance tonight to a virtual song
Press this key and you can play along
Let's fly tonight on our virtual wings
Press this key to see amazing things
Like a pair of vagabonds who wave between two passing trains
Or the glimpse of a woman's smile through a window in the rain
I can smell her perfume, I can taste her lips
I can feel the voltage from her fingertips
Net boy, net girl send your heartbeat round the world
(lyrics by Neil Peart of Rush)

--You have entered UCSDChatGirlzOnly-
*AUTOHOST: //IceQueen81 has entered the room
Cheer2Live: So who's going to the football game?
Blondie: There's a football game?
CarrotTop: Football? d'uh... nachos! <grin>
Katie25: We have a football team? When did that happen?
Cheer2Live: *glares* Not funny.
IceQueen81: Hi
LeeMonster: Yo
ToniToniToni: Hey Ice
PurpleHayes: Hi IceQueen
Katie25: Hey Ice. Nice nick. So r u like a major bitch or something?
IceQueen81: haha... no actually i like to ice skate
Katie25: makes sense.
*AUTOHOST: //Hermione has entered the room
Cheer2Live: Hey Hermione
Katie25: *pokes Hermione with a stick*
Hermione: *pokes katie back*
Blondie: Hermione! ltns!
CarrotTop: Hey Hermie
Hermione: Don't call me Hermie!
CarrotTop: LOL
Hermione: Hey, everyone. Ooh! Who's IceQueen? Fresh meat!
IceQueen81: Now I'm scared *hides*
Hermione: *hides with ice* what are we hiding from?
IceQueen81: i'm hiding from you, what r u hiding from?
Hermione: :o)
CarrotTop: So, Ice, what brings u to our humble abode?
IceQueen81: I heard this was a good room for girls who might be... uh... alternative?
Hermione: Are you asking us or telling us?
Blondie: *thwaps Herm* dont go all english-teacher on her.
LeeMonster: So u think u might be alternative, Ice, or u r alternative & nobody knows?
IceQueen81: i think i might be.
Blondie: How do u knwo?
Blondie: know*
IceQueen81: well theres this girl
Katie25: Isnt there always??? LOL
ToniToniToni: oh, yeah
IceQueen81: yeah i guess... but i kinda have feelings for her. we've been friends for years but...
Cheer2Live: ah.
CarrotTop: Classic
Hermione: Don't tease. :(
CarrotTop: Sorry, Herm... 4got. so ice, u got feelings 4 ur bud... is she gay too?
IceQueen81: yeah :( thats part of the problem. i had no idea she was gay until she said she had met a girl.
Hermione: *winces* owch.
PurpleHayes: ooo that sux Ice
IceQueen81: yeah. :(
ToniToniToni: how serious is she with the other girl?
IceQueen81: i dunno. cant be too serious, she only just met her a little while ago.
Blondie: so r u in love with her or in lust with her
CarrotTop: good question. important distinction.
IceQueen81: love. ive been in love with this girl since the first day i met her.
Blondie: whoa.
PurpleHayes: deep. brb need smoke 4 this convo.
Blondie: dont get too stoned hayes - we'll need all our brains for this one.
Cheer2Live: oh good god. look i got practice, gotta jet.
*AUTOHOST: //Cheer2Live has left the room.
LeeMonster: So whatrwedoin? figuring out how 2 hook ice up w/ her girl?
ToniToniToni: sounds like fun 2 me
IceQuen81: i'm too chicken to do anything
CarrotTop: Not by the time we're done with you
Blondie: You'll be ready for anything
Hermione: up to & including hot monkey love
IceQueen81: *blush*
IceQueen81: ohmygod now i have that visual
Blondie: say, is she hot?
IceQueen81: oh yeah
Blondie: I'd like to have that visual too *snick*
PurpleHayes: LOL
IceQueen81: Maybe this isnt such a good idea
LeeMonster: Ah dont worry about them. They're pervs.
Blondie: <--perv
Hermione: <--big time perv
ToniToniToni: good grief
ToniToniToni: look, Ice, do you think this girl's gonna freak out on you if you tell her u got a thing 4 her?
IceQueen81: I don't think so... I duno. I... I hope not.
Hermione: shit. i gotta go.
*AUTOHOST: //Hermione has left the room.
PurpleHayes: Bye Hermione
Blondie: Bye Herm
CarrotTop: Bye Hermie!
ToniToniToni: "Don't call me Hermie!"
Blondie: Crap - my girlfriend's here - i gotta go too. Good luck, Ice!
*AUTOHOST: //Blondie has left the room.
CarrotTop: LOL
LeeMonster: Back to the topic @ hand... Ice, if u dont think she will freak then just go ahead & tell her. worst thing that can happen is she says she's really
LeeMonster: into this other girl.
ToniToniToni: Lee is right.
IceQueen81: What if she does freak, though? she... it's complicated because she's my roommate
LeeMonster: *whistle* that IS complicated.
CarrotTop: Oh, man... just like Herm
IceQueen81: ??
CarrotTop: Herm's in love with her roommate too... but her roommate's straight as a board, complete with Malibu Ken.
IceQueen81: oh that sucks.
CarrotTop: yeah... so she's trying to meet people to keep her mind off things but nothing's doing any good. she's kind of getting depressed.
IceQueen81: oh, man.
PurpleHayes: so... ice... go for it.
ToniToniToni: <mexican accent> Yoo can dooo eeet!!!
IceQueen81: *laugh*
LeeMonster: seh hello to mah leetle freend
CarrotTop: Loooseeeey! Yoo got some splainin to doo!
IceQueen81: you guys are nuts
ToniToniToni: peanuts
CarrotTop: hazelnuts
LeeMonster: chin nuts
PurpleHayes: That's cuz u got a dick in ur mouth! ROFL
IceQueen81: ewwwww
CarrotTop: ROFL
LeeMonster: fukkkkkuuuuuuuuu
ToniToniToni: I was wondering who was gonna pull that one out
PurpleHayes: I'm not THAT stoned
ToniToniToni: don't let her fool you, folks - I'm her roommate and I've got a contact high
PurpleHayes: you're not even in the same room as me. Where are you, anyway?
ToniToniToni: Computer lab.
IceQueen81: which one?
ToniToniToni: in the comp-sci building.
IceQueen81: You're kidding! me, too! I'm gonna stand up, you stand up too and then we can say hi in real life
PurpleHayes: oh great - they're both gonna be hours yappin and forget about us
LeeMonster: And that's...... bad?
CarrotTop: LOL
ToniToniToni: oh funny. har har it is to laugh
IceQueen81: *glares*
ToniToniToni: she's cute, guys. Dish. Too bad she's smitten.
IceQueen81: not so much
ToniToniToni: don't let her fool you.
LeeMonster: hottie?
ToniToniToni: pretty much
IceQueen81: *blush*
CarrotTop: hey hottie, if things don't work out with your roomie give the rest of us a chance. ;)
PurpleHayes: But Carrot, what would your girlfriend say?
CarrotTop: Who says I'm gonna tell her?
PurpleHayes: oh, you bad. you real bad. all the way up until she jackslaps your ass across campus.
ToniToniToni: Hey, hottie... go get yr girl. The longer u sit in here w/ us, the longer you delay & the more likely u r to chicken out
IceQueen81: *deep sigh* ok ok ok... i'm going. wish me luck.
--You have left the chat room-

*some days later*

--You have entered UCSDChatGirlzOnly-
*AUTOHOST: //IceQueen81 has entered the room.
*AUTOHOST: //Hermione has entered the room.
PurpleHayes: anybody wanna smoke a bowl?
Blondie: oh, good grief, Hayes, can ya stay sober?
Hermione: Hey guys!
IceQueen81: hi y'all
ToniToniToni: Hey! It's Herm and Ice!
CarrotTop: Hey Hermie! Hey Ice!
*AUTOHOST: //LeeMonster has entered the room.
LeeMonster: Hey hey
IceQueen81: Hey Lee
Hermione: we can't stay long
Cheer2Live: We?
IceQueen81: Yeah... we're going out
ToniToniToni: We as in Ice and Herm?
Hermione: *blush* yeah
PurpleHayes: So does that mean no-go with the bud, Ice? Too bad... but Herm's a sweetie. maybe u can help her smile again.
IceQueen81: Actually....
Hermione: *passes out*
Blondie: ???
ToniToniToni: oh don't tell me...
CarrotTop: oh fuck... it is, isn't it?
IceQueen81: er?
LeeMonster: Oh, sweet bleeding Christ... ice... is Hermione your roommate?!
IceQueen81: heh.... uh... yeah, actually, she is.
Blondie: Woo-hoo!
Cheer2Live: oh of course. *rolls eyes*
Cheer2Live: gotta run - practice.
*AUTOHOST: //Cheer2Live has left the room.
ToniToniToni: how fucking classic
CarrotTop: so YOU're the str8 girl with the attached Ken Doll.
IceQueen81: not so much attached...
Hermione: oh, don't lie, Buffy. You and he were joined at the hip and you know it.
IceQueen81: *glare*
Hermione: And don't glare at me, either. I'm immune.
IceQueen81: <--defeated
ToniToniToni: aint they cute? makes ya wanna puke.
CarrotTop: Where ya going? campus pub?
IceQueen81: The Bronze
LeeMonster: the who???
Hermione: Bronze. it's a club.
LeeMonster: ahh... I'm from out of town. Never heard of it before.
IceQueen81: It's cool. It's all ages, and they let anybody in...
Hermione: which is why Xander's going to be there before we are if we don't jet
IceQueen81: Yes Mistress of Pain
Hermione: *falls over*
CarrotTop: Wow... it's early for the kink, isn't it? It's only been a few days.
IceQueen81: *evil grin*
Hermione: good gravy. can we go???
IceQueen81: Yes, Willow, we can go. Bye everyone!
CarrotTop: Bye, guys. come back soon.
LeeMonster: Have fun
Blondie: cya!
*AUTOHOST: //Hermione has left the room
--You have left the chat room--

--You have entered UCSDChatGirlzOnly-
*AUTOHOST: //Hermione has entered the room.
Cheer2Live: practice was cancelled on account of the rain.
PurpleHayes: I didn't think it ever rained in sunnydale... i'll hafta smoke a bowl in celebration
Hermione: is there anything you *don't* smoke a bowl for, Hayes?
PurpleHayes: .....*thinks*
Cheer2Live: Hey Herm!
PurpleHayes: ...*still thinking*
*AUTOHOST: //ToniToniToni has entered the room.
Hermione: Hey Cheer, Hey Toni
ToniToniToni: Hey, girl. How goes with the roomie?
Hermione: terrible
PurpleHayes: Okay, I won't smoke a bowl for THAT. What gives?
Hermione: *sigh* we had a fight tonight
Cheer2Live: Is that all? God, my gf and I fight ALL the TIME
Hermione: this was pretty bad.
ToniToniToni: well tell us about it. We can fix this.
*AUTOHOST: //IceQueen81 has entered the room.
*AUTOHOST: //IceQueen81 has left the room.
Hermione: see?
Cheer2Live: chill... I'm messaging her... I'll calm her down. You get to talking.
Hermione: my ex-boyfriend is in town
ToniToniToni: oh, shit.
PurpleHayes: You want i should kick his ass for ya?
Hermione: no... he's a decent sort of guy... but she's fuious with him because he left me without warning after cheating on me.
Hermione: furious*
Cheer2Live: what a bastard!
ToniToniToni: that's it. What's his name? I need a new dick to add to my collection.
PurpleHayes: I am /so/ gonna kick his ass now.
Hermione: GUYS! I need HELP not VIOLENCE
ToniToniToni: sorry
PurpleHayes: Helping now.
Cheer2Live: *grumble*
Hermione: he came looking for me... he's got his uh... problems worked out and he wants to get back together
PurpleHayes: dumb too
ToniToniToni: I hope you told him to kiss your dyke ass
Hermione: well, i... uh... see... thats the thing
Cheer2Live: did you sleep with him?
Hermione: NO
Hermione: oh, god, no
Hermione: i would never do that to buffy
Cheer2Live: she thinks you did.
ToniToniToni: How do you know?
Cheer2Live: got her on pvt msg
Cheer2Live: why would she think u slept with him
Hermione: she... she went to her mom's for the weekend... and he came while she was gone... and we sat up all night talking and fell asleep on my bed.
Hermione: and when she came in the next morning, he was on my bed watching tv while I was in the shower
ToniToniToni: circumstantial but damning
Hermione: and I hadnt quite got around to telling him about us being together, yet
Cheer2Live: WHAT?
PurpleHayes: You hadnt????
ToniToniToni: Why the fuck not?!
Hermione: we were talking about lots of things! I couldn't figure out how to bring it up.
ToniToniToni: *falls the fuck out* that should have been the FIRST thing you told him
Hermione: I know! I know!
Cheer2Live: she thinks ur playing with her
Hermione: but I'm not!!!
ToniToniToni: she has no way of knowing that... esp if u used to love this dude... u know?
Hermione: What do I do?
Cheer2Live: I'm thinkin.
PurpleHayes: I would suggest begging. *packs a bowl*
ToniToniToni: Hey Hayes, what's your major, anyway?
PurpleHayes: Horticulture <g>
ToniToniToni: ROFL
Hermione: i cant lose her
Hermione: shes my life
ToniToniToni: jeez, herm, attached much? This hasn't been going on that long.
Hermione: longer than you think
PurpleHayes: How long
Hermione: since tenth grade.
Cheer2Live: yowza
Hermione: long time. I know.
Cheer2Live: no, not you. Her.
Hermione: ?
ToniToniToni: what's she say?
Cheer2Live: hang on... i'll paste.
Cheer2Live: IceQueen81: she's killing me. she's killing me. I would die for her. She knows that. hell, i DID die for her once. But she's rippin my heart out
Cheer2Live: Cheer2Live: how?
Cheer2Live: Icequeen81: oz. I thought he would never come back but now he is back and she is gonna pick him over me without even giving me a chance to prove myself.
Hermione: but I'm NOT!
Cheer2Live: she doesn't know that.
Hermione: how can I tell her if she doesn't talk to me?
PurpleHayes: once again, I suggest begging. And awesome make-up sex.
Hermione: *goes completely and noisily mad*
ToniToniToni: Herm, get ahold of yourself! You've got to make her believe you only want her
Hermione: HOWWWWWW?????????
Cheer2Live: start by losing the werewolf.
Hermione: ?
Cheer2Live: the werewolf. Oz. Lose him.
Hermione: how did you...?
Cheer2Live: Veruca was my second cousin.
Hermione: oh
Cheer2Live: it's no big. She was a bitch. But u gotta lose the boy. Like now.
ToniToniToni: your relationship is so new that she is still insecure of her place in your heart.
Cheer2Live: you're gonna have to prove you want her and only her.
PurpleHayes: if the stoner may make a suggestion?
Hermione: yes?
PurpleHayes: Cheer... where is Ice?
Cheer2Live: asking....
Cheer2Live: IceQueen81: complab in Barrington hall. I didn't want to use the one @ Stevenson in case willow came in there looking for me.
PurpleHayes: all right, Herm, pay attention
Hermione: *all ears... er, eyes... er, whatever*
PurpleHayes: get off the computer. Go to barrington. Go in the lab. Find your woman. Grab her, drag her away from the computer. Take her out the
PurpleHayes: back set of doors and down the hall to your right. Take her into the women's bathroom and lock yourselves in, and proceed to
PurpleHayes: fuck the living daylights out of her. Mark her up - just leave a big ol nasty hickey on the side of her neck. And then tell her she's yours
PurpleHayes: and she needs to knock off the bullshit cos u don't give up what's urs.
Hermione: I like it. It'll work. Cheer, keep her talking.
--You have left the chat room.--

*later that night*

--You have entered UCSDChatGirlzOnly--
*AUTOHOST: //IceQueen81 has entered the room.
CarrotTop: Ice!
ToniToniToni: hey, Ice
IceQueen81: hey everyone.
Cheer2Live: so how'd it go?
IceQueen81: oh man
PurpleHayes: yeah dude... herm was in here just all tore up about you
ToniToniToni: she told us what happened with her ex
CarrotTop: afk!
IceQueen81: yeah.
Cheer2Live: so the last thing you said was 'she found me'... what happened?
IceQueen81: oh sweet christ
IceQueen81: you wont believe it. i almost didnt believe it myself and i was living it
Cheer2Live: spill
*AUTOHOST: //LeeMonster has entered the room.
Cheer2Live: and hey... where is she, anyway?
IceQueen81: she's asleep. I'm on her laptop.
Cheer2Live: ok... well, spill.
LeeMonster: What's going on?
ToniToniToni: Ice and Herm had a fight. We're about to find out how they made up.
LeeMonster: ooo
IceQueen81: well... I was talking to cheer & i looked up & here comes willow with her Resolve Face on. And I'm like oh great. Here it comes. Big blow up now and
IceQueen81: she's gonna tell me its over.... but instead she comes over to me, turns my computer off without even asking, and drags me out of the computer lab
PurpleHayes: woot!
IceQueen81: yeah... and she drags me down the hall and into a bathroom... a BATHROOM! And proceeds to have wild sex with me up against the wall
PurpleHayes: isn't that the greatest bathroom? i;ve done the same thing
IceQueen81: You have?
PurpleHayes: who do you think gave her te idea!
PurpleHayes: the*
IceQueen81: you did?
Cheer2Live: relax ice
ToniToniToni: well, give the girl some credit, Ice... she was in here tripping completely out because she thought she'd ruined your relationship
IceQueen81: she did?
ToniToniToni: yeah, she did
Cheer2Live: you have no idea
IceQueen81: wow
PurpleHayes: so you had wild sex in the bathroom?
CarrotTop: okay that's what I get for going afk... good grief!
ToniToniToni: well you're back just in time. We want details Ice!
IceQueen81: wild hot monkey love
PurpleHayes: please go on
IceQueen81: up against the wall
Cheer2Live: yummy
ToniToniToni: yeeeees?
IceQueen81: and on the counter
CarrotTop: DETAILS
IceQueen81: *blush*
ToniToniToni: LOL don't tease her. She's not a perv like the rest of us.
PurpleHayes: well I'll just feel free to imagine things, then.
IceQueen81: *embarrassed*
CarrotTop: dun worry about it, ice. u'll get use to us soon enuf.
ToniToniToni: so suffice it to say u had really awesome make-up sex in the bathroom, and then again when you got back to the dorm, yes?
IceQueen81: yeah. And behind the stacks in the library and in a janitor's closet in the Commons building on the way back, too.
CarrotTop: you're kidding!
Cheer2Live: sweet bleeding jesus
IceQueen81: and also behind that really big shrub thing out in front of the dorm
PurpleHayes: right on!
IceQueen81: and in the stairwell on the way up to the room.
ToniToniToni: oh my god
IceQueen81: that's why she's asleep now... I wore her out.
Cheer2Live: I'm surprised you're not half-dead yourself!
IceQueen81: I have a lot of stamina. *grins*
PurpleHayes: ROFL
Cheer2Live: LMAO
CarrotTop: LOLOL
IceQueen81: ah! She wakes. I gotta go, guys, she's licking the back of my neck.
CarrotTop: have fun!
Cheer2Live: god i need my girlfriend to come back from home.
PurpleHayes: I'm packin another bowl, Cheer, wanna come over?
Cheer2Live: what the hell.
--You have left the chat room.--


The End


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