Title: The First Time (9/9)
Author: Liz

(notes and disclaimer with part one)

Soon, box and glasses made their way to the bedside table, and Buffy slipped his shirt from her shoulders. She lay down and opened her arms to him, and softly, sweetly, he kissed her. The spiced vanilla of Buffy's perfume mingled with the strawberries on her lips, sending Giles' senses reeling, and he ran his fingers through her hair, caught between the desire to stay in this moment forever and the need to devour her utterly.

Finally convinced that the dream he held in his arms was real, Giles let his fingers trail down her neck, then between her breasts, and she arched into his touch. He unclasped her bra, slowly peeling back the lace, and when the cool air touched her skin, he captured her soft moan with a kiss. Delighting in the chance to love her to distraction, he traced a feather-light circle around the curve of her snowy breast. Tantalizingly, he traced smaller and smaller circles, and she bit her lip, anxiously waiting for him to reach her nipple. But just as he was about to, he paused, then began again on her other breast, tracing the same lazy path that made her ache for more.

"Giles," she whimpered, "please…"

He grinned to himself, really wanting to take his time, but she so rarely said please… He grazed her nipple, and she gasped hungrily. Leaning in to kiss the path his fingers had just traced, Giles cupped her breast more firmly, caressing her with hands, lips and tongue until she writhed beneath him. Then his mouth moved lower, trailing kisses across her belly, and he playfully dipped his tongue into her navel. When she yelped, he raised his head to ask if he'd tickled her – a little turnabout was fair play, after all – and saw her smiling back at him.

At that radiant smile, Giles decided a different sort of turnabout was in order. He ran his finger along the waistband of her panties and posed the same question she had asked earlier. "May I?"

"God, yes," she echoed his response, and the silk soon joined the rest of their clothes on the floor. Giles had seen her naked before, but never had he been allowed simply to take in the sight of her. Buffy squirmed a little, self-conscious under his gaze, but he was transfixed.

"So beautiful," he whispered, and he placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her knee. Then another, a little higher, and another… When he reached the dark blonde hair at the juncture of her thighs, he paused, a silent question hanging in the air. She answered with a jagged sigh of anticipation, praying he wouldn't tease her again.

Another time, perhaps, but right now, he wanted to taste her.

He pressed his lips to her, a tender kiss that was equal parts love and longing. She moaned her ardent approval, and he parted her soft, pink folds and kissed her even more intimately than before. She was honey on his tongue, and he drank her in, exploring, coaxing, learning how to please her all over again. In their previous encounters, his job had been simply to press the right buttons to get the job done. He already knew exactly what sort of touch would send her straight over the edge, but this time was different. After all the sex that had come before, tonight, for the first time, he was finally making love to her.

The result was a slow burn unlike anything Buffy had felt before. She balled her fists in the sheets, crying out when his tongue dipped inside her, and when Giles replaced his tongue with a finger, her slick walls clamped around it tightly. He sucked her clitoris, thrusting his finger inside her, and inarticulate, desperate need poured from her lips, spurring him on. Soon, her ragged breath caught in her throat. Sharp light coursed through her blood, and her hips bucked wildly as her orgasm took her. She howled as she came… no words, no thought… just a primal joy so intense, so piercing, that she was helpless before it.

When she finally came down, Giles was still stroking her gently, soothing, kissing, bringing her back to him. With aftershocks still gripping her, Buffy managed a hoarse squeak, which her insightful lover correctly interpreted as "Hold me?" Or possibly it was "elephant." Giles smiled, taking a chance that she meant the former, and placed a final kiss on her inner thigh before crawling alongside Buffy to gather her in his arms. Panting, she finally found her voice. "God, Giles, I… that was…"

"My thoughts exactly, love," he whispered, content to hold her until morning, but a word from Buffy told him their night wasn't quite over. She gazed at him, still trembling, and simply said,


The orgasm that had just ripped through Buffy should have left her wholly sated, but even though her insides still rippled with countless little earthquakes, she wanted more. Not only for the physical pleasure she was sure it would bring; she wanted more of him. Buffy brushed his cheek with her fingers, wordlessly repeating her plea, and he hungrily answered, "As you wish."

He covered her body with his own, kissing her passionately as he slid his growing erection against her still-sensitive sex. Jolts of electricity shot through her, and she echoed his movements. She felt the tip of his penis against her opening and arched her hips to meet him, but he held himself back a moment. Deep green eyes captured hers with the intensity of their gaze, and Buffy's breath caught in her throat. Then slowly, languidly, he sank into her.

Two halves finally joined, they moved together slowly at first, then faster as the still-smoldering embers inside each of them sparked quickly back to life. Buffy moaned as he withdrew then thrust into her again, filling her utterly. Before long, Giles began to move faster, reaching deeper and deeper inside her. When he suckled her nipples hungrily, she felt it building again, vibrant sunlight gathering inside her, and she wrapped her legs around him tightly. Giles held her to him, brushing against her clitoris with every thrust, and sweat dripped from his brow as his own pleasure mounted. He growled, fighting to hold on just a little longer until…

Buffy's second orgasm ripped through her like golden fire. Giles felt her clamp tightly around his cock, and his body answered hers with equal fervor. He buried his face in her neck with a roar, coming in waves, hips driving of their own accord to meet hers as they cried out together.

When both were finally spent, Giles rolled onto his back, smiling blissfully when Buffy followed to curl against him, head nestled under his arm. He held her tightly to him, marveling that this dream which he had thought long lost to him had finally, incredibly come true.

For her part, Buffy was transfixed by the steadying rise and fall of his chest. She ran her fingers through the crisp hair there, wanting to say so much but unable to put it into words. Buffy knew he wouldn't push her, but she almost wished he would. She'd gotten so good at hiding from her own heart that she could barely remember sharing it with someone else, and now that she wanted to, the words just wouldn't come.

Giles kissed her tenderly, unaware of the silent conflict inside her, and he was surprised at the tears which filled her eyes for the second time that night. "Happy tears, I hope," he offered, lightly stroking her hair.

"The happiest," she smiled.

It wasn't quite the declaration he once heard in his dreams, but he accepted it gladly all the same. He knew that she cared for him, and not only did Buffy finally know how he felt, she actually welcomed the love he had once feared would drive her away. Content with that, he rested his head against hers, resisting the pull of sleep as long as he could.

Just as he was about to drift off, however, he felt Buffy stirring restlessly. Giles was instantly alert, hand searching for the knife in his bedside drawer, but he stopped at the sound of Buffy's muffled laughter.

"Relax, Giles," she giggled. "Jumpy much? It's no big. Really. Just the, um, uncomfy drawback of condomless hedonism."

"Oh, thank God," he breathed, waiting for his adrenaline to quit telling him to hurry up and 'fight or flight' already. "Did you wish to switch places?"

"I love you."

They stared at each other in shocked surprise. "I-I'm sorry, did you say…" Giles could scarcely believe his ears, but Buffy was even more stunned than he was. She had just spent the past hour struggling to say those very words, and all it had taken was something so simple and quirky as his offer to sleep in the wet spot for her to blurt it out.

Well, there it was.

"Yeah," she said, her heart suddenly lighter than it had felt in ages. "I love you."

Giles kissed her, elated, and Buffy melted into his arms. Always the gentleman, he again offered to switch places with her, but Buffy didn't want to stick him in the wet spot either. Happy as he was, he truthfully could not have cared less, but Buffy insisted on a compromise.

Pulling the blanket and pillows onto the floor, they climbed into their makeshift sleeping bag. "You realize," he told her, "that my back will probably be much worse for this than simply enduring a few minutes' moist discomfort."

"Hush, word guy," she teased him. "Enjoy the slumber party."

He laughed softly and pulled her to him. "Goodnight, Buffy," he said. "I love you."

She sighed contentedly, already half-asleep as she nestled against him.

"I love you too."

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