Rating: NC-17
Uber Setting: Contemporary
Disclaimer: BtVS characters, concepts and dialog belong to Mutant
Enemy, The WB, UPN and others. The Amazing Race belongs to CBS, Amazing Race
Productions Inc, Touchstone Television Productions Inc, Jerry Bruckheimer
Productions and others.
The Mystic Muse /mysticmuse.net
If you want to archive this, please let me know first.
Feedback: Yes please!
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: First and foremost, a big gigantic thanks to
Debra for starting
Survivor – Ash Island. Even if you are
not a reality show fan, check it out because it's smashing. The W/T interaction
in Chapter 2 is worth the entrance price (so to speak) already.
For me, TAR isn't TAR without Miss Alli's recaps on
televisionwithoutpity, even the racers themselves show up on TWoP forums. So
the format of the episodes will take the form of recaps, ie a write-up of the
episode from the viewpoint of the recapper (ie, me). It will be personal, snarky
and I hope humorous. I'm not Miss Alli though so bear with me and tell me if it
isn't working. I'll also include some behind the scenes footage and extras.
Webhost's Note: Special thanks goes to
Chris Cook of
the Looking Glass,
Artemis for the graphics, wallpapers and source coding. Thanks, Chris!
Wallpaper: Here.
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Summary: It's a race around the world. Who will be eliminated? Who will win $1 million?
Episode recap
Sydney Australia, where…y'all should know all about Sydney by now, so let's skip the tourist information spin o' tales, okay? All you need to know is Phil telling us how Sydney is chock full of Pitstop-y goodness, okay? Cos all you need is Phil [** try singing that to the tune of All You Need is Love**]
So, we're down to four teams. I spare a moment to think about the teams at Sequesterville. I picture Cordy, Lorne, Joyce and Anya holding an impromptu fashion show while the others look on. Well, others look on while Andrew drools. Snyder is off at the corner sulking by himself, having antagonized anyone within earshot. Adam and Oz, the newest recruits, are recounting their stunt adventures and demonstrating how exactly Oz's monkey tail is not too big for his butt. I have no clue what Darla, Angel, Ben and Glory are doing, I have no memory or impression of these teams, I'm sorry.
The ooomph factor continues at Pitstop. One of the advantages of pitstoping at a zoo is, of course, the animals. Cos, well, that's what they have at zoos. Oh look! They're cuddling a koala, how clichéd (oh, was I supposed to say cute? Blah!). Willow, Tara and Buffy look cute (okay?) with the koalas. Rupert surprisingly photogenic. Faith is like "Stop pawing me, furball." Randy looks like his koala just crapped on him. Robin and Riley, well, the least said the better.
Phil at the zoo is a sight for sore eyes. Problem is, he is wearing a powder blue v- neck sweater, which looks fine on him. No, my problem is I wish he'd put on a shirt. Or a T-shirt. Or even a wife-beater (with apologies to Mrs Phil, of course he doesn't beat wives). Cos the unlined look is so not him, I don't want my eyes to be distracted by hints of man-nipples thank you very much. I decide to blur my eyes and listen to him instead. He wonders if Rupert & Randy can continue their strong finishes (top place two legs running is nothing to scoff at!) and translate that to a place in the final dash. Translate? How do you translate finishes? "Er, I'll have a veneer finish because that means yellow clue envelope with secret instructions."
In other news, Phil wonders if Faith & Robin, the team with the most consistent record, will force their way into the final three. Or if Riley can temper his temper and concentrate on running the Race. Hee, I think Phil doesn't like Riley, I wonder why?
11.18pm. Rupert & Randy rip the clue envelope with such force that it falls apart. I giggle insanely. I wonder if they will receive a time penalty for damaging CBS property. What? I heard that the legal department at CBS is out of this world, man. Otherwise who could have come up with the disclaimers, gag orders and contracts all reality tv cast have to sign, not to mention the release agreements every person who comes into contact with the Racers have to sign? "You want to be a Fern on the Amazing Race? Here, sign this 30 page release, you agree to give up you front teeth, your unborn babies and the limited edition Backstreet Boys lunchbox you quietly squirreled away if you even breathe a word of your participation in the Amazing Race to anyone before, during and after the show without prior consent from us, got it?" [**Help! Help! The recapper cries in vain as she is led away by the contract police in fur-lined handcuffs and Y-clamps and a buckle collar…ooops wrong image. **]
Anyway the clue, when they finally retrieve it from the ground, tells them to fly to Hong Kong, make their way to Ocean Park and find Jia Jia and An An. Phil explains that Ocean Park is a Sea World like theme park that has dolphins, sealions, sharks and other marine animals that boasts three million visitors a year. Oh great, it's all a big zoo family. He doesn't explain who or what Jia Jia and An An are. Hospitality attendants? Seeing that it's an aquarium park, it's probably a pair of dolphins or sealions. Or something completely unexpected, like Amazonian fertility goddess statues. [*with names like Jia Jia and An An? You're delusional.*]
No interview from this team, I breathe a sigh of relief at not having to listen to Randy say "we're the team to beat" again. Then again, this may mean a double dose of Riley. Oh, Rupert & Randy, all is forgiven, come back and talk to us!
12.26am. Willow & Tara look like they had time for laundry at the Pitstop, no wild monkey sex afterglow this time. Tara is wearing her red number 4 t-shirt (mmmm, remember wet t-shirt coming out of the zorb? gulp) and Willow is wearing one with the number 11. I think it's the first time they've been in 'matching' T-shirts with numbers. What's up with that? They count out the money, they have a whopping $289 for this leg of the Race. What the fuck?
They seem to be pleased with themselves. "We guessed that we might be returning to Asia, we're happy about that," Willow expositions. If she continues to explain how she calculated the statistical possibilities of where the next country will be using just pencil and paper, I won't be surprised. "We might be totally wrong, but after Hong Kong, I think there's a high possibility we're heading into China or to Japan. That's my guess anyway."
"We made a wish list of where we want to go, for fun, like Hawaii and Alaska," Tara giggles. Is that what they get up to at the Pitstop? Make fun lists of where they want to go next? I think they do more than that, snerk. Oh, and they're more than 1 hour behind R.Randy, but I sense another airport bunching coming up.
12.57am. Buffy & Riley and their baggage, and I'm not talking about the packs on their backs. Buffy interviews that she has let Riley make almost all the decisions up to this point, cos it's in his nature to be assertive and firm. "If he hadn't been a professional athlete, he would have enrolled into the Army, that's how structured and disciplined he is," she says. "It's in his nature to be intense about competition, that's why he may have ruffled a few feathers so far. Perhaps it's time for me to exert my calming influence, so he can focus even more. We fight sometimes, but we're a good team, I'm 100% behind Riley's actions." I roll my eyes. Was that a defense for Riley's behavior? If that is the case, I'm sorely disappointed in Buffy. She seems to think he can do no wrong, can she see beyond his obnoxiousness?
1.12am. Faith & Robin. Faith interviews that they're trying to be intensely relaxed. How can you be intensely relaxed? Isn't that an oxymoron? "We'll catch back up – the other teams better watch out. We'll build up our momentum and it'll be tough to stop us." Whatever, Faith.
They're also excited to be going to Hong Kong. "I wonder if we'll bump into Jackie Chan, I'm a big fan," says Robin. Look, I'm sure the people of Hong Kong are happy to have someone that famous bringing attention to their city, but I'm also sure they're none too happy about being stereotyped constantly. Come on, just think about Asians on screen and what image do you get? All Chinese know Kung Fu, all Japanese are members of the yakuza, all Asian women are subservient and if you need a doctor/scientist type you should always get an Asian. Get my drift? If I tell you some of the US stereotype that exists in other countries you'd laugh – all Americans wear ten gallon hats, live in trailer parks and think Switzerland invented Volvos. The crime rate is so high that everyone owns a gun and AIDS is everywhere. Now if their idea of us is so wrong, the reverse is probably true. *Deep breath* Okay, the need to rant carried over from the last recap, and though it really doesn't have any impact as far as the recap goes, it's a social learning experience, isn't it? [*That scores may be 7 out of 10 as far as rants go, so I'll be lenient. But make sure you know I'm still sharpening that spork. Love, Sars.*]
Rupert & Randy arrive at Sydney airport to find that, lo and behold, the last flight to Hong Kong left at 10.20pm. There is a 7.30am flight next morning that will arrive 3.30pm local time. They are disgruntled by the 'airport equalizer', as Randy describes it. I'm just thankful he didn't describe Sydney as rural again, he's already persona non grata in Queensland, he probably doesn't want to extend that honor to New South Wales.
When the other teams arrive later they find father and son already settled at the departure area, with their sleeping bags and Randy's frilly eyeshades. Oh I remember he has flight cushions too, I bet he uses moisturizers and whitening lotion, he's the gayest non-gay person since, well, I can't think of anyone except Dame Edna and that's being disrespectful to the Dame.
Willow & Tara quickly find a secluded spot, spread out their sleeping bag and snuggle together in their makeshift bed. The ear-splitting "awwww's" can be heard all the way to Jupiter.
Buffy, on the other hand, is throwing a mini hissy fit. "Two nights in a row. I'm sick of sleeping at airports," she whines. "Can we go to the airport hotel so we can get a good night's sleep?" Oh she's all Mini Me now.
Riley is, for once, right. He's like, it's already 2am and they have to come back by 5.30am, so what's the point of going to a hotel? Buffy pouts that she wants needs to sleep in comfort, she stops short of stamping her little feet like a stubborn 3 year old. Riley frowns and tries the "we don't have the money" spin, which doesn't go down well either. He wins at the end, and a reluctant Buffy spreads their sleep gear out on a corner. She turns her back against him, and he shoots her an exasperated look.
Faith & Robin are already asleep.
7.10am. Bleary-eyed teams troop onto the plane. I don't know who is yawning more, them or me. Watching exhausted individuals who look worse than the bum who lives under the screen at Times Square stumble onto a jumbo jet is not my idea of prime time entertainment. Next shot is of them scooping food into their mouths and Randy asking the stewardess for more coffee. After breakfast, they fall into a stupor. Randy sleeps with his mouth open, it's not a pretty sight. The couples are huddled together. No! Not like that! They huddle with their own partner, in pairs. Sheesh, I say huddled together and you think of nookie orgies, where has your mind been? [** nookie orgies. Is that what you get up to when we send you to Vegas for recappers' conference? It'd better not show up on your expense report. Love, Sars.**]
The Amazing Yellow line makes a curvy progress from the bottom right of Australia to somewhere in the middle of Asia's east coast. Stock footage of the underbelly of a plane arriving at Hong Kong airport. Teams stream out to the crowded arrivals hall, looking like they've had more rest.
They get on a train and there's a blipvert to another station where they pile into taxis. "Ocean Park, as fast as you can," says Robin, they're the first team to get into a taxi.
"Fast, fast," Riley repeats in his taxi. He waves some money within the vision of his driver. "Ok, ok," says his taxi driver, who puts his foot on the gas.
So now we have taxi drivers pretending to be playing Grand Theft Auto, only on the real road. With other real cars. Goldies' driver grits his teeth and concentrates while Efficiency's driver is less motivated, cos of the no money waving in front of him. No surprise that Goldies' taxi arrive at the park first. They run out and head towards the ticket counter, but when they try to ask the cashier about Jia Jia (which Riley pronounce "Jar Jar", ahhhh please don't remind me of that stupid Gungan!) and An An, the cashier indicates that he can't hear them behind the security glass. And he can hear how many tickets? Strange selective voice transmitting property that glass screen has.
By that time Efficiency have arrived and are buying tickets. Lovebirds and R.Randy taxis pull up shortly.
Goldies find their way to the information counter where they are told Jia Jia and An An are two giant pandas. Oh how cute! Come on, don't be a prude, how often do you see cute cuddly pandas? That is exactly the expression on Buffy's face as they run towards the panda house, but Riley is all business.
The other teams waste no time in getting what they need and they run off too. The panda house is painfully obvious in its location, with giant posters of the pandas adorning all its outside walls. Teams run and run, skirting hordes of tourists up the long walkway (ewwww, I hate pink paint) into the panda house.
The pandas are too busy eating to notice the mad humans passing through. "I've never seen a panda in real life before. Even though we didn't have a lot of time, the few minutes inside were magical. We keep having these unforgettable experiences," Tara describes.
The next clue tells them to find Trader #12909 at the Stock Exchange. I knew it! Bunching time again, cos it's already early evening and the exchange will be closed. So, are teams going to move around this leg as a group, and we're getting a footrace at the end? I like footraces as much as the next person but in a showdown between the four teams, my favorite team may not do as well. So I vote nay for footrace.
They get into taxis and head towards the Stock Exchange, knowing full well what to expect there. No one (except anyone who has lived under a rock and has no idea what bunching is) is surprised to see closed doors.
Teams disburse to look for a hotel for the night. "The Stock Exchange is in the Central Business District, and opposite the famous Mandarin Oriental Hotel. We seriously thought of staying there, but it would have busted our bank. We flagged down a taxi and asked the driver to take us to a more economical hotel," Randy explains.
Lovebirds are walking around with their guidebook, presumably looking for a hotel too. Next we see them on a bus, eagerly looking out at the scenery. They are sitting with a young mother and her toddler. I'm amazed, since they seem to be communicating in sign language. Now what I know about signing isn't enough to fill the back of a bus ticket, but even I know that sign language is not universal and differs by country. For instance, British fingerspelling uses two hands whereas the American version uses one. Looks like Tara is getting through to the child using a mixture of sign and gestures. The child laughs and her mother smiles broadly. Now this is what I signed up to watch the Amazing Race for, watching Racers interact with people they meet on the way, it makes the rank taste of stupid bunching, Riley's nastiness, Randy's randomness and even Faith & Robin's endless sports metaphors disappear. Before they exited the bus the toddler give them a big hug.
"We met a mother and baby on the bus, the baby was so cute. Makes me think back at the baby leopard again, I haven't been able to get babies off my mind," Tara says whimsically.
"For someone so distracted by babies, Tara is doing pretty well running the race," Willow teases. Tara blushes. A dozen fertility clinics get ready to send Lovebirds publicity materials.
Later, we see them strolling along the waterfront hand in hand, the camera backs away as they move closer together and share a sweet kiss. I reach for my tissues and my supersized cup of hot chocolate. Hallmark moment much?
Meanwhile Efficiency are at a bustling night market, may be they are honing their intensely relaxed skills. "The market was fascinating, they had everything. Fake watches, t-shirts, cheap jewelry, even adult toys! We had to save our money, but we both bought t- shirts," Faith enthuses. Glad to see teams having fun, and t-shirts? Probably most useful at this stage of the Race.
Goldies are at a restaurant, looking like they are strategizing. "We have to beat them, beat them all," Riley says. Hey, he's getting the hang of the Race! Beat the other teams! Go faster! Get to the next routemarker before any other team! And it's only, what, episode 11. Buffy nods and goes back to her guidebook. So that's how she exerts her calming influence on him, by ignoring him. Way to go Buffy!
Stock footage of the Stock Exchange. The traders wear giant red bibs with numbers at the back. Okay I can't decide whether this is better or worse than the garish jackets worn by the traders on the NYSE. Whatever.
Our teams stick out like sore thumbs amongst the workers waiting for the exchange to open, mostly in business attire. They join the rush inside as soon as the doors open. But wait! I see R.Randy. I see Efficiency. I see Goldies. WHERE ARE MY LOVEBIRDS? Argh!
The search for trader #12909 is swift. To be honest, once one team finds him, the other teams quickly catch on. First to get the clue are R.Randy. It's a Detour, with a choice between Bamboo Poles and Bamboo Baskets. Phil, thankfully out of his powder blue sweater and into a navy polo shirt, explains that in Bamboo Poles, teams travel two miles to a construction site and climb up scaffolding made from thin bamboo poles to retrieve their next clue. In Bamboo Baskets, teams go to a nearby dim sum restaurant and wheel food carts round till they manage to sell all the cart contents. Climbing the bamboo scaffolding is scary but will be quick, selling the dim sum is not scary but will take time. Classic Reckless/Chicken.
R.Randy can't decide which detour to pick and waste time debating. Efficiency, ever the predictable when it comes to tasks, choose the climbing. Goldies, again acting against type, go for the dim sum. R.Randy continue their committee meeting.
"I saw those scaffolding when we came out from the airport, they rate off the scale on the shudder-o-meter, I vote dim sum," says Randy.
"People in these parts have been using bamboo for centuries, it's sturdy and durable. I'm sure it'll be safe," Rupert argues.
"It gives me the willies," Randy whines.
Rupert glares exasperatedly at his son. "Why can't you listen to me for once? This is faster. Don't you want to win the Race?"
Randy blinks, clenches his jaw and concedes. They leave for the climbing task.
I'm not paying attention, not even at the R.Randy bickering. I don't care about the detour. I don't care about how rickety these bamboo scaffolds are. I don't care about dim sum, even though I like them occasionally. No, I care about where Lovebirds are. I'm beside myself with worry.
Finally they arrive at the Stock Exchange, looking flustered. My heartbeat comes down to the two hundreds. "We, um, overslept. Which is very bad at this stage of the Race. We can't let ourselves get distracted anymore, I hope we're not eliminated because of our mistake," Willow voice-overs. Distracted? By what? Cute toddlers on buses causing maternal instincts to pop up so they spend the night ? Naming constellations again? Drooling over each other at the memory of their SMUT bunnies outfits?
They find trader #12909 and talk briefly about which Detour to take. They are apprehensive about the climb, but realize they need to gain as much time as they can.
Efficiency are already at the site. "Holy Cowbells, look at the size of that thing," Robin exclaims. It's like a wooden trellis has been parked against the side of a very tall building.
The instructor hooks them up and they get going very quickly, making easy work of the climb and reaching the cluebox without problems.
Meanwhile R.Randy arrive and are kitted up. Randy admits that Rupert made the right call, and he's sorry for doubting his dad. "Sometimes the old man is more right than right," he interviews.
"Who are you calling an old man?" Rupert asks good-naturedly.
Both teams are small spots in the bamboo lattice when Lovebirds arrive, out of breath. They are kitted up and ready to go in seconds. They share a small kiss and "good luck" before starting the ascend.
Efficiency have the clue and are starting their descent. They jump off the last section and emerge in good spirits. The next clue tells them to make their way to the fishing village of Tai O and find the items in four pictures in their clue envelope. The pictures, however, are taken at extreme close-up so there is no context. Oooh, I was at a dinner party once and played something like this as an ice-breaker, it's way cool.
They ask the instructor how to reach the village and are told they need to get a ferry. They are pointed towards the vague direction of the ferry terminal, but are met with a shrug when they ask for more information.
R.Randy at the top, they fumble and nearly drop their clue. They're not taking care of their clues today aren't they? They waste time trying to get the envelope, which is stuck precariously at the tip of a pole. Randy reaches for it and next thing we hear is a loud beep (actually we see Randy mouthing "fuck" which of course we hear "beep") and watching the envelope drifts frustratingly down towards the ground. They scramble to descend.
Lovebirds have in the meantime reached the suspended cluebox. They share another kiss and a "whoo hoo", it's a sight, seeing such loving shows of affection when they're still in their harness suspended two stories above the ground.
R.Randy reach the ground first and retrieve their wayward clue. They learn from Efficiency that the crew is not too helpful with the directions, so they decide to ask elsewhere.
"We were told to get the ferry, and when we asked whether we could gat a taxi all we received were blank looks. Someone says take a bus, someone says walk, it's very confusing," Rupert explains. They head to the ferries.
Lovebirds on terra firma finally.
"I wish Anya and Xander were still here," Willow sighs as they slip out of the harnesses.
"Why's that, sweetie?" Tara asks.
Willow shrugs. "You know they would have some choice words to describe this, bamboo poles climbing up a tall building. I like them, they make me giggle."
"Yeah, I miss them too. I wonder how they're doing?"
Oh Tara, you are in my brain [*you wish – Sars.*]. See earlier section about Sequesterville.
They walk into a bookstore and ask for directions to Tai O. Instead of the ferry, the storekeeper tells them to take the subway and change to a local bus, cos it's faster and more direct. Hmmm, how come the others got different advice? I hope this isn't bogus. Like, cost them the leg bogus.
I love going to dim sum restaurants. The dainty dumplings and pastries served in the small bamboo baskets or small dishes, I love the variety on offer, how I can try so many different flavors and textures in one meal. What? I'm easily satisfied.
Goldies arrive at a cavernous restaurant full of diners. They are directed to the kitchen staging area and are given aprons. APRONS! HAHAHA! They are then shown to their cart, already heaped with steaming bamboo baskets. The supervisor tells them what the contents are, while they open each stack to see what is inside.
"What's this?" asks Buffy.
"Pork dumplings."
"And this?"
"Steamed pork dumplings."
"What about these?"
"Pork dumplings wrapped in vegetables."
"Do you do anything other than pork dumplings?"
"Not this cart," says the supervisor.
Does it matter what is in the cart? Judging by the reaction of the customers, intrigued by a cart pushed by two admittedly pretty looking individuals in APRONS!, they could be trying to sell congealed eggs and the people will buy them out of curiosity.
Buffy in particular is enjoying herself, joking with people using hand gestures and smiles. It is like a chicken trying to talk to a duck, but she gets her message across and manages to offload many baskets. A large family, including two grandmas, countless children and fat uncle take half a dozen baskets off her hands and everyone is happy. Even Riley smiles at the young children, who are like "what's this thing trying to flash his teeth at me".
The last few baskets are more difficult to sell, and it takes them a few more minutes. They receive the clue for the fishing village and ask for directions. They are told about the ferry too.
A nice segue to what looks like the ferry terminal where Rupert & Randy are just disembarking from their taxi. They look for a ferry to Tai O but are unsuccessful. Shortly afterwards Faith & Robin pull up and they are also puzzled at Tai O's absence on the destination list, though they are lucky enough to find someone who speaks English. Helpful Local Man tells them to take the ferry to another part of the island they are heading for, and then change to a bus.
Efficiency run to the ferry, and we have some fake tension between them and R.Randy about whether they make it onto the service. And of course they do, Randy and Robin exchange wary looks.
Goldies arrive a little later, they make it to another ferry, larger and more crowded, probably slower too. They share a row of seats with a family with two young children. It's a marked difference between their reaction to the children and Lovebirds'. They are not rude or anything, but they simply pretended the kids don't exist. Not very friendly, but not unexpected. I really won't want to be any offspring of these two.
Now, talking about good parent potentials, where in the world are Lovebirds? Looks like they took the storekeeper's advice and have found themselves on the subway. "We were told that the traditional method to the fishing village is ferry then bus, but with the opening of the new subway line, apparently it cuts the journey time by up to an hour because of the ferry schedule. We'll still need to get a local bus, but we're thrilled that we ran into such good luck," Tara explains. I do an interpretive dance that shows my excitement at the mention of an hour's traveling time saved.
They alight the subway at a mall and locate their bus quickly. Their destination can't be more different than their alighting point. Where the subway and mall are sleek and modern, Tai O village has retained its rural charm, with old wooden houses built on stilts over the water. Elderly women tend to boats and fishing nets – it is that quaint. And a photographer's heaven.
They look at the macro pictures, some photographer sure had a field day setting these up. Phil helpfully runs us through the results. I'm like, dude, dried shrimp that look like spicy fries? Hanging shark that looks like someone's vacation trophy? What do they do at this village?
Dried egg yolks
Dried shrimp
Sign on building
Mini shark
They start looking at the stores along the main road, which appears to be the only stretch of road with buildings on both sides. They identify the shark quickly, it looks like it's prominently displayed in front of the store, but I can't tell what type of store it is, what store sells dried up shark? They find the egg yolks at a stall just outside the shark store. Now I do wonder, what do you do with a dried egg yolk?
"We're concentrating on the task and not looking too closely at what these things are. The shark kinda grossed us out, but we have to focus. The shopkeeper says it's a gimmick for attracting people, I hope no one actually wants to buy that shark," Willow shudders.
Efficiency / R.Randy arrive at the ferry destination and spot the bus stop right outside the terminal. They have no problems getting on the right bus, they helpfully expositions that the journey time is one hour. Goldies also arrive and find their bus. The family they sat with at the ferry is on the bus also, now why don't they do a little canoodling and get information?
The shark is a hoot, everyone stares at it when they see it. Faith wishes they had a camera, Randy gingerly reaches out as if almost afraid to touch it. Rupert regards it with barely disguised mirth. They also find the dried egg yolks quickly. Rupert asks the stallholder what they are used for. She says for soups and steamed with rice. Huh, interesting.
Goldies arrive at the village and they have the same stupid reaction when they see the shark. They follow the path set by the other teams.
Lovebirds find the spicy fries, um, dried shrimp. More soup ingredient I expect. Only the sign, which is proving harder than they expect. There are many small buildings and small alleys that seem to lead to nowhere. It's a lot like Venice actually. Eventually they stumble upon the sign, at an out of the way location. "That sign was right at the other end of the village, we would have missed it if we weren't aimlessly walking all around the alleys," Willow says.
They receive the next clue, which tells them to return to the main island, catch a jetfoil to Macau and proceed to the Cathedral Sao Paulo. Hey! I thought Amazing Producers aren't doing spoon-fed clues this year. I throw virtual glares to signify my displeasure. They run back to the bus stop to look for the bus back to the subway. Smart, they remember the subway. [*as if they won't, they've run a good race so far.*]
Next to complete the task are R.Randy, Efficiency have the same problem locating the sign as Lovebirds, but they get it eventually. Both teams find themselves sharing the same ferry again.
Goldies find the sign by accident, they only need the spicy fries, which they find. They get on a later ferry.
Lovebirds emerge from the subway, ask for directions to the Macau jetfoil terminal. "It's only 5 minutes walk away, we lucked out on the subway," Willow smiles. You know, this is the sort of luck that wins Races, we've seen it time and time again.
Time to Macau – one hour.
Ferry people alight and run towards the jetfoil terminal. My EEFPs tell me that the subway station, ferry terminal and jetfoil terminal are all within 10 minutes' walk of each other, that's…convenient. In a I-want-to-go-to-a-fishing-village-and-Macau-on-the-same- day sort of way. Heh.
According to the CIA World Factbook, Macau is about 0.1 times the size of Washington DC. It has 3 long names – Macau Special Administrative Region, Aomen Tebie Xingzhengqu and Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau – reflecting its history as a Portuguese colony that is now under the rule of China. Gambling and constructions are the largest industries contributing to the 20% growth in GDP in 2004. Wow, 20%. And wow, CIA World Factbook. [*you're such a glutton for information aren't you?*]
The first team to arrive is Lovebirds, they climb into a taxi and in hardly any time they make it to the Cathedral Sao Paulo. Their first surprise? It's not so much a cathedral as the remains of one, all that is left is the façade, and I do mean just one wall. Nothing else, not even parts of the other walls.
The cluebox is painfully obvious, at the top of a long series of steps leading to the ruins, right in front of what would have been the front entrance. It's a Roadblock, their next destination is the Macau Tower. They spend a little too much time discussing who should do it.
"Who isn't afraid of looking down?" Willow reads.
"Sounds like climbing up the tower, then rappel or zip line down," says Tara.
"Yeah, tower, 'looking down', something adrenalin-rushing for sure," Willow agrees.
"You've only done four Roadblocks, you do it," Tara reasons.
"Tara, it's the chance of a lifetime, I did the bungee, you should do this adventure," Willow replies, assigning the task to her team-mate.
"But this will be my sixth."
"It doesn't matter, I'll do the rest."
Well duh, girls. You're well matched physically and I believe mentally too, so it shouldn't matter who does Roadblocks. I send karma their way so they can stop being so indecisive and get going.
It's a nice shot of the Efficiency and R.Randy jetfoil skimming over the water and look! Having cup noodles and slurping soda. I suppose with all the intense racing and tension we forget about the everyday issues that we take for granted. Where do they eat? Are they getting enough liquids? And, um, what about bathroom breaks? Brennan (or was it Guidos? Colin? My brain is so addled) said that they tried to get all the eating and going to the bathroom done at pitstops. Food at pitstops is provided by the production, while any purchased on the road has to come out of the money given to them. I have this vision of teams stuffing their faces at pitstops and sneakily filling their backpacks too. I guess public transport is a good place to find bathrooms too.
We're back to the jetfoil, now doing a Millennium Falcon style of turn and land, complete with hydraulic hiss. The two teams get on taxis and head towards the cathedral.
Meantime Lovebirds are at the Macau Tower, at 1,100 feet the 10th tallest tower in the world. This Roadblock takes the Roadblocker 800ft up to the Skywalk, where they walk around a platform at the outer rim of the tower. Did I say the platform is about 3 ft wide, 800 ft up, there is no handrail, and it's on the outside? I grin evilly at the thought of seeing how the Racers freak out.
Tara seems to be inwardly brushing away her fear; she takes a deep breath, gets a hug from Willow and heads off into the elevator. Why does this remind me of the scene in Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo kisses Princess Leia (a totally unconvincing relationship, but that's another rant for another day), turns around and heads into the carbonite chamber. Argh, stop with the portend of impending doom! [*All I can say is, I'm just glad to be spared the Han/Leia non!relationship rant, cos that? sucked total suckage in the history of all suckages. Love, Sars.*]
Next we see her tenderly stepping out to the platform, she is all tethered and harnessed, but it's pretty windy up there and she's trying to do the stunt and keep her hair from blowing into her eyes. She takes one step at a time and tries to balance. She says this is probably the scariest thing she's ever done in her life and does little pep talks to herself that's really quite cute. You know, if anyone asks me to walk along a 3 ft wide platform a couple of feet off the ground, I'd skip and run all over it, cos 3 ft is pretty wide. But put that 800 ft up and it's like walking along a 6 inch wide plank. I wouldn't be doing pep talks to myself, I'd be blabbering incoherently.
On the ground, Willow is looking even worse for wear than her girlfriend. "I can't watch, but I can't tear my eyes away. I'm sure she's wearing safety equipment, but she looks so tiny up there," she is almost sobbing with worry.
R.Randy arrive at the cathedral, effortlessly find the clue. Rupert volunteers himself, on the account that he's a bossy twit and his son at this point does everything he says. They run back down the steps just as Efficiency arrive, they get Efficiency's taxi, even though Robin makes an attempt to tell the driver to wait for them. Well Robin, if you want to keep a taxi, it helps if you pay the driver to give him incentive.
Efficiency gets the clue and decide that Faith is the one doing the Skywalk.
Talking about Skywalk, Tara is about half-way and looking like she is gaining confidence, though the pep talks haven't stopped. "How much longer? Not far now, don't look down, keep your balance Tara-girl," she continuously encourages herself. "Do this quickly and you'll get back to Willow," she allows herself a nervous yet contented smile.
R.Randy arrive at the tower and Rupert scampers up. Probably scampering isn't quite the right word for someone of Rupert's, um stature, but that's how I feel, so there. Randy sidles up to Willow to ask how it's like. "Nail-biting," she answers tersely. I totally believe she has been biting her nails.
Efficiency arrives and Faith literally flings herself up the tower. "No one is surprised that Robin and I are adrenalin junkies, nothing scares us, this is gonna be fun," she says as she rides up the elevator, she's almost bouncing, and Faith bouncing? Is a good thing.
Goldies arrive at the cathedral, get the clue and Riley is taking the Roadblock. They arrive just as Rupert finishes his safety lesson. He is the picture of determination as he starts on the walk. "Fear is mostly in the mind, once you realize that, it becomes easier to overcome," he says. He sounds like Randy. Oh my god.
Faith continues to bounce on my screen, her harness fits tight and snug around her body, I grow dizzy at her bouncing. She needs to open up her own gym when she finishes the Race, she'll get enough members who are willing to pay good money to see her conduct a step class.
She catches up with Rupert within a few strides of walking along the platform. Tara is too far ahead but her progress is swift. Talking about Tara, she sighs her relief when she reaches the end. "Not a moment too soon," she says to herself. "That was exhilarating, and very frightening. I'm glad I did it," she says as she descends in the elevator. At the bottom she is tackled by Willow in a huge bear hug and a big kiss.
"You made it!"
"I did!" Tara exclaimed as they read the clue, telling them to fly to Taipei and check- in at Taipei 101, the Pitstop for this leg of the Race. Phil voices over with the standard "last team may be eliminated" warning.
"Does Macau have an international airport?" they wonder as they run towards the taxi stand. On the way they pass Goldies, about to embark on their Roadblock.
Up at the tower, Faith is done, she quickly grabs the clue and is down on ground level. They get their taxi. "Guess it's time for the airport," Robins says helpfully. Stating the obvious much? I'm relieved at the lack of sports metaphors this leg.
Rupert makes steady progress, while Riley gets prepared for his SkyWalk.
Rupert is done. We blipvert through Riley's task so he's also done.
Macau airport. Lovebirds. Air Macau ticket counter. There is a flight at 5.35pm, we see a clock showing 5.17pm. Will they get it? Will they? Will they?
The counter agent must be in cahoots with American Airlines (booo!), he shakes his head repeatedly. "Not even without check-in luggage? We can just get on the plane, we're not checking any luggage," the girls plead. No can do, the agent insists. Hiss!
They get the next flight at 6.45pm, arriving at 8.30pm in Taipei. They have enough time to browse a Taipei guidebook at a small newsstand, but the disappointment is evident.
Efficiency at the same Air Macau counter, getting tickets for the same flight.
R.Randy leaving their taxi and running to the Air Macau counter, they get on the same flight too.
In fact, here comes Goldies. Sigh. 'Airport Equalizer' strikes yet again.
Amazing Yellow Line hardly needs to break into a sweat as it hops and skips from Macau to Taipei, literally across a narrow stretch of sea.
First out of the airport are Goldies. They hop into their taxi and tell their driver to drive to Taipei 101. The driver takes a moment to understand the frenzied shouting. "Taipei 101!" Riley yells. "101!" Buffy echoes. The driver is confused. "Speak English!" Riley yells again.
Efficiency, in the next taxi, is faced with the same problem of a driver who does not understand. I'm surprised, as Taipei 101 is a fairly well known building. May be it's the way the teams are pronouncing it. Robin is as frustrated as Riley, trying to get his message through.
I honestly think better of this group of Racers. So far we haven't had too many Ugly American incidents. Riley's tantrum at the Swiss border comes to mind, but not at the scale of say, Kendra or Flo. It's part of international travel to struggle through the language barrier, complaining that it's the locals' fault is not the way to go. Ahem, teams, you're in their country, if they don't speak your language it's probably your fault.
R.Randy fare a little better, they find a taxi driver who knows where 101 is.
Lovebirds give their driver a piece of paper that presumably has their destination written on it. "We had time at Macau airport and realized we're going to a Chinese country, where the language is very different. We bought a small guidebook that has a picture of the building and showed it to our driver, it helped with the communication," Tara explains.
Efficiency taxi gets going, finally.
Goldies' taxi driver drives off too, but they're not sure he understands. "This is like a footrace to the Pitstop, only it's in a taxi, it's vital to get to our destination," Buffy interviews.
Beautiful night shot of the 101 story tall building (hence the name, I smirk), looking like multiple cupcakes stacked on top of each other. Phil is at what appears to be the observation deck and he tells us such useful information as the building is the tallest in the world in 3 of the 4 classification categories (Chicago natives breathe a sigh of relief, Sears Tower is still the tallest overall) and boasts the fastest elevators.
Fast or not, it's essential to get into aforesaid elevators. The wait at the lobby is intense, as Efficiency, R.Randy and Lovebirds vie for a position in the finale. Unusually, none of the teams are smiling, there is simply too much tension.
Drunken careening Amazing cameraman shows the path from the elevator to Phil. Who will it be? Who? Who? Who?
It's Faith & Robin, narrowly beating R.Randy to team number one. They look exhausted, but very happy. "We're in the finale, something we aimed for from the start. I know we can do it and win the Race, we're the strongest team here both mentally and physically," Robin interviews.
Rupert & Randy are team number two. "We are determined to go all out to win, we'll stop at nothing, we're focusing on the finish line, it's the only thing we will see," Randy says.
Willow & Tara check-in as team number three. "When we applied, we honestly never thought we'd come this far…to be in the final run-in. We're going to enjoy the rest of the race and do the best we can. We've come so far now, we owe it to ourselves to push as hard as we can, the other teams shouldn't rule us out as genuine competition," Willow says.
Here comes Buffy & Riley, the last team to arrive. "I can't believe our luck, our taxi driver, I have nothing to say," Riley shakes his head in defeat. "Give is to us, Phil," Buffy pleads. Phil looks sad for a moment, then tells them that it's the last of three pre- determined Non-Elims in the Race. They're still in the competition for the $1 million prize. Of course, they are mugged and they will start with no money the next race.
So they're taking four teams into the finale. Only one team will emerge as the winners of this Amazing Race. I know I have a 50% chance of happiness next episode, I'll start stocking up on the whisky then.
Teaser for Episode 12
In the special two-hour season finale, old rivalries surface and a showdown seems imminent.
It's a mad dash amidst rows and rows of books. Onlookers look on in amusement.
"I feel strangely like I'm home," Faith quips.
And someone takes a bad fall off a bike. There's blood, there's swearing, and there's much kicking of a twisted hunk of metal.
Plus the small matter of finding out who wins the Amazing Race.
Useful links & information
Hong Kong:
Tai O
Macau Tower
We didn't exactly talk about it, because there was no need. My love and I, having agreed that we belonged to each other, decided that we would share everything from now on, even writing in this journal. It has a nice ring to it, our journal. Right now she's sitting on the bed sewing – I tore my t-shirt on the plane to Taipei, luckily it was dark and in an unobtrusive place because we wouldn't have had time to stop and change. She's good at these domestic tasks, sewing, gardening, cooking, it's like she has a flair for them. I don't mean it in a stereotypical way, or that I want to put her in a box. She is quite the domestic goddess. We joked that she'll be the one setting all the rules in our home, although I will be the one devising schedules and making lists.
Our home. Everything has an 'ours' before it now, the distinction between personal possessions have blurred, what is mine is also hers and what she owns now I also own.
She jokes that we're becoming positively socialist, to which I answered that the purest form of socialism is unconditional love. She raised her eyebrow quizzically at that, in that uniquely adorable way. Well, I'm biased, because everything she does is completely and utterly adorable. I can look at her doing the most mundane thing and I can't tear my eyes away.
The most mundane thing, Will? Even when I'm peeling off my face mask and I have lumps of blue stuff all over my face? Even when my fingers are full of dirt when I'm out gardening? Or even washing my hands, putting on socks or doing laundry?Socialism and unconditional love? Is that a new Willow-invented concept? Under true socialist ideals, the concept of monogamous relationships won't exist. If resources and production are distributed evenly with society, and extending the idea of resources to people, does it mean that I have to share you? Oh no, that I'm emphatically not doing.
Heehee, that was Tara grabbing the journal from my hands and adding her thoughts. And yes, me too, me too. I'm not sharing, no way. I'm so hopelessly in love, all I want is to feel her softness against me all the time. Even during tense moments in the Race I momentarily forget about the need to hurry, and luxuriate in how she feels against me. It's a deep sort of love, deeper than I've ever imagined possible, that I marvel at the unending amount of love that exists between us. Simple touches, a smile, a look, that was all we need, to feel it all over again.
Oh honey, how sweet! But you don't need to write me a big love letter in our journal, because what you feel for me, is exactly what I feel for you. It's so easy to write pages upon pages words that declare our love. But, my love, do we need so many words?Besides, we're supposed to be recording our thoughts on the race in this journal.
Alright, yes my love, returning to the Race. Last night was one of the few rest stops that wasn't a Pitstop. It's a different feeling. At Pitstop we have our eyes permanently fixed on the clock, the routine is set and all we focus on is the Race. Nights like last night feel more like we're on vacation. We spent much of last night talking. Small whispered words of love, and lots of laughter too. Moments like that, we could almost forget we were in a competition, I felt very close to her, without even the need for physical expression. It was enough to be in each other's arms. We didn't want to sleep at all, but we finally did.
Woke up later than expected, and was late to the task at the Stock Exchange.
eeeep, that was embarrassing.
That was bad, we can't do that again. We're almost at the final, and if we are eliminated because we were too busy making out, however pleasurable, we'll surely regret it. We joke that we should keep our private moments minimal, but then quickly decide it is impossible to do.
We'll probably be able to abstain for may be one night, cos my redhead is such a vixen.
LOL I'm a vixen? Look in the mirror my love. Luckily we were able to catch up on lost time. Today's tasks were the most physical on the entire Race. For the detour we had to climb up a tall building using a bamboo scaffolding system. I know that scientifically the structure is safe, considering how the poles are overlapped together, but they are too thin and who'd heard of using wood as scaffolding? It's hard for our steel-and-concrete trained minds to change our perceptions.
The Roadblock, which she took, was walking around the top of a tall tower along a walkway that is out in the open and with no handrails. I can imagine my legs giving out and not wanting to move, but my love did it bravely. I'm so proud of her.
I was terrified. I felt very exposed, because whenever there was a breeze the whole tower would wobble and because there wasn't any handrail, there was nothing to hold onto, except the safety wire. I kept myself going by telling myself that Will was waiting at the bottom and I had to get to her as fast as I could. *Smile* the best motivator ever.
We finished third, even though we'd been in front for most of the race. It will be a close start next leg, I think there's no more than 20 minutes between Faith & Robin and Buffy & Riley.
On my mind now, apart from Tara of course, is how we should prepare for the next leg. There are 4 teams left, which can mean either one more elimination leg (which seems unlikely, as they told us there are 3 non-Elims and we've had 3 already), or it's a non-stop leg right to the finish. The last thing Tara and I want is a footrace, because we are simply no match for the athletes in terms of running speed. We must make sure we keep our wits with us at all times.
She just asked me who our tightest competition are. Without a doubt it's Faith & Robin. They're fit, they don't make many mistakes, and they're competitive. And Tara will kill me for saying this, they're both also very attractive individuals.
I have many words to say to you, Willow Rosenberg, some of them not words you'd expect to come from my mouth. So I'll just say this, I know I'm no competition as far as Faith or Robin goes, but I hope that you'll always come back to me, cos I'll always be there for you.I think they're nice people, I suppose we share the 'unconventional' couple title with them, thankfully we haven't felt much discrimination or problems along the way. The production crew and other teams have gone out of their way to make us comfortable, and we're both grateful. I think I can go home and be prepared to face my family now.
I agree, the producers have been wonderful and the other teams haven't made us feel like freaks. To be honest there are more freaky people on the Race. That mean little Snyder for example. He's one of the older racers, but he reminds me of a whiny teenager with a bad attitude.
He probably had an unhappy childhood that made him angry at the world.
What about daddy's boy Randy, and big daddy himself? Sometimes I think Rupert is one of those uptight college professor who frequents strip clubs…as a performer. Do you know how many police chiefs and judges are into bondage? And Randy will do anything his daddy says, cos he doesn't have his own idea on what to do.
Where do you get all this information? Something I should know about? What if Rupert is a cross-dresser? What he does in his private time is his business. Randy, to be honest I don't have much impression on. After his fight with Riley I try to stay away from him.
We expect the next few nights may be hectic, regardless of outcome. We're so close, I can't help but think about the run to the finish line. I don't want to, in case I'm disappointed, but on the other hand, this is the reason we came on the Race, we have to focus on reaching that finish line.
It'll be nice to see Anya and Xander again, they've become friends, next time I'm visiting Willow we're thinking of detouring (oh my god, I'm using Amazing Race terminology) to Oxnard to visit them. I hope they're doing better while being sequestered, they were a little angry with each other, but they're so good together I don't want anything to happen to them.
In fact it'll be nice to see all the other teams. Joyce was like a Mom to us, I wonder if we'll get to meet her daughters. And to hear Lorne sing again, I hope he meant it when he invited us to Las Vegas to visit.
Well, Tara has finished her sewing and general pottering, we should go to bed now. It's a big day tomorrow, I think we're prepared. I have Tara by my side, I'm ready for anything.
Me too.
Finish line, here we come!
Episode recap
Part 1
I have to be on best behavior this recap, cos my gf and my beta have taken over reviewing and adding snide comments. I don't know how they managed to canoodle up to Sars and Wing to let them do this. {*Bonus points for using 'canoodle'…plus, you know I’m a good canoodler.*} Particularly my lovely gf. Of all the recaps she has to review, it's the one I'm writing at the bar at TARCon, sigh. [** I have my ways. Insert evil laugh here. Love, your gf. **]
Depending on who you ask, there are one or two 'countries' that are not members of the United Nations. Ever since Switzerland decided to join, only the Vatican and Taiwan are left at the little kids' table, and only if you count Taiwan as a country. I'm not even going to go into how it's known in different places. 'Chinese Taipei' doesn't really cut it, cos Taipei is a city and doesn't resemble a country. {*Can those of us in the US use the same argument for Washington, D.C.? I mean, it’s not a part of any state. Oh! And what about the Vatican? Does that count?*}
Politics aside, Taipei is the latest Pitstop in the racearoundtheworld. Shot of the orange sun disappearing behind some skyscrapers. What's up with that? {*I could give you the astrophysical theory behind it, but let’s not go there right now.*}
Eat / sleep / mingle sequence seems more tense than usual. At what looks like dinner, they sit around a large circular table, but they're doing a credible impression of pretending they're sharing the table with strangers. Like when the restaurant is full and you have to sit with other people even though you really don't want to and you try not to puke when they start chewing with their mouths open or talk loudly or pick their nose. That's the vibe I'm getting. {*Okay, bad visual…thanks.*}
No interviews, just Phil recapping the previous legs (hey! that's my job! Just because I'm at TARCon watching the finale doesn't mean you can take my job!). We see clips of each team and their downfall. Ah, how I've forgotten Darla & Angel, struggling with their computers. Ben & Glory, taking a taxi when they're told to take the subway. {*Well, those two couples are forgettable. Don’t feel bad.*} Lorne & Cordy, who lost their clue, so tragic. Joyce & Sheila, undone by a ghastly alien model. Snyder & Flutie gagging over chicken gizzards, can I say "serve you right"? April & Andrew losing the most important footrace of their lives. Xander & Anya, who got sick. And finally Adam & Oz, who bet on the fast forward and lost. {*But we’ll always have memories of Tarzan and Cheetah.*} Good times. Some of those teams, I actually miss.
What? No Buffy & Riley? Shit, they're still around, they win the prize for Team in Final Episode I Least Want to See. {*Who does?*} I'll do my best to ignore them this episode. {*Please do.*} So, shots of them begging for money, I'm not paying attention, I'd rather surf for bad taste porn, or feed my neopet, I have my laptop with me.
9.04am. Efficiency take the clue from the box and read it out loud. Immediately they learn that it's a Roadblock. Wow, that's new, the Amazing Producers are not wasting their time on this leg. In this Roadblock, the Racer has to go to a museum and help a master calligrapher produce a scroll of calligraphy of Chinese characters. {*No mention of what Faith is wearing? You’re losing your touch here. I’m disappointed.*}
Robin seems disappointed that this isn't a physical task, cos he has to do it.
"We're best at tasks that involve strength and physical fitness, that's how we've come so far. We've been great examples of superior physical ability," Robin self-congratulates. While his arms can reach Stomper size, they haven't been bad either. So, though not usually my cup of tea so to speak, I've enjoyed Robin's Stompers. I'm giving this team the Eye-Candy Award, because every time Faith comes onto my screen, I'm a complete puddle of drool, even my gf says so. [** I've yet to meet a man, or woman, who doesn't get drooly at the sight of Faith, so I'll let you off this time, just don't get your drool all over me. Love, the person you drool all over. **] {*Well, she’s not my gf, so I’ll drool all I want.*}
9.07am. R.Randy count out the money, they have $495, which is, like, wow. Why don't the Producers give them the extra $5 and make it an even $500, what difference does five bucks mean? Dorks.
"Money has been tight all through the Race. With taxis and entrance fees and guidebooks, it doesn't leave much room for maneuvering," Rupert says. {*I now have an image of Rupert and Randy 'maneuvering”'- not pretty. What’s with giving me scary visual images this episode?*}
9.10am. Lovebirds, taking a moment to be happy to be going to a museum. They run off to their taxi.
"I've seen calligraphy, it's more painting than writing," Tara comments.
"Oh, you should be doing this then," Willow replies.
"Nonsense, Baby, you'll do fine," Tara re-assures. Well, she has to say that, cos she's done her six Roadblocks. {*Can I keep these two when the show is over?*}
9.24am. Goldies. Man, the starting times are close, the closest I've seen for the start of the finale. They do the obligatory beg for money routine, I ignore them. {*Me too…I’m skipping this entire paragraph.*} If the anticipated spending for this leg is $495, they have a long way to go. Most of the begging is done by Buffy, in her Hayden halter top again, and if she denies she's using her sexuality, then I'm a lump of dodo poo. [** ewww, poo, you're just gross. Love, your gf, who really doesn't want to see you as poo. **]
R.Randy and Efficiency arrive at the museum, shortly followed by Lovebirds. The Roadblock is taken by Randy, Robin and Willow respectively. {*Technically, this is a passive sentence. It should read 'Randy, Robin and Willow take the Roadblock.' *} By my calculation, this is the last Roadblock, cos of the 6/6 rule and 6+6=12 last time I checked. [** did you have to use a calculator lol? Love, your gf, who doesn't want you to turn prematurely senile. **] {*You’re such a number freak.*}
They set up at tables on which lay long strips of paper, a bit like a whole roll of kitchen paper unrolled. {*Kitchen paper? There’s a type of paper that’s only used in the kitchen?*} The calligraphy master then teaches them how to hold the brush, dip in ink and splash on the paper. It's interesting, in a watching pain dry kind of way, {*I think you mean ‘paint’ – cuz I’ve never heard of watching PAIN dry. Is pain wet?* shuddup Car, that didn't come up on spellcheck, it's YOUR job as beta to check these things. — love, watty.} it's probably more fun to be doing rather than watching, probably cos I'm watching this while on my first martini. {*Where’s mine?*}
One thing I must say, Tara is right;, {*the semi-colon is your friend. Embrace it!*}this calligraphy
business is more painting than writing. The objective is to paint a series of characters, but
the strokes and patterns and the end result must pass muster with the master in
Robin finishes quickly {*Oh poor Faith! Come to me, Faithy, I won’t finish quickly!*} and even I can see his work is nothing like the requirements. Randy and Willow are taking more care in copying the lines and shapes.
Goldies arrive and Buffy gets started on the task. I feel like I've stumbled into a kindergarten classroom with children doing their morning painting playtime session.
First to get approved is Randy, followed almost immediately by Willow. They do a little bow to the master, like he's a little buddha, only he's like 5'9". He gives them their clues. They are to find the Eslite bookstore and hunt for air tickets in the travel section. Oh, this is the famous 24 hour bookstore, hanging out there is like the coolest teenage thing, which is gratifying if I look at it from a responsible adult sort of way. I mean, kids hanging out at a bookstore is 5 million times better than at the mall, or park, or anything else I can think of. {*But since when have you looked at anything from a responsible adult point-of-view?*}
Phil helpfully reappears, {*He’s helpful?*} and I realize I haven't commented on his beautiful deep blue shirt, it really is a most pleasant shade of blue. I'm swooning. {*Dork.*} Deep Blue Shirt explains that in the Roadblock there are four sets of tickets for the next destination hidden amongst the books, two for a flight at 9.30am and two for a flight at 10.35am. Teams don't know which is the earlier flight and will have to make a decision when they retrieve a ticket envelope whether to take it. They're also not told which airline and destination, they have to take the ticket to the airport to learn that.
Sounds inane. Well, Needle in Haystack type of task I can stomach. But it looks like
it's early morning, at most noon, and the flights are the next morning? What kind of sense
is that? Enforced rest for the racers, I no longer wish to second-guess
second guess the Amazing Producers, at least, not this close to the end. I
really don't have the energy and the view from the bar is strangely comforting. {*That’s cuz you’re a lush. And again I ask, where’s mine?*}
The bookstore is a huge, multi-story affair. They run to find the travel section and start their destruction of the order of the books. Customers at the store, quietly reading away, have their peace disturbed. Have you ever planned to spend a whole morning browsing and reading books at the bookstore? Yes? Planned for strange people in backpacks dashing around the shelves looking for clue envelopes? No? I don't think so either. {*But, isn’t that what a portable MP3 player is for? To block out the obnoxious folks?*}
Meanwhile at the painting by numbers school, Robin gets his nod and the clue. Efficiency are off. I think there's one other team in the room, but I'm ignoring them. {*Me too.*}
Faith & Robin join in the Let's Pull Books Off Their Shelves fun and games. I love these Amazing Cameramen, there's a brilliant shot of first R.Randy, then Efficiency, running past a clue envelope half hidden between two books, and they don't notice! Hello! Looking for a clue means look on the shelves, not run past them! These are the teams that have made final four? {*No comment.*}
The clue is eventually picked up by Lovebirds. {*Of course! They are the best racers, dammit!*} I'm happy. It's the 9.30am flight. I'm happier. They debate whether to take the ticket or bet their chances on an earlier flight. My heart sinks. They decide to replace the envelope and look for other clues. I'm hyperventilating.
"We know where the envelope is now, but we're not sure if it's the earlier flight or the later flight. We can't take the risk," Tara explains, while looking behind a stack of books.
We stay on them, I start to scrape my fingernails against my palm. Shortly they find another envelope behind a large atlas. It's the 10.35am flight. They share a look and rush back to the first envelope. There's a bit of tension as they seem to be lost, but they find their way back. I breathe a sigh of relief.
R.Randy find the next 9.30am clue. They decide to take it, a risky and stupid move without confirming that it's the earlier flight, if you ask me. But then nobody asked, so I'll shut up now. {*Like that will last for very long.*}
The Team I'm Ignoring finishes at the museum and heads towards the bookstore, where Efficiency has located the 10.35am clue.
Goldies locate the clue; , {*What
do you have against semi-colons? *sigh**} do I have to report that? {*It’s the responsible thing to do…but then we’ve already established
that you’re not responsible.*}
At the airport, teams find out that their next destination is Sapporo, Japan. The next clue is found at the Clock Tower. There should be some mystery to not knowing where the destination is, but it's a bit of a let down after all that effort.
Another day, another morning. Stock footage of planes taking off and landing. Teams on planes. Two Amazing Yellow Lines make their separate ways from Taipei to Sapporo, just to show how far apart the teams are.
"We're on the first flight to Japan. I've visited before on business, it's a very different
country with unique language and culture. We're fully aware of that," Tara explains. She
adds that they are aware that they are only one hour in front of the next two teams, and
one hour's advantage can disappear very fast. She tries to look butch when she says that
they're going to start being ruthless and cutthroat cut throat
now. Well, yeah, girls, you've come so far without being butch bitches, may be it's not the
time to start breaking out the power tools? {*Only if there is
jello involved…and asparagus.*}
In the other seats are R.Randy. "We've been in front or near the front for a while, I honestly can't see us losing our position," Rupert says, rather smugly. He makes it clear that he is no longer going to be 'nice college professor', and will now be, well, a little less nice. Randy smirks in the next seat, and adds his two cents about being less nice. Which will be a lot more convincing if he isn't nervously playing with the six packets of peanuts in front of him. {*I always thought Randy likes to play with nuts.*}
They arrive at Sapporo and find their way onto an airport bus to town. Phil explains
that Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido, Japan's second largest landmass
land mass. The island accounts for over 20% of Japan's land but less
than 5% of its population.
The Clock Tower, called the Tokeidai, is a symbol of Sapporo. The building is of American design, and the actual clock made in the US of A. The building looks like a timber construction found anywhere in New England. {*Lovebirds aren’t so much for the timber, though. HA! I crack myself up. I should be writing this stuff.*}
When R.Randy and Lovebirds arrive, they have no difficulty in locating the tower, despite the language difference.
"We just followed the tourist trail," Willow grinned. And boy, that place is full of tourists and their cameras. Randy especially, is surrounded by excitable Japanese teenage girls who want a picture of him, may be they think he's rock star. [** all bleached hair and craggy face, I can believe it. Love, your Rolling Stones loving love. **]
They find the cluebox next to a Kodak moment stand, and yes, there is a conveniently
placed narrow platform with clear markings where you stand. ;
{*Okay, points for trying to use a semi-colon, but that’s not the
right place.*} and your Your photographer stands at
another well marked spot, so all the tourist photos of the place look completely identical
cos they're taken from the same angle and spot. Organized? What about lack of
The clue tells them to make their way to Furano where the next routemarker is found at the Farm Tomita.
They need to decide on how to get to Furano, a pretty little town made famous by
rolling lavender hills. R.Randy decide to search for a tourist information center and head
towards the railway station. Lovebirds, employing tactics they used effectively
throughout the Race, find a luxurious hotel nearby and approach the concierge. As tactics
go, this is pretty sound, I've noticed that they don't always rely on tourist information
counters, instead they of have utilized knowledgeable sources,
while ensuring the people they ask are used to communicating in English. [** you're just
happy cos it's your beloved Lovebirds doing well. Love, your lovebird. **]
They are told the best way to Furano is by bus, and conveniently the bus station is within walking distance from the hotel. The journey is 2½ hours and it will cost ¥2,100 per person.
R.Randy, at the train station, are looking at train timetables. They exposition that the trains run every hour on the hour. The journey is 2 hours and costs ¥4,700 per person. They ask about alternate transport, focusing on taxis. What? Taxis? They don't have a bottomless well of funds, and they learn the truth rapidly. They're not told about the bus, and they don't ask. Colin or Boston Rob they're not.
The second flight arrives at Sapporo airport, which my EEFPs tell me is called
Chitose. Thank you EEFPs. They de-plane and are on the airport bus into town; the
shadows are longer, I think it's late afternoon already. I say a silent prayer that
there's there’re no airport or opening time bunching, cos I'm
really sick of those suckers.
They arrive at the Clock Tower and Efficiency take a moment to admire the architecture.
"I feel strangely like I'm home," Faith quips. "This feels like some of the houses back in Boston." Hey! It's a RAAAACE! Do the building admiration afterwards, okay? {*Okay, time to chill out. If Faith is standing still admiring the building, that’s good. Cuz then I can stand still and admire Faith.*}
Goldies, like Randy, are asked to model for pictures. It must be the blonde hair, the Japanese don't seem to know the meaning of a blonde moment. Snerk. {***groan***}
They try asking directions to Furano at the museum, but come up short. Asking for directions while trying to keep from the prying eyes of the other team isn't as easy as it sounds. Faith looks over her shoulders and glares at Riley.
"Are you following us?" she asks him pointedly.
"We're doing the same thing you are, trying to find information," he smirks.
"Well, do it someplace else, you're creeping me out," she hisses. Riley snorts, but stays put.
A confrontation between the athletes is imminent, as Faith squares up and glares at Riley. Although she is a full head shorter than him, she doesn't seem to be disadvantaged. In the chest puffing department, she definitely wins. {*Okay, FINALLY a good visual image…puffy-chested Faith…yummy.*} Where I am, at the bar, there is a hush until someone yells "Give him hell, Faith!" and everyone cheers. I'm glad to be in good company.
Buffy intervenes and takes Riley away from the stare-fest. I'd like to know what she is thinking, probably along the lines of how pissy Riley will be if he loses the stare-o- rama to Faith.
Faith & Robin breathe a sign of relief. "He's a jerk, and a liar, this is not the time for information sharing, we're so close to being eliminated we have to actively hide information," Faith says. They manage to find someone who does a credible impression of a train, so they're off to the train station.
Speaking of hate, Goldies eventually find what they want, and they're heading towards the train station. {*Die, Riley! Die!*}
Amazing Yellow Lines, together with cute little trains and buses, head from Sapporo to the middle of the island. First to arrive are R.Randy. I'm surprised, I thought Lovebirds' bus may be quicker. I tell the bartender to get me another drink. [** ahem, honey. Drink too much and I'll start withholding, and you know what I'll withhold. Love, your devoted wif– um, gf. **] {*If you’re not going to drink that, I will.*}
It's pitch dark, the town looks like one of those that shut down at 9pm, and only hobos and stray dogs roam the streets after that hour. Makes it hard to find information, such as how to get to the Farm Tomita.
"We're between a rock and a hard place. We need the tourist information office, but it opens at 8am tomorrow. We need to get to a farm, my gut feeling is that this farm is already closed, it's almost 10pm," Randy says. I don't want to know about Randy's guts or any other body parts, but he's probably right. {*But my gut feeling is that Randy likes it hard. [/snark]*}
They find an English timetable and confirm they need to take a local train that only runs half a dozen times a day. Welcome to the relaxed countryside! The next train leaves at 7.30am. Looking back, I'm not as frustrated about this bunching, because they managed to cram several activities into the day.
"The town is dead at this hour, I'm expecting tumbleweeds to fly past any moment
now," Rupert jokes. (Well, originally I have a suitably insano exclamation about
tumbleweeds, but I deleted it so my beta can snark, she loves those tumbleweeds she
does.) {*Tumbleweeds ROCK. Rupert has just gone down a
notch on my “list of people who are okay” by making such a disparaging remark.
Lovebirds have come to the same conclusion, but they decide to spend a little time exploring.
"To learn the lay of the land in case we need to come back to this town. Plus Faith, Robin, Buffy and Riley haven't arrived. We don't want to waste time," Willow says.
We see them in date mode, walking around under the dim streetlights and past darkened shop fronts, hand in hand and very sweet. I love it when the Amazing Editors give no doubt about who their favorites are, it's like they want to make a statement about it. I was actually talking to Willow & Tara at TARCon when that scene came up and there was a collective "awwww" from the people around us that totally embarrassed them. But more of that in my TARCon report, okay? {*BTW, still upset with you for hogging their time. I wanted a hug from them too, ya know!*}
Next we see them settling down for the night, as the next train arrives and the other two teams jump out. They're surprised to see the first two teams getting ready for the night, although Rupert explains about the timetable. Efficiency and Goldies are skeptical, but the professor just shrugs and tells them they're welcome to look.
They find the English timetable in question and find out the professor hasn't tried to con them.
"It's always the quiet ones, right now I'm not trusting anyone," Riley says. {*Asshat.*}
In the morning they board the Crystal Express train, which is small and cute and has large glass windows for easy viewing of scenery. They arrive at Farm Tomita and learn that they have to pick a bunch of fresh lavender, wrap it up carefully in twine and bring it to the principal of the Elementary School in Bibaushi, 10 miles away, on bikes.
The rush up the narrow pathways to the lavender fields turns into a version of Push'n'Shove, with Riley and Randy doing most of the push'n'shoving. This stupidity of course benefits Efficiency and Lovebirds. Efficiency get to the field first and set about picking their flowers. Lovebirds follow, with the idiot children bringing up the rear.
First team to finish and get on their bikes is R.Randy. I'm getting used to seeing them in front, is there something wrong with me? They're looking smug, and happy to be first. Randy does some fancy moves on his mountain bike, and earns a frown from Rupert, who tells him to stop showing off and help him find the way.
Second out, Efficiency, followed by Lovebirds.
"This is a great day for a bike ride, we're perfect for this task," Robin grins.
"We train regularly on bikes, riding long distances, to build up our stamina. 10 miles is nothing to us, though I can see how some other teams may struggle," Faith smirks.
"That's when we'll strike, swoop in and take pole position," Robin adds the obligatory sports metaphor.
Goldies are last, and both Riley and Buffy are looking mightily pissed.
"Riley, you have to stop taking things so personally! First you get into a fight with Faith, now it's Randy, it's not helping us, it's your fault we're last," Buffy yells. Oh finally! She realizes he's an asshat. {*Buffy just gained some points in my book. He’s such a wanker. (Did I use that term correctly?) – yes you did. Love, watty.*}
Phil explains that the whole area of Furano, Biei and Bibaushi is famous for rolling hills and breath-taking scenery. The best method of exploring the countryside is by bike through the well marked roads.
It feels like a mini-Tour de France, as eight Racers furiously pedal along quiet country roads. There is much panting and teeth-gritting. They're quite evenly matched, although Riley, Robin and Faith seem to be the most comfortable.
"We knew we're physically not as strong as the athletes, but for the first part of the ride, everyone decided to stay as a group, this helped us preserve energy," Willow interviews.
"But we knew that if one team breaks away, we'll have to find something deep in our reserves, so we kept encouraging each other," Tara adds.
"She kept saying 'you'll do great' to herself and to me, I love pep-talk Tara," Willow laughs. {*And Take-Charge Tara, and Shy Tara, and Vixeny Tara, and…..I’ll shut up now.*}
Teams are separated a little when it comes to riding uphill. I crack up when Faith yells to Robin as they make a break for it, "Use those muscles, He-man!" He grunts.
And now we come to the best part of the entire leg. When this came on, the other half of my brain texted me on my cellphone.
car: WOOT! Faith doing sports!!
watson: lol wait! wtf is she doing now? omg, are you looking at this? she's taking her shirt off!!!
car: my eyes are popping out of their sockets
watson: the drool here is three feet deep
car: SPORTS BRA!!!!
watson: hot and sweaty, she's so hot and sweaty
watson: look at those damp patches
car: *faints*
watson: I'm soooo recapping this…damp patches and all
car: okay…but who has the damp patches…Faith or the readers? lmao
car: or the recapper?
watson: lmao all of the above
car: and WHERE are the damp patches?
watson: *is a puddle*
"It was hot and there was hardly any breeze! So
I took my T-shirt off, it wasn't like I wasn't wearing anything underneath," Faith mock-
protests in an interview. {*Oh my giddy aunt! I would have died
if there were nothing underneath! But what a way to go!!*}
"Yeah, I think you broke the locals though, they didn't know whether to look or not," Robin laughs with her.
"Heh, I didn't break anyone who didn't want to be broken, they may look innocent and easily shocked, don't forget this is the country where hentai comics sit next to regular comics in bookstores," she adds.
Hentai, eh? So now we know what Faith's interest areas lie, snerk. [** the fact that you didn't beat an eyelid when she mentioned hentai shows where your interests are. What are you not telling me? Love, your not so innocent gf. **]
Erm, right, time to change topics. Y'all don't want to hear about my, hee, interests.
Just as well, cos next we see Riley and Randy (again, I groan) doing impressions of Lance Armstrong vs Jan Ulrich, except without the yellow jersey and giant, rock-hard thighs. {*too bad for Randy…he loves 'rock-hard' so.*} It's kinda comical, Buffy will pass Rupert, and Randy will yell "let's go, move it, Dad!" to Rupert. Riley passes Randy and Rupert does the same to Randy. No, doesn't feel like the Tour de France, it feels more like Goonies go biking.
What happens next, in retrospect, is inevitable. A combination of all that aggression, emotion, pressure is an accident waiting to happen. I had to see it several times, on slow motion, Riley and Randy were bumping wheels, pushing at each other. The road narrows a tad, Riley's bike veer out of control for a split second and next thing, he and Randy are eating concrete.
I should feel sorry for them, but I don't. I feel more sorry for Buffy, who is riding behind and can't stop in time. She ends up taking a bad fall, blood streams down her face, it looks bad. Her bike's shot, the body a twisted mess, bet her body feels like that too.
Rupert backtracks and checks on the injured. Efficiency are too far ahead to have heard the commotion, but Lovebirds, arriving shortly afterwards, hop off and head immediately towards Buffy. She is being helped by a couple of dudes we haven't seen before, who turn out to be camera and sound guys. Tara says she knows first aid (not a big surprise here) and she whips out a towel to apply on Buffy's head wound.
The camera guy takes over and tells the teams they can go on ahead, he's already radioed for help. After reassurances, Lovebirds go on their way. {*Aaaawwww gotta love those Lovebirds! This is going to cost them time, though.*}
Randy meantime, is cleaning off his own cuts, he has a nasty gash along his right arm and his T-shirt is ripe for a laundry detergent commercial. His tire is deflated, so he and Rupert work together to get it mended.
Riley in the meantime is trying to see if his girlfriend is fine, and he's asking about replacement bikes. To be honest, Buffy doesn't look like she's in any condition to continue riding, although the cut may be look worse than it actually is. {*He’s still an asshat.*}
"We're told we won't get time credit, but replacement bikes will be provided, I don't know whether it's worth continuing," he says dejectedly.
"Let's go on, I don't want to give up now, we're so close," Buffy says from her comatose position on the ground.
To his credit, Riley argues that they're so close to the pitstop, he doesn't want Buffy to hurt herself more than necessary, cos the other teams are surely too far ahead. She argues back that she wants to go on, even if it means elimination, cos she wants to finish the leg.
"Are you sure?" Riley asks.
"I am," she says, and it's final. {*Okay, more points for Buffy.*}
No, Riley hasn't redeemed himself in my books, he has been too much of an asshat. But in these last few minutes, he has shown that he cares for Buffy in his own way. {*He’s afraid he won’t get consolation sex, that’s all. Wanker!*}
The last shot in this segment is of him kicking the twisted hunk of metal that was formerly Buffy's bike.
It's Phil! He is explaining that the elementary school at Bibaushi, with its triangular tower, is one of the most famous landmarks in that area.
Efficiency arrive first, to no one's surprise, and hand over their lavender bunches to a stern looking woman who is apparently the principal of the school. Faith has put a T-shirt back on, probably figuring she doesn't want to cause unnecessary heart attacks. {*Bummer.*}
They are handed the next clue, which instructs them to ride approximately 2 miles to the Takushinkan photo museum featuring the works of Shinzo Maeda. This is the last Pitstop, the last team to check in, according to Phil, may be eliminated.
[** I have to add, Maeda-san's works are completely out of this world, he spent his lifetime photographing the scenery around his home town of Bibaushi and Biei. His winter and summer works, wow. Click on the calendar link below to appreciate the full wonder of his work. – w's gf **] {*I have to add…I have nothing to add.*}
Lovebirds are next, shortly followed by R.Randy. Looks like the professor and son has caught up a little ways.
The principal lady continues standing at the entrance of the school, waiting for Goldies.
And waits.
And waits.
And tries not to recoil when two filthy and broken people drag themselves up to her to get the clue. I'm beginning to feel a little bad for Goldies, though it may be the martinis. {*Definitely the martinis.*}
After riding 10 miles, 2 miles must seem like a breeze. Efficiency approach the photo museum and run excitedly up to Phil.
Congratulations, team number one. They win a matching pair of cars, oh boy. I'd thunk by this stage of the race, not being eliminated is prize enough. I'm not too bothered, cos by that time I'm too engrossed in Faith's bouncy bits, and having gulped down four martinis and stolen a whole plateful of olives, nothing bothers me anymore, *hic*. {*At least I’m sober enough to remember the bouncy bits in the morning.*}
R.Randy check in as team number two. They must have passed Lovebirds on the way.
Lovebirds are team number three. They're happy to be where they are, even if I want them to muster up more aggression and really push the other teams.
Goldies ride slowly to the Pitstop. Riley helps Buffy off her bike and to the Amazing Bathmat. They have a conversation with Phil about her injury, she says the medics checked her out (for her injury only, they didn't check her state of mind) and she'll be fine. Phil doesn't mince any words, and they're Philminated.
"Of course we're disappointed to be out so close to the grand prize, but we take comfort in knowing that we gave 200%," Riley says. 200% of what? Annoy this recapper? Give a bad name to professional athletes? {*He has a great future ahead of him…I predict his How to be an Asshat in 12 Easy Steps is going to be a big hit.*} Buffy bugged me less this ep, and I feel bad that she's hurt. It isn't the fairest way of being eliminated, getting injured and trashing their bikes, but teams have gone out on less, the Race is random like that. I'm still glad they're gone, cos out of the four remaining teams, they are the ones least deserving to be still in the Race. Call me harsh, call me biased, whatever, that's my honest opinion. {*Few will disagree.*}
And judging by the cheering at TARCon when they meet the wrath of Phil, you'd think someone has WON, my opinion isn't way out of whack. {*Told ya.*}
Now come the obligatory interviews where everyone says the same thing. Repeatedly. Faith & Robin are like they're the strongest and fittest and have the most consistent record, so they will win. Rupert & Randy are like everyone wants to win, some more than others, and that's them, so they'll win. Willow & Tara are like they're so happy to be in the final three and they're going to race hard until they reach the finish line. So yeah, they'll win too.
It's a million dollars! It's a thrilling race to the finish! We're not done yet. {*You will be if you don’t cut back on the martinis.*}
Useful links & information
Eslite bookstore
Sapporo Clock Tower
Farm Tomita
Shinzo Maeda's
Calendar with photos by
Mr Maeda
Episode recap
Part 1
I'm getting nostalgic already. Phil is on the screen and I'm tearing up cos it's the last time this Race he will be doing introductions. I grab a handful of napkins from the bar, I know I'll be needing them, cos it's going to be an emotional ride. {**As long as you’re grabbing things, get me another beer…I need something to get me through the rest of this.**}
Phil reminds us that we're in Hokkaido, where the natural beauty is world famous. I wonder if he has a different interpretation of 'natural' as I do, cos most of the beauty of the Hokkaido countryside seems to be cultivated, with planted lavender fields and wheat fields and muchly human touch. But it's the last time this Race, so I'm not snarking on yummy Phil. {**You won’t, but I will. I wonder how much hair gel Philly-boy used to get that “natural” look this morning.**}
I pause for a moment to take stock of the final three teams. Interestingly, we have a mixed gender / race team, an all-male team and an all-female team. We've never had this combination in the final three. The last 3 TARs had heterosexual couples in the final three. Good for diversity stats. {**Oh, anything for the numbers!**}
12.13am. Efficiency, in tight, white outfits that totally bring out their muscle tones and curvy bits, {**Mmmmm…Faith’s curvy bits. This is a good day**} rip the clue for the last time and reveal that they are to make their way to Victoria BC, pick up an Amazing Car and drive 10 miles to Butchart Gardens where the next clue will be found next to a 'Karen Blixen'. It's neat, to tie it up with a name from a previous leg, but what is a 'Karen Blixen'?
Phil to the rescue, explaining that 'Karen Blixen' is a species of white rose, one of 250 types found at the world-renowned Butchart Gardens, which is 101 years old, occupies 55 acres with 400,000 flowers, and attracts over 1 million visitors a year. {**Christ on a crutch, what is with the numbers?**} Yes, all that information in one breath. He rocks. {**Should that last sentence read “He is a rock”?**}
They run off towards the train station, voicing over that they realize how isolated the countryside is, especially with the lack of taxis, but it's only a couple of miles to the train station and they're perfectly able to jog there.
"The first train to leave Bibaushi is 6.34am, everyone will get on that one, we have 6 hours to the station," Robin says. Let's hope this is the only bunching we will have (though I'm not holding my breath). {**Please don’t. You’re already an interesting shade from all the martinis.**}
On paper, Faith & Robin are the team most likely to arrive at the finish line first. They have been consistent, physically strong, and haven't made any glaring mistakes. They have a tendency of not aggressively working the travel arrangements, so let's see how that pans out.
12.28am. R.Randy puzzle over the flower clue too. In the spirit of describing their clothing (this is the last leg after all), I realize I haven't noticed what they wear at all throughout the race. Now that I'm making an effort, I know why, cos they're wearing clothing that are simply non-descript. Some short-sleeved shirts and pants, the sort you get at Woolworth's. Nothing worth noticing.
Rupert interviews that he is one of the oldest racer {**racers**} to be in the final three (that's true, only Asshat Ian from TAR3 is older) but he is psyched up and not feeling his age. He says that he counts himself lucky to be given the opportunity to bond with his son; and how he has enjoyed the company of the other teams. He is sincere when he says that, and I admire his graciousness.
This is my Team Who of the race. All of a sudden, they're in second position at the start of the final leg, having come 1-1-2-2 in the last 4 pitstops. They haven't done anything spectacular, or spectacularly wrong, Rupert has mainly carried this team with a mix of intellect and willingness to take calculated risks. {**He’s gotta do something to make up for Mr. Hollow Cheeks.**} I won't be surprised if they cross the finish line first, I might stifle a yawn, but I'll clap along politely.
12.40am. Lovebirds. Now, this is clothing I want to describe. No rojak clothing, though I would have chuckled, no T-shirts with numbers on them, instead they're in the cutest olive green T-shirts with a koala print on the front and koala footprints printed on the back, that they must have bought from Taronga Zoo. Couples wearing the same clothing usually make me cringe, but Lovebirds can do no wrong, and they're so damn cute in those T-shirts. {**C’mon…that’s it? How do they fit? Are they tight? How tight? And where are they tight? Can you tell the temperature?**}
They interview that they were told they are the highest placed all-female team, beating the Bowling Moms who came 4th in TAR5. Whoo-hoo! They say that although it's a honor, they try not to think about things like that, cos it's hard to give a good response apart from "it's true, we're an all-female team." I crack up at the subtle humor. [** I want them to add a "so what" at the end, how awesome will that be? Love, your gf who occasionally can come up with a witticism. **]
They share that they're already happy about coming on the race, because they achieved what they wanted to do, which is to become closer to each other. My eyes mist up as they share a look and a little smooch on the cheeks. Awwww. They get my Aren't They the Cutest Pair Ever Award.
I want them to win, even though their record suggests that they're more likely to come in second or third. They have been the team most successful in getting better travel arrangements, even though this Race hasn't been that difficult in that respect anyway (uh oh, famous last words!). Task-wise, they've done okay, again not spectacular. {**Not spectacular? Don’t you remember the Zorb? Or Super-Girl and Lara Croft? If that wasn’t spectacular, then I’m straight. Pardon me while I bask in the memories and drool a bit.**}
I can see they're excited. {**So the t-shirts are tight! I’m sitting in a puddle of drool…among other things.**} Willow absolutely beams as she reads the clue and count out the $380 they have for this leg.
Final word about the three teams. This is the first time since TAR1 that I have a final three where I'll be satisfied regardless of who wins. I have my favorite, but if the athletes or the professor & son win, I'll raise my martini glass and salute them all the same. I know from painful experience how the final outcome can be scuppered by a lying American Airlines agent, an incompetent Miami taxi driver, or just fog, so I'm trying to be as open minded as I can.
To their credit, this Race has been run cleanly, and mostly with respect. No Ugly Americans, no Her Royal Assness Princess Tantrums, no Screeching Banshees, for which I'm grateful. Surprisingly few villains that the Amazing Editors could focus on, only Snyder and Riley fit the bill. I can argue the teams are a little meh and unspectacular, it seems to be a recurring theme this Race. Well, I can argue, but I won't. {**Now there’s a first. Someone call Ripley’s!**}
Morning. The sun peeps over the rolling hills of the Hokkaido countryside. Three teams at a tiny railway station, the type that has one hut that serves as ticket office and waiting area. In contrast to the last Pitstop, they are in good spirits and friendly towards each other. They're congratulating each other on getting this far and saying may the best team win. Next they'll be snuggling up in their warm blankets by the fire, singing kumbaya and sharing water pipes. {**Oooohhhh snuggling…in tight t-shirts. More drool.**} Yeah, dude, like, dude.
[** remember the postcard from the guy who moved to California that went:
Dude,Dude. Dude? Dude!
- dude
courtesy etherfarm. Love, your loving dude. **]
Right on time at 6.34am, the train arrives and teams pile in. Randy expositions that the journey will take 3 hr 20 min and they will reach Sapporo airport at 9.54am. {**Well, well…Hollow Cheeks can think with his brain.**}
"I wish we weren't so in the middle of nowhere, we had 6 hours to kill and nothing to do. We didn't come to the station straight-away, we stayed at the pension trying to look for flight information, but they didn't have internet and no one available on the phone," Willow bemoans.
"Will was too spazzed out to sleep, hopefully she can get some rest on the train," Tara sooths. {**I’d be spazzed without internet too!**}
On the dot of 9.54am, the train arrives at Chitose airport, it's a toss up between the Swiss or the Japanese as the nation most punctual.
Run! Run! Run! Up the escalator, loudly shouting "excuse me," that's Faith & Robin. They head straight for the JAL counter, immediately in front when they hit the top of the escalator. "It's an emergency!" they shout. I never like that, none of the "I have a sick child/mother/goldfish" that Racers have spewed over the years is palatable to my stomach. If TAR keeps scores, this will earn deduction points for Efficiency.
The ever so polite, but stickler for rules, ticket agent lady informs Efficiency that the earliest flight out of Chitose to Victoria is at 10.30am. She looks at her watch repeatedly and asks her supervisor in rapid-fire Japanese, but she regrets to inform that she's unable to let them on the flight, because the gate is about to close.
Efficiency beg and beg, but as many a Racer have learnt, Japanese bureaucracy is as immobile as Mohammed's mountain. [** or Bill Clinton proclaiming "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Love, your not politically minded gf. **] {**Or Michael Jackson insisting he’s not a white woman.**}
In a rare flash of compassion, she books them on the 10.40am flight via Osaka (Kansai) and Vancouver, this flight has been delayed till 10.55am, so they have time to run to the gate.
My EEFPs, having done the research, helpfully detail the route:
R.Randy meanwhile, is at the next counter along, which is the ANA counter. They find a 12.35pm flight via Tokyo that connects to Seattle. At Seattle they have a short window to transfer to an Alaska flight that takes them to Victoria at 11am. They ask the agent to hold the tickets then run over to the JAL counter, where Efficiency are just finishing. The compassionate JAL lady tells them about the Osaka flight, but they compare arrival times at Victoria, and decline the offer. They look smug as they go back to the ANA counter. {**Okay, really, when don’t these two look smug?**}
"Sometimes it's not the earliest departing flight, with a complicated flight plan like this one, it's essential to be thorough," Rupert explains.
Thanks, EEFPs:
They have reason to be smug, but 20 minutes' transfer time at Seattle, that's cutting it very fine. If they miss the connection, they have to trek back up to Vancouver and won't reach Victoria till after 1pm.
Lovebirds are at the International Flights Counter. They find out more or less the same information, including the short layover scenario at Seattle. They ask the agent how possible it is to catch that connection and she answers that it's not very feasible. She explains that United and Alaska are at different concourses at Seattle-Tacoma, and they won't make it before the gate closes.
They book themselves on the same Tokyo flight as R.Randy, but they connect to Vancouver and will be on the same flight as Efficiency.
My lovely EEFPs again:
It's a tough decision, whether to take a risky flight. Perhaps at this late stage of the Race it is time for risk taking, but what are the possible repercussions if something goes wrong? There are no right or wrong in these scenarios.
Two Amazing Yellow lines make their way from Sapporo to Tokyo and Osaka.
At Tokyo, Lovebirds are having another debate on whether to switch to the Seattle flight. Willow is being logic girl.
"What we know: Rupert & Randy's arrival time in Victoria. What we don't know: Faith & Robin's though I'm almost certain they took the Osaka or Nagoya flight to Vancouver. If we keep with our original plan, we're neck and neck with Faith & Robin, if we change, we're competing for first place with Rupert & Randy. But, Tara, I'm too uncomfortable with the short connection."
"I don't like it either," Tara agrees.
"I'd rather try to make up 26 minutes than possibly losing 2 hours," Willow declared. {**Logical women are so HOT!**}
And so they board the 5.25pm Air Canada flight to Vancouver, where they will meet up with Efficiency.
Meanwhile, on the Seattle flight, R.Randy are turning on their charms. Randy flirts, sucks his cheeks in and general pretends to be a movie star. While Rupert does his distinguished gentleman act. What does that give them? An upgrade to first class and assurances that they'll be first off the plane, oh my god.
Do I wish Lovebirds are there too? May be. But that's the thing with hindsight, it's always right. If they stand by their decision not to take the risk (and they did, even at TARCon), I'll stand by their decisiveness. {**Can I just stand by them? Really REALLY close by them?**}
Victoria is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I have to tell you this. {**Why do you have to tell us this? Hmmmm?**}
11.10am. R.Randy lands. They find their car and Randy makes this stupid comment about how great it is to be back on home turf. He exposits that no, he has nothing against the great countries they've visited, but [insert lengthy back-pedaling speech that tries to be diplomatic about other countries but makes him look even more like an ass]. I cringe. {**But the real question is…was he sucking in his cheeks again? Okay, wait…that was a stupid question. We know the answer.**}
Rupert, who is driving, makes a face like he just ate a piece of spoiled meat. He's cringing too. Despite all the exultations these two throw at each other, sometimes I can tell why they haven't spoken to each other for so many years.
It's a ten mile drive from the airport to Butchart Gardens, which considering the distance they've traveled so far, is akin to a hop and a skip. They rush off to the gardens' information center, called cutely the Plant Identification Centre, to inquire about 'Karen Blixen'.
11.30am. Efficiency and Lovebirds land and easily find their cars. Efficiency are a little ahead, Robin exposits that they're neck and neck, even though they don't know where Rupert & Randy are. Faith, who has been fairly subdued this leg, yawns through his musings, and doesn't respond. Do I sense a little KF?
In the Lovebirds car, it's a different atmosphere. They're singing! Or rather, Tara is humming and Willow is trying valiantly to keep up. They're so cute. I'm so biased.
"I slept like a baby on the plane, I decided to not worry about Rupert & Randy and the Seattle flight. Plus I'm hopped up on chocolate and caffeine, so I'm feeling extremely energized," Willow is trying to bounce up and down in her seat at the back of the car. {**No comments about Willow’s bouncy bits? I’m disappointed.**}
"The amount of chocolate you had, I can't imagine your blood sugar level now," Tara laughs.
"Well, my body clock is all twitchy, and it's telling me I need sugar," Willow pouts.
"It's dinnertime in Japan, your body clock, if it's still on Japan time, should be telling you to have dinner, not chocolate," Tara deadpans.
"Chocolate is its own food group, I can have it for any meal," Willow continues her energetic good humor. It's infectious. {**Can I rub up against her so I can get the infection too?**}
As they arrive at the gardens, it starts raining but their energy level is still up. [** they say if the weather's lousy in BC, wait ten minutes. Love, your umbrella toting gf. **]
They too, find out about the need to proceed to the Rose Garden.
R.Randy are already there, searching through the 30,000 rose plants for the routemarker. Rupert, fittingly, is the one to spot it, and he retrieves the clue quickly. They are to drive 120 miles to the Mount Washington Alpine Resort, located at the center of Vancouver Island (not to be konfused with Mount Washington in NH). The next clue is at the bottom of the Eagle Chairlift.
Randy takes his turn at the wheel, and starts describing himself as a 'wicked bad-ass' driver, and snarling in what he thinks to be a bad-ass attitude. I roll my eyes. I was watching this sequence with Hera and she was like "What is he smoking?" It has taken me 12 episodes to grudgingly come to terms with this team, and he fucks it up in one fell swoop. Great. Just great. {**Oh, be honest. He fucked it up in Episode 1.**}
Back at the Rose Garden it's Lovebirds who find the clue next, they wisely hide the clue envelope and walk away from the area, away from sight from Efficiency. Normally such sneakiness will earn a mild eyeroll from me, but this is the final run, plus it's my favorite team *swoon*.
No matter, Efficiency find the clue just as Lovebirds drive off.
More Amazing Yellow lines trace the progress of the three cars. And then we're subjected to false tension as the editors try to make us think Lovebirds and Efficiency are having a race to the death. {**Can I be in charge of mouth-to- mouth for all the girls?**}
"Come on, Car. COME ON, Let's Go!" Tara urges. {*Oh yeah, baby!! Music to my
ears! **} Heh, Duel shoutout. Well, except for Robin
as scary truck driver and Tara doing an impression of Dennis Weaver, that's what the
Amazing Editors are trying to emulate. Snerk.
After all that fake tension, it's still R.Randy in the lead. They reach the bottom of the chairlift and find the cluebox. It's a Detour. In this last Detour teams have to choose between Ride for a Million or Drive for a Million. In Ride, teams go horseback riding along 3 miles of marked trail in the mountains; the trails can be treacherous, but once the Racers master the horses they should finish quickly. In Drive, they play a round of disc golf, and have to card par or better on the par 31, 9-hole course. No particular skill (apart from knowing how to throw a frisbee) is needed for disc golf, but needing par doesn't leave room for errors.
Oh my. Talking about disc golf, I found this disc golf game, and I can't stop playing. Help! {**Have another martini…you’ll do better.**}
R.Randy decide to do horseback riding. "We've both ridden before, not very well, but should be sufficient for this task," Rupert states.
They mount their steeds {**Okay, again with the scary images – Rupert and Randy “mounting” – please don’t do that anymore.**} and are on their way gently. At first the going is tough, as they pick their way along a narrow, steep trail and with unfamiliar horses. Randy grunts his way and grips the reins tighter, {**No grunting from Randy! Eeewww!**} Rupert is a little more relaxed and naturally assumes the leader position, as he has been doing all Race. Randy has pulled some weight this Race, but nowhere near his father. Right now, he is channeling Princess Kendra, he is fidgeting uncomfortably and constantly adjusting and re-adjusting his straps. (No, not those straps, gutterbrain.) {**Steal my thunder, why dontcha!**} Rupert glances back and tells him to get his act together, oooh I love it when Rupert gets all ripper-y. {**At least there’s one butch player on their team.**}
Randy is like, his feet are uncomfortable, feels awkward. Not sure why he's making a big deal out of it, he needs to stop being such a prissy nancy-boy.
Meanwhile Efficiency arrive at the chairlift. They head for the stables immediately.
"Who wants to be throwing frisbees at wire baskets? That's so, so, frat house," Faith smirks.
"We used to play something similar, only we used scrunched up paper and trash cans," Robin grins.
They're astride their horses and trotting within minutes.
"Ride for a million bucks!" Faith does a little war cry. I wait for her to bring out the war paint and battle-axe. {**Bouncy bits! What about the bouncy bits? You’re losing your touch.**}
Lovebirds at the chairlift with the Detour clue. Willow's face blanches when she reads, and she looks at Tara with pleading in her eyes.
"I'm scared of horses. Seriously petrified. But we agreed on the drive up that we'd take the quickest tasks, whatever they might be and even if it was our greatest fears. And it turned out to be my greatest fear," Willow interviews.
"Will, you've bungy jumped, you've climbed up bamboo poles, you've stroked a baby leopard, you can ride a horse for 3 miles, I'll lead," Tara re-assures her.
"But…" Willow spluttered.
"Sweetie, the horseback riding is quicker, if we do the disc golf we may fall further behind, we're in third place, we have our work cut out for us," Tara reasons.
"I could easily calculate in the wind coefficient and determine the correct degrees to tilt the disc and just the right amount of wrist flick that would be needed, it's not rocket science. We won't waste time on the disc golf…please Tara?" Willow begs.
Tara, hands on hips, gives her a short silent stare.
Willow gulped visibly. "Horses then, But if I lose an arm, it's your fault, Missy."
"Sweetie, if you lose an arm, I will gladly give you one of mine…come on," Tara says as she points toward the horsie task and waits for Willow to walk ahead of her, so she can keep an eye on Willow and make sure she doesn't run away.
Why hello there, Take-charge Tara, I like. And dude, is it just me or does Willow look TOTALLY turned on right now? Guess that's one way to get her mind off horses. [** noooo, dude, you're not the only one. Love, your understanding gf. **] {**Take-charge Tara would turn me on.**}
Awww, when they get to the corral, Willow is still freaked, but with Tara's steady hand on her elbow and gentle guidance she climbs on the fence, and from there hops onto the horse. She's very tense, but Tara is as reassuring as, wow, she's a good rider, cos she leads both horses onto the trail and makes very good progress.
Say what you will about me being biased, but I'm seeing someone who has a very real fear, and the support she gets from her partner in overcoming this fear, it's admirable. Usually with fears like this and trying to overcome them, it's a matter of mental preparation and gearing up for the event. Willow has, what, 10 minutes preparation? And people question why they're my favorites? {**What people? Point me at ‘em. I’ll give them something to question!**}
R.Randy are at the end of the trail and they get their next clue, it tells them to fly to Sunnydale CA, the FINAL DESTINATION of the Race. They are to locate the Hellmouth and stake some vampires. Oh boy. Stake some vampires? WTF? {**That’s kinda…kinky. Can they show that on prime time TV?**}
They hurry back to their car. "Back to Victoria," Randy says.
Efficiency reach the end of the trail and get the same clue. "Oh, I'd like to kill me some of those bloodsuckers. Wicked," Faith says.
"Let's go then, killer," Robin says.
Not long afterwards, Lovebirds arrive at the marker, with a less uptight, but still wigged Willow led by a very assuring Tara. Tara helps her partner off and Willow quickly scampers away from the horses. Poor Willow, she looks like she has been walking through hell. {**She ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! Look out Sunnydale!**}
They find the Sunnydale clue and head back to their car. When they are almost at their car, Willow grabs Tara's hand and pulls her towards the Lodge office.
"Let's check out the ferries, we can drive across to the mainland and head directly towards Vancouver," she explains. Oh, she is a sharp one, recovering so quickly after having the bejeezus scared out of her.
They grab timetables from the front desk and find their car. Tara takes the driving while Willow checks the timetables. "Willow is better and faster at research than me, we also have an Air Canada timetable from the airport counter, she'll find the best route," Tara beams, high on love. She reaches her hand behind to grasp Willow's.
Willow grins like an idiot and reaches out to squeeze Tara's hand. These two are as twitterpated as lovesick teenagers. Hee. [** I have to give you points (and hugs and kisses) for using twitterpated. I can be nice. Love, your very fair gf. **] {**You’re too nice, watty’s gf…"twitterpated" is sooooo last decade.**}
"Timing isn't right, for the ferries. It's better to go by air, there's a flight every hour on the hour to Vancouver, we can find flights to California from there," Willow says after a while.
"You ever visited Sunnydale?" Tara asks.
"No, but I know what the Hellmouth is, it's an amusement park, horror themed, with monsters and what-nots," Willow answers.
She voices-over that she is the only Californian in the final three but as she hasn't visited Sunnydale she doesn't know if it'll be an advantage or not. Every little helps, she says at the end.
Phil appears and I discretely wipe drool off the corner of my mouth. {**Discretely? Puhlease! Here, let me hand you this double-terry, super-sized bath towel.**} He introduces the Sunnydale Scary Monster Amusement Park, where rides and games feature monsters and demons. In this task, teams have to play a type of laser tag, aka Q-zar, where they are in pursuit of a vampire through a dark maze and have to 'kill' the demon using a laser gun acting as stake.
A couple of Amazing Stand-in Models does the run, hide and stake routine and the whole thing looks superduper fun. The maze has a warehouse-y atmosphere to it, with obstacles, corners, walls, nets and walkways. It feels like the lair in Blade Trinity. {**Still can’t believe they made that movie.**}
Phil, in a black leather jacket that makes me want to reach into the screen and grab it, {**Hands! Hands!**} explains that each team will be assigned a vampire to hunt and stake. After they dispatch their vampire, they will get the next clue.
Amazing Yellow Lines trace the progress of the Amazing Cars down the length of Vancouver Island. Randy exposits that ETA at the airport will be past 8pm. It's totally dark when they arrive, Randy again helpfully is the talking human clock as he chimes "8.15" when they exit their car. {**Please don’t degrade Cogsworth by referring to Randy that way.**}
At the counter they're told the last plane to Vancouver leaves at 9pm, but there are no more connecting flights south that night. They purchase their ticket to Vancouver and decide to work the airport when they get there.
Efficiency and Lovebirds arrive almost simultaneously. They share a small wave to each other at the carpark entrance and Robin even has the courtesy to let Tara go first past the barrier. Two observations: 1) Tara must have hauled ass driving down, cos they left Mount Washington behind Efficiency; 2) Tara really hauled ass driving down, cos Robin is a "wicked, bad-ass" driver, as Randy will say. {**Less talk about Robin’s ass, and more about Tara’s, please.**}
Everybody get on the 9pm Vancouver flight.
At Vancouver airport, the teams work to secure flights to Sunnydale.
"There are no direct flights, so we have to find the best connection. And without letting the other teams know what you're doing, it's very cloak and dagger," Rupert says.
Efficiency anchor themselves at the Air Canada desk. They find flights to Los Angeles and San Francisco. The LAX connection is tight, like 15 minutes tight, but it gets them to Sunnydale at 10.45am, if they miss it the next flight from LAX arrives at 12.25pm. The SFO connection is even more dramatic, they have one hour to make it by road to San Jose, arriving at Sunnydale at 11.34am.
They ask the desk agent if those are the earliest flights to arrive at Sunnydale, and he says yes. And they BELIEVE HIM…without checking out other airlines. They get tickets for LAX, asking the agent to help guarantee they get on the connecting flight, even if they have to hold the plane. He sounds dubious, cos dude, a 15-minute connection? Are we, like, in the Twilight Zone now?
"It's very important," Faith says and blow me down with a feather if she's not using her deepest, lowest, most sultry voice, and looking like she's pushing her boobies out at him. If she weren't so, attractive and well endowed, and if I haven't been drooling all over her, I'd try to be indignant about flaunting sexuality, but she has the goods, so she can flaunt them all she wants. {**Can I get that towel back from you?**}
R.Randy are at another Air Canada desk and are told the same information. They have the presence of mind to ask the agent to check other airlines. The agent replies that she doesn't have the information, but she gives them the telephone number of the other airlines. Is she allowed to do that? Isn't that uncompetitive? Let's hope her boss doesn't get to know about this. [** or may be they are allowed to refer to other airlines, it's basically an oligopoly anyway. Love, your occasionally-able-to-spew- economics-talk gf. **]
Lovebirds are, quelle surprise, at a computer terminal. {**Smart chicks are so HOT! Can you sense a theme? **}
"I'm focusing on specific destinations from Vancouver. The earliest flight out in the general direction is Houston – but nothing from Houston to Sunnydale. The LA and SF fights look like our best bet," Willow explains while concentrating. She has like, 6 tabs open on her browser and taking notes with pencil and paper.
Tara looks over at the other teams. "They're at the Air Canada desk, they're probably looking at the same LA/SF flights," she reports.
"Oh! 6am departure for Salt Lake City on Delta…no, no can do. Gets in at 12.46pm, that's even later than the second LA connection. Hmm, Phoenix…Wait! Horizon Air via Seattle. Yes! Gets in at 10.25am. Now what's Horizon Air?" Willow continues her research. I'm very impressed.
Turns out Horizon Air is part of Alaska, the things I learn. I need to make a list, to keep track. Man, I need Willow's notebook.
Vancouver 6.50am –> Seattle 7.40am / 8am –> Sunnydale 10.25am on Alaska
Vancouver 7am –> LA 9.40am / 9.55am –> Sunnydale 10.45am on AC then UA
Vancouver 7.10am –> SF 9.27am / 10.30am –> Sunnydale 11.34am on AC then AA,
with a change from SFO to SJC
Vancouver 6am –> Salt Lake 9.09am / 11.55am –> Sunnydale
12.46pmam {**Shouldn’t that be
“pm”…cuz, otherwise…LONG ass flight!**} on Delta
It's the final day. Final flight. Final everything. I'm getting sentimental. Today, one of these teams will go to bed rich and famous. Or so we're led to believe. Rich, yes. Famous? Don't know about that. I'd like to take Anya up on her offer, to calculate exactly how much the prize money they keep after taxes.
Lovebirds are heading towards Seattle.
"There was an unspoken understanding, the teams gave each other lots of room and didn't speak about where and when we're leaving in the morning. We boxed our backpacks to send home, we're traveling with the bare essentials," Tara explains as they board the Seattle flight in high spirits. I'm surprised R.Randy aren't on, thought they may have found it while calling the other airlines.
At the Canada gate, both Efficiency and R.Randy are boarding the LAX flight. They wonder about Lovebirds, and I sense a little trepidation. {**Be afraid…be very afraid.**}
"I thought Willow & Tara may be on the same flight, they're not even on the San Francisco flight, which leaves from the gate next to ours. I'm worried that they found a better flight that we completely overlooked," Rupert says with concern.
"Right now our only concern is to get the connection at LA," Robin says.
Cut to Seattle. Oh my god. The flight to Sunnydale is delayed by 45 minutes because of weather. {**FUCK! FUCK! DAMN! SPIT!**} Delayed! HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO ME? And, weather? Gimme a break. How is it possible to put a time to weather conditions? Don't think we're stupid. Most of flight delays that are blamed on the weather are mechanical failure (they don't want you to think you're getting on a defective plane), crew schedules (the first officer got plastered again and was found with his hands firmly on the bosom of the chief cabin attendant) or air traffic (in airline terms bumper to bumper just doesn't work). ARGH! I'm frustrated, I have a bad feeling about this. {**Make that two of us. Pass me a martini.**}
So my poor favorite team's lead is gone. Why does it always come down to the last flight on the Race? Colin & Christie got creamed by fog; Rob & Amber by a pilot who suddenly decided to re-open the doors even though the jetway had already retracted. I feel like hanging up my recapper hat, I'm that bitter. [** Hmm, the view here over by the Pyramids is super, I'll join you. Love, your gf who is as bitter. **]
There's a glimmer of hope at LAX, where the Layover that Makes No Sense is underway. Efficiency and R.Randy charge out of the plane.
Randy in a voice over explains that both teams left their packs on the plane, so they are not hindered by baggage. The crew also radioed ahead for them so the American flight doesn't leave without them.
Now this is too fucking good to be true. The crew going so much out of their way to help passengers make a connection? Let's say the people making the connection are, well, Joe Bloggs and his wife, will they do the same? Of course not. CBS has such an airtight non-disclosure agreement that we'll never know, but with the show in its 8th season, a group of people including camera crew asking for a special favor? Yeah, that's incentive, they can look forward to telling their grandkids about that one time when they helped these famous (or is it infamous) people win loadsamoney. {**Smarmy Bastards! Someone get me another drink.**}
They make the flight. I rest my case.
At Sunnydale they hop into taxis and head towards the Hellmouth, which apparently is located where the high school used to be. So they replaced a high school with an amusement park, nice (not).
R.Randy reach the park first and head towards the vampire slaying maze. They're kitted up in vests with laser sensors and a stake-gun. They head towards a Matrix-like screen where they watch a file of the 'vampire' they are 'hunting'. They get a ditzy blonde with a high voice and quick movements called Harmony.
They are told they have 6 lives each and if they lose 6 lives, they have to go back to the control center to be 're-charged'. It's all very high tech and looks really fun. [** You said that already. I get the hint. Love, your playful gf. **] Randy says that he feels like James Bond, well, okay, has James Bond ever hunted vampires? He needs to get his superheroes right. {**Randy is shaken, not stirred…his brains, anyway.**}
Efficiency arrive and get kitted. They get a fugly mofo by the name of Luke. They will be in the same game area as R.Randy but they are to only stake Luke.
These games are taken very seriously. The elaborate setup, the settings, the atmosphere is very realistic. In other words, it does a good job of being the final task.
The different styles of play come through. Rupert is cautious and prudent, constantly looking over his shoulders and around obstacles. Randy is much more impetuous, but like the rookie in a typical cop show, follows his leader well. Robin and Faith are pure gung- ho and displays very little vigilance; {**SEMI- COLON!**} Robin soon uses up his 6 lives and have to take the time-out.
Meanwhile Lovebirds land and hustle into taxis. They update us that they're not sure where everybody else is. I'm all teary. This is so unfair.
It's R.Randy who stake Vampire Harmony first, we get a funny onscreen special effect of her turning into bits of dust, well, it's just the image, the actress does a credible impression of shock and then falling to the floor. It would have been hilarious if I'm not so sad. They get the clue telling them to go to Musical Park and follow the flags to the finish line. {**Where the fuck is my martini?! If my glass is only half full, fill it up!**}
Efficiency stake Vampire Luke and they're off. The Amazing Editors make it like they finish together, I can't blame them for trying to add tension. Man, I so don't want to sit through this.
My last glimpse of my favorite team at a task. They look as cute as when they were at the SMUT Bunnies set, ah, good times, I smile. [** you mean drool. Love, your gf who is drooling with you. **] They apparently have to hunt a vampire called Drusilla. I snerk at the name, I don't know why, it just sounds like a crazy name. Or I'm still deep in Egypt. {**You’re deep in something. You should have worn boots.**}
R.Randy cab. "Faster, please. Drive fast, I'll pay you," Randy urges his driver.
Efficiency cab and they're doing the same, giving all their money to their driver so he steps on it. "If we catch up, we're going to win," Robin says.
At the very pretty park, by the lake, at the bottom of a bridge, there's Phil on the Amazing Giant Bathmat. And in two lines leading up to the AGB, the other teams clapping, cheering, craning their necks.
Last ditch effort to create suspense, as we get a Racer's view of getting out of a cab and running into the park. It's Rupert & Randy, they run up to Phil, and they win. {**@%&$*@&%*#(%!!!!! I NEED ANOTHER DRINK! MY iPOD FOR A DRINK!**} There are hugs and slaps on the back and handshakes and more hugs. Rupert gives a little speech about how much they have enjoyed the Race and it's been a privilege to meet everyone, he hopes that all Racers have learnt something about themselves, like him and his son. My bitterness is tempered by how articulate and gracious his acceptance speech is. {**Only because Randy kept his bleedin’ mouth shut!**}
Faith & Robin run up, to much louder cheering. There are more hugs and backslaps and kisses. They congratulate Rupert & Randy for running a good race ("how the hell did they manage it," Robin is thinking to himself) and talk a little bit about how they showed that they are a good team. Faith even mumbles that she can see them looking at their future together. {**But he finishes quickly! She’d have a better future with me. I have stamina.**}
Willow & Tara arrive and they get the loudest cheer, both from the Racers and in the bar. In fact, the cheer is so loud at the bar I could barely catch what they say. Phil asks if they achieved what they came to achieve and they're like yes to a million degree. They give us more reason to cheer cos they launch into a giant smooch. {**Details! DETAILS! How long did it last? Was there tongue? Did either of them cop a feel?**}
Anyway, Rupert & Randy are the winners, and everyone pretends, albeit reluctantly, to be joyous. They haven't been bad racers, they just haven't been outstanding. But for a bad stroke of luck and last leg flight blues, the end result would have been so different.
Yes I wanted the finish order to be reversed – my favorite team first, the most consistent team second and the inoffensive but boring team third. Well, c'est la vie. It wasn't the worst result that could have been (that would have been Snyder & Flutie, Buffy & Riley and April & Andrew), but it wasn't great either. {**It sucked. Just say it!**}
And that's all I'll say on the subject. Until next season, take care. {**I need a drink.**}
Useful links & information
Pictures of Butchart Gardens
ren Blixen rose
Mount Washington Alpine
What is disc
Things at the finish line were a blur, they hardly had time to stay on their feet, let alone catch up with their friends. Production whisked them off immediately for meetings and de-briefs. After what seemed like 15 hours but was probably closer to two, they were finally allowed to go up to their hotel room to freshen up.
They had never been so relieved to find themselves in a hotel room, which said a lot since they'd spent the last 30 nights in all sorts of sleeping environments. Soft music played from the entertainment center, the lights were at just the right brightness, the sight of the crisp white sheets and soft downy duvets drew them to the bed.
Willow took a giant flying leap and was sprawled diagonally on the bed in no time.
"Hmm, this is my idea of heaven," she let out a giant sigh and closed her eyes. Sleep threatened to creep up on her immediately.
"So, I'll leave you to enjoy your heaven while I take a much needed shower, okay? May be it’ll wake me up a bit," Tara said. She was looking forward to the shower, very much, and began to make her way to the bathroom.
"Oh no! No Tara means no heaven! Come to me," Willow opened one eye and beckoned to Tara.
Tara looked back at her partner. Willow was so cute, peeping at her with that expectant pleading expression, and the beginnings of a pout on her lips. How could she resist? She kicked off her shoes, sat at the edge of the king-sized bed and untied Willow's sneakers, casually dropping them on the floor. She slowly lowered herself until she, too, was stretched out on the soft mattress. Willow turned sideways to face her, and soon their lips found each other in an unhurried, sweet kiss.
"We made it, we finished the race," Tara murmured.
Willow was still for a moment. Then she pulled away, took an imperceptible breath. "Yeah," she said, and looked away.
Tara frowned, propped herself up on one elbow and placed her hand on Willow's arm. "Hey," she said softly.
"It's okay," Willow's whisper sounded far away, even though they were almost touching. "I'll be fine in a minute. Why don't you take your shower? I'll explore the room," she said as she rolled off the bed in one swift movement. She held one hand out to help pull Tara up to a standing position.
"Will, are you –" Tara's worries were stopped by a kiss.
"I'll be fine. Just need the jabbering monkeys in my head to settle down," Willow smiled thinly, propelling Tara into the bathroom. "Now, if you don't get showering, I'll be forced to take you into the shower myself."
Tara joined in the attempt to lighten the atmosphere. Not that it was heavy, just a little…blue. "And that's bad because?"
"Because if we shower together, we'll end up in the big soft bed and we won't leave it for 72 hours and that's in contravention of item #42 on that golden handcuff contract we just signed," Willow said.
Tara smiled and did as her love said. As the first drops of the steaming hot water hit her aching shoulders, she let out a groan of appreciation, and felt the dust and strain of thousands of miles of travel slip from her. She scrubbed herself clean, and stayed in the shower longer than was necessary to enjoy the feeling of the cascading water. She had never felt so refreshed.
I needed that.
She wrapped herself in the soft, thick hotel bathrobe. When she returned to the room Willow had discovered the computer and was working on it intently. As soon as she heard Tara, she looked up and a slow smile appeared.
"I see you've wasted no time," Tara teased.
Willow grinned as she stood up. "It was calling out to me. Do you want to play? I'll take my shower."
"No, I'll just watch TV and wait for you," Tara said as she settled down on the bed, grabbing the remote from the bedside table.
Willow took her turn in the shower, alternating between scalding hot and bone- chillingly cold water. It felt good, very good. The contrast in temperatures was like her non-stop mind, alternating between happiness and sadness. We finished third. God, if only our plane hadn’t been late.
As she reached for the shampoo bottle, she noticed the cap was already off. Tara, it’s not like Tara to leave the cap off, she must be really tired. She smiled as she thought of her love. I have Tara. The rest doesn’t matter. She stood under the water again to rinse the shampoo from her hair, and felt the disappointment roll off her body as she watched the foam spiral down the drain.
Tara was asleep when she stepped back. She stood at the side of the bed and lovingly studied her lover and said softly to herself, "Oh Tara." She reached out and gently covered Tara's hand with her own, and she felt salty tears well up in her eyes.
"Will," it was so faint, she felt rather than heard it.
With eyes still closed, Tara reached out and pulled at Willow's robe. They kissed, and neither wanted to stop.
Hands soon found their way inside the loose robes; they slid down the bed, skin pressing on skin. They hadn't stopped kissing, and as one, put more urgency into the caresses.
"Need you now," Willow growled.
"Now, yes," Tara responded. And almost screamed when Willow licked behind her ear.
Their robes were in a state of disarray, the soft terry cloth providing extra friction as they quickly found a rhythm together. Their legs and thighs locked in the now familiar pattern that sent jolts of pleasure deep inside them.
Hands inched down towards heated, throbbing, pleading, aroused places.
And then they were interrupted.
"No, not now," Willow protested at the sound of the bell.
"Did we order room service?" Tara wondered out loud.
"No, should we ignore it?" Willow moved to kiss Tara again.
The bell rang again.
Tara gave Willow a loving (but chaste) kiss and extracted herself. She tied her robe up tightly and answered the door. Willow was so disgruntled she didn't bother to cover herself, so Tara made sure the view into the room was blocked.
After a few brief words, she thanked the person at the door and closed it with a soft click.
"Our presence has been requested," she said.
They thought that they could slip into the party unnoticed. But of course they were overwhelmed as soon as they stepped in. Network Executives and reporters swarmed around them, offering congratulations and fishing for sound bites. They spent an exhausting hour with a fixed smile on their faces and their arms ached with the constant handshaking.
Finally the attention turned elsewhere and they breathed a sigh of relief as they looked around the room for their friends.
Anya, of course it was Anya who was the first to reach them. She threw her arms out, one over Tara's shoulders, one over Willow's, and squealed her pleasure.
"Ooof! Anya, Hi!" Tara returned the enthusiasm, clearly overjoyed to see the woman she had gotten close to during the past few weeks.
"You look good," Willow said to their former ally.
"I’ve been lazing under sun, eating three decent meals a day and sleeping in 12 hour stretches," Anya grinned. "You don't look so bad yourselves, considering you just finished racing around the world. Did you hide these sexy little dresses in your backpacks all the time?"
"No, Ashley had them delivered to us, our backpacks are in transit from Vancouver," Willow explained.
"We sent our bags on separately, wanted to come to the last sector as lightweight as possible," Tara added.
"What's this about a lightweight? Talking about me behind my back again?" Xander joked as he came up to them with a tray of drinks and snacks, giving each a friendly peck on the cheek. He'd filled out a little, and he was looking relaxed and even chirpy.
They found an empty table and sat down. Around them, other racers and crew were catching up with each other in the relaxed atmosphere.
"So, what happened?" Anya asked.
"What what happened?" Willow countered.
"You know, everything since Australia," Anya emphasized by waving her arms out in a giant circle. "All the dirt, how did Buffy get that nasty gash on her head. Why are you only third?"
"We're happy about third," Tara said, not sure what direction Anya was going.
"You missed out on the million! How can you be happy?" Anya frowned.
"It's not just the money," Willow pointed out.
We have more, we have each other.
"Oh yeah, you get $25,000, is that confirmed?" Xander said. Willow nodded in affirmation.
"I still want to know everything, how close were you?" Anya continued.
"We haven't talked to the others, but we were on the flight that was supposed to get in first. Then it got delayed in Seattle," Willow recounted.
"So you could have come in first if not for the delay? Were you flying American?"
Willow smiled thinly and shrugged. "Look, it was like any flight we've taken during the race, it could have been early, it could have been late. Last thing we want to do, Anya, is the what-if thing," she said, a little tersely.
Tara reached over to take Willow's hand, giving it a loving squeeze in reassurance. Willow squeezed her back gratefully.
Anya looked like she was going to continue; luckily they were interrupted by the arrival of Joyce, April and Andrew. They looked well and tanned. Joyce seemed to have adopted the two youngsters as her own children. Everybody exchanged hugs and were genuinely happy to be in each other's company.
A short time later, it was only the two of them. Willow leaned back in the plush seat with a drink in one hand, holding Tara close in the other.
Tara rested her head on Willow's shoulder, linking their arms together. She sighed.
"You okay, Baby?" Willow asked.
Tara smiled. "I'm happy, Will. I should be bitter at how unlucky we were, but right now, I'm feeling like the luckiest girl in the universe. I'm high on adrenalin, but I feel at peace. Are you okay? Still unhappy?"
Willow thought for a moment. "No, I'm fine now. The shower and having you with me helped. I know what you mean about the adrenalin, I feel buzzed, like I have so much residual energy I need to use it up, like do a roadblock or something," Willow said.
"That's one of the things I love so much about you, you have so much energy," Tara said.
"You give me balance, you're my calming influence," Willow replied, pulling Tara closer.
"Calming influence? Forcing you to ride a horse even though you're petrified of them?"
"It worked out though. Plus you offered me one of your arms."
"I did, and I always will, even though that sounds gross. I'm glad it worked out, we got to the airport quickly," Tara sighed. "I think we'll be avoiding Seattle airport for the rest of our lives."
"Yeah, we'll boycott it forever. I can't help it, Tara; I am disappointed that we lost our chance to win because of something so small. Hopefully it'll go away when we crawl into bed and I can do wonderful things to you for the next 72 hours," Willow sighed.
"Really? What sort of wonderful things?" Tara smirked.
"You have to ask?" Willow beamed back.
They basked in the blissful comfort that they were sharing the same thoughts.
"You won't be –" "– too tired?"
They spoke together, and the sentence ended up overlapping. They giggled at the coincidence; they were having more and more of these moments.
They lapsed into comfortable quietness again.
The party continued with other racers coming up to them to catch-up and add their congratulations. Mainly they hung out with Xander & Anya, or simply by themselves.
There was a photo session with Rupert & Randy and Faith & Robin. Everyone looked nice, cleaned up and in nice clothes. They visited with Buffy and were relieved that the blonde athlete was fine. The gash was only skin-deep, and would heal soon. Buffy looked sad though, so Willow spent a few minutes chatting with her, trying to cheer her up.
Naturally with the free-flowing alcohol and the residual excitement of running an intense race, the party quickly turned boisterous. A drinking competition became an impromptu karaoke picnic.
Lorne kicked off with a beautiful rendition of something from a musical they felt they should know, but the name of the song and the show were just beyond reach Cordy, Glory and Darla mouth-synched to Lady Marmalade, making a great show of the catchphrase 'voulez-vous coucher avec moi'.
"They must have practiced this when they were at the resort," Tara commented.
"Look at the pout when they sing the chorus," Willow laughed. "I never thought Darla and Glory could be so provocative. Cordy yes."
"We didn't get to know them that well," Tara replied. "How's Buffy?"
"She's sad at something, more than just not winning. I think something is up with her and Riley."
"They need to either mend their relationship, or make a clean break."
"I exchanged numbers with her, we should keep in touch."
Before Tara could answer, Willow nudged her and pointed at the stage and giggled. Randy had strutted on stage and started singing tacky 70s songs. He was very bad, out of tune and his dancing was befitting his drunken self. There were boo's and hisses coming from all corners of the room but the more he was heckled, the more motivated he seemed to get.
They endured several Randy squeaks before Rupert stepped in and wrenched the mic from Randy mid-song. The crowd cheered. A smart soul decided to put an end to the karaoke and open up the floor for dancing.
"Shall we?" Willow asked.
"Dance? Let's sit this one out," Tara said.
"No, not dance. I was thinking we could go back to our room."
"Thought you'd never ask."
What started as lazy kisses in the elevator, with small looks and feathery touches, quickly grew in passion and desire. The elevator ride was short, and it was only half a dozen doors down the corridor to their room; but the feeling of want, for the woman next to her, grew with each step until it was almost unbearable.
The door had barely closed before Willow had Tara flat against the closet door. Trembling fingers tried to loosen unfamiliar fastenings, the temptation to just rip the material apart was all too evident.
"Let me, you'll tear the dress, it probably cost more than our prize money," Tara had the sense to caution; she was amazed at how rational she sounded.
"Clothes. How I hate them," Willow punctuated each word by an ineffective pull at Tara's dress, all her usual nimbleness seemed to have taken a headlong dive into a chant of 'want Tara, want Tara' that obliterated all other thoughts and actions.
Tara groaned as Willow gave up on the dress and started running both hands up and down her bare arms. She barely contained a shiver that sent goose bumps all over her. "Oh this is impossible. Will, please. Let's get ourselves organized," she said as she grasped Willowhands in hers. The air was thick with their simmering passion and lust, but a part of her knew she had to keep a cool mind for just a few more minutes before she could let the emotions loose.
"Wha?" Willow squeaked, her brain functions conspicuously missing.
Tara took a deep breath and thanked the goddess for a calm mind honed from years of meditation. "Take a deep breath with me, and undress yourself, can you do that?" she asked an obviously still confused Willow.
Willow found enough sense to nod, and was out of her clothing in a flash. So much quicker that she pounced on Tara before the blonde was barely able to get herself 'organized', smashing their lips together in an animalistic growl.
"Ooomph," Tara squealed, as she felt herself falling into Willow's arms on the soft bed. She kicked the final piece of bothersome clothing off herself and turned her attention to her lover. They felt the urgency building, and soon the only thoughts remaining in their mind were of the raw need for each other. Recollections of the Race, the travel, the result, all faded into the background, scattered out of their minds like the clothing flung haphazardly on the floor.
They were face-to-face, mouths and tongues alternating between soft gentle nips and deep possessive kisses. Mapping the contours of welcoming warmth, of now familiar places and tastes.
Warm. Moist. Sweet.I’m kissing you.
More, more, more.
They were breast to breast, puckered aureoles surrounding hard, sensitive nipples like a worshiping halo. A hand crept to cup the underside of one breast, and goose bumps spread deliciously from the touch. Another hand reached round and pulled already tightly pressed bodies into an even closer embrace so there was nothing between them.
Skin. Smooth. Intimate.I’m touching you.
More, more, more.
They were feet to feet, thighs and legs and ankles intertwined in an erotic tangle of interlocking, squishy parts. One leg wrapped around hips, wet centers opening and touching each other. Stiff, sensitive nubs searching, craving the friction that would bring immeasurable pleasure.
Slippery. Strong. Sure.I’m feeling you.
More, more, more.
They were palm to palm. Reaching down, as one, towards the wet, needy, throbbing folds and feeling the arousal within. Heated fingers finding their way inside hot, smooth, welcoming passages. It was easy, so natural, to find their rhythm. Eyes closed. It was like they were floating on a soft bed of air, carrying them to a place that was their own private heaven.
Dreams. Bright. Deep.I’m floating with you.
Now, now, now.
They were inside. Their rhythm growing in intensity. Their breathing became shorter. Heartbeats thumped their anticipation. The heady sensation spread from the tips of stroking fingers. The inevitable explosion. Then numbness. The scream of joy was as unrestrained as it was intense.
Walls. Clench. Change.I'm coming.
Yes, yes, yes.
They were together. On the edge of sleep. Cocooned in the protective shield of the duvet. Floating down from their place above, back to the comfort and warmth of each other's arms. Murmuring loving words, enjoying the tiny jolts of orgasmic fire that still buzzed through them.
Love. Soft. Safe.I'm holding you.
Mine, mine, mine.
So, tradition dictates that I should start with shoes. {**Since when to you hold to tradition?**} My shoes. Dayum. You want to know what shoes I wore to TARCon? {**I'm sure they don't…but you're gonna tell them anyway, huh?**} My brand new red Camper boots, that's what, and they were a blast, cos everybody commented on them. I'd like to think it's because of how attention grabbing they were, but the Chicago contingent said it was because I looked like a complete dork. Yeah, well, what do you Mid-Westerners know about hip European shoes? {**Speaking just for myself…very, very little. Praise be all the deities in existence!**}
Hip or dorky, they were comfy. And it made standing outside in the line to get into the bar so much more bearable. {**So did the flask you had in your back pocket.**} Yeah, the bouncers didn't give me preferential treatment, I was going to complain but I couldn't be bothered. I was attending with my beta and the rest of our entourage {**Or, was it a coterie?**}, on the way there I insisted that we made a special trip to the Papaya King on E86th Street for hot doggery {**Doggery?**} goodness. {**Far too phallic for my tastes…I had a Diet Coke.**} Just as well, cos that was the only solid food I was able to scrounge that evening. Yeah, the bar service was great, the non-stop martinis even better, but what was totally lacking? Snacks of any kind. [** Or may be the Couch Baron ate them all. Love, Sars. **]
[** No snark from the Chief Snarker on how long the cab ride was, all the way uptown, and to a corner store that had barely any standing room? Was the Diet Coke spiked? **] {**And why should I snark on that? I had Therapist Mary on my lap! Yay for crowded cabs! I think she was discussing limited omniscience in fiction, but I'm not sure. I was too busy trying to keep from drooling. The cab ride could have lasted longer as far as I'm concerned.**}
I still don't understand how Car could have gotten Sars and Wing to okay the bringing of almost the entire Chicago contingent. {**I have many skills.**} I mean, I'm glad that Cam and Kathy came, but what was the point of bringing Cam when she spent the whole night playing with her little pretend people in the hotel room? {**Cam likes her pretend people better than she likes us…but Ang said she really needed a weekend alone with the kittens, so I didn't have a choice.**} A little devil in my head is telling me that Car's after my job, and I'm about to get pink slipped to a sunny Caribbean resort (which isn't bad, really) or thrown unceremoniously out on the street (which is bad, terribly bad, really). {**Well, I do need a new job.**}
We met up with the organizing committee, aka All the Marys. There was Therapist Mary, who gave me advice on how to keep my sanity while recapping (get someone else to do it and claim the credit), there was she's-so-excited-to-be-moving-away-from-KC Mary, who showed a tremendous amount of agility and willingness to abandon the gift table at the drop of a hat (well, I did offer her martinis), and there was Snarky Mary, who obviously wasn't Sars cos she was hanging out with Sars all night. Makes me wonder if she's, like, Sars' long lost twin, or perhaps djb in drag.
They totally went bezerk with the grab bags this year. May be they got sponsorship or something. {*I heard they were leftovers from Ubercon 05, they just scrubbed off the Xena labels and put TAKR ones on.*}
I'm normally shy in person; {**You and your semi-colon phobia.**} I can't maintain eye contact with people I only just met. So I spent the first part of the evening hiding behind Car {**I'm easy to hide behind…my breasts alone could provide shade for a small village.**}, at one point I said to her, "can you pretend to be me and I can pretend to be your servant who brings you drinks?" She was like, "just pretend you're in chat, that'll shoo the shyness away." I was like, "I'm supposed to talk to people using smilies and abbreviated sentences and extreme sarcasm? Did you bring the tumbleweed?" {**I should have let her be my servant.**}
I decided the cure for shyness was martinis. Lots of them. All sorts of flavors, from the classic Cosmopolitan to apple and chocolate and even lychee, I didn't care. I didn't have a reputation to uphold anyway. {**Nope…you tossed the reputation away somewhere around episode 3.**}
Al & Jon pounced on me immediately. It was nice to catch up with them, but that early in the evening, their boisterousness were a little overwhelming. They were a hit when at the talent show segment though. Oh yeah, there was an Amazing Talent Show, held very late into the night, when everyone was completely wasted, more about that later.
It felt weird, a TARCon without the old gang, Frat Drew got married and promptly forgot about his friends, Kevin was quote*busy*unquote, Rob & Brennan, Team Guidos, I'd given up on those folks long time ago. Thank god for Ken & Gerard, my dear BaldSnarks. Zach and one of the twins were there, they told me they were doing some presenting gig together for the Golf Channel. That's so, um, cool, I said (I was trying to be polite). I wanted to ask Zach what he thought of the 6 roadblock per person rule, but decided against mentioning anything that might spark Flo memories.
Lynn & Alex were holding court at a table far far away from me. [** But not far enough away from me, I wanted to 'accidentally' spill my beer all over Lynn. – Sars. **] They tried to catch my eye all night to get me to go over to talk to them, but I studiously unfocused every time my eyes strayed to that corner of the room. I'm sure they're nice people, well, Alex anyway, but they're such hypocrites, deriding Rob & Amber about being publicity whores, then having their own wedding on live broadcast (okay, it was radio, but probably cos no TV station was interested).
Thank goodness Patrick came up to me and we shared some chit chat about life in general. He looked really fresh and happy, less intense or depressed as before. He hinted at a new relationship, and was soon blushing all over when I started questioning him. How cute.
I was high on Dutch courage and introduced myself to several of this season's Racers. Well, my aim was to get close to Faith, Willow and/or Tara, all the other introductions were a disguise. I was stoked that some of them knew who I was. {**Oh good…they listened when I said, “make watty feel important.”**} Andrew had his camera with him and he forced me to make faces onscreen {**So, you just stood there like it was any normal day…got it.**}, he was working on a new film project. He was also sporting the Lucas-Spielberg-Coppola-wannabe bearded look that was pretty ridiculous. Plus, his beard needed cleaning, and I was mere inches away from it. Sigh, the things I do for my job. {**The things you do for a grope, you mean…I know why you were trying to get close to the hotties.**}
Adam was even taller than on TV and looked very nice in shirt and tie; Oz didn't appear too short unless he was standing next to Adam. Oz had purple spikey hair that I couldn't take my eyes off. I expected him to be quiet and sensitive, but he turned out to be quite talkative. We talked about music, rather, KC (or is it Oregon) Mary and Oz talked about music and I stood there fingering my martini {**”fingering your martini”?? Isn't that a little personal?**} and wishing there were more free snacks at the bar, in other words acting like a fool trying not to sound stupid. {**So you were concentrating really hard, weren't you?**}
Buffy was really pretty, in stylish boots and her hair all teased with copious amounts of hair products. She was tiny tiny tiny, would have given Kylie a run for her money anytime. Riley was a no-show {**I had three drinks in celebration of his absence.**}, I heard they weren't together anymore, to which I say to Buffy, "You go, girl!" She spent an inordinate amount of time talking to Randy though, or rather, she didn't pull a disgusted face when Randy sidled up to her and tried to monopolize her. {**He's rich, he's famous, and he's good for making Riley jealous…cuz you know he'll find out that Buffy and Randy were talking. And Buffy knows it too.**} Later I saw her in a group that made up of Lorne, Survivor-Colby, an Idol wannabe whose name I'd forgotten, and that bitch "You're fired" Erin. Dayum.
There was a lot of cheering during the show itself, which was nice. Cheering when Willow & Tara got the earlier flight. Cheering when they were doing the date thing in Furano. Cheering when Faith almost socked Riley. Cheering when Faith took off her shirt. {**There was drooling, too. How could you forget the drooling? They had to resupply the napkins and paper towels in the joint.**} Cheering when Goldies were Philminated. {**That wasn't cheering. That was more akin to “Can I get a ‘whoop whoop'?!”**} Yep, lots of cheering. And that was just the first hour.
Most people were rooting for Faith & Robin or Willow & Tara. Two loose fractions formed, each trying to out-cheer the other whenever those teams were present on screen. {**I think I did a pretty good job cheering with both factions.**} There were oooh's and aaaah's when they were at the mountain resort and they all went riding. More cheering at Vancouver airport, but disbelief at the weather delay at Seattle that sealed the Lovebirds' fate. {**Was I the only one to notice Willow and Tara during this moment? They looked at each other and smiled. And then shared a gentle kiss. It was very sweet. I think I went into sugar shock.**}
Conspicuously missing were the cheers, or any sort of substantial reaction, when Rupert & Randy won. There was a stunned silence. Some hissing. But mainly a sort of resigned groan followed by indifference as people returned to drinking and chatting. People didn't seem to care. {**I was too busy drinking.**}
In the middle of the second hour, I had a discussion with Debra on, of all things, bookshelves. {**Oh, she showed me a picture of those shelves! I drooled.**} Interesting that I'd be talking to the head writer on the one of the most popular reality programs and we ended up talking about bookshelves. I was supposed to be in awe of her cos of her status, but once we got talking about furniture, it was like a dam was broken and we had a lot of fun. We talked about planning for a joint furniture making / carpentry project at some point in the near future, it'll be great. {**I overheard some of this discussion – the material they plan on using is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I can't wait for the finished product.**}
A plain, earnest youngish man came up to me and started explaining that he and his sister weren't stupid and he wished people would stop treating them like idiots. It took me a minute to switch onto that this was Ben, and he was talking about taxigate. Um, well, I'd forgotten about him. {**Um, well, hadn't everyone?**} I nodded attentively as he started explaining again about how tired they were, and it was only human to mis-read something. {**Nope, I tried to think nice things. I can't. He's stupid and I will continue to treat him like an idiot.**} He was beginning to creep me out, I looked round desperately for help, but Car was again rooted to the spot where Faith stood {**She was by the bar! I needed a drink! Coincidences happen, ya know!**}, Cam was nowhere in sight {**playing with her imaginary friends.**} and the Marys had disappeared to replenish the grab bags {**Or maybe she was just looking for someone to grab…she did have a few martinis, too.**}.
Hera, sweet sweet Hera, simply walked up and said something to the effect of, "Hey, I'm Hera, how're you doing?" and deflected Ben's murmurings. I was so grateful to her, and then she gave me this wink that made me want to give her a big hug. {**You should have given her a big hug. I think pinching her ass in thanks made her feel a little uncomfortable.**} She was doing fine, she kept in touch with Don and Mary Jean and visited them oftentimes. She felt like she was their grand-daughter, she had this warm twinkle in her eyes when she spoke of them. I'm so happy that some racers were able to form such close friendships after the race.
Phil couldn't make it. {**I did the dance of joy.**} I was utterly devastated; {**I wasn't….and you still need to figure out this semi-colon thing.**} I was so looking forward to picking his brains on the effect of having hot women on the Race on ratings. {**A) What brain? B) I can tell you the effect…the ratings will go UP!**} He didn't even send me apologies *sniff*. He sent apologies to the Marys, but not me, me personally. I hate you, Phil! {**'Bout time.**}
The Couch Baron tried to console me by doing an eyebrow pop and talking in a hideous Kiwi accent that he must have picked up in London. It only showed me how there could only be one Phil in the universe. {**At that's already one too many.**}
Faith was hot. HOT. H-O-T. {**
**} She
was constantly surrounded by people wanting autographs, to talk to her, touch her, breath
the same air as her. One of whom was Car, of course. {**Yeah?
So?**} She didn't fool me. She claimed I abandoned her all night –
{**Did not.**} truth was, she was too busy oogling Faith to take
much notice of me. I mean, she texted me when Faith appeared in her sports bra on the
bike ride. Texted me, from across the room, didn't even bother to walk over to
where I was permanently attached to the bar {**I didn't need a
drink right then.**}, cos she was too busy hanging onto every word Faith said,
her eyes fixated on Faith's bouncy bits. {**I have no
I actually ran into the hot one in one of my rare away-from-the-bar moments. {**Yeah, when you finally realized that incontinence was NOT an attractive quality.**} She squinted at my nametag and a wide grin broke out. Now that made me all melty. {**Sure it wasn't the martinis?**} I asked her many things, none of which I recall, because she touched me! She took my elbow when we were talking; she was a much warmer person than her sex bomb image suggested. The only thing I remembered about our conversation (apart from the touching) was her mentioning that she was doing a series of promotions for her gym and invited me to visit her whenever I was in Boston. Usually I prefer to fly business, but for going to see Faith, I'd take coach any day, so Sars, how's about it? {**Sars, see how she feels about flying cargo.**}
After the show they hooked up with Taskmaster Chris via satellite. {**WOOT!**} He was wearing a t-shirt that said 24 hours in a day…24 beers in a case…Coincidence???. He talked about how awesome it was to go be involved with the Race, making the special effects videos with the Racers. {**And getting that kiss on the cheek from Faith…he didn't say it, but I know he was thinking it.**} When asked if he had more footage of the videos, he explained that those were owned by the producers and the only ones he's seen on the internet are vidcaps of the Race itself. Someone pushy asked if he knew there were copies elsewhere; I was pretty sure he knew, judging from the indulgent smile on his face, but he tactfully declined to give any more information.
Later, someone presumably from the Amazing Production indicated that there might be merchandise associated with the Race and they didn't rule out action figures or posters. If the dvd ever see the light of day, I'm hoping the extended footage includes all of what was filmed in Sydney. {**If I can see Tara and Willow in Smut Bunnies costumes, I'll be happy to put in my pre-order now.**}
Lychee martini tasted like cough medicine. {**This is why I stick to beer.**} One glass and I swiftly moved on to regular flavor. There still weren't enough free snacks on the bar.
Look at me! I managed to get through more than half this recap before mentioning Willow & Tara, cos I knew I'd get carried away once I start. {**You? Carried away? Never! (Could you smell the sarcasm?)**} First thing, they were beautiful, in elegant, non-rojak clothing. {**Definitely elegant. And chic. With just a hint of sexiness – not over the top, but just enough.**} And I'm not a very perceptive person, but they seemed so in love, with the little touches and not leaving each other's side even though that would have made interviewing more effective. {**Okay, someone with the perception of a goldfish could see they are in love.**}
My absolute favorite moment this TARCon, well all TARCons, was chatting with them when the Furano sequence came on screen. There was a gigantic "awwww" reverberating round the bar, and they got so embarrassed and turned matching shades of pink.
"We should be used to it, complete strangers coming up to us to shake our hands, wish us luck. But this <indicating the big screen> is so embarrassing," Tara said.
"It's so weird watching ourselves," said Willow. Turning to her girlfriend, she asked, "Do I really sound like that?"
Tara nodded. "That's how I want you to sound, sweetie," she reassured. {**sniff**}
"Have you ever heard yourself speak?" Willow asked me.
She asked me a question! {**So? I got her email address. **}
"The first summer my girlfriend and I were together, she had to go home, so we recorded all sorts of things we wanted to say to each other on these microcassettes, and we carried those small dictation machines with us constantly," I gushed. [** way subtle to tell Lovebirds you're "on their side". Love, Sars. **] {**The Dork-o-meter just went off the scale. I think you broke it.**}
They laughed, and we talked for a while. They were house hunting in California, having decided to move there together. But they were in no hurry; {**sigh, semi-colon, watty, semi-colon.**} they were staying with friends in a small cramped bedroom, living out of two suitcases.
"Reminds us of some of the pitstops," Tara laughed.
Oh man, I wished I lived in LA, they could so come and stay with me.
I was also sensitive about not asking how they felt about the Seattle flight delay. {**You were sensitive? The martinis finally did some good.**} But horror of horrors, Xander & Anya swooped in and spoiled my private moment with my favorite team. They looked very well, almost prosperous. To my untrained eye, Anya looked a little pregnant, if you asked me. {**We didn't.**} She bluntly greeted me as "the one with the snark, I like you." {**Hmmm….maybe I shouldn't tell you what she said to me. Might make you feel bad.**} I didn't really know what to make of her, she had a much more gregarious personality than onscreen, and very direct. She was the one who instructed me to not mention the weather in Seattle. I mean, I wasn't going to, and now she was the one who brought it out to the open. {**Oh, okay…I'll tell you. She said to me, “Xander and I lost orgasm time once you came on board with your snark. I just couldn't stop reading! Though, since Xander doesn't take that long, I guess we didn't lose much time after all.”**}
They totally hijacked the conversation, but I'd had a few martinis by that stage and wasn't in the best talking mode anyway. {**And how is that different from any other time?**}
"Well, how's the house hunting going?" Xander asked.
"We're not in any hurry, want to see as many properties as possible before making a decision," Willow answered.
"Move to our neighborhood, it's cheaper, and it's only an hour from LA," Xander pointed out.
"You just want us to be closer to you," Tara smiled.
"Of course. Willow, have you proposed yet?" Anya asked suddenly, and a little loudly.
Willow's shocked expression could have been seen from the entrance. {**From the entrance at Buckingham Palace.**}
"Wha?" she spluttered.
"Come on, we don't hear from you for weeks, there's something you're not telling me, it's more than just moving house," Anya continued.
Willow & Tara shared a look, smiled and told Anya to mind her own business. Well, they did it in a more humorous and warm way, but that was the message they were getting across. {**Anya bit Xander's hand when he tried to cover her mouth too. I laughed until I cried. I like Anya.**}
Later that evening, someone (I can't remember, may be one of the Marys) mentioned seeing a sparkly ring on Tara's left hand, but I have no corroborating evidence and one thing my gf taught me, is not to trust any statement unless verified. {**So she created a control group, administered a placebo, collected her data and is currently waiting on the results from her MANOVA.**}
Someone from one of the gay magazines was covering the event–I don't remember which one. {**Well, it's not like there are that many. If it had been a “straight” magazine, I could forgive you for not remembering the name. As it is, I'll just assume you had WAY too many martinis.**} Even his name escaped me. He was a fresh faced, overly eager Jimmy Olsen type, it was his first TARCon and he was very out of his element. Numerous people tried to explain the nuance (heh, too bad the real Nuance team wasn't there) of the Race and TARflies and the whole TWoP business, but he was pretty overwhelmed. Kept asking about my round the world trip with the Racers, lol. I gently explained that I didn't go on the trip; I just saw it on TV, like he did, except I watched each episode may be 12 times.
He didn't quite understand and shortly afterwards, wandered off in search of subjects to interview. He eventually latched onto Lynn & Alex, who were overjoyed at the attention. Only after some prompting did he get into Willow & Tara.
In contrast, the people from Pepper were great, getting short interviews, not only from Racers, but the dozens of people from the KB who were big fans. They hung out with Lorne and Cordy a great deal, cos they're so glamorous that anyone'd want to hang out with them. Lorne later told me that they were doing a feature article on them, may be even the cover. (Well, as much as an online magazine can have a cover.)
Cameras clicked all night, flash! flash! flash! Uchenna, Joyce, Zach, Rupert and Randy did a photo session together. I guess with $2.5 million of prize money between them it was a rich photo opportunity. [**groan**.] {**Are you drinking again?**}
Joyce & Sheila looked fabulous, they'd obviously spent a lot of time patronizing NYC's nail bars and hairdressers. They looked like Joan Rivers without the lines, botox or snark. {**Joyce and Sheila couldn't be snarky if their lives depended on it – they're too damned sweet.**} April seemed to spend more time with them than Andrew, still doing his filming stuff. I'm glad the Principals couldn't attend. Apparently Flutie was booked to attend but there were problems at his farm. The Marys told me that Snyder flat out refused to come when they asked him. "He's a jerk," they say. {**He is. And I'm not crying over his absence. Maybe he and Asshat are having an illicit affair.**}
There was a little speech from the Marys about how great it was to organize this TARCon, and how the tradition was well and truly upheld. Then someone from the Amazing Production, Elise if I remember correctly, led the Racers on a little Q&A session. Mostly of their thoughts and what they had been doing since the Race finished. They had to be tactful and gracious about Rupert & Randy, how could they not? {**But we don't have to be tactful…Rupert and Randy: BLAH!**} Most of them returned to what they were doing before the Race, Lorne & Cordy were in a new show; Sheila was working on a new book; Xander & Anya refused to say if they were pregnant, deflecting the question to Willow & Tara and the state of their alleged engagement. So, were they or weren't they? They didn't say, and refused point blank to elaborate. {**And really, does it matter whether they are or aren't? They L.O.V.E. each other. They don't need a piece of paper to prove it. But, just in case, I'm going to make frequent use of Willow's email address…I want to be invited to the wedding if they are.**}
Buffy was training hard for the next Olympics; Randy was taking time off; Rupert was returning to Yale and Faith & Robin were involved in various business ventures in Boston. Faith had several modeling offers that she was considering. {**She can model for me any day…ANY DAY!**}
I think that out of this group of Racers, Faith had the most potential to become a minor celebrity in her own right. {**Minor? We'll see her in the movies! I'm thinking she'll be good for cute comedies with cheerleaders and action- packed horror flicks with mutant, hiker-killing mountain men.**} She has the hot bod, she has the 'tude, and she has the drive. {**She can drive me any day…ANY DAY!**} I won't be surprised to see her on TV soon. Financially, I suspect Xander & Anya could reap the most, giving their franchise the publicity and notoriety it needs.
My favorite team is slowing moving in to Hollywood. Judging by the quality of their application film, plus whatever contacts they can make while they're still hot property, they could be the next "in" thing since Pixar. {**I think they will get their own series for Miss Kitty. It will be a Saturday morning hit to rival School House Rock.**}
The Talent Show was ugly. Some revelers were obviously so keen on making a fool of themselves they didn't care about the audience's sensitive eyes and ears. Apparently, at the wrap party, there was a karaoke also, when Randy showed to the world why he shouldn't have won half a million bucks. {**As if the world didn't know why since episode 1.**} Shame, shame.
I missed talking to Randy, Robin and Glory. Rupert I observed from my perch at the bar, he spent most of his time on the makeshift stage, giving interviews. He was one good-looking man, for his age. Yeah, he was all man, much more than his drunken, indiscrete son. {**I still say you had too much to drink.**}
I didn't bother looking at my watch when I stumbled outside to the taxi stand. We were shifting our asses to another bar, and then Car mentioned something about strip club (or was that T?). {**That was T. I didn't want to leave in the first place.**} And I didn't have the sense to over-ride them, part of me was kinda interested in going anyway. {**Don't let watty fool you…she had the fewest dollar bills by the end of the night.**} So, we went out the whole night, and in the morning it was a group of tired recapper and friends who piled into the diner for a hearty breakfast of pancakes and the works. Yay for another TARCon!
Thanks to everyone who has been keeping up, at times I think I've pushed the envelope a little too far, tried too many twists and turns in my effort to be clever. {**And BOY what an effort it was!**} It's been a trip hasn't it? Nothing the Kittens have ever seen, and quite likely never again. It was an exhausting endeavor, but one I've enjoyed very much. Thanks for coming with me on this insane journey.
I probably went too far with the name-dropping. So here is a run-down of who were at TARCon, or mentioned in the recap (excluding this season's racers who should be familiar by now):Kittens
Car =GayNow
Cam = tarawhipped
Kathy = bytrsuite
Therapist Mary = AntigoneUnbound
KC (or is it Oregon) Mary = meretricious
Snarky Mary = ringwaldoeuvre
Debra = JustSkipIt
Chris = Artemis (via satellite)
T = terra21
Ubercon grab bags = thanks to SallyMcFineTWoP Staff
Wing Chun (or Wing for short)
Couch Baron
djbRacers from previous seasons
Al & Jon
Rob & Brennan
Ken & Gerard
A Twin (Derek or Drew)
Lynn & Alex
Rob & Amber
Don & Mary Jean
Uchenna & Joyce
The End
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