Fanfic? Or Festival of the Fist

By Red Willow

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: All characters and reference to belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all them other peeps. I'm just using them to make my own fun. Girl/Girl lovin', you no like, you no read. All story ideas other than btvs canon and original characters are solely from my perverted little mind.

Distribution: Um...ask.

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Feedback: I thrive on feedback!

Pairing: Willow/Buffy

Summary: Buffy finds out about Willow's nifty new fanfic hobby, and gets a few ideas of her own.

Buffy closed the door behind her and laid her keys on the small table on the foyer, immediately hearing Willow's laughter from the dining room. Turning, Buffy saw her girlfriend hunched over the silver laptop, enthralled by whatever it was that she was looking at.

"Hey Will, watcha doin'?"

Willow's head shot up, a wide grin plastered across her face.

"Oh... Buffy, hi." She fumbled with the mouse, trying to close the screen.

Slayer speed outdid Willow's nervousness every time however and Buffy was behind Willow before the witch could think eep!

"What are you doing?" Buffy asked glancing between the redhead and the screen.

She was more interested in Willow than what was actually on the screen, but teasing her long time lover was always so much fun.

"Nothing." Willow tried to close her laptop, while looking at Buffy at the same time, trying to keep eye contact. "I don't believe you," the Slayer teased.

She knelt down beside Willow and ran her finger down the ridge of the redhead's nose. She glanced at the screen, seeing nothing but text. Somehow she knew it wasn't demon research though.

"Were you looking at porn?" She teased further.

Willow's entire face brightened with embarrassment. Buffy grinned, not really believing that that was what Willow had actually been doing. Just the mention of porn often made Willow blush and Buffy reveled in the torture, knowing Willow's true colors would come out during their lovemaking.

"N-no!" Willow shook her head against the question, her eyes darting toward the screen.

Buffy caught the look Willow sent the machine and had a sneaking suspicion that she might have actually been correct, even though she hadn't meant it.

"You were, weren't you? You were looking at porn!" Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and feigned shock and disapproval.

"No I wasn't Buffy, honestly." Willow really thought Buffy was upset. "Uh huh... then why were you grinning like all get out when I walked in here, and why are you trying to keep me from reading the screen?"

"I-I'm not trying to keep you from anything." the redhead argued. "You just... wouldn't be interested.

"Sure I would." Buffy protested.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the side of Willow's neck.

Chills raced up and down the witch's body, emanating from her already heated center.

"Now, tell your girlfriend what naughty things you've been up to."

"A-actually I was just..." She closed her eyes briefly as she felt the blonde's lips graze across her neck once more before landing just under her ear. "R-reading a fanfic. A really good one actually with Mrs. Robinson and Gertrude from... Oh, you don't even watch the 'Hussenhousens', do you?"

Buffy pulled back, the quizzical expression on her face making the red head giggle.

"Fan who? And no, patrol remember?"

"Fanfic. Fan. Fiction."

"Huh?" Buffy's expression remained the same; having never heard of this thing her girlfriend seemed so fond of.

"Fan, as in fan of show. Fiction, as in... fiction, short story?"


Willow sighed, knowing her deep dark secret had been revealed, and now she was really going to have to explain it.

"People write short stories about the shows, using the characters therein."

"Uh, okay. Why don't they just watch in on TV? That's why the shows have writers."

Willow couldn't suppress her giggle.

"Yes honey, but the networks would never allow the material in fanfic to be shown on national television."

"Material?" Buffy questioned, glancing at the screen again. "I knew it! You were looking at porn!"

"No, I was reading a story." Willow trailed her fingers from Buffy's hand to the bare muscled bicep on her lover. There was a glint in her eye that the Slayer recognized immediately.

"What have you been reading, baby?" Buffy looked at the screen again, paying attention this time to the words that were displayed there.

"Anne's slick cunt was spread wide and open, her juices leaking out and running down toward the mattress, throbbing for her lover's tight fist as it thrust into her deeper and harder..."

Buffy's jaw fell, too stunned to read anymore.


Willow's blush deepened and she ducked her head, hiding her embarrassment. Her flaming hair fell forward, more blending with the color of her cheeks, rather than hiding them.

"I-I-I..." she stuttered.

Buffy turned the sentence over in her head. 'Throbbing for her lover's tight fist...' She got an idea, something that she suspected Willow secretly wanted, and maybe the only thing that she wasn't willing to say out loud. After all, who on earth heard of putting your entire hand inside someone else's body? Well, Buffy had, but she'd never thought of trying that with Willow , even if she already used four fingers on her most of the time.

"Willow..." Buffy started, her voice turning into a husky whisper.

Willow peered up at the Slayer, knowing she had nothing to be ashamed of, just not being able to shake the embarrassment she felt. She'd come along way from being the shy wallflower in the tenth grade, thanks to Buffy, but some things never ceased to make her blush. Reading about her secret desire was definitely one of those things.

Buffy moved her hand underneath the redhead's skirt, and trailed her fingers up Willow's calf, over her knee, then along the soft warm flesh of her inner thigh. Willow audibly gulped at the sensations that her Slayer's strong hand caused as it neared her soaked panties.

"Do you want to try that, Will?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the dark green orbs in front of her as she moved her head forward.

"I... I um..." Willow swallowed again, her heart speeding up its steady thumping. "Yes, baby?" Buffy brought her mouth closer; she was able to feel Willow's soft breath on her lips.

"W-would you... want to?" the redhead's lips brushed the blonde's as she spoke; she could smell the mint from Buffy's gum.

"Want to?" Buffy asked, wanting to hear her lover say the words.

She brushed her lips over Willow's but didn't linger long enough for a kiss; she began to leave tiny kisses along the other girl's jaw line, working toward her ear.

"Say it." The Slayer urged her lover. "Tell me what you want."

Buffy's hand found Willow's wet panties, and a surge of lust coursed through her. It took all the willpower she could muster not to grab the witch up in her arms and devour her right there on top of her mother's antique table. She pressed her palm flat against Willow's heat, catching the girl's earlobe between her teeth at the same time. She pushed forward against the wet material, against Willow's sex, and then eased back again, teasing.

Willow's breath hitched and she opened her legs slightly inviting Buffy to explore further. She brought her hand up and cupped the back of the blonde's head, urging her to continue.

Knowing what her girlfriend desired but wanting, no, needing to hear her request, Buffy released her grip on the woman's sex, keeping her hand against the panties, but applying no pressure.


Willow's eyes were closed and she wiggled against the hand that lingered all too close, yet painfully too far from her throbbing center. She'd been so turned on by the fic she read, hoping to jump Buffy when she came home. But as it were, Buffy had come home early, and now the tables were turned.

"Say it." Buffy's stern voice whispered in her ear, sending electric shocks throughout her body; landing in her very center. "I need to hear you say it."

Willow knew she wouldn't win this. Buffy was adamant about such things, and if Willow was perfectly honest with herself, she didn't want it any other way. Buffy allowed her to express her desires, her needs. She was able to let go with her lover, feel free and comfortable enough to do almost anything. Buffy never shrank away from a challenge, or thought something too odd to try, just as long as Willow could express it verbally, could tell her exactly what she wanted.

"I..." Buffy slipped her index finger under Willow's panties, caressing the soft swell of flesh there, damp with arousal. "Ohh... Goddess..." Willow licked her lips, knowing the only way she was going to get what she wanted was to just say the words. "Buffy... I-I want... I want you to..."

"Yes, baby? Tell me." Buffy ran the tip of her tongue along the outer ridge of Willow's ear.

"I... Ohhh... Please... use your fist. Your whole hand."

"Use this?" Buffy cupped the redhead's hot center roughly, causing her to arch forward against the contact and moan loudly.

"Yess! Use it... put it in me... Fuck me with your fist!" Willow was moving her hips against Buffy's hand, trying for any amount of friction.

Buffy smiled in satisfaction, her own panties puddling with her need. In one fluid movement, she took her hand away from Willow's sex and picked her up, heading for the stairway and up toward their bedroom.

Buffy slammed Willow into the wall as soon as they reached the top step, devouring her mouth with a ferocity that had the red head's entire body aflame. They pressed into each other trying to squeeze the atoms between them out of the way in need of absolute contact. Buffy tore at Willow's shirt, ripping the light cotton material in her eagerness for bare skin. Willow didn't care, all she wanted was the Slayer's naked form pressed against her, moving with her, sliding into her, and when she heard the dull tear of her panties under Buffy's searching hand, it didn't even register.

Somehow they managed to stagger down the hall to their bedroom, despite their lip-locked embrace and fight with offending clothes wear. Willow's shirt fell to the floor first, followed by Buffy's, and then Willow's skirt. By the time they hit the wall near their bedroom door, they were completely naked, a trail of clothes scattered behind them.

Buffy broke from the kiss, panting hard with her forehead against her lover's. One look into the deep green eyes in front of her and Buffy knew Willow was ready for her, even without her fingers already sliding up and down the witch's seeping slit, coated in her thick juices. The thought of what they were about to enter into nearly brought the Slayer to her knees in want. She was going to be inside Willow , stretching her wider and burrowing deeper than she'd ever before. Her fingers would become her entire hand, an extension of herself absorbed into her lover, holding the very core of Willow's sex.

When they hit the bed, Willow scraped her nails down the toned muscles of her girlfriend's shoulders, feeling wet lips and teeth along her neck and collarbone. Her weeping cunt throbbed in angry need, opening and expanding in eager anticipation to be filled and rocked. She arched up, pushing her breast against Buffy's mouth as she felt the thrilling dart and swirl of the Slayer's skilled tongue on her erect flesh.

Willow let out a low moan against her bitten bottom lip and tangled her fingers through her girlfriend's shiny blonde locks, pulling tightly on the hair. Buffy growled around her lover's stiff peak, loving the slight pain the hair-tug caused.

"Use your teeth." Willow instructed, pushing her breasts forcibly against Buffy's mouth.

The Slayer went from one firm breast to the other, trailing hungry kisses in the valley between. She rolled the rosy peaks with her tongue before sucking them into her mouth where she roughly raked her teeth across them. Willow jerked with every rough yet pleasurable touch, eliciting high-pitched moans from deep within her.

Willow was literally dripping in need, her hot liquid seeping out between her slick lips and running down between her ass cheeks. With every push and brush from her girlfriend's thigh, Willow fell closer and closer to release. Wanting only the slightest bit of friction to bring her over the edge, she pushed up to meet the smooth bare skin of her lover's leg, feeling herself slide easily against it, squishing her wet folds back against her hard nub that ached and jumped in desperate need for attention.

Buffy pressed forward with her thigh, securing Willow's first orgasm. As the waves washed through her lover's body, Buffy slipped her hand under her thigh and between the soaked folds of Willow's sex. She latched her mouth onto the red head's neck and sucked, greedy with hunger, pulling the pale flesh in her mouth sharply. Moving her leg back to have more room in which to maneuver, Buffy slipped three fingers into Willow easily, her sex open and waiting to be fitted and filled. She began a steady thrust, curling her fingers upward to graze against the ridged secret spot Buffy knew all too well. Pressing the pad of her thumb just to the side of Willow's clit, the Slayer made small circles around the knotted flesh.

"Oh Gods... Buffy..." Willow moaned, bringing her knees up higher and pushing back with her hips to meet her girlfriend's thrusts. "Oh fuck... you feel so good..."

"You like that, baby?" The slayer asked her in between lapping at Willow's pale, freckled flesh; she absolutely loved the taste of her lover's skin, never able to get enough.

"Oh yeah... Oh... just like that..." Willow brought her hips down hard against Buffy's quickening pace, feeling the pressure build in her belly. "Baby, fuck me... Harder!" she demanded.

Buffy brought her fingers almost completely out before slamming back into her lover with an added finger, stretching Willow's channel. The red head screamed out in affirmation, bringing her hips up to meet the meatier pounding the Slayer was providing. Buffy thrust fiercely, feeling Willow's muscles tense and jump around her fingers. She circled the witch's clit in rhythm with her thrusts, her thumb sliding up when her fingers slammed in, and back down when they slid out.

"Oh... Oh! Don't stop!"

"I won't baby, I won't..." Buffy breathed out, her hair hanging around her face as beads of sweat gathered on her brow.

"Fuck me Slayer!"

Willow reached up, finding the brass bars of the headboard and lay a death grip on them, her small biceps popping up in her strain against the roar of her second orgasm as it crashed through her, sending her body into a fit of shudders. Buffy continued in her effort as Willow's body shook and her mind raced to all points not currently connected with reality.

"Oh fuckin' shit!"

It was exactly what Buffy had been waiting for. As Willow's orgasm ripped through her, the blonde tucked her thumb into the palm of her hand and pressed her fist into her lover's slick channel until she couldn't anymore. Almost the entire way in, her knuckles just barely past the wet ring of muscle holding it back.

Willow's eyes shot open and she let out a silent cry. Buffy hovered above her, watching with intense eyes, the reaction from the witch. Willow met her gaze and the two stayed locked like that for a few silent moments until Willow nodded, giving the silent okay for Buffy to keep going.

"Are you all right?" The Slayer asked the love of her life.

"Uh huh... hurts a little... but feels..." She didn't finish as she closed her eyes momentarily and let herself open up around Buffy's hand.

Buffy pressed on, inching her knuckles and the larger part of her hand past the tight wall that threatened to stop her. She continued to stare intently at Willow , noting how her lover's facial features changed from pleasure to pain and then back again. She twisted her hand sideways, back and forth slowly as if trying to screw her fist into the hole. She pressed the heel of her free hand against Willow's clit, applying pressure in a subtle circle. With every twist of her girlfriend's hand, Willow shut her eyes tighter, then relaxed as Buffy moved further into her.

"Wait." Willow gasped, letting the burning in her sex where it gripped Buffy's hand subside.

She reached her hand out, fingering the draw of their nightstand until she got it partway open. Inside were their toys. Organized neatly into little bags or boxes. Buffy stayed her hand and dragged her eyes from Willow's flushed face to their nightstand. She nodded, and without withdrawing from her, reached up with her other hand and grabbed the bottle of lube they kept there.

"Sorry." Willow said quietly, embarrassed at being the one to want this, yet not able to take her lover's hand. "Shh..." Buffy smiled and twisted her hand out a couple of inches as gently as possible and poured the lubricant around her hand.

"Tell me when you're ready." She told Willow .

"I'm ready." Willow nodded, relaxing herself.

"Are you sure?"

Buffy didn't want to do anything Willow wasn't ready for. This wasn't just about making her lover feel good; this was about trust and understanding. She knew Willow wanted this, but wouldn't press on if she felt Willow couldn't take any more. The entire situation was intense. The witch and the Slayer were experiencing something they'd never ventured into before. Willow was offering a part of herself to Buffy that no one had ever possessed or touched. And Buffy was overwhelmed with emotion at her lover's willingness to submit to her in such a way.

Willow nodded and grinned.

"I want your fist inside me Slayer."

Buffy raised an eyebrow at Willow's bluntness but continued to create friction against her tight knot. Willow's soft moans became louder as Buffy pressed forward, the lubricant coating her hand making it much easier to ease into Willow's body. She could feel Willow reflexively trying to clench down on her hand and then relaxing, just has her facial features changed.

Willow was riding on the edge of an intense orgasm. The steady pressure of Buffy's hand on her clit and the continued effort of penetration made her entire body hum and buzz with the expectation of release. She rocked up against Buffy's hand, trying to stay relaxed, yet clenching her thighs, knowing she was close.

Knowing what was happening in Willow's body, Buffy tensed her arm and pushed forward in one fluid motion, putting her entire body behind the effort. She felt her sex jump and plea for release as Willow's cunt blossomed around her hand and her knuckles finally popped under the tight ring of muscle, allowing the rest of her hand and wrist to slide along inviting velvety walls.

Willow cried out, both in pleasure and pain as Buffy's fist finally sank into her and the building pressure in her stomach from her lover's steady ministrations let loose. She arched up off the bed, yanking at the balled bunches of sheets in her hands and bucked in rhythm with the bright sheets of energy that slammed through her. Buffy stayed her fist though, neither rocking nor twisting, simply rode out the orgasm with her lover, feeling Willow's muscles spasm and clench around her hand.

Kneeling in between Willow's legs, with one hand on the tight jumble of nerves she could never get enough of and her other hand deep inside her lover, Buffy thought she might orgasm without contact. Her hips moved on their own, and she could feel her wetness trickling out between her swollen outer lips. Her sex gaped and throbbed for attention, but she ignored it the best she could, instead focusing all her time and energy on Willow .

Willow would never be able to describe the feeling of having her lover's fist inside her. She felt stretched and full, unlike anything she'd ever experienced and it was absolutely wonderful to be possessed in such an intimate manner.

"Are you okay?" Buffy kept her hand still and curled into a tight fist, her eyes never leaving Willow's.

"Oh yeah... Oh Goddess... it feels... you feel so good inside me."

Buffy groaned, feeling a sharp ache down deep in her sex that was almost painful. Her legs shook and she had to shut her eyes tight, clenching her jaw muscles, in order to ignore the scream her cunt seemed to throw at her.

Willow reached down and wrapped her slim fingers around Buffy's forearm just before it disappeared inside her. The Slayer opened her eyes and looked at Willow , thinking the girl wanted her to start moving her hand. But the red head had a crooked smile on her face that told her she had other plans.

"What?" Buffy asked softly.

"Here." Willow nudged Buffy's side with her leg. "I want to see you... while your hand's..."

Buffy grinned, realizing what Willow wanted.

"You want to see me what?" The blonde couldn't really wait, she needed release so bad it was beginning to be painful, but hearing Willow tell her what she wanted only fueled the fire that burned between her legs.

Willow swallowed and clenched her PC muscles, gripping her lover's hand tighter as if to pull it further into her.

"I want to see you come." Willow met Buffy's eyes, noting the need in her eyes, yet admiring the strength and will it took to hold back, to continue their game. "I... need... to watch you come... with your hand inside me."

Without another word, the Slayer propped herself up with her free hand and straddled the witch's bent leg, resting her dripping sex just above the knee. With short, steady movements, Buffy began to ride her lover's thigh. She let out soft grunts with every forward thrust, knowing it would only take a few more to finally obtain release. She moved her fist inside Willow , bringing it back but a mere millimeter before pushing forward again.

The pleasure Willow felt was unparalleled. Watching Buffy bring herself off, the sway of her breasts as she thrust forward, the way the tip of her tongue caressed her bottom lip was giving her immense satisfaction, just as watching her masturbate always did. But seeing the promise of orgasm dance across her lover's face and body was only the beginning of her pleasure. Inside her, Buffy's hand worked in short jabs, pressing into and along every inch of her channel, quickly building to another orgasm.

"Oh... yeah baby..." Willow moaned, not moving her hips, just clenching her muscles around the moving hand.

Willow reached up and cupped Buffy's cheek, her thumb on her chin. Buffy momentarily met her gaze before shutting her eyes tight and biting hard on her bottom lip. Her orgasm passed through her hard, shooting up through her center in a hot bolt of energy that made her shake unsteadily.

She hardly made a sound, simply rode out her orgasm, and thankful for the relief, though she knew it was nowhere near what she really needed. That could wait though, she reasoned, today was for Willow . Looking down at her lover, she saw Willow's flushed face, her mouth hanging open, and her eyes dark and dilated. She kept up the movement with her hand, deciding to push the witch as far as she could.

When Willow felt Buffy's tempo change, she thought she'd orgasm right away, but instead she rode on the edge of ecstasy, right up to the edge, yet never over it. Any other time and it would have frustrated her; she would have sought release in the movement of her hips, the friction against her clit, anything to push her into that bright state of pleasure. Now though, being on the edge gripped her and held her tight, and she loved every second of it.

Buffy pulled her hand out until her knuckles met that tight ring of muscle. She held it there and locked eyes with Willow again. She mouthed 'I love you' and when Willow nodded Buffy slammed her hand back into her lover as far as it would go.

"Oh Gods!!" Willow screamed, the sensations running through her body reaching as far as her fingertips and toes.

Again Buffy pulled out to her knuckles and slammed back into her, rough, but careful not to hurt her. She kept her eyes on the face of her girlfriend, noting every line and curve that shifted with the movement of her hand, with the pleasure and pain Willow experienced. Buffy picked up a thrusting rhythm, slow and rough, but steady along Willow's expanding and contracting walls. She could feel the girl's sex blooming, opening up to her even more now that she was really starting to fuck her.

Willow's moans became the score in which they moved to. Indistinguishable, yet laced in affirmation and bliss, they floated from her mouth, weaving their way around and between her and Buffy as if securing the connection between them.

Buffy slipped off of Willow's thigh and brought it around her waist where it tightened its hold. The red head slid her thumb along Buffy's lips, wanting to feel her lover's face, and felt the blonde's tongue dart out to taste it. She slipped it inside and Buffy happily nibbled and sucked on the small digit while increasing her steady thrust into her lover.

Willow's whole body shifted upward and then back down with Buffy's increasing momentum. She felt as if Buffy was not only touching her sex but also reaching up into the rest of her. The Slayer's touch was so deep, that Willow thought she might reach her very soul. The pressure in her was steadily building to a level she hadn't felt before and she couldn't decide if she wanted to continue in this fashion or finally obtain release. Both prospects held the promise of absolute pleasure and Willow knew it couldn't be her that held the decision tonight.

As if speaking her thoughts out loud, Buffy quickened her pace, slamming into her lover's body with all the passion and lust that was building up inside her. Quick, hard jabs made her muscles ripple and jump with her effort. Slayer strength and stamina definitely had its advantages in the bedroom.

Willow trailed her fingers down Buffy's face, down the length of her neck, and came to rest over Buffy's pounding heart. She moaned and groaned, arching into her lover's hard pounding, and tightened her grip around Buffy's waist.

Buffy glanced at her girlfriend's hand on her heart and felt an overwhelming sense of completeness fill her. She was with the woman she loved, had always loved, and they were connecting in a way their previous lovemaking had never allowed them to before.

" Willow ." Buffy breathed out her girlfriend's name like a kiss.

"Yes?" The red head was barely able to speak, so lost in the sensations that were bombarding her body. "Touch yourself."

Willow nodded, willing do anything Buffy told her. She belonged to the Slayer and trusted her implicitly.

She brought her hand down to her sex, first touching Buffy's forearm and then wrist as the Slayer brought her hand out a few inches before slamming it back in. Willow slid her wet fingers up to the hard jumble of nerves at the top of her sex and set to encircling it with a slow steady rhythm.

"Faster." Instructed Buffy.

Without a word, Willow increased her touch, feeling her skin stretch downward every time Buffy pushed her fist into her. She assaulted her clit with two fingers, pushing down and back up in some semblance of a circle. She could hear the wet of her sex click around Buffy's pounding hand as she brought her hips down to meet the harder thrusts. Willow's sex was so open and loose now, that Buffy was able to bring her entire hand out before ramming it back in, impaling Willow onto her forearm.

"Oh! Holy fuck! Buffy!"

When the bright white fire of her orgasm crashed through her, Willow jerked and twisted in absolute pleasure. Orgasmic waves spiked through her, touching every ounce of her, connecting everything to her center.

"Yes... oh Goddess yes!"

Leaving her clit in favor of anything else to grab on to, she clawed Buffy's shoulder with fingers still slick of her own juices, while the other pulled at a brass bar of the headboard mercilessly. Her hips bucked wildly, meeting Buffy's continued thrust even as her orgasm continued to ravage her body.

Buffy was in awe. Never once had Willow responded in such a manner. Oh, she'd been wild, and had had intense orgasms that made her thrash about under Buffy's care, but this was altogether different. Different and wonderful. Buffy made a mental note to encourage her lover to read more fanfic if it lead to this.

Willow brought her hand to her sex again, beginning a renewed effort at orgasm and Buffy, seeing this, quickened her pace yet again. She slammed her fist down deep into Willow's cunt for all she was worth over and over, pounding her into the mattress.

"Sweet mother..." Buffy breathed out, her sex dripping and jumping on the verge of release.

It didn't take long before Willow was in complete rapture. Her hips bucked up against Buffy and she brought both hands up to the blonde's shoulders, digging her hails in, creating tiny half moons over the red ones left moments before.

"Oh Buffy, Buffy, Buffy!" She chanted the Slayer's name again and again as she clung to the last thread of her orgasm.

Slowly and very gently, Buffy withdrew her fist from Willow after letting the witch completely calm from her high. Willow wrapped her arms around the Slayer and pulled her to her tightly, feeling saddened by the emptiness left behind, but complete with her lover as well. They kissed softly, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths as Willow's hands found Buffy's breasts and manipulated her nipples.

"Oh... shit..." Buffy broke from the kiss, her sex throbbing harder than ever. "Willow..."

Willow kissed the Slayer's cheek, and then trailed soft kisses down her neck to her chest. She traced her fingers in small circles over Buffy's body, feeling the woman beneath her tremble in anticipation.

"Wait." Buffy said softly, stopping her girlfriend. "Aren't you...? I mean... you must be exhausted."

"I am... but I can't have my Slayer suffering, can I?" Willow winked at her lover before moving further down and attaching her mouth to the smooth firm flesh of Buffy's stomach.

Buffy closed her eyes and tried to be patient, tried to relax and enjoy Willow's tender touch. But the ache in her sex was overpowering and she needed release bad. She pushed down on Willow's shoulder, urging her between her legs. Willow simply grinned and complied. Her own sex felt swollen and sore, yet it didn't bother her. It was similar to the times Buffy had used the paddle, her ass was bruised the next day, and sometimes it hurt to sit, but it was worth it.

Willow took in the sight of her lover's glistening sex. Buffy's juices were smeared as far as her thighs and her slick swollen lips were practically begging to be licked clean. She inhaled deeply the rich musky scent of her lover before bringing her lips down to meet the lips of Buffy's sex. She kissed them softly, flicking her tongue out to dip into the tangy liquid. She hungered for the Slayer's taste, craved the power she held over her when she licked the hot folds of her sex, when she sucked the hard jumble of nerves into her mouth, when she fucked her with her tongue.

The witch was going to show her Slayer just how grateful she was for the gift she'd received. She'd show her for the rest of the week if that were what it took.

The End 

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