Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 11/03/2006 - 09:22 am
Title: Chapter Two
LOL always going for Spike's nose, Buffy is. Hit first, ask questions later *g*
But when Giles eh Ripper was checking her out she did believe Spike that something was wrong. Well this was definitely not Giles' normal behavior.
So Tara isn't biased like some other Scoobies *cough Xander cough* when it comes to Spike. And was the one to discover that coin, not Willow. Willow was rather smitten with the power of it. Not so good.
And a Celtic writing on the coin? I wonder if Anya knows what it means.. she has come around in the world.
Reviewer: smlcspike
Date: 11/02/2006 - 07:48 pm
Title: Chapter Two
this looks interesting.
Reviewer: tis-kit
Date: 11/02/2006 - 05:29 pm
Title: Chapter Two
I'm loving this! The big bad doing his laundry; his sudden need to protect Buffy's virtue; Giles chained in his own bath tub....
And yes it is indeed gross that he's making like Humbert Humbert but who can resist Ripper?
Intriguing plot; fluid writing; I'm hooked.
Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 11/01/2006 - 05:27 pm
Title: One
Ah.. Spike doing laundry when Giles doesn't notice him doing it. *g* about the white socks / being seen.
Giles? He did indeed sound more like a younger version, like Ripper. And he his. Spike thinks his soul is gone, partly? Then that's what has been in the bottle, maybe.
And Giles will be sleeping in the bathroom (tub) now, huh? *gg*
Reviewer: maryperk
Date: 11/01/2006 - 11:08 am
Title: One
Ahhh sweet revenge for the time in the tub. Go Spike.
Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 10/31/2006 - 05:04 pm
Title: Prologue
I saw it at LJ but didn't have time to read yet (will do it here). Great graphics go with that story too. Looking forward to see where the journey will lead our favorite two, honor to Ethan :)
Reviewer: maryperk
Date: 10/31/2006 - 10:14 am
Title: Prologue
Worth rereading again!!!!