The Love Boat
The Director's Cuts

by JustSkipIt

Copyright © 2006

Rating: NC-173
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own Willow and Tara and the Buffyverse.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse /
The Kitten, the Witches and the Bad Wardrobe /
Through the Looking Glass /
Feedback: Please leave feedback to the individual authors or on the Kitten Board.
Spoilers: None.
Author's Notes: Thanks again to Chris for the graphics and to Sally for her comments on this "secret" draft.
Recently, a freak-thunderstorm flooded part of the storage facility at ABC Studios. In the course of cleaning it out, three minimum-wage paid stagehands came across nine reels of film shot but never aired for The Love Boat. Realizing that they had a potential gold mine on their hands, they aired the footage on the Internet, charging viewers $4.95 for each show's extras. Now available to virtually every person with Internet access or cable television, the lost footage or "Director's Cuts" add depth to each episode. Both Love Boat scholars believe that these scenes were never intended to be used or seen.
Webhost's Note: Special thanks goes to Chris Cook of Through the Looking Glass, MKF and Artemis for the graphics, wallpapers and source coding. Thanks, Chris!
Pairing: Willow/Tara

Summary: WTTV presents Willow and Tara in special episodes of your favorite TV shows.

Willow was surprised at the knock at the door. She was feeling moody and grumpy after Tara had blown her off so badly. She thought she was being nice tonight. Not the spoiled brat she usually was. And certainly not the spoiled brat she could be. She had genuinely opened up but Tara had just as genuinely shot her down. Ouch. Ego.

"What?" She said as she pulled open the door. Tara looked incredibly sexy leaning against the doorframe holding a pile of board games. Ok, she was holding a stack of board games which is never that sexy, but she still looked good. Willow raised an eyebrow and forced herself not to smile. The blonde needed to make some effort to make up for her parting words.

Tara smiled – a good start. "I know that you didn't get to play games today." She held up the boxes. "I thought maybe you'd like a chance to get back some of the $39,000 you owe me from yesterday."

Willow folded her arms over her chest. "It's $33,000."

Tara moved closer and extended the game boxes so that they were out of her way. Her lips almost brushed against Willow's ear. "I wasn't going to hold you to it. I just thought you might want to play."

"Are we still talking about Scrabble?" Willow took a step to the side and was glad that Tara immediately stepped into the room and set down the games. Apparently in the last 15 minutes, Tara had found the time to find the games as well as change clothes. She wore running shoes, jeans, and a tight black T-shirt with a lightweight jacket over it. As soon as she entered the room she took off the jacket and hung it on the back of the door, flinching slightly as it swung heavily against the door. "Rolls of quarters in case you meet up with dangerous characters?" Willow teased.

"Something like that," Tara agreed as she kicked off her shoes and looked around the stateroom. "Nice to see how the other half lives." She motioned toward Willow's bed. "My cabin is about the size of your bed."

Willow shrugged and crossed to the in-room bar. "Do you want a drink?" When Tara suggested a Scotch, the redhead made it two and handed one to Tara, clinking the glasses together. "L'chayim."

"Bottom's up."

Willow dropped to sit cross-legged on the floor. "I'm pretty sure I can win back my money at Scrabble."

Tara joined her on the floor and grabbed the scrabble game from the top of the stack. "Let's see about that." She set up the board and the racks while Willow scrambled tiles. Having drawn a C, Willow got to take the first turn. "Good word," Tara said with a smirk as the redhead wrote down her score. "How about this one?"

Willow smiled back at Tara's offering. The two alternated plays for the next thirty or so minutes, their scores remaining relatively even. They weren't drinking quickly but both felt loose and friendly. After one word in particular, Tara found herself leaning across the board, running her fingertip along the side of Willow's neck and up to trace her jaw line. "You're quite good at this, Ms. Rosenberg."

Willow closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Tara's fingertips exploring her face. She could feel her own pulse pounding and Tara's matching hers as it thudded against the skin of her thumb. She gulped and returned her attention to the game. "I'm ahead 247 to 122."

Tara leaned back on her heels and took another drink before playing a series of tiles. "How does that sound to you?" She indicated her newest word and Willow felt clear that the question was an offer rather than a reference to the game itself.

Willow didn't answer Tara's implication. Instead she played her final tiles with a flourish. "Do you want to add up your tiles and find out the final score?" She smiled a teasing and victorious smile.

Tara stretched and set her glass to the side. "No. You won fair and square." She looked the redhead full in the eye. "But we didn't agree to what we were betting on the game. What do you want?"

Willow mirrored Tara's action, setting her glass to the side. "For winning the game?"

Tara leaned forward again. "No," she whispered. "What do you want?"

Willow slowly moved her hand, starting at the tips of Tara's fingers. She gently moved her hand higher, noting the shudder that passed through the blonde's body as she encountered the inside of her elbow. By the time her hand ran over Tara's shoulder and behind her neck, she was sitting up on her knees. "You," she whispered before brushing her lips against Tara's.

If the first kiss was gentle like a breeze, the next was a strong gust. With the next kiss a hurricane, she launched herself forward as Tara fell backwards and came to rest on top of the blonde. Their bodies melded together instantly, Willow's leg falling between Tara's, Tara's leg doing the same as the redhead kneeled above her.

No pretext here. No subtlety. This was want and hot and sex and wet and breath and her arms were shaking with the intensity of it all.

Willow's hands shook as she found the bottom of Tara's T-shirt and pulled it up, encountering resistance as the shirt was trapped against the floor and finally tugging it up as the blonde lifted her torso slightly. She growled her frustration when she had to pull her lips away from Tara's for long enough to pull the shirt over her head and throw it into the corner.

By that time, Tara's fingers had found the buttons on Willow's pajama top and were easing them apart. When she got frustrated at the third button, the blonde just ripped and the buttons went flying about the room. "Sorry," she mumbled as she pushed the arms of the garment past Willow's hands and let it fall.

Willow allowed her lips to leave Tara's only long enough to trail kisses over her jaw line and neck. She traced the edge of Tara's lacy bra with her palms, passing them over her quickly hardening nipples. Tara's hands grasped the redhead's back as if she wanted to crush their bodies together. "Tara," Willow breathed as the blonde lowered her hands to cup Willow's small ass through her pajama bottoms.

Willow simultaneously engulfed a nipple in her mouth and struggled to release the button on the blonde's jeans. "Your ass looks, ohhh, terrific in these jeans but they're very, ahhh, hard to get off," she mumbled against the lace of Tara's bra as she slipped her hand against the girl's panties.

Tara moved her hands from Willow's delicious bottom and grasped the waistband of her jeans. Arching her back, she quickly pushed them down over her hips and to her calves. The redhead pulled them off entirely and tossed them aside. As she did, Tara pushed her panties down and they joined the growing pile of clothes.

"Must go," Willow mumbled as she removed Tara's bra and tossed it to the side.

Tara gently circled one small nipple with her tongue as she moved her hands to the girl's pajama bottoms. "I couldn't agree more," she whispered around the hard nub. Her hands removed Willow's pants and immediately reclaimed their prior position on the redhead's ass, pulling her against her own leg. She moaned as she felt Willow's wetness rubbing against her skin. Before switching to the other nipple, she told the redhead, "I've wanted this since I first saw you."

"Yes," the redhead hissed as she pressed herself down on Tara's tense leg. Her hands caressed the blonde's breasts as Tara feasted on hers.

Lost in the sensation of Willow everywhere. Skin. Lips. Tongue. Teeth. Flesh. Softness, Tara was almost shocked by Willow's tentative touch between her legs. She bucked up as a feather-light fingertip passed over her clit and sounded a long hiss. Not one to be denied the same treat, she found Willow's center absolutely dripping onto her hand. She stroked along each lip, gathering the redhead's juices and then teasingly lifted her fingers to her mouth, quite lewdly licking and sucking them. Willow's only and very appropriate response was to slide one and then two fingers inside the blonde's wetness.

"Oh, …so good…," Tara moaned as her hand returned to Willow's center, sliding into the redhead's center. Her other hand grasped the girl's hip and pulled her closer.

Willow leaned over so that her weight rested on her free hand and captured Tara's lips as she began matching Tara's thrusting motion. As the blonde bent her index finger, Willow hissed, "Do …that…ag…" It was as far as she got before Tara bent both fingers, simultaneously caressing Willow's clit with the fingers that had been gripping her hip. Somehow throughout her overpowering orgasm, the redhead managed to maintain her focus on Tara's pleasure. As her climax subsided, Willow collapsed on top of the blonde, her mouth conveniently close to the girl's center. Quite literally seeing the opportunity, she sucked Tara's clit into her mouth.

Tara felt like she was about to lose control completely before Willow's orgasm. She had forced herself to wait so that the redhead would have a good climax and she knew that she did but now she didn't think she could wait any longer. When Willow had taken her in her mouth…

Tara's fingernails dug into Willow's back as she orgasmed powerfully, screaming the girl's name.

As she felt Tara's channel clenching on her fingers, Willow slowed her movements but intensified her attention to Tara's hard clit. She sucked it before adding a finger to the prior two and thrusting them deep into her lover. Tara let out a strangled cry, inarticulate words and sounds, as her orgasm reached an even higher peak. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she hoped Willow wouldn't have a bruise where Tara was gripping her hip but she couldn't loosen her hold. It seemed that every bit of her concentration was focused on the overwhelming contractions radiating from her center.

Willow slowed the motion of her fingers as she crawled up to take Tara's lips in her own once again. Her heart was pounding and she could feel Tara's matching her rhythm. Their bodies glowed in the dim light with a sheen of sweat and she licked a salty path on the blonde's neck and chest. The smell of their lovemaking surrounded them and when Willow gently removed her fingers, she couldn't resist sampling Tara's sweetness once again.


Willow giggled. "Did you just say ‘guh?'" She nuzzled her nose into Tara's neck and began gently rubbing the blonde's stomach.

Tara searched for the correct words. Any words. English words. "Yes."

The redhead smiled. "I totally agree." After a few more minutes she lifted up on one elbow and looked down at her new lover. She bent over and kissed Tara's mouth gently and stroked her face with her hand. "Please excuse me," she said as she extricated her limbs and walked somewhat shakily toward the restroom.

Tara rolled onto one elbow and watched Willow. She looked at the floor letting her hair fall in front of one eye. "Do, um, you." Willow stopped and looked at the blonde. "Do you want me to …?" She couldn't finish the question but motioned toward the door to Willow's cabin.

Willow quickly crossed the room to kneel in front of the obviously embarrassed blonde. "There's more than enough room in my bed for two and it's probably more comfortable than yours."

Tara looked up and smiled. It wasn't the most romantic invitation to spend the night she'd ever had but it was something. She quickly reached behind Willow's head and pulled her down for a quick kiss.

When Willow came out of the bathroom, she was glad to see Tara lying on her side facing the bathroom door. Although she was only gone a minute or two, her insecurities surfaced and she had feared that she'd return to find an empty room and skid marks where the blonde had put on her sneakers and bolted rather than spend the night. Apparently her improved behavior and attitude (or perhaps the other skills she'd recently demonstrated) had impressed Tara enough that she hadn't run for the hills as soon as Willow left the room. "What?" the redhead asked as she noted the smirk on Tara's face.

"You are right. Your bed is more comfortable than mine."

Willow smiled as she walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. As she did the sheet pulled down to expose one of Tara's nipples.

Before she could touch the blonde, Tara continued: "Although as soon as I lay down, I swear." She blew out a long whistle. "Maybe the housekeeping in these fancy rooms is not quite up to par." She enjoyed the puzzled look on Willow's face for a few seconds. "This was jabbing me in the back." She held up a small, bright red tiger-striped vibrator. "How do you think this might have gotten in the bed."

Willow colored redder than her hair as her eyes cut back and forth between the vibrator and Tara's teasing grin. "It's…um…" She dove under the covers and pulled a pillow over the back of her head as Tara laughed good naturedly.

The blonde leaned over to stroke Willow's back. She wasn't trying to humiliate her lover, although the amount of time it had taken the girl to fall asleep last night even after she'd quit her video game made more sense now. She felt a little guilty for having watched the girl, even if she hadn't realized what she was watching.

Tara felt Willow responding to her long strokes as she ran one hand from the girl's neck, down her back, and over her small but perfect ass. The redhead's breathing became more ragged and Tara pulled away the pillow "so that Willow could get her breath." When her strokes extended along Willow's bottom and over her thighs, she was pleased to see the redhead part her legs slightly so that she could stroke her everywhere. Willow was wet again and Tara wanted to be inside her but she had a better idea.

"I've never seen this one," she whispered softly, her lips touching Willow's ear on every syllable, "but I'm guessing turning this turns it on …" Willow moaned as a quiet hum emanated from Tara's hand. "Sure enough," Tara muttered while following the same stroking pattern from earlier, now aided by the vibrations coming from the small object in her palm.

She moved her hand incredibly close to Willow's center, pleased at the sight as the redhead parted her legs even wider. Leaning over, she began lightly kissing Willow's small back-kisses so light she almost teased the girl. "Tara," Willow panted.

"Yes?" Tara eased her body on top of the other girl's, her leg falling into the space between Willow's. Her hand remained near Willow's center, the vibrations throbbing through the redhead's skin.

"Touch me." Willow's words were half-order, half-plea.

Tara smiled. Willow had seemed so fierce, so independent, so fiery; now she was a quivering mass of need, giving herself over to Tara completely. The blonde lightly touched Willow's clit with her fingertips allowing the vibrations to work through her flesh.

Willow clenched her fists around the sheet as Tara brushed her fingertips against her clit. The vibration against her already oversensitive bundle of nerves made her tense for a moment and then she felt Tara's mouth by her ear. "I've got you." Willow relaxed to feel Tara's hand cup her mound, two fingers working their way into her soaked channel and two surrounding her bundle of nerves. The way Tara was holding the small vibrator allowed Willow to feel the motion throughout her center.

"Feel this," Tara whispered as she found her own wetness with her other hand. "I'm inside you, Willow. Doesn't it make you feel good?"

Willow barely had the breath to speak. "Oh …God…Tara…yes. Don't, don't, don't stop…"

"I'm just as wet as you are." Tara quickened her pace. She continued moving against her own center and curled her fingers inside Willow. The redhead let out a groan and Tara repeated the motion. When she felt herself begin to climax she told Willow, "Come for me, baby. Come with me."

Willow knew that she was close before she heard Tara's words. With a final twist of Tara's fingers, she felt her climax explode from her center and resonate throughout her entire body. She had no idea if Tara was still touching her, if she still held the vibrator, if she was inside her. All she knew was incredible overwhelming pleasure. She reached back and grasped Tara's hip, holding the blonde as close as she could throughout her orgasm.

Tara knew she was drifting into sleep. Her orgasm and Willow's had both been overwhelming and wonderful. She dropped the vibrator to the floor. Briefly the thought crossed her mind to be grateful that she had checked in with Ira before coming over to Willow's room. The redhead curled her body into Tara's and Tara wrapped her arms around her. "You won't leave me?" Willow muttered.

"Go to sleep, baby." Tara kissed the back of Willow's head. "I'll be here when you wake."



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