Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 02/01/2009 - 06:45 pm
Title: Of Vampire's and Ex's
Wonder how Spike will take it when the time comes to kill Dru. Can't wait for the next update!
Author's Response: I've just added 2 new chapters. hope you enjoy and thanks for the review post :)
Reviewer: scofsb Signed
Date: 01/29/2009 - 09:37 am
Title: The Hunt
Happy belated birthday! It was 2 days ago, right? You are an amazing writer...extremely talented. I can't stop reading your books despite my lack of sleep due to it.
Author's Response: Thanks for the bday wishes and the extremely generous compliment. I too have lost sleep because of a fic. Good news... more to read.
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 01/25/2009 - 02:00 pm
Title: The Hunt
Good to see another chapter. Liked it, ;)
Author's Response: Cool. More is up again :)
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 01/24/2009 - 06:44 pm
Title: The Hunt
Interesting development. Can't wait for the next update!
Author's Response: Thanks.. more now :)
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/23/2009 - 04:37 pm
Title: The Hunt
Too bad that nobody noticed a thing; neither Faith in Spike's crypt nor in the hospital. Looks bad for the babies :(
Not sure if they will check the crypt again, now.
Author's Response: One way or the other, I'm sure they'll figure it all out.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 01/17/2009 - 07:48 pm
Title: The Search
Really enjoying this! Please update soon!
Author's Response: Just updated :)
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 01/17/2009 - 03:39 am
Title: The Search
Great update! :)
Author's Response: Thanks :)
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/16/2009 - 05:36 pm
Title: The Search
I have the feeling that nobody checked in Spike's crypt. Seems/sounds as if it will take time to catch them.
Author's Response: Well.. I'm sure as soon as they check the crypt the Scoobs will figure it out. They are a smart bunch afterall.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 01/16/2009 - 04:09 pm
Title: The Search
I'm not surprised the books don't have the right MO on record for this pair of vampires. It's a new pairing, and they're both so loony they won't stick to a regular MO anyway. Who else would turn a dog and take a human leg to feed it but Dru and Harmony?
Author's Response: LMAO!! All very good points.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 01/10/2009 - 10:03 pm
Title: Old and New
Looks like Dru and Harmony plan to get Spike back! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Yup yup.. much Spike plan-age. But heck.. i'd plot to get him back too. He's HOT!
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 01/10/2009 - 03:33 pm
Title: Old and New
Dru and Harmony, huh? Interesting. Another great chapter. :)
Author's Response: Thanks :) I like to toss odd people together. Its challenging and also.. its just fun to play with the poor characters.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/10/2009 - 01:47 pm
Title: Old and New
Ah so Buffy is right, Dru re-sired Harmony. Poor pets that were at the shop; same to the owner. Wonder how the vampire-puppet will behave.
But no luck hunting them down (well it would have been over too quickly, huh?)
Till next part; wonder what Dru got told by the pixies - what's to come.
Author's Response: glad you're enjoying the little things in this one. I have a feeling some people may want to hurt my physicaly at the end of this part of the series. More has been posted. :)
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 01/10/2009 - 12:46 pm
Title: Old and New
I'm so glad Dru is looking after Harmony. I always felt just as sorry for her as I was irritated by her. Spike really didn't treat her very well. Looking forward to the discovery of just who's come to town...
Author's Response: Yeah, I feel the same way about the poor Harm vamp. Spike was a real ass when it came to her.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 01/09/2009 - 07:22 pm
Title: At Home
Really loving this! More please!
Author's Response: Just updated. More to love. :)
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 01/09/2009 - 03:05 pm
Title: At Home
Can't wait to find out more about these big bads. Really liked the chapter, but no surprise there. :)
Author's Response: You spoil me. with your kind words. I've just updated and loads more about the baddies.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/08/2009 - 05:37 pm
Title: At Home
Seems Faith is the hot topic; everybody is discussing her.
Mmmh blonde and brunette? Darla and Dru? Not sure, the names came to my mind at first.
And Buffy has an advantage, she's not a normal slayer any longer (in case Faith would try something bad).
Author's Response: I'm giving shiney nickels away to all who guess the big bads. This makes 2. I've just updated, hope you like. :)
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 01/08/2009 - 04:05 pm
Title: At Home
Love the Scoobies' reaction to Faith and each other.
The 'Big Bads' are Dru & Harmony, right? That's... original. I love it! Much opportunity for wackiness and flustering of Spike. I'd love to hear how they hooked up...
Author's Response: *Ding Ding Ding* you have won a shiney nickel for guessing the big bads of the fic.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 01/07/2009 - 06:14 pm
Title: Have Faith
Didn't think Buffy would be so calm after hearing what Faith had said to Spike. Looking forward to more!
Author's Response: I didn't want to dwell on Faith's indescretion too long, but I did want the chance to play with them a little. I've just posted another chapter and hope you continue to read.
Reviewer: All4Spike Signed
Date: 01/07/2009 - 03:04 pm
Title: Have Faith
Well I've just spend the last 2 days reading through right from the beginning of Akoshta book 1 again 'cos when I came to read this one I realised I'd totally missed seeing book 2 posted, and I read book 1 so long ago I couldn't remember the plot!
Sorry I didn't stop to review every chappie, didn't want to break the mood. Good mood. Excellent mood!
OK, love that Faith has turned up, I bet if Quentin had still been in charge she'd not have made it out of LAX! It's going to be a bit chaotic as they get used to Spike and Faith both living there...
More please...
Author's Response: Hey there. Nice to see you again and no worries on the reviewing. I'm just glad you stopped and let me know you were reading. I hope you like the spin I put on Faith's character and please let me know what you think when you can. Thanks again for reading. :)
Reviewer: Pet
Date: 01/06/2009 - 10:47 am
Title: Have Faith
Really like the Faith you're portraying here. Great chapter!
Author's Response: thanks. I had fun trying to decide how I wanted Faith to come accross in this one. glad you like it.
Reviewer: Amanda
Date: 01/05/2009 - 08:29 pm
Title: Have Faith
Lol, yeah it wasnt as hard as you think, you write like a dream. anyways, great chappie, as allways. I cant wait for another.
Author's Response: Well now im gonna be walking around with this huge head.
Thanks again for the review and hope you keep reading.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 01/05/2009 - 06:07 pm
Title: Have Faith
Duh - I meant posting the 3rd book last time. But you've guessed what I'd meant, huh?
Faith really seems to have changed. If that's so she would be a good addition to the team. She seems to be able to get along with them.
@Communication 101 - a chance that we see more of it?
Author's Response: HeHE. actually that comment had me very confused but as I live in a state of confusion quite often, I figured I'd just go with it.
It'll take a little bit of 'faith' but I in no way planned for this story to show an 'evil' Faith.
as for comm 101, well, u already know that answer. :)
Reviewer: MarzBar Signed
Date: 01/05/2009 - 04:22 pm
Title: Have Faith
Wonderful to see Faith back in the fold. Thanks for the update.
Author's Response: You're very welcome.
Reviewer: Amanda
Date: 01/04/2009 - 07:17 am
Title: Settling In
i just have to say that i have read the first to books in the past two days, and whoa. and it looks like this one is going to be filled with wonderful stuff too. im just sad that there is nothing else to read. update soon!! :)
Author's Response: So glad you like the stories so far. I've just updated and included you in the endnotes. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Pet Signed
Date: 01/01/2009 - 03:55 pm
Title: Settling In
Ooh, I was so happy to see this new story. Great start! Can't wait for more. :)
Author's Response: Always glad to see you're still with me. More has just been added.