Title: Any-Were But Here
Author: Holly

(notes and disclaimer with part 1)

After Giles had finished putting on his tight jeans - <where *did* Xander find these?> he asked himself - and blue button-down shirt, he went across the hall. When he returned, the girls were sitting on Buffy's bed, talking quietly. Giles gave them each a long thoughtful look; Anya just stared back, but Buffy blushed.

This confused him even more than he already was. He knew, from experience, that he was never going to understand the female mind, especially the teen-aged version thereof. But thought that he had a working understanding of Buffy. At least enough to know what kind of man could cause her to blush. Angel had that power, as did Riley to a lesser degree, She'd never given any indication that she'd even realized that he was a man, with all that *that* entailed. He shook his head to clear it. It didn't make sense, and he refused to give himself a headache trying to sort it out.

They agreed to stop and get doughnuts (jelly, of course) and go back to Giles' for research. Giles stopped Buffy's move towards the door with a hand on her shoulder. "Buffy, what time is your first class?"

She bit her lip. "Ten, but this is more important."

"Buffy, you fought too long and hard to be able to attend college. Go to your classes, and join us after. All right?"

She pouted, "But, I want to help."

"I know that, and appreciate it. But, either we'll find it, or there will still be research after your classes."

"Okay," she gave in. "My last class is at two, so I'll be over around three. Bye, guys." She looked forlorn.

"Buffy, you can still come over until it's time. I wouldn't want you to miss out on the doughnuts." He grinned at her.

"Hey. I happen to like jelly doughnuts. Is that a crime?"

"Only if you intend to take the very last one. Again."

"You make it sound like I do it every time." He raised his eyebrows at her. "Not every time. Once, I did it once." He continued to look at her. "Okay, twice, but that's my final offer."

He smiled. "I'll take it."

A little while later, they were seated in Giles' living room, going through as many relevant books as they could find. A little after nine Buffy spoke. "Well, I need to head back, grab a shower and get to class. Please note the existence of one jelly doughnut." She made a face at Giles, who merely grinned at her. "I'll see you guys later." And she bounced out of Giles' place.

When she returned around three, Willow was there, along with her friend Tara, poring over some of Giles' books.

"Hi, guys. Find anything?" Buffy asked.

"Sort of. We found two spells that could have done it. But for one he would need to have been wearing a charm, which," she blushed, "we know he wasn't. For the other, the spell-caster would have needed something of Giles' to bespell him."

"Does it have to be something personal?" Buffy asked.

"Very good, Buffy," said Giles, with a smile. "Yes, it would need to be personal. The more personal the item, the stronger the spell."

"Two of my best friends are into magic, and you're surprised that I've picked up a few things?" Her words belied the proud glow his praise had given her.

He blinked as the meaning of her words seeped into his brain. "Nothing is missing that I've been able to determine."

"Then the spell either isn't very strong, or it's the other kind?" Buffy asked. "Except, like Willow said, you weren't wearing *anything*, let alone a charm." Her eyes raked his body absently as she spoke.

His color was high as he tried to formulate a reply. Before he could manage one, there was a knock at the door. Giles went to answer it He fought down a growl when he saw that it was Riley.

"Hello, Mr. Giles. Good to see you human."

"Hello, Riley. Good to be human."

"Willow mentioned research, and I thought I'd see if you need any help?"

"Help is always appreciated," said Giles as he ushered Riley into the living room.

"Hi Riley," said Willow cheerfully.

"Hi, Riley," said Buffy, absently.

Riley sat beside her. "Hi everyone. Hi Buffy." He squeezed her hand, and she smiled at him. "What can I do to help?" He asked.

Xander handed him a book, and Riley settled into research. They finally decided that it had to be the spell where the caster had a personal item.

Buffy spoke up. "Giles, since you remember, kinda', what happened, and you seemed aware, can we assume that the spell wasn't very strong?"

"Yes, Buffy, you are quite correct."

"Are you feeling all right? That's like two compliments in one day. I don't know if I can stand the shock."

"Ha, bloody, ha. You'll receive no more, then."

She pouted at him.

"You're not getting to me." He said, fooling absolutely no one, least of all himself. "Really, you're not, so you should stop. At once."

Her pout turned to an impish grin. "Yay me."

Willow and Anya grinned at this exchange, Xander looked at Giles as if to say "See?" And Riley looked confused.

"Back to the subject," said Giles. "It has to have been something still warm from its contact with me. And to break the spell, it will need to be destroyed. Preferably by flame."

"And it wouldn't have to have been this week, right? Anytime since the last full moon?" Asked Xander.

"Very good, Xander," said Giles with a smile. Xander all but swelled with pride. "I hadn't thought of that. It could have been.." He trailed off, and his eyes flew to Buffy's.

Her mouth dropped open as she realized what he was thinking. "I knew she was bad. I told you.." Then she frowned. "What did you give her?" She accused.

"She, she cried, I gave her my handkerchief."

"Who?" Asked Willow.

"That artifact .person." Buffy spat the words.

"Chloe Farris," said Giles quietly.

"Oh," said Willow, Xander, Anya and Tara.

"Ethan knew he'd never be able to get close enough, so he brought in someone else," Giles said thoughtfully.

"Well, that would explain why she looked so much like.." Xander broke off as his brain caught up with his mouth.

The others looked at him in varying degrees of surprise. It was Giles who spoke. "I always underestimate you."

"Yeah, that happens a lot."

Buffy finally found her voice. "So we find Ms. Farris, get your hanky back, burn it and you're not a were-tiger anymore. Right?"

"Well, there is one more thing," Willow said.

"What?" Giles and Buffy asked together.

"Giles has to be in tiger form when we do the release spell."


"So we either need to find Ethan and/or Chloe like today, or tomorrow at the latest, or wait until next month?" Buffy asked.

"Correct." Giles replied.

So they put their heads together, and decided on the most likely places for Ethan and the girl to hide.

Riley checked with his sources, and Willow was able to do a tracing spell using the shirt that Giles had "borrowed" when he returned to human form after being a demon. Since it had been worn by someone else, and washed, the spell only gave a general area. Somewhere in Sunnydale.

Buffy all but danced with glee. "I'm *so* gonna' hurt him this time."

Giles' expression was fond, whereas Riley's was a little concerned. "Uh, Buffy," said Riley. "You do realize that my people will want him back, right?"

Riley became the focus of everyone's stare. Then Buffy spoke quietly. "Once again, Ethan has tried to hurt Giles. And this time he's gonna suffer."

"Buffy, you're not suppose to hurt people, remember? That's why *we* took him after the demon incident.." Riley's voice trailed off as Buffy's eyes hardened.

"Giles won't let me kill him. I can hurt him. A lot."

"Actually, Buffy," began Giles. "Willow and Tara had quite a lovely idea. A magical implant. Rather like Spike's, only done with a spell instead of technology."

Buffy's confused expression turned into a wide grin as she grasped what they were planning. "It's brilliant. You guy's are genius's. Is that a word, Giles?"

"Only in America," he replied dryly.

"Giles found the spell, after we talked about it," Willow offered.

"Yay you," Buffy said quietly to Giles. He blushed, which she thought was too cute.

Giles gave her a mock glare, then spoke. "We'll need a bit of his hair for the spell, and Willow and Tara have everything else we'll need." He cast a glance at the clock. "It will be sundown shortly. I'm going to change, as I'd rather not find more clothes shredded." And he went up to the loft; unaware of the visual that he had given the girls.

Once he was gone, Riley spoke up. "Well, I have to get back to the Initiative. I'll see you later Buffy?"

"Maybe," she replied noncommittally. "I'm not sure how this is going to play out tonight." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, said goodbye to the others, and left.

When Giles came back down the stairs, he was dressed only in his black robe. Buffy frowned when she saw it. The last time she'd seen that robe, Olivia had been wearing one of his shirts.

Giles caught her expression and wondered at the reason behind it. Maybe Xander was wrong, and his body had disgusted Buffy. She certainly didn't look impressed now. He was suddenly far more self-conscious than he had been when he'd come down the stairs. Then he saw Buffy's eyes drop to his legs, showing beneath the hem of the robe. Her smile was pleased.

Giles felt the blush work it's way up his neck to his face. But, he held his ground, needing to understand what was going on. He was, in fact, so concerned with Buffy's reaction to him, that he totally missed the reaction of Willow, Anya and Tara. Xander, however, did not.

Xander knew that he should be jealous, or at the very least disgusted by the girl's obsession with Giles. But, he just couldn't find those emotions. He found that he was amused by Willow and Anya. And as far as Buffy was concerned; Giles had loved her for so long that even Xander had seen it. And since Giles was one of his best friends, and his father figure to boot, Xander could only be happy that Buffy was starting to see beyond a youthful face.

Giles looked out the window and realized that the sun was just about to dip below the horizon. "Buffy, do try to make certain that I'm covered this time, won't you?"

"Sure, Giles," Buffy responded perkily.

Xander spoke up, "I'll see to it, Giles." He assured his friend quietly.

Giles nodded in appreciation, and walked up the stairs to the loft, faced away and dropped the robe. The girls all took a step away from the kitchen and casually looked up.

They caught a flash of skin then a few seconds later, the growl of a tiger. He bounded down the stairs, and moved immediately to Buffy. She dropped to her knees and hugged him, as he sniffed her, then licked her face. He moved to the others and repeated the process. When he came to Tara, he hesitated. But she held very still, and finally he licked her hand. She gave a delighted smile.

Finally, Buffy spoke. "I guess it's time to go find Ethan."

Giles growled and moved to the door. Willow rushed to open it, and they walked out into the night.

They made it as far as the park before running into a group of early rising vampires. There were about seven of them, and they seemed hungry. One grabbed Tara and she trembled in fear, although she made no sound.

Xander and Willow moved immediately to help her, as Buffy concentrated on the others. She was just wishing for an extra pair of hands, when Giles suddenly roared and pounced on one of the vampires and used his teeth and claws on him.

He swiped at the vampire's throat with a large paw, and the vampire moved off clutching his throat. But Giles was not finished. He attacked the vampire, knocking him to the ground. The sounds were terrible as Giles ripped the vampire's throat out. Not until the vampire turned to dust from the decapitation did Giles move towards another vampire.

Willow and Xander had staked the vampire attacking Tara, and Buffy had taken out two others. That left two, who suddenly weren't liking the odds nearly as well, and turned and ran. Buffy threw a stake at one and crowed in triumph when it turned to dust, and Giles took off after the other one. He came back several minutes later, cover in ashes and more blood.

The others exchanged a long look, then Willow led Giles to the drinking fountain and did her best to clean him up.

Before anyone could say a word, Buffy spoke. "It was the *only* way he could fight and help. Giles isn't capable of standing by and doing nothing while we're being attacked."

"We get it, Buff. It was just a little weird, is all. But we, well, we won't, you know what I mean," Willow finally finished.

"Yeah, Buffy. We're cool," Xander agreed, his expression serious. Anya and Tara just nodded in agreement.

"Sorry, guys, I should have known you would understand."

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