Reviewer: ScarlettDuck Signed
Date: 08/13/2012 - 02:04 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Reviewer: Kirsty Signed
Date: 07/08/2009 - 02:34 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
"Note to tell Dave: Ice is nice, but ice cream’ll make you scream" *giggles*
mmm.. Spike..
Author's Response: *giggles wiff* Thanks for reviewing Kirsty!
Reviewer: Kirsty Signed
Date: 07/08/2009 - 02:28 pm
Title: Eat Me
Glad he told her his name is Spike. now,, where I
and damn! but that was hot.. with the popsicle.. and Spike..mmm...
Now, where I can find a nice quiet beach with Spike..
Author's Response: heehee Glad you liked it Kirsty, it was a "blast" to write!
Reviewer: Kirsty Signed
Date: 07/08/2009 - 02:22 pm
Title: Beach Blanket Bingo
Dave? He's no Dave! I do hope he will tell her his real name..
Looking good!!
Author's Response: HAHA Keep reading :P Thanks for reviewing Kirsty!
Reviewer: Charlie Aome Signed
Date: 07/06/2009 - 12:45 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Ice is most definitely nice. If i could have him naked on a beach i'd be beyon excited!!!! lol great story kitten :) i can't wait to see more in this series :) i love the odd jobs and our overly amorous buffy :)
Author's Response: Thanks Charlie, so glad you liked and I hope you will enjoy the next one too ;)
Reviewer: lori
Date: 07/04/2009 - 09:47 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
“Holy Mega Missile, Batman” is the funniest line! That dash of giggle-inducing hilarity is necessary to cool the readers down from the ice-cube/ice-cream sex play between Buffy and Spike. Oh my, you make temperatures climb with your “cream”-inducing descriptions! I am SO looking forward to the next installment. Summer heat takes on a new meaning with all of these fun-in-the-summer stories.
Author's Response: heeheehee Lori, this was your prompt, and I am thrilled that I met your expectations, hopefully the next one will be as wel received as this one.
Reviewer: anon
Date: 07/02/2009 - 07:33 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Just guess what I'll be making this weekend-- YUM!
Author's Response: Thanks anon :) It does sound like a good idea, doesnt it.
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/02/2009 - 02:32 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
They were lucky that the beach was so empty. Ice cream in the sun and having fun? Perfect.
Hot chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks Corykitten, hot and cold seems to be a theme for these summer lovin' quickies!
Reviewer: xoChantelly Signed
Date: 07/02/2009 - 10:22 am
Title: Ice is Nice
Haahaha That was awesome! I love the last line. I loved this installment, was great from beginning to end! I can't wait for what will happen next!
More soon! *smooch*
Author's Response: Thanks, Chan! this was a fun one to write. More summer lovin' comeing soon *mwah*
Reviewer: Jenn
Date: 07/01/2009 - 09:28 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
wow that was incredibly hot. This was the best. can't wait to see the next installment.
Author's Response: Thanks Jenn, am thrilled that you liked this.. next installment coming soon.
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 07/01/2009 - 08:23 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Awesome summer ficlet! Loved it!
Author's Response: Thanks so much for your reviews! I always look forward to them :)
Reviewer: PaganBaby
Date: 07/01/2009 - 07:41 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Woohoo! *fans self* Kitten, that was some awesomely naughty fun! Is there anything hotter than licking ice cream off Spike? Nope, don't think so! Loved the smut, and the humor was just as satisfying as we've come to expect too hehehe
I looooved this story, and can't wait to see what other hilarious & hot fics you come up with ;) *smooch!* I'm so happy to have been able to help, you know my smutty brain is always ready to contribute :P
*smooches and massages your brain*
Author's Response: *tackles and tickles PB* your compliments are making me bounce again! the funny smut is so great to write! more to come in the series, come, join me!
Reviewer: Brett
Date: 07/01/2009 - 06:51 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Oh Ice cream play. How..naughty and fun.
Author's Response: but of course! *huggles brett*
Reviewer: AMI Signed
Date: 07/01/2009 - 06:46 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
YAY!! OMG that was so HOT!! Ice cream and sex! And Spike! YUMMMMY!! I think wer'e all hot and sticky sweet after this. LOL
---> Ice is nice, but ice cream'll make you scream. loved that...
Loved it, K! Can't wait for the next installment. This series is so much fun, =)
Author's Response: Thanks AMI, am thrilled the series has been a hit. I really like writing the quickies :)
Reviewer: xaphania Signed
Date: 07/01/2009 - 06:15 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
Loved it.... great fic, very hot :D Looking forward to the next installment of this series!
(psst, noticed one tiny typo: "Ice cream with nuts it the best!") Thought I'd let you know lol
Author's Response: Thanks Xaph! more summer smut coming up! and thanks on the typo, its fixed :)
Reviewer: Jake Signed
Date: 07/01/2009 - 05:58 pm
Title: Ice is Nice
HAHA Nice! That definitely improved my day! Love the last line. Great work
Author's Response: Thanks Jake, and glad to improve your day!
Reviewer: Jenn
Date: 06/29/2009 - 10:05 pm
Title: Eat Me
That was hot. Can't wait to see what happends next.
Author's Response: Thanks, Jenn! hot and cold fun coming up!
Reviewer: tammy
Date: 06/29/2009 - 04:00 pm
Title: Eat Me
I really missed all of you while on sick leave(no internet at hom). I love this and loved all your updates I just got to catch up on.
Author's Response: thanks tammy *hugs and hope you feel better* thanks for reading and reviewing and welcome back!!
Reviewer: Deb (LoobyLoo)
Date: 06/29/2009 - 09:34 am
Title: Eat Me
Lies down on floor and has tantrum : I WANT AN ICE CREAM MAN! AND a pool guy! I WANT I WANT I WANT!!! Sorry about that........don't know what came over me!! hot stuff kitten!! loving this Summer Lovin' series!!
Author's Response: heehee Me too! More to come here too! so glad you liked *huggles*
Reviewer: lori
Date: 06/28/2009 - 05:36 pm
Title: Eat Me
WHOA! Your Spike definitely took creative license with that popsicle. Together with that tongue—he’s completely deadly. I think that I’m definitely overheating now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This fic rocks as hard as Spike’s abs, his tongue, and his “mega missile.”
I think my brain is short-circuiting right now…you were asking for other suggestions?
adopt-a-road clean-up guy; white-water rafting instructor; graffiti patrolman
Author's Response: *giggles* So you liked that popsicle eh? Think she cooled off a bit? or has the heat just begun to spike (pun intended) am adding prompts to master list Thanks, Lori for thr R&R, and the prompt.
Reviewer: lori
Date: 06/28/2009 - 05:25 pm
Title: Beach Blanket Bingo
Sorry this is so late…no time to review during the week. Can I just say how much I LOVE this installment?!!! THANK YOU! The smile that stretched my face hurt so much when I read your mention of me in the author’s notes. I’m so glad to have inspired to some small degree your super-hot fic!
There’s so much that I like in chapter 1: your Dave is SO the perfect friend for Spike. His painted mural, t-shirt, and “eat me” slogan is exactly what’s needed to entice Buffy into that beach-blanket fun-time. I’m just really happy that there is NOTHING like that on display here at home. Spike’s musical selection and irreverent attitude is a natural extension of his inner character (were he a human). Your creative license was so money!
What’s making your summer series to be an entertaining, guilty-pleasure is your naughty double entendre and tongue-in-cheek—“this guy seems familiar” bit—it really is delicious. I’m kind of glad that I’m behind in reading this week, because it looks like your chapter 2 is already up! I’m gonna pounce on that!
Author's Response: *boing boing boing* your review has me bouncing! I am so thrilled that you LOVED this. I have had a great time writing and cant wait to wrap up the final chapter. I'm sure you will love it too. I'm really glad you "get"it. There are so mant tongue in cheek things I think people are missing, but you got it. Thanks, Lori *hugs*
Reviewer: xoChantelly Signed
Date: 06/28/2009 - 02:26 am
Title: Eat Me
Hahaha That was awesome! I never thought about... popsicle sex haha. Would think it would be cold, way to perv a innocent popsicle lol...
What am I talking about, popsicles are already pervy lol.
I loved this chapter, tres funny! *texts self* *listens to ringtone*Jizz in my pants!! haha. Great job!
Author's Response: Thanks Chantel, I figured you'd get a kick out of that! Lots of funnies in that chapter, and more to come :)
Reviewer: Jake
Date: 06/27/2009 - 11:21 pm
Title: Eat Me
I LOVED this chapter! So funny! Hehe can't wait to see what else they can get into. Great work yet again.
Author's Response: hehehe was 2 scoops of fun to write too! more hot and cold fun to come!
Reviewer: PhotographyNut
Date: 06/27/2009 - 07:33 pm
Title: Eat Me
Very hot! Evil cliffie too! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Thanks Photographynut!, more hot and cold fun to come :P
Reviewer: cordykitten Signed
Date: 06/27/2009 - 07:13 pm
Title: Eat Me
Oh this will even be longer? Glad the see the fun didn't end. :)
Will look out for more.
Author's Response: hehe, YUP. The popsicle scene was a bit longer than I thought, so Spike's turn is next, dont miss the next update!