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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviews For Heart Don't Lie
Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/22/2007 - 05:47 am Title: Good Cryptkeeping

So Willow is mad and Joyce shows up.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/22/2007 - 05:31 am Title: Cryptic Massages

Oh no Buffy might really be in danger.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Date: 10/21/2007 - 08:40 pm Title: Who's Your Daddy?

Trust you, of course, since it is a Spuffy story. :) But it would serve Buffy right, wouldn't it........if she won't trust him, then they don't have a future.

The poor Plymouth!

Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Date: 10/21/2007 - 08:06 pm Title: Who's Your Daddy?

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Tonya Anonymous Date: 10/21/2007 - 06:15 pm Title: Who's Your Daddy?

evillllllll lol kidding. i got the trust

Reviewer: jamiers_lady Anonymous Date: 10/21/2007 - 06:02 pm Title: Who's Your Daddy?

poor spike gone off the deep end again, and now shot by riley, just when buffy needs him the most. if he ends up chained to a pillar its likely to be by buffy for that show. I know it will end right, buffy has a way of twisting prophercy. looking forward to more

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 04:01 pm Title: All Or Nothing

Ok want to know more about Winquar

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 02:50 pm Title: Of Undead Bondage

oh I wonder what will happen.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 02:33 pm Title: Split Decision

oh I loved it.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 02:04 pm Title: Quickening

Oh that was good with her undies on the stairs.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 01:49 pm Title: A Demon In The Sack

OH that was good, It is a good thing I am rereading I don't remember all of the fic.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Date: 10/21/2007 - 01:32 pm Title: A Bunny In The Oven

Oh I started this years ago and now I get to read it again to read the new chapters.

Reviewer: october Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 08:57 pm Title: Hot Cross Bunnies

Omggg.... I remember this fic back when it was all new and fresh and I thought it was abandoned and I was sad and it is my favorite spuffy story or all time no questions about it. I'm so hapyy to see its still alive!! took a me a while to find where it left off but im sooo happy

Reviewer: mellissa Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 08:28 pm Title: A Chance In Sunnyhell

Love that Heart Don’t Lie is getting restarted up again. Especially considering the fact you are one of the top Spuffy writers around. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 05:09 pm Title: A Chance In Sunnyhell

wonderful, loved the use of bad moon rising, very apt
trust buffy to break first think later, and why don't thry ASK the 1100 year old demon? poor Anya
loved the forgetful giles, made me laugh.
more please

Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 05:03 pm Title: A Chance In Sunnyhell

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 10:45 am Title: Fuzzy Details

spike seems to take everything Buffy says the wrong way when Angel is around. another great chapter. looking forward to more

Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Date: 10/20/2007 - 01:03 am Title: Fuzzy Details

Another execellent chapter. Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 10:26 pm Title: Big Babies

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Execellent chapter.

Reviewer: Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 06:45 pm Title: Big Babies

holy crap... this keep getting better and better. once again, I am astounded at how dumb boys can be. spike's acting like someone just took away his favorite toy. and angel... well, don't get me started. definitely loving the tension!

Reviewer: MonsieurRipper Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 02:17 pm Title: Slaying For Two

Oh my god that's hilarious! Angel coming in, awsome. Spike getting all jealous and scaring Riley off, love it. Hope Giles is careful...

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 02:59 am Title: Slaying For Two

did angelhave to turn up...and he'd better be good to her, high blood pressure is no good for a pregnant lady:)
watch your back giles....i thought Xander was the demon magnet.
three demon warriors present now. looking forward to more

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 02:51 am Title: Pre-Natal Attraction

wonderful chapter, love the interplay between giles, spike and buffy. off to read the next chapter

Reviewer: ren Anonymous Date: 10/18/2007 - 01:39 am Title: Pre-Natal Attraction

have read this story on your site and thoroughly enjoyed it ;this much anticipated chapter definetly has upped the wow factor. can hardly wait for moooore.

Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Date: 10/17/2007 - 09:33 pm Title: Slaying For Two

Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your back. Loved it . I am so happy to see a new chapter. You are my favorite fan fic writer. I am looking forward to more.