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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous Date: 01/20/2011 - 02:19 pm Title: 'Til Divorce does us part

I'd love to see this story continued. It's filled with funny moments and intriguing ideas, and I'd love to see where you take it!

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 10/04/2009 - 08:46 am Title: After the game

Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Date: 10/01/2009 - 03:20 pm Title: After the game

Yeah, Angel, Buffy's going to be falling into your arms any minute now! Idiot. His last line was quite funny, though.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Date: 10/01/2009 - 03:15 pm Title: A day in the park...never ends well

Spike getting pummeled in the game gave Buffy yet another opportunity to get her hot little hands on him, and I'm enjoying how much he's effecting her. Drusilla sounds like she's got something nasty on Buffy. I hope it blows up in her face.

I'm enjoying all the interferencte in Spike and Buffy's marriage. One couple trying to pull them apart, and another trying to push them together. It's a lot of fun.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Date: 09/29/2009 - 09:17 pm Title: After the game

Do hope the happy couple can rightly figure out what they want from each other. Even Dawn can sense offness. And perhaps Dru and Liam will decide that they could have something worthwhile themselves when the blond couple inevitably figures things out. Please, update soon.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 09/29/2009 - 06:53 pm Title: After the game

Great chapter!

Reviewer: Amaya Anonymous Date: 09/29/2009 - 10:03 am Title: After the game

Hello. Please write more about this story, because I like itt and I would like to read the end of it, a happy end, of course, for our favourite couple. Update as soon as you can. Bye.

Reviewer: immortalangel08 Signed Date: 09/29/2009 - 02:54 am Title: After the game

Golly gee this is a good story. Haha Dawn is always the suspicious one who thinks she is ahead when really she is behind. I can't wait for more and it should be funny when Dru and Angel realie holy crap maybe they won't leave each other. hahaha what dumb asses

Reviewer: Anonymous Date: 09/29/2009 - 02:43 am Title: After the game

they're both beyond pathetic, trying to break up a marriage, and dru wanting to hurt her sister, they're sick and i hope they both pay. i still don't understand why buffy and spike were considering to get a divorce, they seem like they love each other to me. i still find the fact that everyone is british to be really weird, but i'll be beyond happy if dru and liam die in a fiery car crash.

Reviewer: Spuffyistruluv Anonymous Date: 08/27/2009 - 08:54 am Title: A day in the park...never ends well

Lol, "F-four?"

So Drusilla is faking a little crazy, interesting.. Well, I'm loving your story ;)

Keep it up;)

Reviewer: Amaya Anonymous Date: 08/25/2009 - 10:05 am Title: A day in the park...never ends well

Hello. I like this story very much, so PLEASE keep writing and updating more often. I hope that there will be a happy ending. Bye.

Reviewer: immortalangel08 Signed Date: 08/25/2009 - 02:50 am Title: A day in the park...never ends well

I loved it. Buffy and Spike are so cute together and stupid Dru and Liam with their scheming. And Joyce was hilarious with her palnning. Can't wait for more. *hugs*

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Date: 08/24/2009 - 11:36 pm Title: A day in the park...never ends well

They are so not acting like a couple that is completely through with each other. Does seem like they will continue to stand against the dark haired manipulators. And I love the exchange between them about Giles. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to more.

Reviewer: flyingnicole Anonymous Date: 08/24/2009 - 10:35 pm Title: A day in the park...never ends well

yay!!! an update!!! so loving this

Reviewer: sanityfair Anonymous Date: 08/24/2009 - 07:52 pm Title: A day in the park...never ends well

Thank you so much for updating! This is such a treat to read. Hope you'll do it again soon.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 08/24/2009 - 06:22 pm Title: A day in the park...never ends well

Really loving this! More please!

Reviewer: spuffyistruluv Anonymous Date: 08/07/2009 - 04:39 pm Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Yay, you updated :)

Loving your story really, really much and can't wait for an other update (:

The unbidden image thing was that his imagination or did it happen? or are we supposed to know later? lol xD

Keep it up;)

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Date: 08/07/2009 - 02:36 pm Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Read the first five chapters in one fell swoop and wanted to say how much I'm enjoying this fast, frantic romp. The dialogue is sharp and funny, and for a couple on the verge of divorce, Spike and Buffy are surprisingly close. Dru and Liam conspiring to get the two for themselves is an intriguing twist to this "wedding" party.

I'm looking forward to learning what happened to get Buffy to kick her husband out. He seems determined to get her back, and she's not pushing him away with airline sex and a welcome home blow job. It's all very entertaining.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Date: 08/04/2009 - 11:37 pm Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Love the fact that Dru and Liam are plotting some bad things. And despite her belief that it's over it seems that they still have some fun together. :) Great chapter. Please update soon!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Date: 08/04/2009 - 11:23 pm Title: Home is the place where they have to take you in

Gosh I love Joyce reading her own daughter so well and settling on her mission. Fabulous.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Date: 08/04/2009 - 05:37 pm Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Liam and Dru are evil! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: immortalangel08 Signed Date: 08/04/2009 - 11:57 am Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Go Buffy for thinking that they were faking and what an interesting development between Drusilla and Angel. Looks like Buffy is realizing that she and SPike are meant to be. "Down the table, Spike glared at his plate as the unbidden image of Buffy shacked up with his uncle came to mind." This is definately interesting and I can't wait to learn more about that. Loved it!!!

Reviewer: Amaya Anonymous Date: 08/04/2009 - 06:06 am Title: Welcome to the floral hell

Please, keep writing. I am liking the story so far. Bye.

Reviewer: huh Anonymous Date: 08/04/2009 - 05:54 am Title: Welcome to the floral hell

is everyone british? Buffy said bloody, but I thought she was imitating Spike. But, then you have Hank say soddin' and bloody. I thought they were American?

Reviewer: Spuffyistruluv Signed Date: 07/04/2009 - 01:40 am Title: Welcome Home

YAAAAY, Andrew is in the fic xD I love him:P

Okay, you have to update, stat, now, asap meaning now xD - I want to read more:)

Keep it up;)