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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/30/2012 - 08:46 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

what other writing commitements?

Reviewer: sallyntmare Signed Date: 09/30/2012 - 07:56 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

My last review was lame. LOL.

I really enjoyed this story and your writing. I love Drusila in this story and can not wait to see more of her in the sequel. The Spuffy reunion was awesome and, again, can't wait to see more of that in the sequel. Hope you have already started writing and I'll see a new story from you soon!

Author's Response: Aww! Thanks so much! That means a lot to me! I won't be able to write the sequel as quickly as I did this one (due to some other writing commitments), but I will definitely try to get the first chapter up next week sometime, so you can at least get some relief over what happened to the characters. :)

Reviewer: SeaPea Anonymous Date: 09/30/2012 - 12:43 am Title: Epilogue: Home Again

Great ending. Will look forward to the sequel. I rather enjoy the Giles/Drusilla pairing, I have to say.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! :) I wasn't quite sure if that pairing would work, but I'm loving it, too! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/29/2012 - 11:56 am Title: Epilogue: Home Again

Please start writing the sequel!

Author's Response: I will start soon! :)

Reviewer: Sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/24/2012 - 03:08 pm Title: Far Gone and Out

I loved the scene between Drusilla and Giles. Angel better keep Angelus in check and not hurt Willow. I'm looking forward to the big finale!

Author's Response: The things I want to do to Angel would fit a whole book. Ugh. I keep hoping that Willow will keep it together. I mean, they're approaching the Hellmouth again, so her powers must be coming back... I've written a nice chunk of the next chapter, and I am VERY excited about it. Hope I can pull this off as explosively as I imagine the end to be!! :D I will try to have it finished by the weekend.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Signed Date: 09/20/2012 - 10:40 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

I'm hoping you're still planning on the sequel. Im so looking forward to Spuffy reunion.

Happy writing and I'll be here when you update.

Author's Response: Just posted the new chapter! :) And yes, I'm definitely going to do a sequel, because I leave a few threads hanging in the story at the end. But I want to end this one where I end it because their 'reunion' is going to certainly push the story into a MUCH higher rating!! LOL! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/18/2012 - 02:22 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

I hate that I'm all caught up now, cause now I have to wait. LOL. Hope the writing is going well.

Author's Response: Oops! :D Sorry for the delay; I've been outrageously busy at work the past few weeks. I'm off sick today though, so I'm working on the next chapter. It's just about time for the big finale!! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/08/2012 - 10:53 am Title: Heart and Soul

I'm really nervous for Willow. Please update soon. I can't believe Im all caught up. It's bitter sweet. :(

Spike and Tara need to focus on rescuing Willow soon. Poor girl is in trouble.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/08/2012 - 10:48 am Title: Keep Finding Me

I hope Angel is still nice enough to save Willow! Oh, please!!

Spike was grumpy in this chapter. Of course its all about Buffy!

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 09/08/2012 - 10:45 am Title: A Means to an End

It was fun to imagine Tara sniffing Spike. LOL
Willow is always managing to get herself into trouble. Hopefully Spike and Tara can get to her in time.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:22 pm Title: Damaged Goods

Once she finds Spike she can treat him with the love and respect he deserves. She'll be able to make up for the awful way she treated him before. Then her dreams of the past wont haunt her anymore.

Author's Response: I sure hope so!! Poor Spike! She's got a lot of making up to do! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:19 pm Title: Different Stars

I hope Willow can stay strong! Don't go off the deep end again.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:17 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

replying to another response:

Dru killing Giles would have been awesome! I wondered if Buffy would have forgiven her for that? But I do like what you have made of them. The idea of Giles proving himself is wonderful.

If you can fit it into the plot can Dru and Buffy have another scene, please? I love it when they talked the last time.

Author's Response: I will try! If not in this story, then definitely in the sequel. :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:14 pm Title: The Mistake on the Lake

I just read your response about Angel.

You're right: He was a drunk and fooled around with whores. Liam was not a nice person, so why would the soul make him so desperate for redemption? Why didn't he go out and get drunk and fool around with woman? So I absolutely love the way you are portraying him: exactly how he really is deep down.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:10 pm Title: Further, Nearer

Spike singing My Way is my all time favorite scene in Buffy!

Dru sure does like kissing Giles. lol.

Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:05 pm Title: In the Shadows

So the cure to Dru's insanity is Watchers blood. Ha, who knew.

and haha. I think only Willow would wonder if vampires poop. Which is a very good question! He eats and then where does it go?!.....magic.

Author's Response: Yeah, I stretched that a little, but it seemed like it could fit! The vampire poop thing was based on a silly conversation I had with a friend. We couldn't understand how Spike could eat all those things at the Bronze but never need a bathroom. And with all the booze he drank, how could he not need to pee? LOL!

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/19/2012 - 08:02 pm Title: Last Exit for the Lost

Giles is already proving himself to me. I'm glad he saved Dru. I like how she is acting sane because of the importnace of the prophacy.

I see what you mean about Giles forming an apreciation for Spike because taking care of Dru can be a bare at time. Spike had to have alot of love to do that.

Author's Response: Poor Dru is trying, but Angelus destroyed her so much that it's difficult. Hopefully Giles will help her!

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 08:10 pm Title: Something Must Break

I like where this is going so much! So is Angel evil now or is he pretending?! I love Dru being in this story.

Kay I'm taking a break from reading. I'm almost caught up though! yay

Author's Response: Yay! Thanks so much! :D No, Angel is just Angel. I always questioned how noble the show made him out to be. I mean, if he was cursed with his own soul back, how good of a person could he possibly be? As a human, he was a drunk and a cheat and an uncaring womanizer on his best days...so to get that unremorseful soul back, why would he be Mr. I-Want-To-Save-Everyone unless he was doing it out of selfishness? So, (at least in my mind) I'm just portraying him the way I imagine his soul would really have him be. He thinks he can make things right by dusting Dru and (possibly) Spike... but he's got another thing coming! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 08:08 pm Title: Never Enough

I'm okay with character death...that isn't Spike or Buffy...or Dru :)

Ryk was fine! Go Spike.

Wait, what? Giles is torn to shreds?? Can't wait to read next chapter. I'll do it now :)

Author's Response: I ended up postponing some of the character death I had originally planned, but I still wanted to keep the tension high. :)

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 08:03 pm Title: 'Ere the Flowers Unfold

I'm liking where youre going with Dru and Giles more and more. She is putting him in a position where if he proves himself he will gain the trust of his slayer. I like it!

If they continue with the kisses then I guess thats okay, lol, Giles need to get some too.

Author's Response: Yes! It's also a bit of punishment for him...because now he can truly see the kind of patient, loving man Spike must have been to take care of her for 100+ years! :)

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 07:59 pm Title: The Masks, They Slide

OMG!!! hahah! You are a wonderdul writer I wasn't even thinking of Drusilla and her thrall. But now I remember that you foreshadowed it two chapters ago. You're awesome!

But, Dru and Giles? That'll be a tough pill for me to swallow. Maybe shes going to kill him? :)

Author's Response: Heehee!! To be honest, I really WAS planning on killing Giles. But this twisted idea just kept going, and I liked it more and more. I never thought Dru/Giles would work (and I don't think he deserves her one bit), but it's for a noble reason! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 07:57 pm Title: When I Was Dead

Giles got a visit from Joyce? I'd like to see where that goes.

Author's Response: Surprise, surprise! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 07:54 pm Title: Changing the Rain

Its really hard to come up with a brilliant line and you so did it with this...

"If it's too late, Giles... If I've lost him again..." She had to take a breath to steady her voice. "You'd better channel Ripper, because I promise you... nothing less will save you from me."

I miss Dru. Is she coming back soon? :)

Author's Response: Aww! Thanks again! :) I was afraid what the response would be to my treatment of Giles, but I had always wished Buffy would let him have it. Yes, Dru is returning...and playing quite an important (though perhaps surprising) role! :D

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/18/2012 - 07:52 pm Title: How Far Can Too Far Go?

Awesome chapter!!! I loved it. I like Giles but I also like when he's portrayed like that. He pissed me off when he didnt stick up for her when she got kicked out of her own house. I love that Buffy is sticking up for herself. Giles can't be trusted right now.

Author's Response: Yay! Thank you! :) Oh, I was sooo pissed when he took everyone else's side in that episode. I mean, WTF??

Reviewer: sallyntmare Anonymous Date: 08/05/2012 - 10:53 pm Title: I Only Think Of You

You totally had me you little sneak!!! I was horaying the spuffy reunion and then....she woke up. Meanie. You did say in a response that it would be a while lol so don't kmow why I got so excited. Great chapter. I'm glad we think the same about dru and yes she was a big surprise! I can't wait to see the development between her and buffy.

Sorry my reviews are coming in so speratically. I am slowly catching up cause I don't have alot of free time. You'll hear from me soon! Until then happy writing :-)

Author's Response: Heehee!! Sorry! :D And no worries about the reviews! I just finished a nice PWP story that ended up being 5000 words! So, I haven't finished the next chapter of this story yet. Hopefully I'll have that done by next week, if I can.