Title: Gossip (3/3)
Author: Liz

(notes and disclaimer in part one)

Buffy took a deep breath and knocked on Giles' door, heart thudding her in chest as she tried to picture his reaction. Would he stammer and blush? Take her in his arms? Or would he send her away? For a moment she nervously debated turning around and going home, but the door swung open before she could retreat. Giles was standing there with the oddest look on his face, and she couldn't help but smile. In that one look she could read so many things that were intrinsically Giles. Happiness to see her, concern that something might be wrong, his training and discipline suppressing his instinctive urge to invite her in... She also saw his affection for her shining brightly in his deep, green eyes and couldn't believe it had taken her so long to admit that the fluttering in her stomach was clearly all his fault.

Stepping inside, she hastened to reassure him. "Don't worry, Giles, nothing's biting. I just... I had to come and see you."

"O-of course, Buffy. Is there anything... can I get you something?" He ushered her to the couch and made to go to the kitchen, but she caught his hand and pulled him to sit next to her. When she didn't let go of his hand, he looked at her curiously. She didn't seem to be upset, but there was something in her eyes...

"Apparently there was some excitement in the dorm tonight," she began. "And word has it you were the star of the show. Care to fill me in?"

Giles cursed inwardly. The young men in the lobby had seemed more than willing to keep a lid on things, blame the incident on that noisy pillock's clumsiness, but he'd forgotten all about the girls in the corner. Giles tried to insist it was nothing, that the girls must have been confused, but Buffy already knew better. She fixed him with her own version of Willow's infamous glare - throwing in a sternly raised eyebrow for good measure - and waited for him to crack. It didn't take long.

"I'm afraid I had a... a bit of a run-in with someone..." Giles sighed, defeated, "a young man... on my way to your room this evening. He felt compelled to open his mouth about you. I closed it for him."

He looked down at his hand, still held in Buffy's, and braced for her reaction. He chose not to go into specifics about just what Parker had intimated, but the explanation seemed satisfactory to Buffy. More than satisfactory, in fact, because when he looked up, he saw her smiling radiantly at him.

"There's been some talk on campus," she told him. "A lot of it. And it seems to be all about this handsome, older man who was seen coming out of my room this morning." Giles groaned, the young lout's insinuations ringing in his ears, and he tried to apologize for causing Buffy so much trouble. But she cut him off, not through with what she had to say.

"Word is that we were up all night, and that you were amazing. Between that and the way you handled Parker, I'm rumoured to have myself one hell of a guy. Well, the girls might have misunderstood what they saw, but it turns out they knew more than I did. Or more than I was ready to admit I knew..." She let go of his hand to trace his cheek with her fingertips, and he leaned into her touch, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You give me butterflies, Rupert Giles. And I don't know if you feel the same way about me, but I'd really like to kiss you."

Softly, tentatively, her lips brushed against his, and he didn't pull away. Instead he deepened the kiss, cupping her face in his hands, and the sparks that danced between them sent her senses reeling. Giles poured his heart into that kiss, showing her all the love he'd been afraid to reveal, and he rejoiced to feel her melt into his arms, returning his passion in equal measure.

His lips parted, an invitation, and Buffy eagerly accepted. When he twined his fingers through her hair she moaned, pressing closer to him, and he drank her in. If Buffy had any doubts about her feelings for this man, what she felt in his kisses answered each and every one of them. He was gorgeous, he was giving, and in the space of less than a minute, he'd somehow managed to turn her knees to jelly. "Wow," she said breathlessly. "So I guess you kind of like me too?"

"Just a little bit," he grinned. But his face grew serious as he looked into her eyes. "Buffy, are you sure this is what you want?"

She returned his gaze every bit as seriously and asked, "Are you?"

His eyebrows furrowed at her question. Of course he was sure. He'd never been more sure. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, why wouldn't I be?" she countered, daring him to argue.

"Fair enough," he granted, smiling. Odd that the very traits he'd found so infuriating when they met were some of the qualities he most admired in her now, and chief among them was the fiercely defiant heart she so proudly offered him. "So am I to assume I'm not so old and gross after all?"

The words were meant in jest, but the hurt on her face made him instantly regret them. Before he could apologize, however, Buffy placed her finger on his lips and spoke. "You've never been either of those, Giles, and only a very foolish person who was waist-deep in denial would ever say you were. Now," she said resolutely, "let's make this nice and simple. I have a thing. You maybe have a thing... how do you feel about Mexicans?"

He beamed at her, understanding. Taking her hand in his, he kissed her palm before placing it over his chest, and his voice was thick with emotion as he spoke. "I love them, Buffy. Dearly."

"I kind of love them too," she whispered, and the space between them disappeared. This time she claimed him with her kiss, offering, promising, giving her heart. She undid the buttons at the top of his shirt and slipped her hand beneath the fabric, raking her nails lightly across his skin, fascinated by the crisp curls that dusted his chest. Giles' head spun with the realization that the dream he'd fought so hard to bury was actually coming true, and he held her tightly, showering her with kisses. Then he felt her lips, so warm against his throat, nibbling and nipping him as she worked her way from his earlobe to the base of his neck.

"Buffy, you've no idea what you do to me."

"Maybe not," she chuckled as she explored his chest, "but I know what I'd like to do to you." Giles responded instantly to her suggestive tease, but things were already moving so quickly... surely she didn't mean...

As if to answer his unspoken question she pulled away and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. He watched transfixed as the shirt fell from her shoulders. Then her fingers trailed between her breasts to unhook the clasp to her bra, but he reached out to still her hand. This moment would only come once, and he wanted to savour it.

Giles covered her throat with feathered kisses. Slipping his pinky beneath a satin strap, he slowly pulled it off her shoulder, and she gasped as the cool air touched her skin. His fingertips traced her soft curves, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He touched and teased with lips and hands, and a tiny whimper escaped her lips, quietly pleading for more. Finally he undid the clasp and drew back the lace to reveal her.

Buffy thrilled in his adoration as he cupped her breast. His thumb gently traced her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through her, and she arched into him, wanting, needing. Giles groaned with delight, his mounting hunger urging him to taste every inch of her skin. Eager to share the pleasure she felt, Buffy pulled his shirt off and sent it to join hers on the floor. She leaned into him, pushing him gently back until he lay on the couch, and planted a line of long, slow kisses down his belly. Then her hand brushed against the hardness in his jeans, and when he felt her start to unbutton his fly it took all the self-control he could manage to stop her before he lost himself completely.

He clasped her hand to his chest again and sat up, breathing heavily. His lips asked her if she wanted to slow down, but his eyes, clouded darkly with desire, told her clearly enough that she was free to tell the gentleman in him to take a hike. "I know what I want," she told him simply. "I know who I want, and it's you. So unless you have doubts you need me to hear, I don't want to waste any more time."

"Buffy, are you sure...?"

"For the last time, yes," she smiled at him. "Now don't make me sass you again, Giles, because you know I'll do it." He held up his hands, admitting defeat, but they both knew it had been a half-hearted effort at best. "I'll tell you what, though," she murmured, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"What's that, love?" he answered hazily.

She took his earlobe lightly in her teeth, teasing it with her tongue before simply saying, "I'll race you."

And with that she vaulted over the back of the couch, giggling at the confused, startled look on his face before he caught onto the game. He scrambled after her, catching her halfway up the steps and threw her over his shoulder. Buffy squealed, delighted, and when they reached the loft he tossed her playfully onto the bed and covered her body with his own. He pinned her wrists with his hands and triumphantly teased, "Looks like I've got you."

"Yeah, well you do have those long legs," she conceded. "Plus I kinda wanted to be caught."

Giles released her wrists and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him. Straddling his waist, she could feel him still hard beneath her and hastened to resume her exploration. Buffy retraced her earlier path, licking and teasing her way down. She unhooked one button, then another, wondering whether he would be a 'boxers' or 'briefs' man, but when he was finally divested of his jeans, she was pleasantly surprised to find the answer a resounding 'neither'.

She encircled his shaft, and he hissed, ardent approval written plainly across his face. First lightly, then with firmer and firmer strokes she caressed him, watching his pleasure mount. Then she cupped her other hand against him scrotum, massaging it gently, and he held his breath, mere inches from heaven. But if he thought he knew pleasure it was nothing compared to the agonizing beauty that gripped him when Buffy bowed to take him in her mouth.

Giles' eyes rolled back in his head, and he fought to keep his hips from bucking into her. But her mouth was so warm, so tight around him. "Oh God, Buffy... Buffy, please..."

She took him in her hand again, still licking and teasing him as she spoke. "Please what, Giles? You have to tell me. Please stop? Or please let you come?"

"Please... come... come here..." he managed, and Buffy reluctantly acquiesced. Seeing her normally restrained Watcher writhing in such obvious ecstasy had turned her on more than she could have thought possible, but he didn't mean to stop - far from it. "Good lord, Buffy, that was..." Words failed him as he caught his breath.

"Easy, big guy," she smiled at him. "We can cool it down if you want."

"Cool down, nothing," he said emphatically. "Merely a change of focus." Her eyebrows quirked, questioning, and he was more than happy to demonstrate his point. "I happen to be a firm believer in 'ladies first'."

"Well I do like to respect other people's beliefs," she said. "Especially the yummy ones." She leaned back and opened her arms to him, and he lavished attention on her body, covering her with kisses and touches both feather-light and firm until she ached for more. He mirrored the same path she had taken, tracing a lazy line down her belly, and her hips rose to meet the touch she so eagerly sought.

Then his hand hovered above her zipper. Permission was asked and breathlessly granted, and he slipped her jeans off, taking her panties with them. Giles gazed with open reverence at the vision in his bed. Her skin was flushed, and her chest rose and fell in anxious breaths as she waited for him to come to her. It was a sight he would treasure for the rest of his days.

He kissed her soft curls, delighting in the blissful sounds that poured from her lips. When his finger slipped inside her, Buffy's cries became more fervent, and he worshipped her with his tongue, giving, tasting, loving her. Several times he brought her to the brink, but when her climax began to gather, he would allay his efforts, easing her down. It was slow, deliberate torture, and she loved every minute of it. Each time the wave was turned back it gained momentum, building on itself until it was simply too much to hold inside. The wave crested, surging through her. She screamed his name, a high, keening wail that filled the apartment, and he urged her on, stroking her, holding her tightly as she came.

Flushed and panting as her orgasm receded, Buffy looked down to see her new lover gazing at her with rapt adoration. She beckoned to him, and he was quick to curl alongside her.

"What the hell did you just do to me?" she laughed breathlessly. "I swear my teeth are buzzing, and I'm pretty sure I just woke up the neighbourhood."

Giles blushed, but he didn't mind a bit. "Did I not get it right?" he teased. "Because I'd be more than happy to try again."

Buffy was sorely tempted to take him up on the offer, but if he did that again, she thought she just might explode. "Not unless you wanna explain to the nice paramedics why the naked girl in your bed can't feel her arms and legs." She grinned and reached down to caress him provocatively. "Would you mind terribly if we had sex instead?"

Giles smiled at her boldness. "Well, if you insist," he said, fetching a condom from his nightstand. He knelt in front of her and tore open the package, and Buffy watched hungrily as he sheathed his erection. He guided himself to her entrance and found her more than ready for him. Slowly he sank into her, stretching her deliciously. Buffy held her breath, and he stilled, allowing her to adjust. Soon she began to rock beneath him, and Giles let her set the pace, luxuriating in her warmth. Then she wrapped her legs around him, drawing him in deeper, and he groaned in ecstasy.

Sensitive as she still was, his touch was fire, and in no time she was writhing beneath him, consumed by the impossible sweetness that coursed through her veins. She tried to hold on, to wait for him, but he thrust so deeply, touching the spark that flared inside her. Buffy threw her head back, overwhelmed, and cried out hoarsely, her insides quaking. Her obvious rapture did him in, and he made no effort to fight it. He followed her, howling in joyful triumph, hips driving into her as he rode out his release.

They held each other breathlessly until the waves subsided. Then with great care and no small amount of reluctance he reached between them, holding himself at the base as he withdrew. Buffy sighed at the loss, and he chuckled in agreement, kissing her tenderly. He lay on top of her, head resting against her breast, and the supported him easily, relishing the feel of him. The warmth of skin on skin, the light tickle of his breath against her chest, and the overwhelming knowledge that she had never in her life felt so perfectly contented.

Much as they both wished to stay that way forever, necessity soon dictated that he move, and he rolled to the side, flinching as he removed the condom. Once it was disposed of he collected her back into in his arms. She reached up to trace the lines of his face, wondering how she could possibly have been so blind for so long. "I love you, Rupert Giles," she whispered.

He kissed her soundly and held her to him, lips pressed to her forehead. "And I love you. So very much." Buffy smiled broadly but suddenly broke into a giant, sleepy yawn, and Giles couldn't help but laugh. "I thought it was the man's job to fall asleep first," he teased.

"Yeah, well I'm unconventional," she said and snuggled closer to him.

"That you are, love," he replied, kissing the top of her head as he pulled the blankets over them. "That you are."

Soon Buffy's breath came slow and even. Giles fought to stay awake, not ready for the night to end, but it wasn't long before sleep overtook him as well.


When morning came Buffy was still wrapped tightly in his arms. With no interest in moving, she was content to watch him, studying his face as he slept, but an echo of voices from the courtyard penetrated his sleepy haze. He felt Buffy's weight against him and smiled. She was still there. Giles tightened his embrace and opened his eyes to see her looking back at him with the most beautiful smile on her face.

"You're even gorgeous when you're asleep," she told him. "How do you do that?"

"Years and years of dedicated practice, I assure you." He chuckled, sure she was exaggerating, but he couldn't have been happier. He ran his fingers through her disheveled hair, still barely able to believe that the previous night had been real. "You are so beautiful," he whispered.

He kissed her lightly, and they held each other close, neither of them wishing to get up. But certain needs demanded to be met. Buffy moaned petulantly. "Damnit, I gotta pee." She rolled from the bed and grabbed a baggy plum-grey sweater from his chair. Pulling it over her head, she planted a kiss on Giles' lips before heading down the stairs.

When she returned her hands were full. She greeted Giles with gifts of juice, the morning paper, and the box of jellies he'd picked up the previous afternoon. "My God," he beamed, "I was right. I do love you."

She settled back in bed next to him, and they divided up the paper, happily munching on donuts and toasting each other over a shared glass of juice. Buffy leaned against him as she read the comics, commenting disdainfully on the lack of actual funny in the funny papers. "Ooh, hey," she perked up, remembering, "are we still on for dinner?"

"Of course," he said with a smile. "Assuming we're out of bed by then."

"Well, we gotta go patrol eventually," she grumbled, but they had hours and hours of lazy Saturday to fill before then. "And you still need to show me that that thing you did with your hips last night." Giles raised his eyebrow playfully, and she swatted his arm. "The Aikido throw, gutter brain, not the... actually, scratch that. I'd much rather see the other one again."

Giles laughed and collected her in a passionate embrace. "I'd be happy to show it to you," he murmured as he lay her down.

The butterflies in Buffy's stomach finally had a name, and she couldn't have been happier. And to think, she might never have admitted it to herself if that busybody Laney hadn't opened her big mouth... Buffy abandoned her train of thought, gasping as Giles' hand slipped beneath the sweater to caress her breast. Maybe gossip wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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