Reviewer: Anonymous
Date: 02/20/2008 - 10:01 am
Title: Magic Words
Reviewer: BuffyRat
Date: 02/02/2007 - 12:06 am
Title: Magic Words
She does indeed. The angst always makes it sweeter. Lovely and sad, and just a little easier to take because I've read that story. Thanks for sharing.
Reviewer: jackofspikes
Date: 01/05/2007 - 07:05 pm
Title: Magic Words
Wow...that makes me feel so much better about the whole Immortal storyline. But so much worse for Buffy. I get where she's coming from, at some point you do give up. But it's all just so sad. Thank God you have more story out there! Thanks for the ride's been a hell of a trip.
Reviewer: TestaALT Signed
Date: 12/10/2006 - 04:27 pm
Title: Magic Words
That was fantastic. So sorrowful, so deep, so hopeless. This piece just oozes sadness, I don't think a comedian could read this in a happy or funny way. It's a worthy explanation of Buffy's affairs with The Immortal. It also depicts Buffy's feelings without Spike quite well. And the simple, telegraphic sentences hold such power and meaning. I especially liked the end: "Not even dust."
Reviewer: cordykitten
Date: 12/10/2006 - 01:16 pm
Title: Magic Words
*sniff* Intense Buffy POV but sad *sigh* ~ Good to know it gets better (that she'll get Spike back). ~
Good work with this one too!
Reviewer: galatea
Date: 12/09/2006 - 11:11 pm
Title: Magic Words
Oh certainly know how to make a reader cry.
What a heartfelt and touching fic, and one that makes the rest of your post-Chosen series even sweeter.
Reviewer: wolfspider
Date: 12/09/2006 - 07:02 pm
Title: Magic Words
ahhhhhhhhh becareful to not turn your back on something that is right in your life,cause it might not be there when you think you want it finally. AWESOME lil dribble, i very much thought you did a wonderful job of Buffy POV.
Reviewer: Lilly
Date: 12/09/2006 - 02:55 pm
Title: Magic Words
It is so fascinating to see your empathy with the characters you write about. Once more, the words here are so carefully chosen, and the ficlet is very well-rounded. It was a pleasure to read this, last but not least for the sake of the explanation how Buffy was thinking when she spoke out the "Magic Words" and the reason why she started an affair with another man so soon.
I love this little insight, it fits perfectly into the series. I especially loved her italics, they went deep and showed her feelings, and the bitterness, and the sadness so well. Great work!
Reviewer: hwesta
Date: 12/09/2006 - 06:05 am
Title: Magic Words
Very beautiful ficlet :)
Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed
Date: 12/08/2006 - 09:49 pm
Title: Magic Words
It's funny. This has angst written all over it, but yet, I sit here smiling. Maybe it's cause I know what happens next, that's most likely it. But anyway, I enjoyed this. Very good. =)
Reviewer: Emily
Date: 12/08/2006 - 07:48 pm
Title: Magic Words
Awh! Very very sweet fic. I love how you had Buffy compare her life, that particular situation, as a fairy tale. It is so very well characterized: especially how she thought that her saying of 'I love you' would have been enough to have an instant effect, in other words, she had the power to do so. You really showed how powerless she felt then, great job. Super!
Reviewer: Ricardo
Date: 12/08/2006 - 07:08 pm
Title: Magic Words
Very nice reflection on what Buffy goes thru without Spike by his side. Good one.