Come on and Get it by Jerzeyanjel
Come on and Get it by Jerzeyanjel
Author's Notes:
It's just a whole bunch of Porn... lol. Enjoy!
Our eyes met from across the Magic Shop. Heat and tension palpable between us. I cocked my head and curled my tongue against my teeth, a move that I knew would drive her crazy. She lifted her eyebrows and bit her bottom lip daring me to make a move. I didn’t care that the scoobs were all here and there was another apocalypse to avert. All I could think about was sinking myself in her heat.




I licked my lips at her, raising my scarred eyebrow, curling my tongue again making her squirm in her seat. She blushed slightly and I knew I had her. She made some excuse about having to train and grabbed my hand as she brushed past me. She all but dragged me to the back of the Magic Shop into her own training room.

The lights were low and I smirked as she shoved me against the wall, attacking my mouth with hers. She ground her body against mine, her heart beating wildly.

Oohh baby wants to play, I thought as she bit at my lip.

I grabbed her roughly by her shoulders and spun her, pinning her against the wall and wrapping her legs around my waist. The skirt she had on rode up on her thighs as she rubbed her soaked panties against my jeans.

Bloody hell, I said to myself as her heat seeped into my pants. My dick was impossibly hard and straining against the rough material.

She mewled into my mouth as I tore the shirt she wore roughly from her body. I didn’t give a shit if she had more clothes I just needed her to be naked.

Her bra was flung across the training room floor and finally she was naked under my hands. She gasped as I kissed my way down her throat, biting her jugular with my human teeth. My hands were on her breasts, pinching her nipples making her back arch and causing a low moan to escape her mouth.

She continued to rub herself against me, seeking friction to end her torment. But I was having none of that. I wanted her to beg. I wanted her frantic for release. Taking control I tore her thong from her and thrust my hand between us. She made another low moan almost a growl as I rubbed at her swollen clit. She was getting wetter if that was even possible and it was driving me insane.

My cock pulsed through my jeans, angry that he wasn’t let out to play yet.

She thrust wildly against my hand, her orgasm just out of reach.

Not coming before me, I smirked to myself as I flung her away from me and onto the padded floor.

She looked up at me shocked and flushed, her body quivering and overheated.

She opened her mouth to give me a sharp retort and shut it as she watched me in record speed shed my pants among other things. My cock bobbed against my stomach as I watched her lick her lips. Her mouth parted as I neared her, her eyes on my throbbing dick.

“Not tonight,” I said to her as I jumped on top of her. Her legs opened automatically and I settled myself in between her thighs. My cock rubbed against her sex causing us both to moan. I teased her a little more, rubbing the head against her clit before slamming myself inside her.

She gasped and trembled as I fully sheathed myself in her. Her pussy clutched at my dick, her heat burning me as I sunk into her. She was frantically grabbing onto me, trying to anchor herself as I continued thrusting at an impossible speed.

She was breathing my name, moaning loudly as our bodies smacked together.

It occurred to me that maybe I should try to quiet her, the others could hear us I’m sure but I just didn’t care.

Sod them all.

All that mattered was this blond under me, her hot quim surrounding me and the pleasure that was coursing through both of us.

She yelled out my name again and flipped us over, her on top. Her breasts bouncing tantalizing in front of my face and she rode me for all she was worth. The angle had me hitting the deepest part of her and she flung her head back, her eyes closed. I grabbed at her flesh, my forefingers and thumbs pinching her nipples.

Her hand snaked between our bodies and she frantically rubbed at her clit. The sight before me was almost too much and I felt my balls tightened against her. I grabbed at her neck and pulled her to me, my face shifting.

My yellowed eyes zeroed in on her throat and the pulsing vein that was jumping. She squeezed my cock with her inner muscles, becoming impossibly tight as she flew over the edge. Coming violently around me, her whole body spasming. It was too much and I struck sinking my teeth into her skin.

She cried out and cradled my head against her and came again. At the first pull of her blood I let go and violently released myself inside her. Her pussy clutched at me, milking me, drawing more of myself in her.

I sucked in two ... three more mouthfuls, making her scream out with each tremor that it caused.

I released my hold on her, my teeth sliding from her skin, my tongue snaking out to lick at my mark. She laid on top of me, breathing hard and trembling. I ran my hands through her hair and she lifted her head and regarded me with her green gaze.

“Holy shit,” she breathed as she traced the ridges of my vamp face. “You were incredible.”

I smiled against her hand and let my human face come back into play as the door to the training room was flung open.

Both of us turned towards the sudden light and saw Xander and Anya staring.

“I told you Xander,” Anya said. “Fucking like animals.”

“Jesus you guys. Next time cover her mouth!” Xander exclaimed before grabbing Anya, giving her a leering look and slamming the door.

“Oooh is it my turn now for many orgasms?” We heard Anya ask from behind the closed door.

Buffy met my eyes and we laughed and my cock jumped inside her.

“Ready for round 2 luv?” I asked before flipping her over onto her knees.

My hands were grasping her hips, my cock bumping against her entrance.

Buffy smiled against the mat and shook her ass at me.

“Come on and get it.”

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