
Written By: Sway Slayer

Disclaimer: Buffy and Faith are not mine, but I bet they’d tell you otherwise…
Author’s Notes: We have no spring in South Africa – it just goes straight into summer – and I felt the need to write a fic about my favourite pastime. Driving. What were you thinking?
Feedback: Rev my motor!!

Buffy sat. Her head ensconced in a book and her attention focussed on anything else but the ancient document in front of her. The window beside her was open and a light summer breeze ruffled the stray locks of hair that framed her face. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sounds outside. Her Slayer senses enabled her to isolate individual sounds, and her attention was solely focussed on the twittering of a bird, when she heard the sound of an engine. Judging by the intensity of the sound, Buffy estimated that it was a good few miles away, but no sooner had she assumed this, then the engine sounded like it was purring right into her ear. Slamming the book shut, Buffy dusted off her clothes and went outside to investigate the racket.

She opened the front door and was greeted with the stench of burning rubber, compliments of Faith screeching around the corner and pulling up next to the house. Buffy released a laugh of pure amusement as Faith shut off the engine, whipped off her “too-cool” sunglasses and leapt out of the car. The brunette Slayer leaned against the door of the car and smiled widely at the blonde’s reaction.

“You like?” Buffy sauntered over to the vehicle to inspect it. Being an authority on many things – cars not being one of them – Buffy ran her hand along the gleaming metallic blue surface and grunted approvingly.

“It’s nice.” Faith’s face was a picture of disbelief.

“Nice! What d’ya mean it’s NICE? You know what this baby is? This is a 1957…” Buffy smiled to herself as Faith navigated her way around a healthy dose of a vehicle lecture, inspecting the interior of the car and smirking at the look on Faith’s face. When the brunette was finished ranting, Buffy draped an arm around her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Like I said. It’s nice.” Faith threw her hands up in exasperation and exhaled loudly.

“Have you learned nothin’ under my tutelage?” Buffy’s smile shifted to one of unabashed desire and she wrapped her arms around Faith’s waist.

“Oh, I’d say I learned a few things. Not stuff that I’d want to pass onto my children, but stuff nevertheless.”

“Rugrats? You serious?” Faith’s eyes adopted a veritable deer-in-headlights look and Buffy giggled freely.

“And you call me a wuss?” Faith’s eyes lit up with a challenge and she was about to show Buffy just how un-wuss-like she was when the blonde jumped into the passenger seat. Buffy ran her hands over the smooth leather interior and muttered to herself.

“What was that B?”

“Nothing. Just thinking that maybe leather seats aren’t the best idea when it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the bonnet.”

“I can always take it back.”

“No!” Buffy rested her hand on the gear. “I like it. It can stay.” Buffy checked her hair in the rearview mirror. “So what’s the occasion?”

“What occasion?” Faith’s heart leapt into her throat, thinking for a split second that she had once again screwed up an anniversary of some sort, and had by chance happened to do something special on that particular day.

“Well, it’s not every day that you arrive outside our house, behind the wheel of a convertible and burning rubber halfway down the street.”

Faith vaulted over the door and landed in the driver’s seat.

“So you’re saying you don’t wanna go for a spin?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“That’s what I thought.” Faith slipped on her sunglasses and started the engine. “Open the glove compartment. I got you a present.” Buffy did as she was told and pulled out a matching pair of sunglasses.

“Cool! This is so Thelma and Louise!” Faith beamed.

“I knew you’d dig them.” Buffy put the glasses on and studied herself in the mirror.

“So where we going?”

“I dunno, but we’ve got a full tank of gas and a map book. Open it to any page, close your eyes, point, and that’s where we’ll go.” Buffy took the map book from Faith’s hand, flipped it open and stuck out her finger, connecting with the page. Faith peered over to where Buffy’s finger was, matching the blonde’s look of disbelief with one of her own as her eyes focussed on the town that peeked out from under a manicured nail.

“Sunnydale?! Fuck! We’re never gonna get outta here!” Buffy shook her head in sympathy.

“You know, I’ve killed a variety of scary demons, aliens and creatures of the night, but this is by far the freakiest shit that has ever happened. Should I try again?” Faith nodded and waited with bated breath while Buffy repeated the process. Faith’s eyes were also closed as Buffy’s finger hit a page, and she peeked out from under dark eyelashes to see the result.

Buffy’s eyes blinked open at the same time and she scrutinised their potential destination.

“Where the hell is that?” Faith smiled brightly.

“I dunno, but we’re sure as hell gonna find out! You ready to blow off some steam Louise?”

“You bet your fine ass Thelma! Wait. Who was the blonde and who was the brunette?”

“Actually, I think they were both redheads.” The Slayers chewed on this for a moment.

“So how are we going to work this then?” Buffy’s face was a measure of perplexity.

“Beats me B. Oh! Wait a minute! I know.” Faith placed her hand behind Buffy’s head and pulled the blonde towards her. “Pop quiz. Who was the last one to have an orgasm?”


“Seriously. This is how it’s gonna work. Whoever had the last orgasm gets to be Thelma. That fair?” Buffy stuck her tongue out at Faith who promptly seized it with her mouth, kissing Buffy fiercely before pulling away. “And no last minute attempts!”

“Hey! You were the one…”

“Silence! Now, the question is, who came last?” Buffy giggled.

“I think it was me.”

“You sure?”

Buffy’s nose crinkled as she pondered this point.

“I’m pretty sure.” Suddenly, a light appeared in the blonde’s eyes and she turned towards Faith, a large smirk plastered on her face. “Actually, I’m positive.”

“And your evidence is?”

“Lying in the basement waiting to be thrown out. You know our little session this morning? Well, the bed was taking strain as it was, and when you left, I kind of gave a solo performance while waiting for you to get back…” Faith’s mouth dropped open.

“You broke the bed?!” Buffy nodded sheepishly. “Fuck yeah. You win. You get to be Thelma.”


“Although I don’t wanna hear anymore of this solo shit anymore. Capice?”

“Well, you said the person who came last. You didn’t specify the circumstances.”

“Details details.” Faith put the car into first gear and revved it loudly. “You ready to go?”

“With you? Always.”

Faith floored it and the car sped off leaving a distinctive tread mark on the hot asphalt. Buffy fiddled with the knob on the radio until she found some suitable music. Staccato drum beats blasted out of the speakers, followed by the whine of an electric guitar and the wail of a singer with a sand-paper voice. The two Slayers beamed at each other as their hair was whipped by the wind that rushed against them, letting out a whoop of delight and clasping their hands together as they raced towards the horizon.

The End

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