Children of the Earth

by WillowX

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, Sand Dollar Television and Kuzui Enterprises. Buffy is distributed by 20th Century Fox and the Warner Brothers Television Network. The storylines, however, belong to me.
They cannot be used for profit or public distribution in anyway without permission.
Distribution: /    / 
If you'd like to distribute this story please ask.
Feedback: Yes, please
Pairing: Willow/Buffy

Summary: Changes the events of Wrecked and sends our heroines into a whirlwind of adventure, love, and destiny..

Life never, ever, turns out the way you plan…….E V E R. This is a fact and my life is a living testament to this fact. Things I never planned for... hmm... let's see 1) living on a Hellmouth 2) being a Witch, and last, but definitely not least, 3) falling in love with my best friend. Yep… I certainly didn't plan any of those. Whoever planned them for me, however, is probably having a nice big laugh at my expense as we speak. Yes yes that's exactly what I am, the laughing stalk of fate, their pet practical joke, favorite gag, the prank of the century. The gods are sitting around wondering "What can we throw at Willow next?" Making me run faster, jump higher, be stronger, smarter, wiser, but never once do they say "Ohhh… watch out we are about to throw you a curve!"

So here I am, basking in the aftershock of the latest curve that fate threw my way, sitting in the kitchen of the house I share with my best friend and her sister, staring at the same note on the fridge I've been staring at for the last hour. No it's not encrypted and no it's not in Latin either. As a matter of fact, the message is very clear. Too clear… it's down right scary.

"Meet me at the Bronze at 8:00 P.M. for our first date. Love, Buffy"

Love, Buffy…. Love, Buffy!!! These words are the ones that scare me the most. A few months ago I thought she would never say that word to me again. But this week, ever since we confessed our feelings for each other, she has said it to me more times than she ever did in last the five years I've known her. She loves me. SHE loves ME! I love her too, but ... HELLO??... SHE loves ME!! And not in a "lets be friends I want to tell you all my secrets" kind of way… oh no, that would be to simple. More in a "I want to spend the rest of my life getting all hot a sweaty with you" kind of way. Don't get me wrong. I too prefer the latter one. It's just that... it's…so… SCARY!

Insisting that keeping secrets was of the bad, Buffy promptly announced to everyone that we were dating and that I was her Girlfriend, as if the one wouldn't automatically imply the other. She said she actually heard the phone hit the floor when she told Giles. Dawn was ecstatic. It's weird really. I've never met anyone as pro-Gay as Dawn before. And Xander…well…he wigged for a day or two, until Anya explained that this was really a wonderful thing because now neither of us would try to steal him from her and she wouldn't have to kill us. Well… I don't think this is why he stopped wigging. I think it had something to do with Buffy and how happy she's been. The second best thing in the world to being happy is seeing your friends happy and Xander knows that happiness is not easy to find.

This last week with her has been amazing. Every night we'd fall asleep laying next to each other and every morning I'd wake up snuggled in her arms listening to her heart beat. Buffy was right, she does sleep better by my side. I remember when we shared a dorm room my biggest concern for Buffy was her lack of rest. She'd sleep, but even in her sleep she'd be grunting and twisting and turning. It was a restless sleep. The only downside to her new found sleep is her newly developed acoustic snore. I'm not complaining…it's cute actually...sort of like a hissing sound. Anyway…I digressed.

She's been a perfect lady in respecting my no "naughty sleeping together just yet" wishes. We just stayed up late talking alot. Sometimes we'd just hold hands and lay in silence until our exhaustion took over. Ok ok so we had one or two smooch fests, but no naughty stuff I swear! I have only two regrets about this week, the lack of energy that I've had due to the magic I performed that night with Rack and my lack of truthfulness and honesty. Yes. I still haven't told her. It's just…she seems so happy…so content…and I'm afraid of scaring her.

So today, for the first day all week, I woke up energized. No stomach fuzziness, no nose bleeds, and no headaches. I guess that's all she was waiting for to start the actual dating process. Except that now…after that note…hello headaches and fuzziness.

Ugghhh. It's seven thirty already and my tummy hurts from too much thinking. I better start getting ready. If there is one thing I've learned it's to never piss off the Slayer…

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Ok….8:45 and counting. Why didn't anyone tell me Witches didn't know how to tell time?

What a week this has been! Jammed packed with Willow goodness. Every day it gets harder and harder to imagine a time when I didn't hold her hand, kiss her lips, or sleep next to her. Everything has just great been great. I haven't seen Spike in over a week, Dawn has been behaving like an angel, and tonight is THE night! The only downside has been that Giles is no where near finding a way of helping Willow. It took her a week to get over her Magic Palluza fest and I find the whole situation very disheartening.

Oh god…. She just walked in!!!! Oh god…. She looks beautiful!!! She is wearing that emerald green shirt I bought her, the one that brings out her eyes…………….. and her cleavage!! God I love her eyes …oh and her hair. I love that too. In this lighting it looks crimson red.

"Hi Buffy!"

"Hi Willow. I was starting to wonder if you had gotten my note." I say in my sexy date voice…HEY! I do to have a sexy date voice!

"Yeah… sorry I'm late. I got lost in a long train of thought and before I realized it was already seven thirty. Then I couldn't figure out what to wear. Then the hot water wasn't working and I had to wait for the water heater to kick in. Then Janice's mom came by to pick up Dawn for a sleepover and she wanted to chat. Which by the way…. how can you leave that note on the fridge? Dawn could have seen it and…its…private! Then UPS arrived with a package of books from Giles. Then…"

I giggle a little. She's babbling. I love that too. "Ok ok. Tardiness is forgiven due to the grand multitude of excuses."

"Thank you. I promise it won't happen again." And that's when she did it! She gave me that award winning, ice melting, mountains crumbling, worlds colliding Willow smile. Yep…. She Willowed me. Little vixen. How can you stay mad at that?

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"Long Island Iced Tea, please."

"Hitting it pretty hard there Will, aren't we?"

"I've had a long day."

Hopefully we're going to have a long night if things go as I plan. Ughhh.. Slayer Hormones are on overdrive again. Any minute now I'm going to start humping her leg. "Be back in a sec… gonna go get our drinks"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~*~*~*~*~*~

Ok ok…. I think she was pissed for like two seconds, but then I tried my best "Buffy Beautiful Smile" impression and I think it worked!! Definetly definetly worked. Another apocalypse averted! I hope she likes the outfit I'm wearing. Let me give myself one last look….. Hey!!! Look at those!!! Yeah… I'm sure she loves this outfit.

She looks so beautiful tonight. Her hair has gotten so long. I've always loved her hair. I sort of got a thing for blondes. But Buffy… she is soooo my favorite blonde. She's my favorite everything. God I'm so nervous and I don't know why. I've lost count of the gazillion times I've been at the Bronze with Buffy. This is utterly ridiculous. This should be like second nature. Like riding a bike or driving a car. Um… bad example. I haven't ridden a bike since that Thanksgiving we got attacked by the Chumash Indian and I've NEVER driven a car. Ok …. So… this should be like … surfing the web. Yeah. Surfing the web or researching demons. That's right Second Nature. Wait a minute. Being on a date with Buffy is like researching demons? Well that doesn't sound very appealing. Plus… no doughnuts.

"I' m back! What's with the confused look?"

"Sorry. I'm a little nervous and it's kind of busy in my head today."

"You too? Me too….about the nervous part….not the busy head part."

"How did your job search go today?" She rolls her eyes when she hears the question.

"Not good! There are no openings for athletics girls that can kill things with their bare hands and the only interview I got was for the Doublemeat Palace."

"Oh well that's nice," I was happy until I remembered what it was, "sort of I guess."

"It sucks Willow! It really does. I could wrestle naked in grease for a living and still be cleaner than after a shift at the Doublemeat."

"Plus, I'd visit you at work every single day." The minute I finished that sentence I felt my face burn, no doubt exhibiting all sorts of reddish tones.

"Are you flirting with me Ms. Rosenberg?" Buffy asked with a smile.

"I believe I am Ms. Summers. Why? Is it working?" I'm really getting into this.

"Mmmm I believe it is and very well actually."

All this flirting has me flushed and disoriented. I know I had something important to say I just can't remember. It was something about Buffy and working but I'm drawing a huge blank. All I can see is her face and her eyes and her smile and her hair and her hands. The softest, yet strongest hands, I'd ever seen before…oh I remembered!

"Wait. Before I forget. On campus today I found a flyer for the local campus gym. Apparently they are looking for someone to teach a woman's self defense class. I don't know how much they'd pay, but it sounds like something you'd be good at and you might be able to set your own hours and such, so that it doesn't interfere with the Slaying."

"Wow Will. That does sound great! I'll check it out tomorrow. I don't know what I'd ever do without you." Our eyes met and we held each others gaze for the first time this evening. My heart is beating so fast I could hardly hear myself think. I look down at Buffy's hands and I could see her fingers shaking. Just a little, but shaking none the less. I reach out with both my hands and grab hers. They are warm and soft. Mmmmm Buffy hands.

"Do you know what I was thinking about while I was waiting for you?" She asks.

"Where I was?"

"Well… yeah... that too. But, actually, I was remembering the first time we made plans to meet at the Bronze. You were sitting at the bar eating raisins. I don't think I'd ever seen anybody eat raisins at a club before….or since."

"Yeah. That was dorky."

"No! I thought it was endearing. You looked so cute. Picking them out one by one. It was very Willow. I loved it."

"I remember that day. That's the day I found out that Vampires really existed."

Great Rosenberg… bring up her job. Maybe… just maybe….if you open your mouth wide enough you'll have room for the other foot too. Yep that last part doesn't look like it sat too well with her. She's getting that far-off-hurt-confused-Slayer-look she gets sometimes. I wonder what she's torturing herself about this time.

"I almost lost you that day." Buffy said with a sad low voice. She was looking down at the table in defeat. I tugged at her hand a little to get her attention and, once she was looking at me, proceeded to speak.

"Actually, I think you found me that day. That was when we actually became friends. I found out your secret and became your trusty sidekick. Remember?"

"I'll never forget." Her stare was intense, piercing my skin. High fives all around…. Apocalypse number 2 successfully averted. Hey….give me a break… been fighting demons by her side for almost six years now. I tend to associate everything with it.

"I like this. Sitting here, having a drink, holding your hand. This was a good idea you had." I conceded.

"Oh.. if you like this then your going to love what I have planned..." And before she could finish or I could get out the obvious question the music stopped and I heard the lead singer of the band make an announcement.

"The next song is a dedication from Buffy to Willow on their first date. It's called "I Shall Believe" by Sheryl Crow." My heart stopped. It literally stopped.

"I hope you don't mind Will. I just felt like dancing with the woman I love and having everyone in the room know it."

"That we're dancing?" I ask petrified.

"NO… That you're the woman I love."

"No one has ever dedicated a song to me before Buffy, much less in public." I stammer out in a half surprised half embarrassed squeaky voice.

"I know. This one is important though. I want you to listen to the words."

The instrumental part of the song began as we made our way to the dance floor hand in hand. All eyes were on us and the lead singer gave Buffy a smile. I can't believe she did this. No one has ever made me feel this special before. And just when I thought she had out done herself she leaned forward and whispered in my ear in husky voice "You're the most beautiful woman in here. Do you know that?" I felt my legs quiver and my knees become weak.

Come to me now
And lay your hands over me
Even if it's a lie
Say it will be alright
And I shall believe

The dance floor was crowded with couples and Buffy and I were in the center of the room. I had my arms draped around her neck and was pulling her close. I could hear the sweet sound of her voice as she sang along with the lyrics. Our bodies were tight up against each other, our cheeks gently caressing and I could feel her hands nervously hugging my hips. This was our first slow dance.

I'm broken in two
And I know you're on to me
That I only come home
When I'm so all alone
But I do believe

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly you won't give up on me
And I shall believe
And I shall believe

Willow feels so good in my arms. To think I almost missed out on all of this. Had she left me dead I would have never known how it felt to hold her in my arms, to feel her breath in my hair. To have her scent engulf me, command me, over power me in the most primeval way. To be so lost and so found at the same time. I would have missed all of this. But she didn't let me. She never let me go. She couldn't live without me and as it turns out…. I can't live without her either.

Open the door
And show me your face tonight
I know it's true
No one heals me like you
And you hold the key

Never again
would I turn away from you
I'm so happy tonight
Cause you're love is alright
And I do believe

Suddenly I feel something warm and wet stream down my face. They were tears. Buffy was crying. I kiss her cheek lightly tasting her salty tears. That's when I saw it, the expression in her eyes. It was unmistakable, undeniable. In her eyes I saw the truth. I saw the depth of her love for me, the intensity of her desire, and the extent of her need. This woman standing before me was my life.

That not everything is gonna be the way
You think it ought to be
It seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly
You won't give up on me
And I shall believe
I shall believe
And I shall believe

I lean forward and dig my nose in her blonde hair searching for her ear. I can feel her shudder in my arms as my breath touches her skin. In the steadiest voice I could muster I whisper to her, "Buffy, I want to make love to you tonight and…. forever."

"Until death do us part." She finished. I pull back to look at her face after she said this. By the expression on her face, I knew that this was it. In that moment with those words we pledged our love to each other for as long as we both shall live. I was hers and she was mine…forever.

"Let's go home baby." She said.


When we walk out of the Bronze I notice Buffy heading in the direction of the back alley instead of the main road. What? She must be crazy if she thinks …

"Oh no Missy!! The only thing you're going to be patrolling tonight is me!"

She turned, cocked her head to the side, and gave me this slow sexy smile, the sexiest I've ever seen before in my life, and asked "Am I to forsake my duty?"

"Buffy!!" I whine in desperation.

"Wow….horny Willow is demanding! Relax Will, I asked Xander to lend me his car tonight. It's parked around the corner in the alley. I didn't want us to walk home after our date."

Car? Drive? Buffy driving? Oh God, that's the only thing that was missing today…a near death experience. She sees the look of trepidation in my eyes and extends her hand out to me. "Come on Will. The faster we get home…the FASTER we get HOME and remember we have the house all to ourselves tonight."

Hand and hand we walk in the direction of the alley. The air is warm and the night is calm. The only thing that can be heard is the muffled sound of music coming from the Bronze behind us. Suddenly Buffy pauses, opens her purse, and pulls out Mr. Pointy. I look at her quizzically and she winks. The minute we turned the corner of the alley a vampire lunged in our direction. I almost felt bad for the vamp. Boy did he pick the wrong girls. With one swift jab of her stake the demon burst into a cloud of dust.

"Not tonight!" Buffy exclaimed as the cloud of dust dissipated.

"That was almost insulting"

"I know. He didn't even know who I was! And this whole time I thought I was famous!"

"I'll give you this much though, you're vamp radar has improved significantly. I think you knew he was coming before he did."

"Oh…yeah! It's the weirdest thing. The last few months I've been able to sense them coming. Although I think my hormones have them all out of whack… I could of sworn it was more than just one."

Buffy opened her purse once again and grabbed the car keys replacing them with Mr. Pointy. In a romantic gesture she opened my car door. Once I was seated she leaned in to steal one last kiss from my lips before we left.

"Hmmm…I love your mouth Will."

"You're gonna love it even more in about an hour!" I teased.

Almost as if that comment gave her a shot of adrenaline, she slammed the door and ran around the other side of the car to get in. I sigh deeply. Maybe taunting her like that is not a good idea when she is about to operate heavy machinery. The car turned on with a grumble and before the engine had a chance to finish revving she hit the accelerator. With a jump we were off. Yes… definitely not a good idea.


I stood in the shadows and watched angrily as the car sped off with tires screeching. The Slayer and the Witch…together. That bitch! This hurt more than finding Dru with that chaos demon. Just a little over a week ago the slayer and I did the horizontal cha cha, knocked over a building in the process. But now she's a …… a……. I can't even bloody say it. What is wrong with her? I told her I loved her! I gave up the evil business FOR HER! I even sang her a bloody song!

I could've snapped her neck a thousand times that night… I could've covered her mouth so she couldn't breathe … I could've even drank her. Could've could've could've!!! I SHOULD HAVE!

I CAN hurt her now. SHE came back wrong. SHE'S the demon now.

Well that's it. I'm through being the Slayer's lap dog. "Leave Spike he's harmless" "Can't even kill a flower" "Spike and his Nancy boy accent"…THAT'S IT. She will know who I am. She will know and the blood of the innocent will run like a river. She brought this on herself….she brought this on herself.


Five minutes and a hundred moving violations later we arrived home. Buffy had been suspiciously quiet the whole drive. Her expression was that of concentration and the silence was beginning to concern me. Did I say something wrong? Is she reconsidering? Did she decide she doesn't love me after all?

"What's wrong baby?"

Buffy is closing the door of the house behind us when I ask. The question must have amused her because I heard her chuckle a bit. She turned and looked at me.

"I love the new names we have for each other."

"What? You mean baby," I move in pressing her firm against the door and gently kiss her cheek " sweetheart," then her nose "honey," now her eyes "and soon…. Lover." Just then her eyes open wide in terror.

"Yeah…Will…now that we are on the subject. We have to talk! You know I've had several boyfriends and I've had sex before and …."

"What's wrong?"

She paused nervously for a minute and took a deep breath. "I want to make love to you so much it hurts but… but…." She hesitated for a few seconds " I uh…. you ……but…..Idon'tknowwheretostart!"

The last part came out in one long shriek. Her confession is so sincere and heartfelt it just made me love her even more. I wrap my arms around her in the dark hall and squeeze her tightly to my body. She lets out yet another nervous sigh as I whisper in her ear "Don't worry baby I'll teach you."

Still holding her hand I lead the way up the stairs to my bedroom. The sexual tension in the air is amazing but Buffy's hand is cold and clammy. I had no idea she would be so nervous. We walk into my bedroom where I had set up candles all over before I left. I take a match and begin lighting them one by one.

"A few days ago I would've lit them all with a wave of my hand to impress you. Now I have to do things the hard way, not very impressive, huh?"

"Everything about you takes my breath away Will. Even the things you consider ordinary!" Those words melted my heart. I take Buffy's breath way….ME!!! I think I'm going to pass out. Wait!!!! Relax Rosenberg, take control, be cool, sensual, smooth …… remember she's looking to you for guidance tonight. You're the boss, you're the experienced one, you're the teacher……uggghhh but I want her so much I can't breathe!!!! I really suck at being cool!!!

Attempting once again to take control of the situation I walk over to where she's standing and kiss her lips. They're warm and wet. She's delicious! I want to devour her mouth with mine. I break our kiss and take a step back to look at her.

"Can I take off your clothes baby?" Her eyes are still closed from our last kiss but she nods affirmatively in response. I grab her blouse and pull it over her head revealing her black lace bra. There is nothing sexier than a woman in underwear. I unbutton her jeans and pull them down below her hips…HELLO….matching lace panties!!!! Wuuuu Huuuuu!!! I push her jeans further down but they are stuck. What…could…be…

"Will… my boots…. You forgot to take off my boots first!" Great! Now she thinks I'm an idiot! I grab one of her legs to try to remove her boot as soon as possible. She must still have her eyes closed or something cause when I grab her leg she totally loses balance and we both fall with a big crash to the bed. That's when the giggling began. Now she KNOWS I'm an idiot!

"Will, are you sure you've done this before?" She said in between giggles. Maybe I should be insulted, but I'm not. I love making her laugh, even at my own expense.

"Yes I swear. I'm usually way cooler but you're making me nervous." We stay in bed like this, laughing and holding each other, for a while. It feels great. Holding her, feeling her breath against my neck as she giggles, enjoying each other, this IS great! This is what I've missed most about her in the last few months, the sound of her laughter, her happiness, her joy. The feeling of having all this back and in my arms is overwhelming.

"I love you so much Buffy. You can't begin to imagine how much."

"I know." She kisses the palms of my hands and places one on her chest over her heart. The comic relief helped ease her anxieties. Her heart beat is normal and she seems more relaxed now, less nervous.

"Will…. Why don't you give "Suave Willow" another chance? I kind of liked where she was going." I untangle myself from her to take a good look at our current situation. She is lying on the bed in her underwear with her jeans around her ankles stuck on her damned boots.

"You did? Mmmmm… I'm glad. Well the first things that have to go are those damned boots!!!" I proceed to remove the offensive clothing leaving her only in underwear. I love the contrast of the color of her skin and hair, against the black underwear. She is absolutely beautiful. While climbing seductively back into bed she stops me.

"Hey?? Don't I get to see some skin too?" She asked in an innocent yet sexy voice.

"I took off yours now you take off mine."

She got up and stood in front of me. One by one she removed my clothing until I too was only in underwear. I had forgotten how truly erotic it was for someone to undress you. The look on her face when she saw my red lace bra and thong was breathtaking. Lust, desire, want, all these feelings were reflected in her eyes.

"Will, you are so beautiful." She whispered gently to me as she looked on in awe. She really does think I'm beautiful and just being around her makes me feel beautiful too. Her face is dimly lit by candle light but I can still see the sparkle of fresh tears in her eyes. I lean in closer to gently kiss them. Embarrassed that I noticed her tears she quickly looked away. Tenderly I cup her face in my hands and whisper "Don't look away Buffy! There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Tonight is about us and I want you to remember everything."

With that I wrap my arms around her back to unclasp her bra, gently pulling it over her shoulders until she is exposed. Her breasts are absolutely perfect. I lean down and bury my face between them, snuggling and caressing them with my nose and cheeks. They are warm and soft, but as I continue stroking them her nipples harden against my cheeks. I grab her left breast with my hand and squeeze tenderly. She let out a low moan which I accepted as a sign to continue.

"Lay on the bed with me baby." I say to her while guiding her body backwards.

"Lose the bra." She whispers as a response.

I reach behind and unclasp my bra freeing my breasts. Buffy is anxiously looking at me, enjoying the view. Slowly I crawl into bed on top of her, indicating my intended route with a row of butterfly kisses. Her knee….thigh…..bikini line…..belly button….cleavage…neck….and finally her lips. My body is now parallel on top of hers and our breasts are rubbing together, nipples to nipples. I free her lips once again only to begin work on the larger task at hand.

Her pants of pleasure are cheering me on as I begin suckling on her breasts, tracing my tongue around her nipples, gently nipping her with the edge of my teeth. Continuing with my oral attention I begin stroking her shapely curves with my hands. I run my right hand over her hip and as far down on her thigh that I could manage without breaking oral contact with her breasts. Once down there I begin to work my way back up but this time through a different route. I take my time idly caressing the inside Buffy's thigh until I reach her soaked panties. With one firm push I press the palm of my hand over her wet panties. Buffy gasps in pure ecstasy. With my palm still pressed firmly over her mound I enclose my fingers around it and squeeze. I release and squeeze again, repeating it over and over and over…slowly…gently.

"Oh Will please… please."

I release her breast to look at her. Her lips are swollen from our kisses and her face is pained with desire. With both hands I grab the band of her panties and pull them off with one swoop. I stand for a minute to remove my own before proceeding. Buffy is watching me attentively, admiring my nakedness. A twinge of wickedness flows through me as I decide what to do next. I lunge my wet thong at her face and she started to giggle in anticipation.

"I need you to open your legs wide for me now baby. I want to kiss you…there." I duck my head down to continue and automatically pop it back up to say one last thing I had forgotten "Ohhhh and try to hold on as long as possible, ok?" All I get in response is a confused grunt.

She's lying on the center of the bed with her knees bent and her legs wide apart. I begin by licking the inside of her knee. Her body is anxious for my touch and her hips are swaying from side to side. Slowly I lick and kiss my way down the inside of her thigh as my hands stroke her outer thighs. I can feel a gazillion goose bumps under my tongue appear and disappear and then reappear again. The closer I get to her center the stronger the smell of her sex becomes. Instantly I am intoxicated by it. She owns me, every part of her owns me. What a wonderful feeling!

I finally reach her center, drenched in desire. The minute my lips make contact Buffy trembles beneath me. I take one long languish lick starting at the entrance of her vagina and finishing on her clit. Buffy's moans of ecstasy are distracting me but I continue kissing, licking, and sucking. Everything that usually makes me crazy, I did to her and just when I thought she was about to lose it…… I stop!

"NO no no don't stop Will please don't stop!"

"I told you to hold as long as possible. I want us to do this part together."

I climb back on top of her and position my thigh between her legs firm against her center. Her thigh is in the same position. Slowly I begin rocking up and down on her thigh.

"Oh Will you're soo wet."

I turn her face with my free hand so that she can see me and I can see her. "I love you Buffy. I love you."

She is squeezing our bodies' closer together causing our movements to become faster and rougher. Continuing our eye contact we begin thrusting harder against each other panting and moaning. The moment we have been waiting for is about to reach its peak. Simultaneous with our collective screams our bodies stiffen and Buffy's hold around me tightens. Just then it happens. My vision blurred and all I saw was light. Flashes of Buffy's image flew through my brain. The first day we met….the first time she saved my life…..the first time we had a fight! One after the other, images of Buffy rained in my head like a storm. Her smile, her laughter, her tears, her anger. All the pictures were separate but together at the same time and the only thing heard in the background was the sound of her heartbeat. The one I've been listening too a lot lately. And just as abruptly as the visions began they ended. My lungs screamed for air as I collapsed on top of her.


Willie's is packed tonight. It's always packed at night. That's usually when all the vampires come out. What am I doing here you ask? Well I'm a villain. Sure…I don't drink blood …but I AM a villain. The worst kind actually. I'm a genius. Superman's worst arch enemy was Lex Luthor. Do you know why? It wasn't because he had super powers or a nifty disguise. No…Lex Luthor was a genius. He had Super Gray Mass on his side….just like me.

I motion to Willie to refill my glass. He walks over cautiously and whispers in his annoying squeaky voice "If you're trying to hide from her you picked the wrong place pal. This is probably where she'll come first."

"Hide??? I'm not hiding!" Doesn't he know I'm a Villain? Villains don't hide! The regroup…it's a totally different thing. "She's looking for me?" I finish a bit scared none the less.

He chuckles nervously under his breath, "With a vengeance! You went after one of her own. Everyone knows the Slayer is a crème puff...until you touch one of her own that is."

"I …ah…but…she…" Just then a strong hand grasped my shoulder and I felt my bones crush. Before I knew it the chair had swung around and I was face to face with…with…Spike! His expression was fierce and his eyes were filled with rage.

"What do you want?" I stammer out surprised.

"I'm here bout a chipectamy, mate." He growled.


The sky above me is red, lined with an army of black clouds. The Earth has formed a crack that extends across the town of Sunnydale. Legions of demons and untold horrors are climbing out as the ground shakes and blood begins raining from the sky. I look up to see, but the blood is blinding. So much blood. Screams of terror can be heard from miles around. Bodies lay on the floor everywhere. The more I walk the more bodies I stumble upon. All the faces seem familiar yet strange at the same time. So many dead people. In the distance a mass of demons are engaged in a battle. All that is heard is the familiar grunts of combat. I start to run in the direction of the battle. The more I run the farther away it seems. My body is trapped in Jello and the whole world is moving at a slower pace. That's when I saw it. The people fighting. That's when I recognized the faces of the dead. This can't be…

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I woke up with a scream of terror. My heart is pounding so hard my chest feels like it's about to explode and every gasp for air is painful. Visions of the dead faces dance in my head. So much pain. So much death.

I look around me and the room is all dark, except for the occasional flash of lightning coming from outside. All the sheets and pillows are soaked in my own sweat and in my struggle I seem to have broken the lamp. After a few seconds I catch my breath and decide its time to get up. It's only 3 am but I can't sleep anymore. The big bay window directly across the room is half open and the view is enticing me. I walk over and lean against it. It's raining hard outside and I could hear the thundering in the distance.

This room gives me the creeps. Looks like something right out of masterpiece theater. Sure… a girl like me should be happy considering the places I've slept in the past, but there are a lot of things a girl like me "should be" and I'm not any of them. Just then there is a knock at the door.

"Miss? Miss? Are you alright? You're screams were heard down the hall. Are you ok?" The older woman's familiar warm voice soothed me…what is it about British accents?

"Everything is cool Gretchen. I'm five by five."


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